The White Whispers

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The White Whispers Page 43

by Kizzie Hayes


  As ten o’clock rolled around, Kyle stretched and relaxed back on the couch. “I should probably go to bed soon. I have to be up at six thirty,” he yawned. “You have to be up early too. Doesn’t the store open at nine?”

  “Yeah, but I’ll just wake up when you do. It takes me a little longer to get ready anyway.”

  “You’re welcome to stay here on your own until you need to go. I obviously trust you with quite a bit. My house and belongings aren’t nearly as important as, you know, my life,” he laughed.

  “And because of that, I trust you,” I smiled. “I will be honest, though. I don’t think I would feel the same about Ellen. I mean, just if she and I were in this situation instead. I’d just rather spend the night with you first.”

  I hadn’t kissed Kyle yet, so my heart started to speed up as he moved in closer. Just before his lips could touch mine, he paused and smiled at me. “I can hear your heart going crazy right now.” I rolled my eyes at the confidence I unintentionally gave him and closed the space between us.

  His kiss was more demanding than Ellen, but it felt more intense, more passionate. I’d imagine our history has something to do with it, but my mind was on far more than the past. Kyle’s tongue brushed against my lips and allowed him into my mouth, wrestling his tongue for dominance in the kiss. Needless to say, I was more than willing to let him take control. I let my hands slide up his arms to wrap them around his neck, slinging a leg over him to straddle his waist. He leaned back against the couch and rested his hands low on my back, just above my butt.

  I started grinding my hips on his, and the low groan that rumbled through his chest let me know he liked it. I smirked against his lips, moving my hips harder and rougher as I felt him harden with each movement.

  “Vampires still like sex, huh?” I smirked breathlessly.

  “Yeah,” he laughed. “We can’t have kids but it’s still a good time.”

  I pulled back from his lips and stared at him for a second, my arms still resting behind his neck. “Can vampires get…diseases?” I asked hesitantly.

  He looked at me with confusion. “No?”

  I smirked at him and rolled my hips against his once more. “So what you’re saying is you can’t get any diseases and you can’t get anyone pregnant…” I trailed off. The smirk from my lips slowly moved to his when he realized what I was implying.

  “Shall we go upstairs?” he said. I didn’t even need to verbally respond. He picked me up effortlessly and moved upstairs with astounding speed. I hadn’t seen his bedroom yet, but I didn’t get a very good look anyway. He dropped me onto the plush bed and held himself above me, quickly pressing his lips back to mine. This time, one hand rested on my hips and one trailed under my shirt to brush against my breast. I quietly moaned at the feeling of his touch on me and bucked my hips up so he knew what I was wanting.

  He gently bit my bottom lip, not enough to break skin just yet, and pushed his hand higher until my shirt came off my shoulders. Without a second to waste, he reached behind my back and unclasped my bra to join my shirt on the floor. More time of touching, kissing, and everything in between meant in less than five minutes, we were both completely bare on top of each other.

  “I can’t say I’ve never thought of this before,” I smiled up at him.

  “I can’t either,” he smirked in response.

  His lips were on my neck, leaving hickeys and keeping his teeth covered from breaking skin – at least, for now. His hand trailed down my torso, brushing against my breasts again and down my stomach before stopping at my heat. I moaned quietly and pushed my hips towards his hand to let him know I wanted more.

  He lightly chuckled against my neck, grazing his teeth over my skin before looking me in the eyes. One finger rubbed against my clit, making me squirm beneath him. It didn’t take much for him as he positioned himself at my entrance and pushed inside. Every inch of him gradually filled me until he was as deep as he could go. Both of us moaned out at the feeling before he started moving, slowly at first. As his pace picked up, so did my heart beats. My breathing picked up and before I knew it, his lips were on my neck again.

  “Please,” I begged breathlessly. “Kyle, please.”

