The White Whispers

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The White Whispers Page 62

by Kizzie Hayes

  The majority of the party goers were in their early twenties, but Maya was almost certain that there were teenagers from Whitney getting drunk and having a good time. Someone offered her and Ian beer in an iconic red plastic cup and at the far edge of the field, several people were having a jam session on acoustic guitars as it was too deep in the woods to have power. Maya found herself feeling energized, but beside her Ian was very stiff and tense. It almost seemed like he knew this place as well and something had him on alert. He was so nervous that his knuckles were white as they grasped onto her hand, honestly, it was starting to hurt.

  “Ian what’s the matter with you?”

  “It’s hard to explain.” He sounded like he was hissing through his teeth.

  Maya attempted to wiggle her hand out of his grasp and rubbed her sore fingers once she was finally free. “Please try, you seem like something is bothering you.” That was when she noticed it. People at the party were looking at them, whispering, pointing, and getting the attention of others. It was like a wave effect, soon people at the far end of the field by the musicians were looking their way. It wasn’t everyone, but enough people for Maya to notice and feel her stomach get queasy.

  Before she could ask Ian what was going on, someone strode up to them, and Maya gasped. Initially, it was because she recognized Michael. He wore a green and white plaid flannel shirt and dark jeans, he looked incredibly handsome in the firelight. But she was shocked by the way he looked at Ian. It wasn’t just that he was surprised to see Maya there with another man, but Michael looked at Ian like he hated him and wanted to see him dead.

  Was he that jealous? Was this her fault for not telling Michael that she might have had unresolved feelings for Ian or any man? But then Michael spoke, and Maya was confused more than ever.

  “What are you doing here?” He spat this at Ian, almost as if he knew him.

  Ian held his head high. “I was invited.”

  “How the hell do you know Maya?” Michael demanded.

  “Ian’s in my British Literature class,” Maya explained, but Michael pretty much ignored her, staring at Ian like he was lower than garbage.

  “You don’t belong here, It’s not your land.” He all but snarled. People were beginning to stare, and Maya noticed that it was the same people that had noticed their presence before. Other people went along blissfully unaware with their booze.

  “It’s not your land either,” Ian replied, the edge in his voice rising. “It’s no man’s land. Not to mention, I was invited here by Maya. You know the rules. If I am invited, it is my job to protect…”

  “Shut up you idiot!” He exclaimed. “You claim you are this greater than thou guardian, and here you are about to expose us to this entire party!”

  Maya stared at the boys dumbfounded, she hadn’t expected them to know each other, and yet there they were making a scene. It wasn’t exactly over her having feelings for the both of them; it was more, and it had her confused.

  “What’s going on? I need to know what you are talking about.”

  “There you go precious prince, now we the cat’s out of the bag.” Michael spit furiously. “Maya, I can’t believe you, did you almost have sex with the backstabber too?”

  Ian turned and looked at Maya incredulously. “What? You know this ruffian excuse of a man, and you almost did what with him?”

  This whole trying to figure out who she wanted to be with more was seriously blowing up in her face. Regardless, she stuck to her guns; they had been arguing over something that didn’t have to do with her, something that was causing bad blood, that had taken place long before she’d been around.

  “I want to know what’s going on. I want to know now. I will tell you everything you need to know when I get some answers,” Maya demanded.

  The two would-be enemies stared at each other for a few minutes before Ian finally spoke. “Fine, let’s go somewhere we can get some privacy.”


  They walked in silence away from the party. Maya followed them through the dark woods stumbling over tree roots and rocks in the path. Ian and Michael didn’t use flashlights or their phones to guide the way, yet they were more sure-footed than she was in the dark.

  When they finally stopped in front of what appeared to be an abandoned ranger’s house, Maya got this really strange feeling that she’d been there before. Although she’d gone to the state forest on hikes, she’d never come across the dilapidated cabin before, yet something told her that being here was significant.

