Delta Redemption, SEAL Team Phantom

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Delta Redemption, SEAL Team Phantom Page 12

by Elle Boon

  “Where would you put it?” she asked, her eyes going from his face to his chest.

  Loathe to release her hand, he brought their clasped palms to his chest right above his heart. Through the shirt, he could feel the solid thud thud against their fingers. “Right there,” he said. There was a skull he would cover up, but it seemed appropriate. “I like your tattoos, too. They’re delicate, like you. When this is over, I’m going to trace them with my fingers, lips, and tongue.”

  “Perfect.” Her chin wobbled as if she was fighting tears.


  Brooke imagined what he’d look like once he got the new ink, praying he’d want her around after he got it. Sure, they’d made love and he’d talked about the future with Jack, but she wasn’t going to create a world on fairy tales. One day at a time. If he left this time, she wouldn’t fall apart again, she’d fight, unlike three years ago. Hearing him talk about her tattoos but not asking why she had the ones she did, made her wonder if he realized what they were.

  “Almost there. You hungry? We can stop and grab something at a fast food place.”

  Jase’s words had her glancing back at Jack who’d fallen asleep. He’d always been a good rider and seemed to find the motion of the vehicle relaxing enough. He slept if they drove for anything over an hour. “Can we stop by a store so I can pick up a few things for him that are his favorites. I hate uprooting him like this and would feel better if I can at least provide him with some things that are normal.”

  “Erik already took care of it. He sort of has a file on everyone. If you went to the store in the past year and there were things you bought multiple times, he’s probably got a spreadsheet on it,” Jase said casually.

  She released his hand. “Okay, backup. He did what? That is a form of…stalking or something.”

  The big oaf raised one brow. “Sweetheart, this is a mission. Trust me, Erik didn’t go digging in order to find anything nefarious.”

  Brooke slapped his arm. “Don’t joke. It’s another invasion. First the guys breaking in, and now you’re telling me your friend knows when I bought tampons and condoms, or a vibrator.”

  Jase’s warm hand lifted her chin. “Okay, I’m just gonna skip the condoms comment and jump straight to the vibrator. What did you buy?”

  “Oh my god, you are such a guy,” she growled. Heat lit up her face, or at least she was sure it did, from the embarrassment she felt from her outburst. “Oh my god, can he hear us now?” She pointed to his ear.

  The man, who didn’t realize he was closer to eunuch status had the audacity to laugh then sobered as she reached across the console and palmed him. “You should probably think really long and hard before you say something stupid, Mr. Tyler.” She gave his balls a warning squeeze.

  Jase shook his head, his lips twitching. “I turned it off.”

  With her hand still holding his balls, she checked on Jack. “You’re so lucky.”

  The dick beneath her hand twitched, getting harder. “You are not getting hard right now,” she whispered.

  “Your hand is on my cock. Of course I’m getting hard,” he groaned as she gave another squeeze and let go. “You’ve got a mean streak a mile wide, Brookey.”

  “Back to the original point of the conversation. Supplies and things for Jack. You think your buddy has stocked the place with stuff Jack likes? I thought this was a super secure place that nobody could get into?” she questioned.

  The phone buzzed between them, making her groan. “If that’s your superspy guy, tell him he better not have gone through my nightstand.”

  Jase covered his lips with his hand before hitting the speaker on his cell. “What’s up, Branson?”

  “You’ve got to stop silencing the damn mic, asshole. I was going to drop off some supplies, but that is a negative ghost rider. I was going to leave it for you outside the perimeters of the cabin, but that place is like on a whole other level of security. I could crack it, but I’d be weakening its defenses, and it would take me some time. Which brings me to the call. What do you want me to do with the goods?” Erik sounded irritated.

  “Where are you now?” Jase asked as they drove through a small town in South Dakota.

  His friend named the same town they were passing through.

  “Hold tight. Call me back in five.” Jase hung up without waiting for Erik to respond, his finger pressing another button on the phone.

  “What’s wrong?” Kai asked.