  The graze of his fangs on my skin sent a shiver down my spine. His hips started slapping against mine, pulling my attention from my neck as he sank his fangs into my neck. The sharp sting only lasted a second and in the blink of an eye, my body was going through a completely different sense of adrenaline. I was used to the feeling of men inside of me, but the rush of blood being pulled from my veins was new. I felt dizzy at the overwhelming euphoria consuming my body. Kyle’s hips faltered against mine and I knew both of us were close. With one hand holding my neck, the other moved down my body and massaged quick circles on my clit. In just a second, my body started twitching and shaking with my orgasm, quickly chased by Kyle’s own. He pulled off my neck with a sucking sound, running his tongue over the little holes on my neck.

  “That…was amazing,” I giggled.

  “I’ll be honest,” he said, pulling out and falling onto the bed beside me, “I’ve never drank and had sex at the same time.”

  “What’s the verdict?” I asked.

  He turned his head to look at me and smirked. “Same as yours: amazing.”

  I sighed in contentment as my body was overcome with fatigue. “Should I wear a scarf tomorrow?” My words were coming out sort of slurred, from both how tired I felt and how lightheaded I was from the blood loss.

  “No. They should be healed by morning. It’ll just be a light pink mark, like you scratched your neck.”

  “Okay,” I murmured, curling into myself and letting myself fall asleep, Kyle’s arms quickly consuming my small frame.


  During the week, Kyle, Ellen and I didn’t meet up. It was a little difficult to do with two members of the relationship having to wake up early every morning for classes. I texted both of them throughout the week though, both privately and in our group chat, and had a couple inappropriate photos sent with Ellen. Kyle and I hadn’t told her about what happened between us that first night, but since Kyle and I were technically in a relationship, we didn’t feel it was necessary.

  All of our weekend escapades happened at Kyle’s place. None of us spoke the unintended rule, but we all knew if we were going to spend a weekend together, it would happen at Kyle’s. For Ellen and me, it was a little awkward. The three of us hadn’t done anything together. Ellen and I would sometimes sneak off to her designated room, or she’d be stuck in her room while I spent time with Kyle.

  One of our weekends, I decided to see if the other two would be down to try something I’d been thinking of since they first asked me about the relationship.

  None of our dates ever involved going out to eat, mostly because Kyle and Ellen never really needed anything on the menu, just someone sitting at the table with them. When they chose to take me to a movie and a simple walk through town, I felt my confidence in the question slowly start to fade as the night wore on. Granted, I was a little intoxicated when I initially had the idea, I figured I’d be able to maintain enough confidence to ask them. I mean, they both liked me, right? The only one who might not have the best time would be Ellen because she doesn’t feel anything sexual towards Kyle, but she was sweet enough to push that aside…right?

  When we finally got back to Kyle’s place, I was almost completely spent on whether or not I wanted to ask, but if I didn’t, I knew I’d just regret it later. All of us immediately headed upstairs, so I grabbed Ellen’s hand and pulled her into Kyle’s room with us.

  They both looked at me a little confused, probably just because we had never done anything, all three of us.

  “Hey Ellen,” I said sweetly, giving her the most over-the-top smile I could manage. “Will you do me a huge favor?”

  “Oh, God,” she mumbled, followed by a small laugh.

  “I know Kyle and I don’t have a problem with this because
, well, he thinks we’re both hot and I think you’re both hot, but if you’ll ignore Kyle,” I was interrupted by Kyle shouting a short, ‘Hey!’, “can all three of us have a night together?”

  She pursed her lips as she thought about my question, but it wasn’t that hard of a decision. In an effort to get my way, I batted my eyes at her and added, “You can both drink from me the entire time. Well, not the entire time because I’d die, but any time this is going on, you both get full access.”

  Ellen just rolled her eyes with a smile. “Well, if you insist.”

  With that, Ellen grabbed my belt loops and pulled me to her, pressing her lips against mine harshly, far different from any other time we’d been together. Kyle walked up behind me and pressed his fangs to my neck, softly breaking the skin and sucking just a couple drops from my veins. I moaned into my kiss with Ellen before pulling back to lift my shirt over my head. Kyle was quick to undo my bra from behind me, dropping it to the floor and reaching around me to lift Ellen’s shirt.

