February The Fifth (The Glothic Tales)

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February The Fifth (The Glothic Tales) Page 20

by Derek Haines

  ‘Yes Mr President.’

  ‘I need to meet with you in my office tonight.’

  ‘I’m sorry sir. I’ve got mission control duties….’

  ‘I don’t care what you have General! I want you in my office in one hour!’ Kortek snapped.

  ‘With respect sir,….’

  ‘Just do as you’re ordered Dirrth, or do I need to find a new commander who can?’ Kortek sneered.


  ‘One hour!’ and Kortek ended the call.

  A few minutes later, Umblicat arrived. Puffing from running from his office.

  ‘So? You wanted to see me.’

  ‘Sit down. We’ve got a couple of problems.’


  ‘Glutz. He’s got some vigilantes or something with him. Not sure. But he apparently arrived back today and wiped out twenty Grand Council guards.’

  ‘What? Dead?’

  ‘It was a trap.’

  ‘You sent them?’

  ‘No. Didn't know a thing about it. It was that fool Dagnion. He’s got to go.’

  ‘But we need him,’ Umblicat pointed out.

  ‘Only until his idiot nephew is in our pocket as Supreme Potentate.’

  Feb knocked on the door. A few moments passed before he heard footsteps coming to the door and it finally opened. Just a little, and a pair of eyes checked who it was in the dark disturbing her quiet evening.

  ‘Yes,’ she said hesitantly.

  ‘It’s Feb, Hergla.’

  ‘Feb who?’

  ‘You used to clean my place. I’d like to talk to you about String.’

  ‘My son?’

  ‘Yes Hergla,’ Feb replied, and a short silence followed.

  ‘Oh yes. I know you,’ Hergla said as she opened her door a little more. ‘Please come in.’

  ‘Well, thank you,’ Feb said as he accepted Hergla’s invitation.

  ‘So, you know where String is then?’ She asked as Feb made his way in.

  ‘Oh yes. He’s been a great help to me.’

  ‘A help? Don’t believe it. Come on through young man,’ Hergla said leading Feb into her living room. ‘Please, sit down.’

  ‘I’m very sorry to disturb you so late, but I needed to let you know that String was fine. I thought you might be worried.’

  ‘Worried? About String? Oh god. Done that all his life,’ she said with a hint of sarcasm.

  ‘Well, he’s been gone for some days.’

  ‘Nothing new. Except he did let me know this time.’

  ‘Oh yes?’ Feb asked.

  ‘Strange you know. But he called me and said he would be away for a little while.’

  ‘Must love his mum I think,’ Feb said.

  ‘Ha! That’ll be the day young man.’

  Feb spent an hour explaining how String had been such a help, and how sensible and brave he had been. Hergla listened, nodded and laughed. It was only when Feb explained who he really was that Hergla really started to laugh.

  ‘You, the Supreme Potentate? Oh come on young man!’ she exclaimed more than once and laughed seemingly harder every time.

  Finally Feb resorted to showing Hergla footage of his investiture on his Q’muniktor, and finally her laughing slowed down.

  ‘But you can’t be,’ she said.

  ‘Why not?’ Feb asked with a smile.

  ‘You’re, well, you know ….’

  ‘A fool?’

  ‘Not to me.’

  ‘But to others?’

  ‘Well, people have big mouths. You know.’

  ‘Look Hergla. I need your help,’ Feb said getting to the point of his visit.

  ‘Me? You want a cleaning lady to help you?’ She said and really started laughing this time.

  ‘Yes, you and String,’ Feb said.

  ‘You’re serious aren’t you?’

  Feb took his time and explained to Hergla about his father and brothers. The plots against him and why he had to flee from Gloth. Also about how reliable String had been. Then got down to the main reason for his visit. Asking Hergla for a little favour.

  Dirrth arrived an hour and three quarters after Kortek’s call, and was shown immediately into the Grand Council Presidential office and found an angry Grand Council President.

  ‘You’re late. How dare you keep me waiting!’ Kortek snapped without rising from his chair.

  ‘One of the qualities I’ve admired about members of the Grand Council has been their courteous manner and respect for protocol,’ Dirrth replied in a tempered tone.

  ‘Just who do you think you are?’