  “Nothing. My partner is here with some supplies I requested. I’m going to swing in and pick them up.”

  “Negative,” Kai barked.

  Brooke watched the change morph over Jase. “Excuse me?”

  Kai’s sigh was loud over the speaker. “We don’t know who could be watching and waiting. We’ll have Oz and the guys grab and go. Tay will stay behind and make sure nobody follows them. Think, Jase. We have women and your son now.”


  Jase took a deep breath, looking in the rearview mirror at their son, before glancing into Brooke’s eyes. “Fine, I need to let him know of the change.” He told Kai where Erik was and what he looked like, hoping his friend wasn’t going to be too pissed, but the words of the other man had hit home. No matter how good of a friend, or how much he trusted him, Brooke and Jack were his main priority.

  “If he’s on the up and up, he’ll understand,” Kai said before he disconnected.

  Brooke bit her lip. He hated that his little family was in the middle of his world. Hated that her father had put her and Jack there. He would make sure they never had to worry, like they were now, ever again. The thought had him pausing. How the hell was he going to keep them from this life unless he changed his entire world? Going back to being a SEAL was out. He’d figure it out once this last mission was complete. It was the mission that had kept him going, the one that had killed the other SEAL team and started the entire shit storm that had become his life. Once it was over, he’d figure out what to do with the rest of his life. One thing was for certain; he wanted Brooke and Jack in his life.

  After he told Erik about the change in plans, the other man had snorted, but accepted without issue. “Turn the fucking ear mic on. You know you don’t have to keep it on where I hear your convo, asshole,” Erik said, explaining how he’d programmed the little device. Jase shook his head, following the directions. The small beep allowed him to hear Erik tapping away. Another press allowed Erik to hear him. Once he had the ear piece set where they wanted it, open for communications, but silenced unless activated, he and Brooke rode the rest of the way in silence.

  The roads Kai took them on were almost hidden. If you didn’t know they were there, you’d definitely miss them. The bouncing of the vehicle down the rough roads woke Jack. Brooke unbuckled and climbed into the back so she could get him a drink and keep him company. Their voices as she pointed out the window and talked about the trees, soothed him. “You guys okay back there?”

  Jack gave him a thumbs up with a grin. How could the kid he’d just met take up such a large space in his heart? They took another turn before the road finally evened out. The familiar cabin came into view.

  “Wow, it’s stunning,” Brooke said leaning between the two seats.

  He almost scolded her for not being buckled but clamped his lips together. Rowan Shade was once a member of their SEAL team. Now he was happily married to a woman connected to a motorcycle club. When he’d tried to dig up information on the Iron Wolves, he hadn’t been able to get anything past the fact they tricked out vehicles for the wealthy and owned a club that catered to bikers and rougher clientele. “A former SEAL owns it. He’s in the security business now, but he also hasn’t cut ties with his brothers.”

  Brooke’s hand rested on his arm. “They’d welcome you back if you told them the truth.”

  Without agreeing, he came to a stop behind Kai’s truck, waiting until the SEALs got out and checked the area. He wasn’t letting his family outside his own vehicle until he was sure the area was secure. A
few minutes later, Kai returned to his truck, opening the door to allow his wife out. Jase shook his head as Alexa jumped down and kissed Kai soundly before sauntering up the wide steps to the front door. “I can see who wears the pants in that relationship.” He looked back at Brooke and thought he’d be in the same boat if she allowed him. The image of Brooke greeting him with unabashed joy, had him popping the door open before he could do something stupid like drag her back in the front seat and kiss her senseless. Or hell, maybe he’d be the one senseless.

  Opening her door, he leaned in. “I’ll grab yours and Jack’s stuff. You need help with the big guy there?”

  Jack was squirming. “I gotta potty, mommy. Gotta potty, now.”

  “Nope but we better hurry.” She worked to get Jack out of his car seat.

  Jase held the door open for her and Jack, waiting for them to get out, then moved out of the way while they rushed up the steps to the cabin.