  She quickly swatted his hands away. “Hands off this one, kid,” she joked, though part of her was serious.

  Kyle held his hands up in mock surrender and laughed lightly, just to set his hands on my hips instead. I moaned out again when he slipped his hands under the waistband of my jeans and moved one under my panties as well. Even though I loved the way he touched me, Ellen knew exactly what a girl needed. I gently pushed his hands away and moved them up to my chest, pulling Ellen towards me once she had her own shirt and bra off.

  She didn’t even need my guidance. She unbuttoned my jeans and pushed them to the ground, leaving me in just my panties. Kyle’s mouth was on my neck again, this time with no fangs. Ellen’s hand slid under my panties and barely brushed against my clit, sending a chill down my spine. Her fingers grazed along my entrance a couple times before she slowly pushed two digits into me, her eyes watching my reaction the entire time.

  I knew biting my lip drove both of them crazy, so I tugged my bottom lip between my teeth and let out a quiet groan. Kyle hummed behind me and pressed his front to me, letting me feel his hardened member through his jeans. My head fell back against his shoulder and I looked up at him with pleading eyes.

  “Take it off,” I demanded, my voice betraying me with a slight falter in my words.

  He obliged, pulling away from me to bring his shirt over his head and drop his jeans, leaving both of us in just our underwear while Ellen still had her pants on as well. I reached forward for her and pushed her jeans and panties down her legs so I could mirror her, bringing my hand between her legs to feel her slick entrance. I stepped forward so our bodies were touching and pressed my lips to hers while Kyle sat on the bed, watching both of us while he slowly stroked himself at the sight.

  I slipped two fingers into Ellen and felt her quietly moan against my lips at the mild relief of built-up tension. Before either of us got too far gone, I pulled back from her and slid my panties down my legs before climbing onto the bed with Kyle.

  “How do you want to do this?” Ellen asked, kneeling behind me on the mattress and running her hands down the front of my body, her lips gently pressing on my neck.

  “Kyle, stand up,” I demanded. “Ellen, you’re going to ride my face.” She groaned against the skin of my neck and bit into me, taking a minute to feed herself as my body experienced the same euphoria that came every time either one drank from me. It felt like a shock was running through my body the entire time and I found it hard to focus until she pulled off of me, softly licking the two puncture marks to help them heal.

  Kyle stood at the end of the bed while I maneuvered to lie on the bed. He gripped my hips and pulled me closer to him, Ellen positioning herself above me. She lowered herself on my face, letting me hold onto her thighs with my hands to hold her still. I had barely lapped at her clit when Kyle pushed himself into me, making me moan out against Ellen’s wet heat.

  I had never done anything like this before, so trying to concentrate on making Ellen feel good was hard with Kyle’s hips slapping against my own. His hands roamed from holding my hips up my torso to gently knead my breasts. I couldn’t help but dig my nails into Ellen’s thighs, but when she started grinding her core on my mouth, I could tell she enjoyed it. I moved from pushing the tip of my tongue into her to sucking gently on her clit until her body quivered above me, her body slumping forward as she let out a loud moan.

  She reluctantly pulled off of me but instead of simply lying on the bed, she chose to kneel next to Kyle, her hand reaching to where he and I met as she rubbed quick circles on my clit. The snap of Kyle’s hips pressing against mine and filling the room with the sounds of skin on skin pushed me closer to the edge, especially with Ellen jumping in to help.

  “Oh, fuck,” I moaned, letting my head fall back against the bed. My hands were gripping the sheets below me until I finally found my release, a loud moan of Kyle’s name leaving my lips. As my heat pulsed around him, he reached his own peak and slumped over me slightly as his rhythm faltered until he stilled inside of me. Ellen leaned back on the bed, letting out a sigh at finally being able to fully relax.

