One Dance for Case (The Possessed Series Book 2)

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One Dance for Case (The Possessed Series Book 2) Page 12

by KL Donn

  He finally grabbed her wrists and pulled her up to sit in his lap. “How?” was his growled response.

  Daring a look at his face, she saw pain and anger waging a war inside him. “When you dropped me off, I tried to be quiet. He caught me off guard.” Her throat clogged up at the remembered fear at his attack. “He thinks that because my sister’s a whore, I should be, too. He pushed me against the door and forced his body against mine.” She had to pause to take a breath and gather her thoughts.

  “Did she know of his interest in you?” His words were hard. She nodded, and he cursed. “Fucking Christ. What else did he do?”

  Evelyn knew that the deadly calm he was portraying was deceiving. He was planning Marcus’s demise, and she didn’t feel an ounce of remorse for the despicable man.

  “He forced his hand down my pants and shoved his fingers inside of me.” She had to close her eyes and take deep breaths so she didn’t vomit remembering what happened. “I got sick on our feet. The feel of any part of him not only touching me but inside of me made me vomit. He got so angry that he spun me around and slammed my head against the door. I was so dizzy.” Tears began to flow in steady rivulets down her face. “When I tried to break free, he shoved another finger in me. The burn as he tore my flesh was so brutal, Casey, I thought I would die. I don’t remember why he let me go. The relief that he did was so immense that I laid in a ball on the floor for hours.”

  Her body shook with fear and pain just thinking about it and having to relive it made her want to die all over again. “I got you, Kitten, shhh.” Case soothed her.

  She was so grateful that he’d finally come for her. She hadn’t slept in days for fear Marcus would come back for more. With no way to contact Casey, she was left to either wait for him to rescue her or for Marcus to destroy her.

  There wasn’t a time in Casey’s whole life that he’d felt so helpless over a situation. Guilt wracked his entire body as Ev cried in his arms. Her sorrow was tangible. With every tear that fell, it felt as though he was being whipped. He wanted to wash away her pain, beat down her shame, show her that she was the most perfect creature in his world.

  He had so many regrets where their relationship was concerned—pushing her away, closing off his heart. Her being assaulted was his biggest. If only he hadn’t let her go home. If only he’d fought to keep her with him. So many what ifs or what could have beens. He knew he had to let them all go, or the uncertainties would consume him, and this relationship wouldn’t be in any better of a place than they were before.

  No doubt remained that he would make Marcus pay for what he had done to her. It was just a matter of timing and making sure Ev never found out.

  “Casey?” Her quiet question brought him out of his nearly murderous thoughts.

  “Yeah, Ev?”

  “I’m so tired.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she yawned.

  Moving further up the bed so his back was resting against the wall, he drew her between his legs, laying her head on his chest. “Rest, baby, I got you.”

  She hummed her agreement or comfort; he wasn’t sure which. With her body curled up into his, he wrapped himself around her as much as he could. It was only a couple of minutes later, and her breaths evened out. Her body going completely slack with exhaustion.

  As soon as he was sure she was in a deep sleep, he grabbed his phone, needing to find out as much as he could about this Marcus character. Lucky for him, while he was laid up after his injuries, he discovered he had a gift for hacking and tracking digital trails. Even from his phone.

  Doing a quick google search, Case found that Marcus had begun peddling drugs when he was just twelve years old for one of the worst gangs in Maryland, the Paxton Crew, who dealt mostly in prostitution and selling drugs to school kids. By the time he was eighteen, he had one murder under his belt that was never proven so he didn’t served time for it and a rap sheet longer than he could fathom.

  Discovering that at twenty-five, Marcus had taken over the entire gang after the old leader had mysteriously disappeared wasn’t shocking at this point. Done with Google and needing more detailed and personal info, he went to the Baltimore Metro headquarters site. After spending ten minutes hacking in and covering his tracks, he was able to find out that Marcus had over two hundred known members of his gang with just about as many prostitutes. Some he noted were willing but most were forced as payment for drugs they or someone else couldn’t afford.

