Passionate Premiere

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Passionate Premiere Page 14

by Deborah Fletcher Mello

  Dahlia inhaled swiftly at the memory, an intense wave of heat washing over her. She stole a quick glance toward Leslie, who was still chatting on about something Dahlia didn’t have a clue about. A sly smile spread across her face.

  Guy’s family had welcomed her warmly, his mother, Katherine, and father, Mason “Senior” Boudreaux, were absolutely delightful. And then there had been the brothers she’d met at Spago, Kendrick, Donovan, Darryl and the oldest brother, Mason, and his wife, her good friend Phaedra. Plus his sisters, Tarah, Maitlyn and Kamaya, all questioning and assessing whether or not she was a good fit for the youngest boy in their large family. The only sibling she had yet to meet was his sister Katrina, the district court judge with the new baby married to the Stallion brother whose family had invested a handsome amount of money into her film.

  When they’d found a moment to sneak away from the family, her sorority sister had pulled her aside, eyes wide with questions.

  “So how long have you and Guy been an item?” Phaedra had asked in a hushed whisper as the two had stood on the Boudreaux family porch.

  Dahlia had shrugged her shoulders, grinning broadly. “It happened fast. But he’s been the best thing for me. I can’t remember the last time I was this happy!” Dahlia had exclaimed.

  Phaedra had giggled with her. “Have you two—” she paused “—you know?” she’d questioned.

  Dahlia had laughed. “What?”

  “You know,” Phaedra had repeated, her eyebrows lifted teasingly. “Has Guy gotten into your cookie jar yet?”

  Her friend had laughed again. “I don’t believe you!”

  Phaedra had laughed with her. “Just answer the question!”

  Dahlia had shrugged, a deep blush painting her expression. But she hadn’t responded.

  Phaedra had clapped her hands together excitedly. “It’s about time. ’Dem cookies was probably close to stale as long as you’ve been holding out.”

  “You sound like Leslie.”

  “Leslie and I are your sorority sisters. We know you!”

  “Yes, you two are, so you know that Guy had to be very special for me to cross that line.”

  Phaedra had blown out a deep breath. “I know what you mean. I felt the same way about Mason.”

  “He’s such a great guy, Phaedra. You two are perfect for each other.”

  Phaedra had grinned. “Yes, we are!” She’d suddenly jumped up and down excitedly. “We might be sisters-in-law,” she’d exclaimed.

  Guy had suddenly appeared from around the corner. “What are you two ladies up to out here?” he’d asked as he’d moved behind Dahlia and wrapped her in his arms.

  Phaedra had still been grinning. “I was just telling Dahlia that if you two ever got married we would officially be family.”

  Guy had chuckled warmly. “You mean when Dahlia and I get married ’cause we are definitely getting married.”

  “And having babies to hear him tell it,” Dahlia had teased.

  “A baby. You know how we star couples do it,” Guy had corrected.

  Dahlia had shaken her head. “I swear, Guy, you don’t have any sense!” She’d laughed.

  Phaedra and Guy had laughed with her.

  “Well, I know this, Mr. and Mrs. Star Couple,” Phaedra had said. “I’ve got dibs on the first photos, wedding and baby.”

  “Of course,” Guy had said. “We will definitely keep it in the family.”

  Phaedra had leaned over to give her friend and her brother-in-law a big hug. “I am so happy for you,” she’d whispered against Dahlia’s ear before she’d headed off to see what her husband and the rest of the family was up to in the backyard.

  Guy had pulled Dahlia back into his arms, nuzzling his face into her neck. “So, I was missing you,” he’d whispered softly.

  Dahlia cuddled close to him. “Mmm,” she’d purred as he’d kissed her mouth, his full lips cushioned against hers.

  “You’re trying to start something,” she’d giggled softly.

  “Yes, I am.” Guy had shifted his body against hers, and Dahlia had felt the rise of his erection pressing hard against her body.

  Dahlia had taken a quick glance around her, concerned that someone might be watching them. “You need to stop,” she’d muttered nervously.