  “What’s going on?” Maya asked the men. She was nervous especially since the tension was thick between them. Having to pick one of them was going to be hard enough, but now that she got the vibe that they hated each other, it was going to be that much more difficult.

  “I’ll tell you once you tell me what you’re doing with this ginger freak.” Michael retorted.

  “Excuse you?” Maya said, placing her hand on her hips. “I’m not telling you anything–” But Maya stopped herself before she could get the words out. She could tell by looking at their upset expressions that she would be the one to have to explain herself first.

  “This is not how I wanted things to turn out. Well, I guess I am a jerk for being Ian here when you invited me and I clearly know how you feel about me, Michael.” She tried to meet his eyes, and he continued to look off into the dense forest. “I’m sorry for that. It’s just no one’s ever really made me feel special like you guys did. I had planned on making my choice after tonight.”

  “…and?” It was the first time she’d ever heard Ian use a rude tone with her. She told herself that she deserved it, but it still hurt all the same.

  Maya bit her lip and shut her eyes, willing herself to stay calm and not cry in front of them. “I think I’ve come to the conclusion that I can’t be with either of you, and that really sucks. Ian, you are brilliant and compassionate; you’ve helped me more than you know with class. I know you would provide for me like no has ever done before. Michael, you make smile and laugh until I cry, and you are so passionate that it is hard to not get carried away like we almost did the other night. Life would never be boring by your side; I would never be bored with you.

  “You are both handsome, and as I said, there may be different things about both of you that make it very difficult to choose. But there’re a few things that made me question if getting involved with you was the right choice, even more so after what I’ve experienced tonight.”

  For the first time all night, Michael and Ian looked at each other with an expression other than hatred. Their faces almost seemed apprehensive.

  It was Michael, while still looking at Ian, who said, “Like what?”

  “Both of you are extremely secretive about your lives, especially you, Michael, and I’ve know you since we were eighteen. It makes me wonder what you are doing that you won’t tell me about. Then I come here, and you guys clearly know and dislike each other, and you won’t tell me why. It just adds insult to injury. I haven’t even begun talking about all the covering I have to do for you, Ian, when you’ve missed class. Michael you’re always out of work the same days of the month.” Suddenly a thought washed over Mia. “You know what, I just realized that you are both “sick” the same days of the month. You are hiding something from me. I don’t know what it is, but you are going to tell me or I’ll walk down the hill and never speak to either of you again.”

  She was met with a stagnant, painful silence. The boys stared at each other as if having an argument that she couldn’t hear, or that they were goading each other to make the first move. The tension made Maya want to scream.

  “You see, there’s a logical explanation for all of this. We…” Ian began.

  Michael cut him off with an exasperated yell. “Shut up. You know Maya, your right. I’ve known you way too long to lie anymore. I call out of work a few days every month because of the lunar calendar. I can’t be out during a full moon because I am a werewolf.”

  Ian looked like he
wanted to kill Michael for saying such a ridiculous thing in front of Maya, he’d even made a fist like he was going to strike him. Eventually, he relaxed his hand and put it down at his side. He heaved a sigh and looked at Maya sadly.

  “Oh, what’s the use. He’s right. He’s a werewolf, and so am I.”


  Maya stared at the two of them dumbfounded. “What?” She sputtered. “Do you really expect me to believe that?”

  “Come on, Maya,” Michael urged. “I know it’s insane, but I swear to you. My name is Michael Lowell, I come from a long line of men that can become wolves.”

  “Not that long…” Ian jabbed from over in his spot where he stood with his arms over his chest. Michael glowered at him with narrowed eyes.

  Maya shook her head in frustration. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Long line of men? I thought werewolves were bitten?”

  “That sweet Maya is what is called an Urban Legend,” Ian answered and walked to where she was standing. “The werewolves that live alongside men are from ancient family lines, and they are the animals that you see in the wild. They are one and the same.”

