The White Whispers

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The White Whispers Page 4

by Kizzie Hayes

  Devon had his fingers in her hair, tugging and groaning himself. She listened to his noises as Darren moaned from behind her. The sounds of his skin slapping against her pert ass echoed through the room.

  She added some moans of her own, sometimes deep and long, sometime short and sharp, depending on how he thrust inside of her. She loved the way Devon’s cock felt inside her mouth. It was warm and heavy and the taste of him filled her senses. She was starting to feel overwhelmed. But she didn’t want them to stop.

  She was about to go right over the edge.

  Darren grabbed her hips, pulling her back against him roughly. Her mouth slid off of Devon and she gestured for him to push himself back into her mouth, parting her lips for him. This time, she gave Devon more control, allowing him to fuck her mouth while she held on. It was so exhilarating, giving pleasure and getting pleasure at the same time. She could feel her body starting to stiffen Her core was tightening. Her breathing was stuttering. She was coiling up again, that familiar spring in the pit of her stomach. Just a little bit more…

  But Darren was the first to go. She could feel his orgasm, his whole body shudder and burst forward in pleasure as he came, warmth filling the condom that was still buried deep inside of her.

  Devon pulled out of her mouth quickly with a groan. She watched him stroke himself once and then he came, aiming away from her. She wiped her mouth, feeling even hotter as she watched him. Then she dropped her head against the duvet and cried out.

  “Oh God!”

  Her orgasm hit her all at once. She’d never felt it like that before. It was like a tsunami, a huge wave that racked her whole body. And not just once. But again. And again. So much that she collapsed in a heap on the bed and curled up there, just riding her way through it while Devon and Darren kissed all over her body again, like they could feel it too.

  It was crazy. When it was finally over, she felt like she could finally breathe again.

  The room was hot but she wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “Wow,” she finally said into the silence. They all started to laugh. It took a few moments but Morgan finally managed to sit up. She looked between both of them. It felt like her wildest fantasy had just come true. And she didn’t even know she’d had it.

  “Wow,” she said, again, rubbing a hand over her face. Devon kissed her jaw. Darren kissed her shoulder.

  “What did you think?” Devon asked.

  “I think,” Morgan said, looking at him and then at Darren. “I think that this time you’d better call.”

  They both burst out laughing. Morgan smiled to herself. She felt like a completely different woman.

  And she liked it.

  “We’ve never done that before,” Darren said.

  “And I don’t think we will,” Devon added. “Not as long as we have you around.”

  “You two really are into sharing, aren’t you?” Morgan said. “I am one lucky girl.”

  She turned to Devon and kissed him first, slowly and sweetly, pulling away when they lips was slightly damp. Then she turned to Darren and kissed him, harder and a little rough, pulling away with a small bite to his lower lip.

  “I think you both can have me,” Morgan said, with a sly smile. “For now.”

  Devon chuckled with his low voice. “Can we handle her, Darren?”

  Darren smirked. “I think we’re going to find out. But there’s something I want to try now.”

  “What?” Morgan asked, curiously. She was thinking about ropes. Or maybe whips. Maybe they could find one of those special swings. Maybe the apartment complex had a hammock somewhere in the premises.

  “I think Morgan needs to try my specialty,” Darren said.

  Devon grinned. Morgan looked between the both of them, totally confused.

  “Specialty?” she echoed.

  “Oh yeah,” Devon said. “It’s good. Perfect to eat after a of strenuous exercise.” He gave her a little wink.

  “Better than the sex?” Morgan asked in a teasing voice.

  “Not better,” Devon and Darren said at the same time. They glared at each other while she laughed.

  She could get used to this.

  “Nothing could be better than that,” Morgan said. She watched Devon and Darren get off the bed. It was a pleasure to see them move in their full, naked glory.

  “We’re going to spoil you,” Darren said. “You’ll see.”

  “And if you don’t believe us now,” Devon added. “You will.”

  “Well, you better get started,” Morgan said. “You have a lot to make up for and a lot to prove.”

  “Oh, believe me,” Darren said, as Devon stood beside him. “We will.”

  “Pleasing you will be one of our favorite things to do,” Devon added. She looked between them and took a deep breath. She was beginning to feel the heat again. This was something she could definitely get used to.

  Morgan decided that she was going to really going to enjoy living in Atlanta.


  Bonus Stories

  44 special bonus stories!

  Please go to Next Page to start reading your first bonus story!

  Contents for Bonus Stories


  Hunter in the Flight

  Completely Yours

  Therapy of Love

  The Wealth Touchdown


  Jasmine Life is Hip Love is a Gift

  Kiss of Tomorrow

  Shifters Mountain


  Immortal Souls



  Endless Love

  The Rising Star

  Sharing Seals


  The Peace Treaty

  Kissing a Scoundrel


  Hear Them Roar


  The Double Tale

  The Hiding

  Dimensional Love

  The Ranch of New Dreams

  A Soldier’s Love

  KIKI Woods

  Her Highland Love


  Hearts of Dust

  Sharing Seals

  The Thrill

  Strange and Beautiful

  Bound by the Bronco

  Seduced by the Countryside

  Laws of Passion

  Going Full Circle

  The Kindergarten Teacher

  The Moonlit Guardians

  Interview with an Alien

  Werebear in the Woods

  When Gods Die

  Luck Out

  Bonus Story 1 of 44



  Carren, a twenty-five-year-old African-American, a low income earning single mom living a neighborhood with the highest crime rate in Brooklyn, is going through a big crisis in her life. She’s faced with the uphill task of finding a job that will help her earn a steady income to take good care of her son’s welfare to prevent social services from taking him away.

