The White Whispers

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The White Whispers Page 58

by Kizzie Hayes

  Lucas was always reserved and stingy with information even though Natasha tells him everything. It was beginning to disturb the young girl because she really wanted to know more about Lucas just as Lucas knows hers but she noticed that Lucas was just impervious to her questions.

  Seeing Lucas looking pale on the hallways made Natasha stop him.

  “Hey, love. How have you been?” Natasha greeted and opened her arms for an embrace but Lucas wasn’t just in the mood to give her a cheerful smile as usual. “Oh, no,” she said observantly, “What’s the problem? You can always talk to me.”

  “Natasha, I’m okay.” Lucas lied and feigned a smile but Natasha knew he wasn’t being sincere.

  She took him to her office and closed the door behind him.

  “Sit,” she said and beckoned him forward, and pointed towards the reclining chair, “Let’s have some chitchat,”

  “I’ve told you that I’m fine,” Lucas iterated, “I had an accident a couple of days ago that’s why I haven’t been coming around.”

  “Oh my God!” she exclaimed with much care written all over her, “what happened? Were you badly hurt?” she asked and held his chin and started observing his eyes and body; to be sure that he had no cuts or bruises.

  “I was shot…sorry, I…I had a road accident,” he faltered.

  Natasha, being a psychologist, already knew that Lucas was hiding something, so she smiled and held his palm.

  “Lucas, you’re lying,” she said audaciously, “tell me what happened,” she insisted, looking more determined to dig into his conscience this time.

  “I said I had a road accident,” He insisted.

  “The first answer is the correct one,” Natasha said, “who shot you and how did it happen?” she asked. “I importune you to be honest with your answers.”

  Lucas felt so stupid for making a mistake with words but it’s just that he usually finds it hard lying to Natasha, especially thinking through the fact that he’d been keeping the secret of his shapeshifting nature to her. He didn’t just know how to admit that he was shot because the answer could lead to more questions from the psychologist who will surely dig until the reason behind being sure is forced out from him. And if this happens, then Natasha would know about the only big secret he’d ever kept away from her.

  “I was shot by a hunter,” Lucas said trying to think of more lies to back up his statement.

  “What were you doing in the bush?” Natasha asked solemnly looking grimaced.

  “I was just hunting for games and didn’t see it coming,” he said moodily. He tried his best to outsmart the shrewd psychologist, just to make sure that his lies stay buried, “I was going after the particular gazelle that the hunter was targeting. I didn’t see the hunter and she didn’t see me too, hence the accident.”

  “A lady?” she muttered in repetition, “I think I’m getting at something,” she said and parted her lips into a smile, “If she shot you, why didn’t you come to the hospital? Okay, let me rephrase it…”

  “No, you don’t need to,” he interjected, “I was taken to a nearby hospital, where I got treated of the bullet wounds,”

  “I’ll need the name of the hospital so that I’ll verify the information in a jiffy,” she said and flipped open her laptop as she sweated for the name of the hospital.

  “Natasha, please stop,” Lucas bellyached, “why not stop digging?”

  “Listen, sweetie,” she said and drew her seat closer to him, “You already know my profession and you know about my mind-reading abilities. I’ve noticed that you like keeping secrets even when I tell you all mine. Let me just tell you my observation; You met a girl and you fell in love with her. Stop this rigmarole and go straight to the point,”

  Lucas felt as if he was busted at the moment. He became weak down to his spines because that was the first time that he was being confronted with the truth in a daring manner.

  “Fine, you’re right, but I don’t want what happened with Olivia to repeat itself,” he said and forced back a tear that wanted to drop from his eye, “I feel bad whenever I think of Olivia.”

  “Lucas, there is something I want to ask you,” Natasha said and caressed his palm gently, “You just accepted being in love but avoiding the interference from your temperament. Tell me if she was the one that shot you.”

  Lucas already knew that what he’d been avoiding was beginning to erupt from Natasha’s mouth. He didn’t just know how to outwit her this time, so he kept mute for some time.

  Natasha waited for him to talk but he couldn’t utter a word, so she stood to leave, looking dismal and dispirited.

  Lucas felt disturbed by her mood so he held her back and said: “She was the one that shot me. She was also the one that healed me, though with native methods using leaves. She’s one of a kind and I can’t stop thinking about her,” he confessed.

  “Lucas, I’m glad you’re setting the record straight but there is still something you don’t want to tell me. I think you should divulge it now,” Natasha said and held him by the shoulder as she stood close to him, “The time you were shot was night because you went out at night. This is the question; what were you doing out there at night before this happened?”

  Lucas never mentioned going out at night which got him feeling hypnotized, thinking of how she knew about that. He was beginning to suspect that Natasha knew more than he thought she does. He didn’t know how to circumvent this time because he was bereft of more lies.

  “I wasn’t there at night but in the day time,” he lied.

  “The particular day this incidence took place, I was with you in the office throughout the day, meaning that whatever happened took place at night. Lucas, where were you when the hunter-girl shot you?”

  The Last question rumbled in his head like a thunderbolt which got his head spinning with confusion. He didn’t just know what to say anymore, so he decided to come out straight and lay his cards on the table.