  ‘Could I suggest we move on to why you’ve summoned me at such a late hour?’

  ‘I shall have you removed from your command. Such insolence!’

  ‘Very well. Then good evening to you sir,’ Dirrth said ever so politely and began to turn on his heels to leave.

  ‘You will leave when I tell you Dirrth!’ Kortek shouted, and Dirrth slowly stopped with his back still to Kortek. Then slowly turned without saying a word. Simply a cold stare.

  ‘These are your new orders,’ he said as he held an envelope towards Dirrth.

  ‘And these new orders?’ Dirrth said without moving towards Kortek who was still seated behind his desk – envelope in hand.

  ‘Locate, detain or eliminate all members of the Gregorian Guard and take immediate command of the Grand Council Guards. Replacing all members with Glothic High Command officers. You are also to locate and detain General Glutz on charges of treason.’

  ‘This is generally what is called martial law I believe,’ Dirrth said in voice that sounded of a warning.

  ‘You will carry out these orders with immediate effect Dirrth.’

  ‘Without the authority of the Supreme Potentate, I cannot carry out your order sir.’

  ‘Do not defy me Dirrth!’

  ‘With respect, your position does not have the authority to issue an order against another Glothic institution.’

  ‘Dirrth! You will obey my orders!’ Kortek almost screamed in frustration.

  ‘It is customary even for the Grand Council President to address me as General Dirrth.’

  ‘Get out of here. You’re finished Dirrth! You’re relieved of your command with immediate effect!’

  ‘Good evening then,’ Dirrth said, turned, and this time continued out of Kortek’s office. Kortek immediately reaching for his Q’muniktor to arrange Dirrth’s replacement.

  Feb returned to the safe house at a little after eleven. The hood on his green hyper-floccus all-in-one anti-perspiration, gamma protecting track suit once again coming in very useful to avoid being recognised. The evening had passed quietly for all, and Feb was pleased to hear from Glutz that all was quite at the barracks, and to see Tylonilic Arundaplast happily being taught how to play Canasta by Snurd and String.

  ‘Good to see you again Tylonilic,’ Feb said with a smile and shook his hand.

  ‘Oh, sir. I am so honoured that you summoned me. I’m ready to be at your service immediately sir.’

  ‘Thank you Tylonilic. I very much appreciate that. So, perhaps you could bring me up to date on matters regarding the Grand Council.’

  ‘Yes, certainly sir,’ Tylonilic said and went with Feb to find a quiet corner for their discussion.

  Early the next morning, just an hour or so after Hergla had started her shift, the canteen at the palace was abuzz with rumours of another ambush and nearly fifty Grand Council Guards having been killed or captured the night before. Of suspicions that more than two thousand elite Myscopinian commandos had landed north of Gloth City and were preparing to seize the palace and Grand Council and enforce a coup d’etat. Another rumour buzzing around was that the Supreme Potentate, February the Fifth was in exile on Sandisoriallity and was planning a counter attack on the Myscopinian commandos. There was also another rumour that the new Grand Council President had issued a decree in the absence of the Supreme Potentate, suspending all palace staff – and they were to be replaced by cheap labo
ur from Messipissitammi, a poor planet in Sun System Eight.

  By early afternoon, Kortek, Umblicat and the entire Grand Council were busy discussing what they should do about the threats to Gloth City and how to defend the city and Glothic rule over the entire twelve sun systems. At about the same time, General Durrgan Dirrth sat at his desk at Glothic High Command twiddling his pen. Considering his options.

  Shadow Boxing

  While the Grand Council met, and General Dirrth twiddled his pen, Feb called for his first staff meeting.

  ‘I’m sorry the surroundings are not very palace like for our first staff meeting, but I’d like to bring a little order to what will be happening in the coming days and weeks. Firstly I want you all to know that I will return to the palace very soon as the rightful Supreme Potentate of the Twelve Sun Systems of Gloth,’ and his statement was greeted by applause from everyone. When it quietened down a little he continued.

  ‘However, this won’t happen until the Grand Council decides to remove the new president and those who have not only supported him, but were responsible for the death of my father and brothers. A time for justice and punishment will probably come much later.’

  ‘But they won’t just leave,’ String started to say.