  After several failed attempts, she’s downcast and nearly gives up when her friend, Minaj helps her find a decent job as a waiter in a popular restaurant in Brooklyn.

  But as things start to turn right side up, she encounters Johnson, a rich super star player in the NHL and her son’s role model.

  Johnson Brown, a player for the New York Islanders, nearly destroys her happiness when, under the influence of alcohol, he accidently knocks her son unconscious. He doesn’t immediately take responsibility for his action in an attempt to save his public reputation.

  Ironically, instead of filing charges against the rich superstar and settling for a whopping amount of money, she finds herself falling in love with him instead, to the displeasure of her friend.


  Her apartment at Vinegar Hills appeared to walk farther away with every step she took toward it, but it was the least of her worries. As she strolled home brooding, she noticed the night was arriving, as usual, to haunt
her Brooklyn neighborhood like every other day, caring less of the innocent residents that suffered from the asylum it provided to hoodlums.

  Twenty-five-year-old African-American Carren strolled along the sidewalk toward her apartment with her head drooped because of she so exhausted. Her shoulders were laden but not as heavy as her mind that was drowning at the confluence junction of two troubled rivers. One river was flowing from her haunted past, while the other fled from her future that was strangled with uncertainties.

  She waited like other pedestrians who looked too impatient to cross the road and move on with their lives.

  The pedestrian light soon changed to forest green, and Carren hesitated for a while watching others go past her to the other side of the road before she stepped forward reluctantly, walking like she was dragging something heavy along. As she crossed, she noticed the man in the driver's seat of the red Nissan vehicle in the first row trailed her footsteps with his inquisitive stare until they settled on her curvaceous behind.

  Men are all the same, Carren thought. She had caught him for a fleeting moment from the corner of her eye, the same lustful stare on the man’s face like the rest of the men who had stared at her for much longer than necessary. That “look” always explained a burning desire like heated coal, to pin her curves, which arched well like the curve that turned slowly to the base of figure eight, against any nearby wall and pummels her repeatedly.

  All her interviews for the day were unsuccessful. Now, all she wanted to do was to pick up her six-year-old son, Sammy, from her friend’s place and get him something to eat for dinner, before tucking him into bed and crying herself to sleep.

  Earlier in the day, she had ridden high on the back of expectation to finding a lasting solution to her meager income and prevent social services from taking Sammy away from her. It was the biggest nightmare she was facing now, and she had run out of options. With no child support from Cole, Sammy's father who was a violent drunk and serial losing gambler, she was all alone to cater for them both.

  Things were bad already before her mom died two years earlier, but her passing away from the cruel hands of lung cancer turned the heat dangerously high on her suffering. Since then, she had been grazing from one odd job to another, surviving with Sammy on an irregular income and food stamps. Those who had promised to help wanted something back in return that she was unwilling to offer. The jobs she had at some point were lost because she couldn’t endure the sexual harassments she suffered from her white bosses.

  Carren turned the corner to the street that led to the multi-story building where she had lived in one of the many two-bedroom apartments with Sammy. She changed gait as she rounded the corner and walked carefully on the stone-paved sidewalk that had undulating depressions in some areas, past high rising buildings from the nineteenth century. Her neighborhood had no contemporary outlook, it was rather dull and polluted, and it was only a matter of time before the strong gush of moist rotten smell accosted her nose. Carren took out her silk cream- colored hanky from her purse and covered her nose. The area had one of the highest crime rates in all the neighborhoods in Brooklyn, and she had never once fallen in love with the community since she moved in four years ago.

  She was a few feet from her apartment building, although she planned to walk right past it to Minaj's place to pick up Sammy. Minaj was one of the very few friends she ever had, not just in the Vinegar Hill dection, but the whole of New York.

  Her phone rang suddenly and snatched her from her thoughts. She wasn’t expecting any call and was in no mood to even converse. Reluctantly, she slowed her movement and extracted her phone. Staring at the screen that shot a wave of sharp illumination toward her face that made her squint her eyes, narrowing her eyelids like she was about to peer through a pinhole, she noticed it was Minaj who was calling.

  “Hey babe,” Minaj greeted sounding upbeat and excited before Carren could even utter her word. Since she had known Minaj for over three years now, she knew her to always sound loud and upbeat over the phone and yet, Carren hadn't gotten used to it to her exuberant character that was most often over the edge. Still they remained good friends.