  “Well, I started a secret laboratory experiment which ended up wrongly, so something strange started happening to me since then,” he said with all seriousness and solemnity.

  “I know about it already, but have been waiting for you to own up,” Natasha said and caressed his hair. “I’d been following you around, trailing your actions and I knew when the first transformation started, but I was heartbroken that you never confided in me, just as I always confide in you.”

  Lucas was perplexed hearing that. He was drowned in deep discombobulation which made him feel so pricked by his conscience for keeping his best friend in the dark for long without knowing that she’d known everything.

  After heaving a deep sigh, Lucas shook his head in dismay and said: “When did you know?”

  “From the onset,” Natasha answered to his bewilderment, “I knew what happened in the laboratory because I started following you when I noticed that you were carrying out some secret experiments. I knew about Brian’s involvement too but I didn’t see you guys when the transformation started.”

  “This is amazing,” Lucas maundered, “I’m sorry that I never divulged the secret to you. I felt it would scare you away from me.”

  “What you’re feeling for the girl you met in the woods is normal,” Natasha stated informatively, “But there may be a problem. Now that you’re a Werebear, you’ll be sharing a lot with your best friend, Brian. You don’t just share your thoughts for nothing. It was because you guys were transformed using the same laboratory experiment. You took the same injection which makes you two to be like cloned humans with lots of things in common. The only problem you’ll have is that Werebears mate in a group. When they have sex with just one girl, she couldn’t be a victim at the end because there is a substance called Nurum which makes you super-active to the point that when your libido is high, you could get aggressive and injure your partner in the process. Right now, your cock would be more enlarged than it used to be.”

  Lucas was so surprised that Natasha knew a lot even more than he ever knew abou
t shapeshifters. It was then obvious to him that he wasn’t the only one carrying out a research.

  “How did you know about all these?” Lucas asked absently and thoughtfully, with lots going on in his mind.

  “I was never interested in the research until I discovered that you’ve been transformed, so I went into serious studies to make sure that I keep you covered so that you wouldn’t be harmed by the aftermath of being a shape-shifter,” she answered.

  Lucas took his time to think about the sex part which got him busy trying to shrug away his thoughts but he was already thinking of the inevitable which could happen if he ends up going deep in a relationship with Tessie.

  “By the group sex as a trait inherent in a shape-shifter, what were you trying to make me understand?” he asked, demanding to hear the words, even though he was afraid of the answers he’d get.

  “For you to have sex with the hunter girl of your dream, you’ll have to involve Brian, so that you wouldn’t kill the poor girl in the process,”

  “Is there any way I can avert it?” Lucas asked trying to think through the most difficult part; doing what he’d never done in his life.

  “There is no way out for now but the study still continues,” she answered, “if I get some information, I’ll let you know,” she promised.

  The answer wasn’t convincing to Lucas because he already knew that she wasn’t sure of what she said but just to make him feel better for the moment as he assimilates the bitter truth about his recent nature.

  ***Inevitable threesome***

  Lucas was sunk in deep thoughts as he found his way to the woods to meet Tessie. He couldn’t imagine having a threesome, even though a part of him craved for it, but whenever that part starts cropping up, he shuns it.

  Brian already started having a serious tender feeling for Tessie too which had been his own nightmare because he knew that Lucas felt the same way. The last thing he ever wanted was anything that could lead to a fracas or faceoff between him and his best friend.

  Brian stayed for some nights not thinking straight but always seeing himself having a hot sex with pretty Tessie in his dreams. He tried to blot out the emotions and obsession but the more he tried, the more the feelings became intense within him.

  As Lucas was heading to the cabin, he met Brian who sat by a tree and thinking of how to go and meet Tessie.

  “Hey, big boy,” Lucas called out, which distracted Brian’s deep thoughts, “what are you doing here as if you just lost your way?”

  “I just wanted to rest for a while, and then continue,” Brian lied.

  “Hmmm, just to rest and continue?” Lucas asked and smiled.

  “Well, you’re already in my thoughts,” Brian said admittedly, “you should figure out the rest,”

  Lucas came closer and sat beside him under the tree. He crossed his hand over Brian’s shoulder the way he used to do when they were kids. “I know everything, which is why I’ve been thinking too. As Werebears, we have the power to seduce any girl to have sex with us but Tessie seems to be too sweet and good to be used as a victim of such powers,”

  “That’s what I am thinking too; especially ascertaining the fact that she already loves you but doesn’t want to admit it. I feel bad because I recently started having some feelings that I couldn’t just get over. She’s all over my thoughts and I just don’t know how to go about it without hurting her or you.”

  “There is something that we can’t avoid,” Lucas said and took a deep breath.

  “What could that be?” Brian asked with curiosity.

  “First thing you need to know is that Natasha knows everything already,” Lucas said and patted his back gently, “she’d been on my trail since I started experimenting about the Werebear-human relationship,”

  “Whoa…whoa, how much does she know?” Brian asked with his lips fallen apart in awe.

  “Everything,” Lucas answered, “But she said something that got me fear-stricken but I am beginning to like the feeling I get whenever I think about it.”