  Guy had shaken his head. “You need to help me with my personal problem,” he’d muttered back, still kissing her.

  “I am not doing anything in your mother’s house!”

  Guy had laughed. “Yes, you are. Come on,” he’d said, pulling Dahlia by the hand.

  She’d moved inside the home behind him. In the distance she could hear the family laughing out in the rear yard. Guy had peaked out the kitchen window, then pulled her into the pantry and closed the door.

  “You have lost your mind,” Dahlia had exclaimed as he’d undone his pants and dropped them to the floor at his ankles. He’d pulled his T-shirt up and over his head, dropping it against one of the pantry shelves.

  His head had waved from side to side, his face bright with glee. He’d clasped a hand around his rising erection and shaken his manhood in her direction. “It needs help, Dahlia,” he’d said, pouting like a two-year-old. “Please?”

  Dahlia had suddenly been able to hear voices in the outer room. Her eyes had widened, and she’d been mortified at the prospect of them being caught by either of his parents or siblings. She’d gestured for him to put his clothes back on, and he’d ignored her, still waving his member for her attention.

  He’d begun to stroke himself gently, his head falling back against his shoulders. He’d licked his lips, his hips beginning to pump slowly back and forth. The voices on the other side of the door had moved back outside, fading off into the distance.

  Guy had opened his eyes and stared at her, the sexy look making her moist between her thighs. He had crooked his index finger in her direction and gestured for her to come to him. Like a snake being charmed, Dahlia had moved against him. Guy had clasped her face between his hands and then kissed her forehead, her nose and then her mouth.

  “Guy,” Dahlia had breathed, unable to resist.

  Guy had drawn his hands through her hair, his fingers twisting in the strands. His lips had nuzzled her lips as he’d slipped his tongue between them. Dahlia had been breathing heavily, fighting not to squeal out loud. His erection had seemed to grow larger as it pressed tight to her abdomen. When Dahlia had returned the gesture, Guy had sucked her tongue into his own mouth, biting it gently with his teeth.

  She’d been suddenly hungry for him, suckling the soft skin on his neck, kissing down to his broad shoulders, his rich chocolate tone like a decadent dessert against her tongue. Sliding her hands across his chest, she’d licked one nipple and then the other.

  Guy had been panting and moaning as he’d dropped his palms against her shoulders and pushed her downward. As he had guided her to her knees, Dahlia had lifted her gaze to his. He’d nodded his desire, his sex waving eagerly for her attention. Her lips had tugged at the spray of dark pubic hair and then without a second thought she’d sucked him between her lips, her tongue lavishing him warmly. Guy had thrust his hips forward and began to rhythmically pound himself into her mouth.

  Dahlia had clutched his hips as she’d guided him in and out past her lips. Guy had begun to pick up speed and then he’d suddenly cried out, clenched his buttocks and rammed forward, grinding his groin into her face. Guy had held his position, shuddering, bucking once, then twice, still clenching his backside as Dahlia lingered over his organ until he was drained dry and had begun to wilt. Then he’d pulled away, his body still shuddering with aftershock.

  As Dahlia had come to her feet, she’d pulled his pants upward, their hands bumping as he zipped himself up and she tried to help. Dahlia had dabbed at her mouth with the hem of Guy’s shirt before passing it back to
him, her gaze still locked with his.

  On the other side of the door they had been able to hear voices a second time, and Guy’s eyes had widened, a wide grin spreading across his face. Dahlia shook her head a second time. When the voices had once again disappeared, she’d leaned her body close to his, dropping into the warmth of his embrace. Guy had pressed his lips to her ear and whispered, his voice low and deep.

  “Your turn,” he’d said, and before she had realized what was happening Guy had slipped warm, insistent fingers inside the waistband of her pants and down into her panties.

  Dahlia had moaned softly as she’d parted her legs, instinctively offering herself to him. He’d diddled her easily, and then he’d thrust three fingers deep into her moist canal. As she’d squeezed his fingers in a convulsion of lust and he’d swirled them deep inside the slick, sticky walls, Dahlia had fathomed that she might pass out from the pleasure. It had only been Guy’s arm locked tight around her waist, holding her close to him, that kept her standing. With lewd abandon Guy had fingered her until she’d crashed and burned in an inferno of orgasmic bliss.