  Somewhere in the back of Maya’s mind, she recalled her dream and once more she felt that familiar sense of Déjà vu. She saw a clearing in her mind and two wolves staring at one another. One was black and the other reddish brown. Was it possible that her subconscious was warning her of what was to come? If that was true, she remembered the rest of her dream and wondered if that was an omen, too.

  “I’m not sure if you are familiar with Celtic folklore. Werewolves are not wicked there, they are guardians, protectors of the people. They are seen as royalty.” Ian continued.

  “Yes, in their own minds perhaps,” Michael argued. “You are not royalty Ian Lyall. You are just the heir in a family of wolves as I am, but for some reason, your family thinks they are better than mine, all because they have more money in the human world.”

  Ian laughed. “Is that what you truly think Lowell? That we’re the guardians of this forest because we’re richer than you?” When Michael did nothing more than glare at him, he continued. “You don’t have pure blood. You and your family are not much better than dogs. Bastards, ruffians, and thieves the lot of you.”

  Maya was convinced that Michael was going to beat Ian’s face into a bloody pulp at the way the red headed man insulted him. She had the feeling that only reason why he still rooted to his spot was because she was in his presence. Maya decided that she had been quiet for long enough.

  “Let me get this straight. You are “werewolves,” She used air quotes as spoke. “As you are speaking I am getting the vibe that your families hate each other.” She looked at them both. “Why?”

  “The Lowell’s should be guardians of the forest,” Michael answered.

  “The Lyall’s have protected these woods since settlers arrived here. We had our orders. Your family is simply jealous, and if you stayed on your own land, there would be no problems.”

  “So you’re in the middle of a turf war or something, and you are more concerned about which of you is going to become my boyfriend.” Once more Maya was hit with a wave of realization. She remembered all the news stories and radio segments about people disappearing in the woods. She gasped. “The wolves in the Whitney woods. Was that you?”

  In the darkness, she could still see Ian’s face fall. “Sort of. Five of the eight missing were various people from our feuding families being kept as prisoners of war. The three that are dead were humans that got in the way.”

  “Humans that you were supposed to protect because it’s your family’s job.” Michael reminded Ian. “Wasn’t it the Lyall wolves that attacked them? The regal Lyall wolves giving all of us a bad name? He smirked his signature smirk. What normally made Maya’s heart skip a beat was full of cockiness.

  “Okay, OKAY!” Maya exclaimed. “Enough with the arguing. Please.” Maya thought about keeping what she was thinking to herself, but hearing them go back and forth was making her sick. “That clearing, where the party is. That’s no man’s land, isn’t it? Or if it isn’t, it’s on the border of Lowell land because people were watching Ian when he arrived. I’ve seen it before. I’ve seen you as wolves before too. At least I think I have.”

  “What are you talking about Maya?” Michael asked.

  “I had a dream. I saw things that didn’t make sense. But they do now.”

  Ian and Michael stared at each other again, their faces full of surprise. For the first time all night it wasn’t with anger or concern, but it was almost surprise or awe.

  “There was a prophecy that foretold that such thing would occur. Almost as long as these families have been on North American soil.” Ian said stunned, almost trance-like.

  “Could this story get any crazier?” Maya exclaimed. “If there was a full moon, I’d demand that you turn into a wolf. Go ahead, tell me this prophecy.”

  This time, it was Michael that answered. He also sounded shocked as he explained the tale. “There is to be a human that will bind the families. That will stop the feuding. She will understand her purpose through a dream.”

  “Let’s say that it’s true, let’s say that I’m the one to end this feud, and honestly, I’d be happy to not hear you fighting or have the people in my town scared out of their wits. What, pray tell, is my purpose?” Suddenly neither of the guys wanted to look her in the eye. They stared at their shoes or into the night. Maya already had a feeling that she knew what they were going to say, but she pushed them anyway. “Tell me.”

  Ian cleared his throat uncomfortably. “The human’s purpose is that of pleasure. She is to be a concubine.”


