Delta Redemption, SEAL Team Phantom

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Delta Redemption, SEAL Team Phantom Page 20

by Elle Boon

  “Woman, I love the way you think.”

  Brooke squealed when Jase lifted her off her feet and strode to the bed. In one, not so smooth move, he pulled the gorgeous comforter back, throwing it and the mound of decorative pillows onto the floor. “I’ll pick those up later,” he assured her, tossing her onto the bed.

  She bounced once then was covered by Jase climbing on top of her. “You did all this for me?”

  Lying sideways on the bed, she tried to take in the flowers on each end table she’d only barely seen and the myriad of candles lit around the room.

  Braced on his elbows next to her head, he traced her eyebrows with his thumbs. “I wanted our first night in the bedroom where we begin the rest of our lives together to be memorable.”

  The soothing motion of his fingers on her brows had her smiling. He knew just how to touch her, and where, but that wasn’t where she wanted his talented fingers. “I think you are the most romantic man in the world. But, I do have one complaint.” She bit her lip, waiting for him to ask.

  His body froze above hers. “What? Anything you want or need, if I can do it or get it, it’s yours.”

  She smiled, wiggling beneath him. They’d both showered after the long day of putting the finishing touches on the house, each putting on clothes again. “We’re wearing too many clothes. I want to feel your skin on mine with nothing between us.”

  Heat flared in his dark gaze as he inhaled deeply. “Woman, that is a wish I can totally rectify.” Jase reared back, lifting his arms behind his head, whipping off the shirt he wore.

  Brooke began pulling her own T-shirt off, flinging it toward the foot of the bed, hoping it landed where she could find it easily. Thoughts of her shirt fled when Jase’s hands cupped her breasts. His fingers deftly unsnapped her bra, pulling the edges apart. Her nipples puckered in the cool air.

  “I love these. They’re like ripe little berries, begging for my lips.” Jase bent his head, spreading kisses along her collarbone, and down the swell of her breasts, not quite touching where she really wanted him.

  “Jase, please.” Her fingers sifted through his hair that had grown longer in the time since her father’s fake funeral.

  The diabolical man maneuvered them so she was lying with her head near the headboard, moving so he was now between her thighs, his dark hair and eyes gleaming in the candlelight. “I always aim to please you, B.”

  She opened her mouth to tell him how to please her but then, his tongue came out and licked over one nipple then the other, silencing her. They’d made love several times since he’d returned to her life, each time always better than the last. The rest of their clothes were removed without finesse, both their hands joining in, making her laugh and him groan when he couldn’t get out of his cargo shorts without getting off the bed. “Don’t you move,” he ordered.

  Brooke found herself grinning at his highhandedness, and figured she’d tease him a little. Lifting her legs up, she pushed them open allowing him to see her hands ghost down between her thighs. Jase growled, climbing back onto the bed, his fingers trailing up her legs. She hadn’t realized the backs of her knees were sensitive until he lifted her right leg up and placed a kiss there.

  Her thighs shook and her toes curled at the feel of his lips brushing up her inner thigh then down the other. “You’re trying to kill me.”

  “No, I’m loving you slowly.” No sooner had the words left his lips than he was lying between her spread thighs, holding her open with one hand while his lips and tongue ate at her.

  She fisted her hands in the sheet, gasping each time he swiped across her clit. “Oh god, Jase, I’m so close. So damn close.”

  He looked up. “You said a bad word. Want me to put you in time out?”

  Looking down at his face, her juices coating his lips and chin, she reached down with one hand, running her hand through his hair. “I’ll take my punishment another way.”

  Jase’s look turned positively wicked as he kept his gaze locked with hers and pushed two fingers inside her pussy, making her arch up into him. In moments, her arousal went from almost there, to over the top. She gasped out his name, careful not to yell, worried she’d wake Jack. “More, I want more, Jase.”