  “When we have a boy, I’m gonna teach him to go pee outside. Just drop his pants and go.” Tay shook his head as he stared after Brooke and Jack.

  Jaqui snorted. “Oh sure, I bet that’ll go over really well. I can hear the phone calls now. Excuse me, ma’am, but your son is urinating on my favorite fig tree. Or, ‘Ma’am, your boy pissed all over my rose bush and flashed his peepee in front of the children,” she snorted.

  Tay shrugged. “Hey, boys will be boys.”

  He clapped Tay on the shoulder. “I’m gonna let you dig yourself outta that hole.”

  Oz snorted. “I agree. If the lord didn’t want us being able to pull it out and take a leak anywhere, he wouldn’t have made it so darn easy.”

  Not willing to get into the right or wrong arguments of boys peeing outside, he carried the bags inside the large cabin, whistling as he walked inside. “Damn, Rowan sure has done good.”

  “He’s got a great security set up as well,” Kai mentioned, tilting his head toward the hallway. “Drop the bags in one of the bedrooms and follow me. I’ll show you.”

  “Which do you want?” he asked Kai.

  There were two bedrooms on the top level and two on the bottom. He thought of taking their bags upstairs, but decided he’d rather them be on the ground floor. The large room he choose had its own bathroom with a tub and shower like the other. He assumed the two upstairs were similarly outfitted.

  “Oh, there you are. Jack wants to know if we can go outside and explore?” Brooke and Jack stood outside what must be the hall bathroom. His son had his chin on his chest, looking sad.

  Jase squatted down, lifting the little boy’s face up until he looked him in the eye. “What’s wrong, big guy?”

  Jack’s lower lip wobbled, tears pooled in his dark brown eyes. “I didn’t make it to the potty in time.”

  He looked at Brooke and saw she held a plastic bag in her hand.

  “Hey, it’s okay. You did real good, buddy.” When Jack shook his head, Jase pulled him into his arms, settling him on his left thigh. “Yes, you did. You rode all the way in the car without incident, and you never once complained. Heck, see that big guy over there,” he pointed at Coyle, lowering his voice. “He used to whine all the time when he was stuck in a convoy for over two hours without being able to stop. We used to joke we were gonna have to put big people diapers on him. Can you imagine what he’d look like wearing those?”

  Jack looked over at Coyle and shook his head. “We wouldn’t laugh at him, though.”

  His son’s compassion had him hugging him tighter. “That’s right, ‘cause sometimes accidents happen. Now, if you go ask that big guy if he’ll go outside with you and your mom, maybe he’ll show you some cool stuff.”

  Coyle winked at them, showing he’d heard their conversation. “Maybe we’ll see a bear,” Coyle stated.

  His son clapped and pulled away. Jase stood back up, holding out his hand. “Want me to take care of that?”

  Brooke looked at the bag and then him. “Thank you. They need to be washed, luckily I keep a spare in my purse.”

  “I’ll take care of it after I check things over with Kai.” He eyed the backpack style purse she carried.

  The smile that she gave him made him realize he’d do absolutely anything to see her happy and content. After she handed him the bag with Jack’s soiled clothing, she kissed his cheek then followed Jack and Coyle out the door.

  “You gonna stand there and stare at the door forever?” Kai asked from behind him.

  Jase lifted his finger but turned around and followed his former teammate into the room he went into. “Dayum, Rowan Shade. I need to talk with him.”

  Kai snorted. “Don’t pretend you didn’t know what he had here. Of course, he’s made some modifications since the last time you were in the area.”

  He ignored Kai’s reference and sat down in the other rolling chair. From one monitor, he saw the front of the cabin from several different angles. Kai pointed out which monitor did what then stood. “There’s two safe rooms as well. One on the top floor and one down here, along with a weapons room. Come on, I’ll show you, and then we’ll come back and get you logged into the system so you have access.”

  The sight of Brooke and Jack running across one of the monitors had him pausing as he got up. “Is there audio feed as well?”