  As she’d fought to catch her breath, Guy had kissed her deeply, then the two had let out a fit of giggles. Noise right outside the door had suddenly been too close for comfort.

  “Fix your clothes,” Guy had whispered, trying to help her button her slacks and straighten the cotton blouse she’d worn.

  Glowing with sexual sweat, the duo had fought to put their clothes back in place and then the pantry door had suddenly swung open.

  Eyes wide, Guy and Dahlia had both turned to stare, their guilty gazes meeting his sister Tarah’s curious stare. Tarah had suddenly closed the door, her mother’s voice ringing loudly behind her.

  “What are you doing, Tarah? Get the canned corn,” Mrs. Boudreaux had said as she pulled a bowl from one of her cabinets.

  Opening the pantry door Tarah had shaken her head slowly, unable to hide the amusement across her face. She’d held out her hand and Guy had passed her two cans of corn from the shelf. As she’d taken them from him she’d shaken her finger at them both, still grinning widely.

  Over her shoulder she’d called for her mother’s attention. “Mom, Dad just called for you.”

  “No, he didn’t,” they’d heard the older woman answer. “Did he?”

  “I heard him,” Tarah had insisted as she’d moved to the woman’s side, resting the cans on the counter. “He called you.”

  Katherine Boudreaux had sighed with exasperation. “I swear,” she’d said as she’d moved out of the kitchen and back outside.

  As they’d heard the screen door slam behind her exit, Guy had pulled Dahlia out of the enclosure.

  “Thanks, Tarah!” he’d mouthed, waving at his sister.

  “You know y’all are wrong, Guy!” she’d cried. “Y’all are too wrong!”

  With the memory swirling through her mind, Dahlia suddenly laughed out loud.

  Leslie eyed her suspiciously. “It really wasn’t that funny,” she said.

  “I’m sorry,” Dahlia apologized. “I was just thinking about something Guy did on our trip.”

  Leslie shook her head knowingly. “Yep! It is definitely serious with you two.”

  Chapter 18

  For three days Zahara and Dahlia went back and forth on the sound bites that Dahlia needed her to complete. As always, Zahara was a force to be reckoned with, determined to do what she wanted, only when she wanted.

  Dahlia let out a deep sigh as she reclined back against her chair. Dave, the sound engineer seated beside her, was becoming equally frustrated as Zahara carried on a cell phone conversation with someone about absolutely nothing important. He turned up the microphone as they continued to listen in.

  “And I told him I wasn’t about his small-town life,” Zahara was professing. “I don’t roll like that. If he couldn’t keep me at the lifestyle to which I’ve become accustomed, then there was no way in hell he was going to be wasting my good time. I mean, for real!”

  Dahlia leaned forward and pressed the intercom button into the sound booth. “Zahara, we need—”

  Zahara cut her off. “I said I needed a quick minute, Dahlia. This is important,” she responded curtly.

  The soundman chuckled. “Yeah,” he muttered under his breath. “We all know what she had for breakfast is so important.”

  Dahlia cut an eye in his direction. “She is unbelievably ridiculous,” she muttered back. She leaned forward and depressed the intercom button a second time. “Zahara, if you do not get off the phone so we can finish this I will begin to deduct the studio time from your wages. It’s your choice.” She leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Aw, sookie, sookie now,” Dave teased. “She’s about to blow!”

  “Yes, I am,” she said.

  From inside the sound booth Zahara glared openly. She said goodbye to the party on the other end of her phone line. Tossing her cell phone into her leather bag, she stood with her hand on her hip. “What?” she mouthed, meeting the look Dahlia was giving her.

  Dahlia pressed the intercom one last time. “Thank you. Take it from the top,” she said, gesturing for Dave to fill in the back sounds as they began to record.