  Seeing the bruised and battered females this scum had beaten into submission had his stomach twisting in anguish for them. He’d turned what were once young and vibrant women into strung out junkies. With his ire rising, Case kept reading, needing to know the most recent information. The more he uncovered, the worse it seemed to get, and he had a suspicion that the other man might have started dabbling in human trafficking.

  “Fuck,” he cursed when he saw Ev’s sister’s name pop up in association with him. It was about her first arrest for prostitution just over a year ago. Not long before Ev found her. Clicking on the link for the social worker’s file on Lacey, he read a tale of woe from the government employee. Knocked up and abandoned, she turned to drugs to cope which soon led her into debt, and ultimately, put her in the position of belonging to Marcus.

  Pictures showed what happened to her when she tried to leave nearly eight months ago. He had to find out when Marcus had started showing up around Ev’s apartment. He had a feeling the scumbag might have been trying to sell her.

  As he was reading more into Lacey’s file, his phone began to ring silently, Dom’s name lighting up the display.

  “Yeah,” he answered quietly.

  “She alright?” he asked.

  Looking at the woman sleeping peacefully in his lap, he ran his fingers along her delicate neck, marveling at her beauty. “Not even close, but she’ll get there.”

  “Fuck, she need anything?” he asked.

  “I need to find her sister and nephew. Did Dee see them at Mommy and Me today?” He knew she would worry if she didn’t know they were safe.

  “Hang on, I’ll ask her.” Dom must have muffled the phone because Case could hear them mumbling. “Hey, yeah, that’s why she was so pissed today. Lacey was bitching about Evelyn stealing her man, so she packed up and left, knowing not seeing Andy would hurt her.” Anger colored his words.

  “Fucking cunt.” Casey was fuming with anger that she would be so fucking selfish.

  “Dee also said that she was talking about getting clean. There was a facility that would take her and Andy. You hear of anything like that?” Dom asked him.

  “No, I don’t think so, but that doesn’t mean it’s not out there. Could be an underground thing.” Pondering the idea, he wondered if it could be like a version of the battered woman’s line. An initiative set up to keep children with their parents while they got clean.

  “I’ll see if Ace can find anything on her since his ass seems to be bored as hell,” Dom suggested.

  Knowing he needed to apologize for what he’d done that morning, Case said to him, “Look, about this morning– “

  Dom interrupted, “Don’t even, man. I’d have done the same thing, and you know it. I’m just glad you’ve got her safe now.” He was thankful his friend understood some of his pain.

  “Just don’t fuck it up!” he heard Dee yell in the background.

  “Tell her I won’t. This woman is my fucking everything,” he told his buddy. “She’s my person.” He whispered the last part more to himself than anything.

  A mixture of beeping, clicking, and grunting woke Evelyn from the best sleep she’d had in… forever. She felt at home for the first time in her life. Falling asleep on Casey’s chest while listening to the steady powerful beat of his heart lulled her into a deep dreamless state.

  She didn’t know how long she’d crashed for, but the growl of her stomach and the dryness in her mouth suggested it might have been for a while. Stretching as she stood up, her back po
pped from being prone for so long. A quick look around showed that Casey wasn’t in the room and that the sun had begun to rise if the orange and yellow glow through the window was any indication.

  She didn’t remember much of when Case brought her inside, so she had to feel her way out of the room and down the hall until she found what she was looking for. After three failed door openings, she finally found the bathroom just as Casey rounded the corner from wherever he had been, standing on a pair of crutches rather than wearing his prosthesis.

  “Hey, Kitten.” He smiled softly at her, a shiver of awareness slipped through her body making her break out in goosebumps. He, of course, noticed her response and smirked at her inability to hide her reaction to his body.

  “How long was I out for?” she whispered, not wanting to break whatever moment they seemed to be having.

  “Just about twenty hours.”

  “Holy shit,” she murmured.

  “You were exhausted,” he agreed.