  ‘I believe they will. Throughout the history of Gloth, the Supreme Potentate and the Grand Council have worked hand in hand. Both need each other, and both support each other. It will be that way again.’

  ‘Can I ask a question sir?’ Snurd said as Feb paused.

  ‘Yes Snurd. Certainly,’ Feb said and April couldn’t help but notice that Feb was changing. For sure his eyes were now fixed, firm and conveyed a new sense of responsibility. But he was gathering assuredness with every day that passed. She could almost see her father being reincarnated from within her young brother.

  ‘Well sir. It is certainly admirable and I agree wholeheartedly in the institutions that have made Gloth so stable and strong. However, I am struggling to believe that without the threat or use of force that the new president will simply step aside.’

  ‘I assure you Snurd that this will indeed happen. My return to the palace and to my duties as Supreme Potentate must be achieved peacefully and without the loss of a drop of blood.’

  ‘I am also at a loss to see how this will happen sir,’ Glutz added.

  ‘Simple. These are men who are afraid of shadows. They will scare themselves out of office.’

  ‘Do you really believe so,’ April asked.

  ‘Yes April. I truly do,’ Feb replied. ‘I ask you all for your support in this in the coming days,’ which was greeted by nods and muttered sounds of yes.

  After a little silence and time to absorb Feb’s strange logic, Feb turned to other matters.

  ‘I’ve made some decisions regarding my personal staff, and I’d like to make these appointments today. They of course will be ratified by the first Grand Council meeting after I am back to work officially in the palace.’

  No one said a word. Feb paused as if for effect. It worked as he had their undivided attention.

  ‘Firstly I’d like to announce that Mr Tylonilic Arundaplast will be appointed as my Personal Assistant and Chief of Staff,’ to which Arundaplast blushed slightly and every one politely applauded.

  ‘Thank you so much for your trust in me sir. I promise you my devotion and loyalty.’

  ‘In that I have no doubt whatsoever,’ Feb replied.

  ‘Thank you sir,’ Arundaplast again said.

  ‘Next, I’d like to inform you that Mr Snurd Humped will become my Administrative and Protocol Adviser.’

  ‘Oh, I don’t know what to say sir,’ Snurd replied as more applause broke out.

  ‘Yes will do fine Snurd,’ Feb smiled.

  ‘Yes, then sir. Yes indeed.’

  ‘Alright. Next,’ Feb started. ‘I have created two new official posts of Royal Pilots. Both will be assigned with the rank of Major in the Gregorian Guard. These posts will be filled by Major Sipply Snikkle and Major Hibril Likklet.’

  After more applause and thank yous, Feb continued.

  ‘Mr Stringley will take the position of the Supreme Potentate’s General Factotum.’

  ‘Me sir?’ String said. ‘Oh! I don’t know what to say. I, eh, I don’t even know what a factotum is.’

  ‘It means you do everything,’ Snurd added with a laugh.’

  ‘A very good description Snurd,’ Feb agreed.

  ‘I still don’t know what to say sir,’ String said humbly.

  ‘Yes will do fine again String,’ Feb said.

  ‘Oh yes Feb. Eh I mean sir. Yes.’

  Once all the kerfuffle over String’s new post had settled down, Feb continued.

  ‘Commander Glutz. I’ve decided that you’ll be promoted to the rank of General and will become the new commander of a unification of the Gregorian and Grand Council Guards. They will be known as the Grand Gregorian Guard and will also became an official brigade of Glothic High Command.’

  ‘Oh, sir. I am humbled by your confidence in me. Truly humbled.’

  ‘I trust you’ll agree to the new command structure and arrangements.’

  ‘Without a doubt sir.’

  When all the congratulations had finished, Feb asked for a little quiet before he began again.

  ‘I have a few more appointments, but I’ll wait until a later time to make those announcements. But returning to matters at hand. We still have a lot of work to do, so please be patient and be prepared for whatever eventualities may arise in the coming days,’ Feb finished and he received nods of agreement.

  As the meeting broke up, Feb asked Glutz and Arundaplast to join him.

  ‘Just a few things I’d like to discuss gentlemen.’