  I followed suit and flopped down beside her, letting out a content hum at everything that just happened. Kyle didn’t have much room left on his queen-sized bed because, as Ellen pointed out so kindly, “You’ve got two queens already lying down. You’re not needed anymore.” All of us laughed at her comment and, just to prove her wrong, Kyle practically wrapped himself around me and closed his eyes as we all tried to drift off to sleep.


  After nearly six months of dating, I couldn’t have found myself in a happier state of mind. Maybe my body started sending more endorphins every time I let my boyfriend and girlfriend drink from me, but every night I spent with them, I found myself falling more and more in love with each of them. To make things even better, I couldn’t determine who I liked more – I assumed that meant I didn’t have a preference, thankfully.

  I had sets of clothes at each of their homes for when I would stay overnight, but we still spent most of our time at Kyle’s. His place was a pretty even distance between my place, Ellen’s, and the college he worked at, so it just seemed convenient. Plus, we didn’t have to worry about my nosy neighbors trying to figure out why I always had a man and woman come over late at night and leave early in the morning, yet neither one ever seemed upset as if I were cheating.

  Polyamory wouldn’t float well with the seventy-year-old next door.

  While I loved the feeling of Ellen and Kyle drinking from me, I always found myself wondering what would happen to me. As vampires, they wouldn’t age; as a human, I would. Would they just stay with me and watch me die? Were we supposed to continue on knowing someday I would be leaving them?

  The first weekend of summer break – for the other two, at least – Ellen and I stopped at Kyle’s with enough clothes and supplies to last a week. With the other two on new schedules, I didn’t plan on letting either of them leave bed for a while.

  But the minute I stepped through the door, I felt a wave of déjà vu wash over me. Kyle opened the door before I knocked and led me inside. Ellen was already sitting on the couch in the living room and I knew something was going to happen. My first instinct was that it would be something bad, but neither one seemed concerned or scared. They just seemed nervous. But seeing them so nervous made me feel nervous too, except with me, they could hear my heart beat change.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, slowly sitting in my usual spot on the couch, Ellen to my right and Kyle to my left.

  “We have a question for you,” Kyle said, rubbing his hands together to calm his nerves. “It’s kind of a big deal though so we don’t expect you to answer right away.”

  I just nodded for him to continue. When he stumbled over his words and couldn’t find a way to speak, Ellen stepped in, like usual.

  “We’ve all been together for about half a year,” she started. “We’ve all said ‘I love you’ at least once a day and
I know, at least for me, I love spending time with both of you.” I nodded in agreement as Ellen took a deep breath. “We’re going to have to move soon. People are going to notice we’re not getting older so we need to find somewhere new to start over. It’s always like this. We can’t stay somewhere more than twenty years, max.”

  “What does that mean for me?” I asked. I already had an idea where this was going and I hoped the change of pace from my heart wouldn’t give it away.

  “We wanted to know…if you’d want to become one of us,” Kyle said tentatively.

  “One of us, meaning…a vampire?” I clarified. Both he and Ellen just nodded. I didn’t even have to think. I’d already spent night after night wondering what it would be like to spend eternity with the two people I loved the most in the world.

  “Yes.” They looked at me with wide eyes before quickly switching to concern.

  “Hannah, you can take your time with this,” Ellen assured me.

  “I know, but I’ve already thought about it. I want to. I can’t bear the thought of letting you two watch me age and die before your eyes. I want to. I promise.”

  Kyle and Ellen exchanged glances before finally looking back at me.

  “Are you sure you don’t want more time to think it over?” Kyle asked.

  “Kyle, babe, I’m sure. What do I have to do?”

  He cleared his throat and brought his wrist up, biting a wound on his own skin. “You have to drink vampire blood and then die with the blood in your system. So, if you’re sure about this…” he trailed off, holding his wrist out to me.

  I looked at it in disgust for just a second. The thought of surviving on blood only bothered me because I was human. It didn’t bother me when they drank from me, so I knew it wouldn’t take long for me to get used to it. With a deep breath, I looked back to Ellen and then up into Kyle’s brown eyes – the same shade as when he first approached me in my shop – and grabbed his wrist, bringing it to my mouth and sucking lightly.


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