  “Oh fuck!” Smacking her head with her palm, she responded, “I didn’t call the club.” I am so fired.

  “I called,” he reluctantly grumbled. “Told Hardy you’re out for the rest of the week.”

  She was shocked he’d thought about it. “I appreciate that except I can’t take the week off. I have rent and bills to pay.” Her stress was back tenfold.

  Leaning his crutches against the wall, he hopped over to her. “Evelyn you need time off. You’ve been working yourself to the bone. You still have bags under your eyes, but most of all you need to heal.” She hated that he was right. She didn’t want to take the time off, but she’d forced herself into working more in the last few days than ever before in order to avoid thinking about had happened.

  “Okay.” She gave in, making him smile. Not in triumph but relief.

  “Yeah?” He laughed. “Just like that? I feel like this will probably be the only time I can get you to do what I want.”

  His laughter was contagious as her own slipped free. “Enjoy it while you can.” She winked as she walked into the bathroom. Case’s laughter could be heard as he went back to whatever he had been doing.

  Digging through the cabinet, EV found a new toothbrush and comb and began to clean up. Feeling about ninety percent better, she went in search of food. As soon as she left the bathroom, the aroma of coffee and bacon assaulted her senses.

  “Mmm,” she moaned as she entered the kitchen. “That smells wonderful.”

  Walking up behind him, her arms circled his waist barely meeting in the middle of his hard abs. “You took your shirt off,” she mumbled into his shoulder. Not at all complaining.

  “So I did.” He laughed, putting his hands over hers and rubbing them both up and over his chest. When he let go of her, she continued to stroke him. Loving the feel of his warm skin, fine soft hairs brushed her palms in a soothing motion.

  “Keep this up and we won’t be eating breakfast.” His voice was deep, husky. It held a sensual pleasure she felt like maybe she was ready for.

  Gathering her courage, she asked him, “What if I don’t want to?”

  Casey whipped around at her words. Shock written clearly on his face.

  “Fuck,” he hissed out when his erection brushed against her.

  Her entire core tightened upon feeling him. She felt like a bitch in heat. If she didn’t have him and feel him inside of her soon, she was going to self-combust.

  His eyes searched hers as his head slowly descended, and their lips met in a slow, sweet slide of promise. His mouth was soft on hers, playfully nipping at her. When she finally opened for him, he pulled her body closer. His hands held her tightly while his tongue explored the caverns of her mouth. Evelyn’s entire body lit up as he ground his pelvis into her. Lifting on her tip toes, she tried to get closer to him. Her breathing was choppy when their kiss broke.

  “Yeah?” he asked softly. She nodded her head, and he scooped her up in his arms, marveling at his balance.

  She yelped when her bare ass met the cold granite countertop. He shut burners off on the stove then hopped to her, standing between her legs. His hips pushed them wide open, making room for him to explore.

  Sliding his hands up either side of her thighs, Case watched her reaction the closer he got to the apex of her thighs. She was afraid she might fear his touch after what had happened, but thankfully, trust was an incredible equalizer, and there wasn’t anyone in the world she trusted more than the sexy man standing in front of her. He had shown her time and again that he wasn’t giving up on her no matter how many times they pushed each other away.

  When he paused his slow rise, she looked up into his dark eyes that looked like pools of heated molasses as he watched her. “Please, Casey,” she begged.

  His smile was hidden in his eyes. “Any fucking thing for you, gorgeous.” Grabbing the hem of her shirt, he whipped it above her head with little preamble, unveiling her nude body for his viewing pleasure. “Fuck,” he rumbled. His fingers began tracing small bruises on her sides, hips, and arms from Marcus’s vicious assaults.

  “Casey?” She hesitated when he met her eyes. “Take it away.” Relief washed over her as he knew immediately what she wanted. Helping her off the counter, he led the way back to his bedroom. Stripping off his shorts, she nearly drooled at the sculpted perfection known as his ass. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on him. It was pure muscle as far as the eye could see.