  Her demand earned her a nod, and then he was licking his lips, moving up her body. Jase shoved into her. There was no allowing her to get accustomed to his size, the slight stretch from his entrance another pleasure that ratcheted up her own excitement. “I’ll give you more. All of me,” he promised.

  In seconds, he was buried to the hilt, so deep Brooke didn’t know where he began and she ended, only that they were together. He set a fast pace, taking her with him. Meeting him stroke for stroke, their bodies strained together as they reached for the ultimate prize.

  “I’m close, Brooke.” His arms flexed with each movement, sweat glistening on him.

  She lifted her legs higher, opening herself wider for each hard penetration. “Me too,” she moaned. “Yes, right there. Faster. Oh…fuck me. Yes,” she gasped, eyes going wide. Her body constricted around his, pulse after pulse.


  Jase slammed into Brooke at the feel of her pussy squeezing his dick, the tight constricting muscles pulled his own orgasm out of him. “I love you. God damn, I love you, Brooke,” he roared, forgetting his son was sleeping down the hall.

  His thrusts slowed, wanting to prologue their pleasure, feeling her body’s little tremors still squeezing him moments after she’d come.

  “It keeps getting better.” Brooke ran her hands up and down his back.

  He rolled to the side, his semi-hard cock slipping out of her, but he kept his arms locked around her, taking her with him so she lay on his chest. They hadn’t used a condom, a conscious decision they’d both made over a month ago. She was still on the pill, the low dose. If they were blessed with another child, he would be over the moon happy. However, he wanted to do it right, starting now.

  “You know you and Jack are my world,” he said, letting his arm roam up and down her back.

  She stiffened above him. “Yes,” she said hesitantly.

  He wrapped both arms around her when he felt her try to pull away. “I love you both more than anything. I want to be a part of your lives for the rest of mine, but there’s something missing.” He gave her a hug, rolled so she was lying on her back, staring up at him with a frown. He traced her brows with his finger.

  “Okay. You’ve lost me, Jase.”

  With a slight shift, he pulled the drawer open on the nightstand grabbing the little box he’d placed there earlier out. “I’d planned to get down on one knee and do this the right way, but damn it all, you’re too sexy and I couldn’t wait to christen the bed, like you suggested.”

  Brooke looked at the box in his hand then at him. “What do you mean?”

  Jase pulled her into a sitting position, shoved up and knelt in front of her on their king sized bed. “Brooke Frazee, I love you more than life. You’ve given me a reason to come back into the world as the man I was before…well, before my world went dark. I’ll never be good enough for you and Jack, but if you give me a chance, I’ll do my best to be the best husband and dad to our children.” He opened the box in his palm, waiting for her to speak.

  A tear fell from one eye then the other. Brooke struggled to her knees, placing her palms on his chest. “You are so much better than good enough for us, Jase. You’re the man I’ve loved and wanted to marry since I first laid eyes on you. Of course I’ll marry you.” She held her left hand out, waiting for him to place the ring on her finger.

  The moment would be one he would remember for all time. No, there wasn’t some moonlit beach setting or fancy restaurant proposal. Hell, he nearly laughed as he slipped the white gold band with the diamond solitaire onto her ring finger, imagining the conversation as they retold the story of when they got engaged. “You realize when we tell people about our proposal—we might have to edit it, right?” Jase asked Brooke while she stared at her ring.

nbsp; Brooke looked down at her naked body then at his. “I don’t know; I think we have the best story in history. I mean, who else can say they were asked to marry the man of their dreams, in a roomful of roses lit by candlelight, all while said man ravished you?”

  Jase pulled her into his arms. “Ravished you, huh?”

  She smiled against his chest, placing a kiss over where his heart beat frantically. “Most definitely, ravished. It’s in all the best books.”

  Hours later, Jase woke to the sound of laughter. His son and soon to be wife were trying to sneak up on him, but little Jack wasn’t the best at the quiet game. He lay with his arm over his eyes, pretending to sleep, waiting until he knew Jack was close to the bed. As soon as they were within arm’s reach, he sat up and pulled the startled boy into his arms. “Gotcha,” Jase growled.