  “Yeah, but it’s limited at best. They have to be near one of the cameras in order for us to pick up what they’re saying. I think. Shit, you never know what Rowan has done to the technology since last time.” Kai lifted one shoulder, waving toward the door with his hand. “We can give him a call after the tour.”

  Watching as Brooke covered Jack’s hair with a handful of leaves, then run away as Jack picked up some to do the same, made him wish he was outside with them. He vowed they’d have years to do just that and more.

  He and Kai went through the first safe room, seeing it had a small cot and a few amenities. The second one upstairs was almost identical. As they went back down, they met Oz who had a frown on his face. “Rowan’s been ringing on the secure line in the weapons room.”

  Kai and Jase both checked their phones but hadn’t missed a call. Jase didn’t expect to have gotten a call, but was shocked that Rowan hadn’t reached out to Kai through his cell. “This can’t be good,” he muttered as they hurried to the weapons room.

  As the team leader, Kai took a seat near the landline, it’s red color one that showed Rowan had a sense of humor. Immediately their call was picked up. “Shade, what’s going on? By the way, you’re on speaker with Jase, Oz, Sully, and me.”

  Jase knew he was warning the other man instead of just a friendly heads up. He hadn’t earned their trust back, but he didn’t give a shit. Folding his arms across his chest, he checked the monitors for a glimpse of his little family. Coyle stood near a tree while Brooke and Jack sat on the porch. He narrowed his eyes as he tried to see what they were holding. Walnuts. They’d gathered walnuts in their adventure. Shaking his head, he glanced back at Kai, listening with half an ear as Rowan asked about their trip. “Why the hell did you summon us on this damn red phone?”

  “Hello to you to, Jackhole,” Rowan said with a growl.

  Jase lifted his middle finger toward the phone but stayed silent.

  “It’s not nice to flip your host off.”

  He looked around the room, searching for cameras. “You a Peeping Tom now or what?”

  Rowan’s deep chuckle came through the line. “Nah, I know you, brother.”

  “Whatever. So, what’s up?” These men didn’t know shit, or they’d have believed in him. He slammed the door on the past, focusing on the present.

  “There’s been chatter on some lines that shouldn’t have chatter. Admiral Frazee had some enemies. I hear you might have a stake in his family.” Rowan’s words dropped into the room like an anvil.

  “Who else has this info?” Jase gripped the back of the empty chair, staring at Jack’s innocent profile.

  “Seems some thought it mighty suspicious that you were dating the lovely Brooke Fra
zee, then you left. Fast forward nine months and there’s a dark-haired boy with dark brown eyes. Now, some say he’s the spitting image of her deceased brother, but others say if you put a picture of Jase Tyler next to Jack Frazee, the resemblance is uncanny. Plus, she named you as the father on his birth certificate.”

  Jase felt like he’d been kicked in the stomach, only it was a good kick. How one would classify that as a good one, he wasn’t sure, but fuck…he’d thought for sure Brooke wouldn’t have listed him on Jack’s records. Knowing he had a legal right, that she cared enough, even when she hated him, nearly knocked the wind out of him.

  “You need to sit down, man?” Kai asked standing.

  He shook his head. “Damn. She’s so damn brave. I mean…how many women would’ve done that, knowing she could’ve cut me out and moved on with her life, found a new man to pick up the pieces, without me being any wiser. That would’ve been the easy way. The smart way. Hell, I guarantee her father wasn’t happy with her decision.”

  “Clearly, you’re aware that you’re a daddy. Congrats, man. It’s the best feeling in the world,” Rowan said with a sigh.

  “Whoa, when did you become a dad?” Kai asked settling back in his chair.

  “Oh, yeah. Lyric and I had a little girl. Her name’s Harlow.”

  Jase could hear the hesitancy in the other man’s voice, figuring he was worried about sharing too much information. “About Brooke. Was there anything else?”

  Rowan cleared his throat. “Frazee’s best friend and fellow admiral has been taking over his duties. Looks like he’s been helping Mrs. Frazee as well. They went through the ranks together from what I found, moved apart as their posts took them in separate directions, until about three or four years ago.”


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