  Maya felt foolish for staring at Ian and Michael with her mouth hanging open but this night, hell the whole entire week was unbelievable. The dream that had shocked her and embarrassed her it had been a warning, a preview of what was to come.

  “Is that what you want of me?” She murmured. “To belong to you both?” She swallowed hard at putting herself in such a position. But deep in her heart, she knew that this was why she couldn’t make the difficult decision to love only one of them. It was not her choice; somehow she was involved in this feud just as much as they were.

  “The prophecy says that if the heirs are satisfied, then the families will keep the peace. The humans that reside near these woods will not be harmed. “

  Maya thought of the hysterics of the people in her town. How they were living in fear, of how they were ready to kill every single wolf in a hundred-mile radius if that was what it took to keep people from disappearing. If her being intimate with the men in her life helped the greater good, she was willing to do it. Maya was coming to the conclusion that she was a selfish person who didn’t know how to control her urges. What better way to take care of herself while she was able to take care of those around her, those that didn’t even know about werewolves or peace treaties?

  “Don’t let the ginger pressure you.” Michael attempted to comfort. “You have no ties to us. You don’t have to do anything you are uncomfortable with.”

  Maya shut her eyes once more and willed herself to find strength. “Michael please.” She whispered. “I do have ties with you. If I don’t do this, you will continue to fight, and I don’t want to see you harmed by ignorant humans or each other. I accept.” She finally let her voice and body tremble as she became wrought with emotion. “How do we fulfill this prophecy?” She remembered her dream, she knew the answer, but something made her ask anyway. “Do you take turns?”

  It seemed impossible for Ian to look any more uncomfortable than he had during the course of the evening, but his jaw set further and he brow furrowed as he attempted to stammer the words. “It must be consummated altogether.”

  Maya nodded, not surprised in the least. Now she understood why she seemed to remember the rangers cabin. She knew now what was going to happen inside. Without a word she approached the old building and walked up the rickety steps. She reached for the tarnished
brass doorknob, and it turned, the door groaning on its hinges.

  The dark room was exactly how she remembered it. It was bare with the exception of a desk pushed into the corner of the room. The moonlight from a waning moon cast shadows across the floorboards. Maya turned around to find Ian and Michael standing close to the door. Ian shut it behind them. The squeaking door caused the silence that followed to be almost painful.

  “Lowell, when it comes time to take her, you can have her first.” Ian offered. “You knew her first.”

  Michael nodded once before he stared into Maya’s eyes. “Are we really doing this?”

  The fact that it mirrored her dream gave her the chills. This was indeed mean to happen. She nodded her head quickly, trying to quell her nerves. “This is what I want.”

  Just like he was on replay Ian went to stand behind her. “Then who are we to refuse?”

  It was time. Maya knew that she wouldn’t be interrupted by her sister this time. It was truly happening.


  Maya decided that she wanted what happened to her next to be different than what she had seen in her dream. If she was going to experience a threesome in the flesh, she wanted to savor it, and she wanted to be in control of her destiny.

  Instead of letting Ian take off her clothes, she removed them herself. Though her hands trembled, she pulled them off on her own. Once she was completely naked, she stood before them as proudly as she could and let them take in her wavy blonde hair and beautiful hourglass shaped body. Though the men were from different clans, though they might have had their differences, they stared at Maya with awe and desire. But before they could put their hands on her, she strode to Michael and began to kiss him fiercely as she undid the buttons on his flannel shirt.

  Kissing him was easy; it was just like it had been that night after her date or that night by their cars. Once his shirts were gone, she unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them to the floor. Just when Michael looked like he might become ravenous, she turned from him and made her way across the room to Ian, where she gave him the same treatment. She kissed him and found that he was more aggressive than he had been earlier in the night. Soon the trio was completely naked, and Maya was ready to take things into her own hands once more, and as she dropped to her knees, she couldn’t help but smirk. She was literally going to be taking things into her own hands.


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