  When he finally turned around, she swallowed heavily seeing his hardness for the first time. He was long, thick, and hard. So hard. She could see little pearls of his pleasure releasing from the tip. Her mouth watered for a taste.

  Ev went to him as he sat on the edge of the bed, crooking his finger at her. No words were needed as he pointed to the ground, apparently impatient for her touch. Reaching back, he grabbed a pillow from the bed dropping it between his legs just as she was about to kneel in front of him.

  When she glanced at him for direction, he told her, “This is your show, sweetheart. I want you to take control,” pausing he gripped her chin steadily as he finished, “until I decide it’s my turn.” His voice became dark at the end.

  Quivering at the untold vow in his words, she decided to do just what he suggested…

  She took control of him. Doing all the filthy things she’d been dreaming of.

  The innocent curiosity in Ev’s eyes was Casey’s undoing. She was going to unman him before he ever got the chance to bury himself inside of her velvety softness. Gripping the edge of the bed, he knew from the look in her eyes, he was about to go on one hell of a ride.

  Closing his lids, the other senses opened up more. Her soft caress on his thighs was magnified. Her light kiss on his stump felt like the touch of an angel. He was amazed that it didn’t scare her off and felt equally blessed that it didn’t. He knew from the moment he showed her, he could finally be himself. Not fear the veiled disgust she might try to hide.

  A sliver of hunger ran through his body as he felt her sharp breath just inches from his rippling abs. His muscles were dancing in anticipation of her touch. When her lips finally met his skin, he groaned quietly in appreciation of her soft kiss. His entire body tensed with anticipation as she slowly nibbled her way down his body, getting ever closer to his growing cock.

  Fuck would he love to feel her soft lips wrapped around him. Closing his eyes, he could picture her doing just that.

  Her plump lips would meet the base of his cock. He could almost feel the tip touching the back of her throat. Her tongue would play with the underside of the mushroom head. Glory be when she began to suck, he would nearly blow as she fondled is balls.

  Ev’s feminine moan broke him from his daydream as he realized not only was she doing it, but she also had a hand between her legs pleasuring herself.

  “Fuck, Evelyn,” he moaned when he saw just how perfect her lips looked wrapped around him. Lifting her eyes at his tortured words, she winked. She fucking winked at me. “Picture fuckin
g perfect.” Reaching back for his phone, he snapped a shot. The stolen moment would forever be memorialized for him.

  Her glistening lips full of his eager dick worshipped him in the sexiest way possible. Her luminous eyes spoke of lust, and if he looked deep enough, he could see a wealth of emotion.

  “Casey!” She was out of breath, and her chest was heaving. Perky pink nipples begging for his mouth. Pulling her up and into his arms, he latched on before she could say anything else. “Ohhh,” she gasped as he sucked her tender bud into the cavern of his mouth.

  “What if someone sees it?” her voice was low, husky.

  “They’ll be a jealous motherfucker,” he informed her around a mouth full of nipple. Not kidding, they would be. Ev was fucking gorgeous. Her innocence shined through with every movement, every moan, and hiss.

  “Be serious…Oh!...Casey.” He watched as her legs turned to jello, and her head fell backwards.

  “I’ll kill them.” That he was completely serious about.

  “Casey,” she whispered when his hand went in search of her soaking pussy. The fine, little hairs covered in her arousal.

  “That’s it, baby,” he crooned. “Give me everything.”

  He was shocked when she lifted one leg to rest beside his hip. “I need you,” she breathed in his ear, biting on his earlobe. His hand gripped her hip tighter. “Take me, Casey,” she begged.

  Fuck. Me.

  He was done.

  Flipping her onto her back, he pulled her to the edge of the bed and said, “I’m not wearing anything. I want you fucking bare. I want your pleasure soaking me. I want to fill you with so much of my cum it leaks from you when I eventually pull out.” Ev raised her hips up to him in invitation. Leaning forward, he braced one arm beside her head while his fingers played with her hair. Kissing her lips lightly, he whispered, “You’re fucking mine, Evelyn. From this moment forward, I own every part of you.”


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