  Like the professional she could have been Zahara delivered her lines easily. For the next hour she stayed in character and on point. Dahlia marveled at how she so easily became her character, likable and lovable, her story moving an audience to tears. Then. just like that, Zahara was herself, mean-spirited, self-centered and a royal pain in everyone’s nether regions.

  “Now what?” Zahara exclaimed, a hand frozen against the line of her lean hips.

  “We’re going to take a quick break and then I just need to get a few more audio lines from you and we’ll be done,” Dahlia responded.

  Reaching for her phone, Zahara turned her back to them, dialed and resumed her conversation.

  Dave shook his head. “I need the toilet,” he said, rising from his seat.

  Dahlia nodded. “Take ten,” she said.

  At that moment Guy poked his head into the studio, then eased the rest of his body inside. He slapped palms with the man who was headed out the door, the two greeting each other warmly.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he cooed as he pressed a kiss against her cheek.

  Dahlia reached up to wrap her arms around the man’s neck. She kissed his lips. “You are a sight for sore eyes,” she said sweetly.

  Guy dropped down into the seat that Dave had vacated. “What’s wrong? You look like you’ve had a hard day.”

  She rolled her eyes toward the sound room, gesturing in Zahara’s direction. She didn’t need to explain.

  Guy shook his head. “Sorry that’s a problem for you, baby,” he said. He slid his seat closer to hers and hugged her tightly.

  Leaning into the embrace, Dahlia suddenly felt as if all was well with the world. She felt immensely loved and wanted and there was nothing that the likes of Zahara Ginolfi could do that would ruin her good mood. She blew a gentle sigh against Guy’s neck.

  “I’ll be done here in an hour or so. You interested in dinner?”

  Guy grinned, dropping a hand to her knee. “Only if I can start with dessert,” he teased.

  Dahlia laughed. “You are just too fresh!”

  For the next ten minutes the couple teased and flirted with each other. Neither bothered to pay Zahara an ounce of attention, but Zahara was intensely focused on the two of them. If either had bothered to pay any attention they would have heard the woman in the sound room, her cell phone conversation anything but casual.

  “He’ll be yesterday’s news as soon as we’re done with this film,” Zahara was saying. “Everyone knows her relationships don’t last longer than a few minutes. Anything longer than seventy-two days and she’d be settin
g a record.” Zahara laughed. “Cheap trick. I can’t stand those two. If you want gossip about ’dem two I can give you gossip!”

  Minutes later, Guy excused himself from the room and Dahlia and Dave went back to work. On cue, Zahara turned on her star quality, again delivering her lines nicely. When she was done she eyed Dahlia smugly.

  “That was perfect,” Dahlia said, smiling politely. “Nice job, Zahara. I appreciate the effort. That’s a wrap.”

  Rising from her seat, Zahara stormed out of the sound booth, heading in the direction of the dressing rooms. Before she made her exit she called Dahlia’s

  name, slapped the right cheek of her backside and flipped the woman the bird.

  “Thank you!” Dahlia responded behind her, shaking her head with disgust. “Thank you very much, Zahara.”

  Dave laughed as he pushed and pulled at the sound board dials. “We’ve got some good stuff here,” he said. “Do you want to get started on the edits tonight?”

  Glancing down at her watch, Dahlia shook her head. “No. We’ll work on it tomorrow. Go home to your wife.”

  Dave smiled. “Thanks. She’ll appreciate that. You have a good night,” he said as he picked up his belongings and headed in the direction of the door. Then he called her name.

  “Yes, sir?”

  Dave laughed as he kissed his palm and slapped his wide butt, imitating Zahara’s exit. “You know I had to do it.” He chuckled heartily.

  Shaking her head, Dahlia flipped her hand at him, sending him out the door. She laughed with him, listening to the sound of his mirth echoing in the distance. After the day the two had had, she was glad that they could find something about it to laugh at.

  “Just for the record, Dahlia, I think it’s very unprofessional of you to be flaunting your personal relationship on set. And I have no qualms about saying so publically.”

  Dahlia turned to where Zahara stood blowing rings of smoke into the air. Her accusing tone grated on Dahlia’s


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