  ‘The investiture will proceed as planned! There’s no reason to postpone.’ Kortek barked at a suggestion from one Grand Councillor that it may be prudent given the current situation.

  ‘But security will be impossible,’ another added. ‘It would be a perfect opportunity for an attack.’

  ‘All appropriate measures will be taken,’ Umblicat replied sounding like a wind up parrot.

  ‘What measures Umblicat?’ Yet another asked. ‘The president has just informed us that he wishes to immediately replace General Dirrth. Hardly a good time for such a public event.’

  ‘I’m sorry gentlemen. I must gag this discussion and move on. We have other pressing matters. The investiture will proceed as planned. Tomorrow afternoon,’ Kortek ordered.

  ‘Without a vote Mr President?’ a senior councillor asked.

  ‘I said it is gagged. End of discussion,’ Kortek snapped.

  ‘Highly irregular,’ the councillor replied and Kortek ignored him.

  ‘Now. Let’s move on to the replacement for General Dirrth,’ Kortek said. ‘Umblicat. The motion please.’

  ‘Yes,’ Umblicat replied and began reading the text of the motion concerning Glothic High Command that allowed the President of the Grand Council to assume full command immediately. As it was being read, disquiet appeared on the faces of more than a few Grand Councillors.

  After a long and heated discussion, the Grand Council was once again gagged by the president and a vote was avoided, and the motion carried by presidential decree. The grumblings of the councillors would be silenced by calls later in the day threatening to make public, certain information that could or would be embarrassing. That this information was true or not hardly seemed to matter.

  ‘You can’t pass everything by decree,’ a concerned Umblicat told Kortek as they left the Grand Council chamber.

  ‘Oh shut up Umblicat. I really thought you were made of tougher stuff.’

  ‘I understand that the investiture will proceed tomorrow,’ Arundaplast told Feb.

  ‘Yes. I’ve had the same confirmation,’ Glutz added.

  ‘Good,’ was Feb’s response.

  ‘But, that would create real problems sir,’ Arundaplast warned. ‘Once a new Supreme Potentate has been sworn in, it would be al
most constitutionally impossible for you to challenge that sir.’

  ‘Plus the confusion it would create in the line of command sir,’ Glutz added.

  ‘I want the investiture to go ahead gentlemen. But what I would like you to do, is make sure it is a very memorable and eventful day.’

  ‘I’m sorry sir,’ Glutz asked.

  ‘Oh, I really think my cousin December deserves a day to remember.’

  ‘I’m sorry sir. I really don’t follow,’ Arundaplast said.

  ‘We’ll meet later with April, String, Snikkle and Likklet. We’ll make all the arrangements then. Can you organise the meeting for four o’clock please Tylonilic?’

  ‘Certainly sir.’

  It was nearing four when General Dirrth’s Q’muniktor bleeped. It was Kortek.

  ‘General Dirrth speaking.’

  ‘You’ve been given early retirement. I want you out of your office by morning.’

  ‘And a very good afternoon to you also,’ Dirrth almost laughed and then clicked his Q’muniktor off.

  Dirrth walked calmly out of his office and to his duty officer’s desk.

  ‘Any idea where Commander Glutz is at the moment?’

  ‘Eh. No sir.’

  ‘Find out then will you. ASAP,’ Dirrth said in a friendly tone.

  ‘Yes sir.’

  ‘Good. I’ll be in the canteen. Come and get me when you have news.’

  ‘Yes sir.’

  Feb outlined his plans for December’s investiture after the four o’clock meeting got underway. April was charged will calling every possible Gregorian family member that they were on speaking terms with and asking them not to attend the ceremony as planned.

  ‘You know April, just arrange a nice royal boycott,’ Feb smiled and the others started to get an inking of Feb’s plans. Then he moved on to the others. ‘You’re pretty good with gadgets and things with buttons, beeps and lights aren’t you String?’

  ‘Eh, I think so Feb, eh I mean sir, I …’

  ‘It’s alright String. Feb as always huh.’

  ‘Sure Feb.’

  ‘Well, I have a little sound system that needs a small adjustment, plus a couple of little party surprises to deliver. Snikkle and Likklet will give you a little help you, and ….’

  ‘It’s General Dirrth on my Q’muniktor sir,’ Glutz interrupted.


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