  “Daddy,” Jack giggled.

  That one word melted Jase’s heart every time he heard it come out of Jack’s mouth. “What are you two up to so early?”

  He looked over the side of the bed, making eye contact with Brooke who stood wearing a pair of leggings and a tank top. “Well, this little guy said it was time to wake you up so you two could do something special.”

  Jase, holding onto his son, swung out of the bed. Now that they were living together and had a small child, he’d began sleeping in a pair of boxer shorts. Didn’t help the usual morning wood, but luckily, it had gone down once he’d realized Jack was stalking him. God, he loved his family. “Yes, we are, and no, you can’t come. This is a guy’s only thing. Right, little man?”

  Jack nodded vigorously from his perch on his hip.

  Brooke folded her arms over her chest and glared at them. “Fine,” she said then turned to leave.

  “Wait, can mommy come too?” Jack asked.

  Jase sighed. “Oh, but it’s a surprise for mommy, so she’ll get to see it when we’re done. Now let me get dressed. Brooke, you aren’t allowed outside until we holler for you.”

  Since he’d been officially cleared from all his charges and honorably discharged, Jase had thought long and hard about what he was going to do for the next fifty years, give or take a few. Of course, Rowan had offered to let him become part of his security company, but Jase was used to being in control. No matter how much he liked the other man, he didn’t think two alpha personalities like theirs would mesh on a day-to-day basis. Like before, Erik had come in with an offer he thought was too good to be true. Even after three years, he was still learning things about his partner. Their new private security business was going to partner with Rowan Shades, a perfect compromise and one that already had a great foundation. “If I don’t end up beating the shit out Erik first,” he mused out loud as he looked at his cell phone. Seeing a text from Erik with an image of him sitting on a beach drinking a margarita with what he thought their business should be called written not only on the cup, but his shirt, and spelled out in the sand in front of him, Jase sent back an image of his middle finger. Short but sweet, that was how he had to deal with Erik.

  The ding on his phone had him groaning. Instead of looking to see what smartass response the other man sent back, he tucked the little device into his pocket and headed in search for his family.

  He and Jack went outside after he got a pair of shorts and shirt on, pulling the weeping mulberry tree and the things they’d need out of the garage. His son wore a matching outfit to his with a pair of gloves and had his own little shovel for digging. “Alright, let’s get to digging.” They found the perfect spot in the front yard, knowing the tree would get bigger. Brooke had always loved the trees shaped like an umbrella, she’d told him. Now, they’d have one in their front yard and be able to watch it grow like their family, god willing.

  “You wanna go get your mama?” He stood with the shovel facing the ground admiring their handy work.

  Jack jumped up and down. “Yes,” he whooped.

  A couple minutes passed, Jase thinking Jack got lost turned to go in search for them, stopping as the two he referred to as his life walked out. Mother and son, hand-in-hand. Brooke looked at him then the tree. Her free hand covered her mouth. She picked up Jack, and raced to Jase. “It’s perfect.” She kissed Jase, an open-mouthed kiss, until Jack put his hand between them.

  “Mommy, don’t. Look at the tree we planted.”

  Jase wrapped his arms around both Jack and Brooke. “This is only the beginning of our lives. As we watch it grow, so will my love for you both. Thank you for redeeming me. For giving me the chance to be a better man, Brooke.”

  “You were always a great man, Jase. Now, you’re ours. Forever!

  The End



  BOOK 1, Coming 2017

  Jenna rolled to the side, the taste of copper filling her mouth making it hard to swallow. She squinted, trying to figure out where she was without making too much noise. The room was huge. Like something out of a fairytale. The thought had the breath freezing in her throat. Her hand went to her cheek, feeling for the cut that had burned like acid soaking straight to her bones. When her fingers felt nothing other than smooth skin, she exhaled, thinking it had only been a nightmare. “Then where the fuckity fuck am I?” she whispered into the quiet of the room.