  "Hey," Carren replied her friend weakly and nonchalantly. She hoped to discourage Minaj from getting chatty with her over the phone because she could go on and on to ask about every detail of her day until she got to her place and they would continue off from where they stopped on the phone.

  “I am coming to….” Carren started to say she was on her way to pick Sammy up from her apartment although she had already told her that some ten0 minutes ago via WhatsApp but Minaj cut her off.

  “How did the interview go?” Minaj asked almost breathlessly, sounding very anxious to hear her friend’s reply. Carren fell silent like her voice was enjoying free-fall in space. That was the one question she didn’t want to hear.

  From a distance, the horn of the train honked and seemed to be reaching out for her. The wind also seemed to have made a turnaround and stepped a little more on its gas to find her again, more than determined to wrap her with its gentle and chilly hands and usher her home.

  "Carren…you there?" Minaj inquired, but Carren still didn't reply immediately.

  Carren looked up to see some teens in a White Mercedes convertible approaching from the opposite direction. Their loud music was enough to draw attention to them. Caren smiled weakly, and she wished she could be them right there.


  Carren closed her eyes momentarily and pulled her lips together. “It was fine,” she said flatly. There was a pause, and she had an idea what Minaj was probably doing: knitting her eyebrows together and looking disappointed.

  “Fine? Or you didn’t get the job?” Minaj asked bluntly in a defiant tone.

  Carren sighed. She didn’t expect any better.

  “Can we talk about this later…please?” Carren pleaded.

  “No! Did you or not? How hard is that to answer?” Minaj persisted to Carren’s displeasure.

  “Fine…I didn’t get one” Carren snapped. “Including the one you put a word forward on my behalf. Satisfied now?” she added sharply, getting close to sounding emotional but she composed herself.

  “Oh my,” Minaj sounded sympathetic. “That’s a shame. You okay?”

  Carren sniffed in and exhaled.

  “I’m fine. I’m almost at your place to pick…”

  “Change of plans. I’m bringing Sammy over myself.” Minaj interrupted her before she could complete her statement. “Sammy…ready yet? Because we are heading home now.” Carren could hear Minaj speaking to Sammy in the background.

  "Can I talk to him please?" Carren pleaded before turning to climb the stairs to the entrance of the building that housed her apartment.

  "If you want to talk to him so badly…you should call," her friend teased, and Carren rolled her eyes. "But I doubt you would, so see you soon," Minaj added and ended the call.

  Carren knew Minaj was teasing her but truly, she would have called already but couldn’t afford to. It hurt her deeply because Minaj’s tease made her feel like she wasn’t doing enough to take care of her boy—the only glow left in her life.

  Minaj brought Sammy back home in less than three minutes.

  She was still wearing the white peplum medium-sleeved dress she had worn out to the interviews when they arrived. She had purchased the dress specifically because of the interview, and it cost a lot, but Minaj thought the dress looked impressive on her and that the price was fair. Still she couldn’t afford it. But Minaj had insisted on lending her money to purchase it. That made her feel gullible right after the interviews fell through.

  As soon as they walked in, she stretched out her arms to hug her son. He smiled all the way as he ran into her arms. Carren embraced him tightly and kissed him gently on his temple. “I missed you, baby.” She said smiling as much as she could into his face, but her eyes weren't as bright as her smile. She was exhausted and worried about them. "How did your day go?"

p; Sammy pursed his lips and narrowed his left eye a little, the way that usually made her laugh, and tilted his head sideways up for a second like he was running through his memory lane to find an answer.

  “It was…FUN!” he finally replied her with a contagious smile.

  She smiled, knowing he truly had fun. Sammy was gentle and quiet like she was, but he was also smart, sweet and very sensitive to an extent Carren wished he wasn’t.

  “Go drop your things in your room ok?” she kissed him on the forehead. Sammy nodded before walking away toward his room. He looked up at Minaj as he exited the living room and smiled. She crouched a little and gave him a high five.

  Carren raised her eyebrows at them as they high fived and smiled. Her friend was like a second mom to Sammy.

  “Am I missing something here?” Carren asked Minaj who was already grinning, as soon as Sammy was out of the room with her hand to her waist and her head tilted a little to her shoulder.

  Minaj chuckled. “Honestly, your son is way more fun than you are,” she said before going over to the stool that was tucked in under the table with a grayish marble surface that separated the kitchen from the living room.

  Carren followed her footsteps, probing her from head to toe.

  “That’s new,” Carren said, sniffing the air around her gently.

  “That your son is better company than you are?” Minaj asked with grin lurking around the corner of her mouth.

  “No. The perfume you are wearing,” Carren replied and caught delight in Minaj’s eye before walking around the table toward the refrigerator. She wanted to take out items to prepare dinner for Sammy.

  When she opened it, she noticed how nearly empty the fridge looked. She had to restock soon, but she didn’t have much cash left on her and she wasn’t sure if the food stamps she had saved so far would do much.

  “What do you think you are doing?” Minaj asked, shooting a questioning stare.

  Carren turned, gave her the what-does-it-look-like-am-doing glance, and continued what she was doing. “I want to prepare dinner for Sammy.”


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