  “What could that be?” Brian asked, itching for answers without delay.

  “A threesome; you, me and Tessie,” Lucas muttered.

  Brian started laughing because he thought that Lucas wasn’t being serious. “I know you didn’t mean that? Do you?” he asked laughingly.

  “I’m dead serious,” Lucas assured him, “read my mind if you are in doubt.”

  “But what could be the reason, even though I’ve had a threesome once and it was a sweet experience,” Brian said and chuckled.

  “Oh, Jeez!” Lucas yelled and covered his mouth with his palm, “You never told me about this. I knew it but I wasn’t sure,”

  “What did you know?” Brian asked trying to disguise his glee.

  “I knew that something could go on between you and the two friends in college. Are you trying to deny that they weren’t the victims of your threesome?”

  “Okay, I admit,” Brian said, “But they lured me to it. Sarah started it with that hot romance she had with Sandra before me which got me interested in watching the lesbians, but I ended up being invited. At first, I didn’t accept it but later I enjoyed it. I fucked the girls for about three months in what I consider a marathon sex before we all got tired because Sophia relocated to San Francisco with her parents.”

  “I can see,” Lucas said with great amazement as he imagined how the sex episode could be. “This is weird and I can’t wait to experience it,”

  “You’d like it,” Brian assured him, “trust me.”

  “I used to nurse this untold guilt since Natasha made me understand that you and I can’t have sex with a girl without a threesome but now that you’ve opened my eyes to this sleazy part of your life, I’m beginning to languish in ecstasy and desire to see it happen to me too.”

  “Then, let’s make it happen,” Brian suggested. “As you can see, she’s already painting her nails as she sits on her balcony,” Brian observed and pointed towards the direction of Tessie’s house.

  With the human eyes, they wouldn’t have seen that far but with the eyes of the Werebear, they already saw her and knew what she was doing.

  “Let’s make a move then,” Lucas said and dragged Brian up, “But wait, let’s first get her attention before we can introduce the other part of it.”

  “I have an idea,” Brian proposed.

  “I know you’re the bad ass,” Lucas humored, “sell your ideas to me then.”

  “We can’t have sex with her at once, but being that she’s already in love with you, you’ll go first and start the show, then I’ll just bump into the sex scene and feel seduced, so I can join,”

  “That makes much sense,” Lucas hollered, “that’s such a good idea.”


  Tessie kept painting her nails but thinking deeply about her feelings and the weird direction it was taking her to. She was beginning to have deep kind feelings for the two guys in equal measures. She admires Lucas’s charisma and gentleness and also admires Brian’s liveliness and easygoing nature. She was just confused, even though she’d made up her mind to say a Yes to Lucas because she couldn’t just have two friends as lovers all at once. As she thought about those whole mind-troubling issues of the emotion, she unwittingly still wanted to have the two guys even though she hates to think about such.

  As she was busy painting her nails, Lucas entered and climbed the staircase while Tessie looked at him through the colonnades but pretended not to notice that he was coming.

  “Hi, pretty,” Lucas greeted and came close to her, “I love pink,”

  “Is it because I’m using a pink nail polish?” she asked and thrust her hand forward for a handshake while he grabbed her hand and kissed it.

  “I love the pink color; pink nail polish, pink high-heeled shoes, pink thong, pink…”

  “Hey, it’s okay,” She retorted courteously, “I know you must mention pink panties.”

  “Ha-ha,” he grinned and sat beside her on the sofa, “I came to keep you
company and to make you happy but I don’t know how to do that.”

  “Having you around has already done all that,” she assuredly said. “I have missed you but I hate to admit that I’m missing a Werebear,” she jested.

  “I know it isn’t easy falling in love with a beast…”

  “Please, stop,” Tessie interrupted, “I never said you’re a beast…The truth is that I love you…but…oh sorry, I didn’t mean to say that last part but...”

  “I love you more,” Lucas replied abruptly, “since the day you showed me love and care, even without knowing that I was a human, I fell in love with you. I’ve never stopped thinking about you and nothing will make me to,”

  “But I’m a black girl,” Tessie complained.

  “I never dated a white before, even though I am one,” Lucas informed her. “I was simply afraid of myself because I couldn’t find it easy to keep a relationship.”

  “Why did you say that?” Tessie asked with rapt attention and ardent listening.

  “I used to be so harsh and hot tempered, which was the reason why I lost my ex-girlfriend,” he answered palely, “even though I’ve fallen for you emotionally, I still kept being afraid because of this nature that I keep sweeping under the carpet of oblivion.”

  “I now understand it, but you look calm and mature still.”

  “Yes, I am, but when the bitter part of me is triggered, I lose control.”

  “Did you get that behavior before or after the laboratory mistake?” she asked in a bid to dig deeper into the root of the hot temperament.

  “Before the shape-shifter's incidence,” he answered, “it’s not just about alteration in gene or DNA but nature I was born with.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind and ensure that I won’t allow it happen,” Tessie promised, “you said that when your anger is triggered you start showing the ugly temperament; therefore, I won’t allow you to be angry.”

  “Hmm, that sounds like a yes to my friendship proposal,” Lucas said and chuckled.


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