  Shoving the blanket off her legs, Jenna scooted to the edge, her main thought was to blink her way back to her realm now that her mind was clearing. With every inhale of breath, she knew her guys were near, but she couldn’t get a clear read on where exactly. Damien and Lucas Cordell, the princes…of, well, she wasn’t sure exactly what as their father was the Vampire King who was mated to a shifter. Being the eldest of their children and twins, she guessed they were next in line to take over if he should ever step down. The last time she’d seen the powerful man, he was no sooner to releasing his title than she was.

  As her feet touched the ground, her legs wobbled then gave out. The feel of the cold tile slapping against her palms had her crying out even as her knees slammed into the unforgiving surface. “Shit,” she moaned.

  Why nobody had come at her cry was a little alarming, but it gave her a moment to get her bearings and stand up, or attempt to stand. Hell, she’d take leaning on the bed while standing on her two feet at the moment as a step in the right direction. “You can do this, Jennaveve,” she cheered herself on but in all reality, it took more effort than she’d thought. “What the hell happened to me?” A fine sheen of sweat covered every inch of her body like she’d been working out for hours.

  She remembered allowing herself to be kidnapped by a scumsucking vampire freak who’d mated with a panther shifter. The jackhole had tried to kill his wife, but had planned to make his daughter watch. In his mind, which she still wanted to gag when she thought about the things she’d seen, the bastard wanted to teach his daughter a lesson or something. She rubbed at her temples as she thought back to the night in question.

  Yes, she’d only been in his clutches for a couple hours. Her Iron Wolves were coming, she remembered sensing them, along with Damien and Lucas. Everything was going according to plan, until a stranger came out of the darkness.

  Fear had her looking around the quiet room, opening her senses in search of the being who’d come out of nowhere that night. His essence had reminded her of the Cordell’s only darker. Sinister. Goddess, she’d never felt such a being before and didn’t want to ever again. A shiver stole up her spine. “Please tell me I’m not his prisoner?”

  No, she couldn’t allow herself to think that way or she’d lose whatever sanity she had left. She needed to get to the Fey Realm and recharge. Once she was back to herself, she’d return and speak, or mate, whatever the wolpires did. Jenna nodded, then opened her heart reaching for her home. When nothing happened and she was still leaning against the large four-poster bed, real anxiety nearly felled her. “I’m just overly tired. Lula can come and help a girl out.” Like before, she reached out for her friend, only a vast emptiness met her quest.

  When she reach
ed for the familiar link with her friend Kellen Styles, the invisible bond she’d created and could reach in her sleep, the same thing happened. Never in all her thousands of years had she not been able to communicate with whom she wanted, when she wanted. Never, had she been unable to move between realms. Until now.

  The door opened to the right, it’s slight creak like a shotgun in the quiet room. Jenna raised her right hand, preparing to defend herself. With what, she had no clue as she could barely stand on her own two feet, but she’d be damned if she’d go down without a fight. Of course, she’d probably go down in a stiff wind, but the young female who entered paused, her startled gaze appeared friendly.

  “Good afternoon, miss. I came to check on you. We weren’t sure you’d be awake just yet. Let me go get…”

  “Who are you and where am I?” Jenna demanded hiding the tremble that shook her by forcing rigidity into her body.

  Eyes as wide as a baby doe, the girl kept one hand on the door. “My name is Beth. I’ll just go let the others know you’re awake. Is there anything I can bring for you?”

  Jenna wanted to run across the room and make the girl stay, but her body was shaking from standing already. “Please, tell me where I am.”

  “You’re in the guest wing, of course. I’ll just go tell them you’re awake.” Beth began walking out the door.

  “Wait. Who are you going to tell?”

  “The Cordell twins of course.” Beth bowed and backed out as if she thought Jenna was a crazy person.

  Hearing the name Cordell had her relaxing. If she was in their home then she was safe. They’d help her figure out why she couldn’t access her realm, or reach out to anyone. The way she was feeling, it was as if she was…human.


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