The White Whispers

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The White Whispers Page 128

by Kizzie Hayes

  “That’s kind of weird...” Heavy, Sasha’s voice was low and husky but she managed not to stutter. Antoni was unwrapping her like a cherished present he’d waited too long for. It made her heart flutter erratically in her chest that he could feel that kind of thing just by smelling her. Heat slithered in her veins, and she closed her eyes with a slight sigh. Behind her eyelids his light, tanned skin contrasted hers, her mind’s eye following his touch as he slid her jeans down her legs.


  Turning to shut off the tub faucet, Antoni checked the water before lifting Sasha with an arm under her glorious, tight ass. She wasn’t stick thin, with a body he could squeeze even though it wasn’t chubby. He kept her underclothes on, wanting to save the best for last. She wasn’t aroused, but he hadn’t been trying to get her there. Settling her carefully into the water, he liked that she had a relatively larger bath tub. It meant he could get in with her.

  Antoni climbed into the tub with her, but Sasha didn’t open her eyes. His legs cradled hers, and he gently massaged her right foot. Under the water it didn’t tickle as it would’ve if it were dry. Sighing, she sunk deeper into the tub and let her head loll to the side. The hot water sucked the tension of the day from her muscles, and he slowly moved up her calf, fingers kneading incessantly.

  “I remember the first time I came to America as an adult. My sister lived in New York state at the time, and I liked it there. When she got pregnant she moved down here, excited that it was the perfect place to have a family. Things are different here, you know. In Italy we don’t have packs, we just have areas of land. Wolf shifters are family there, all related by blood. Here, there are a lot more shifters from many families. My sister wants me to buy a house in her neighborhood so when we are together, we can be close.”

  Antoni talked about his family, about Italy and the places he’d been. He talked about himself and what he liked and didn’t like. All of it flowed right over Sasha’s head as his hands massaged her flesh. Calves, outer thighs, inner thighs; he rubbed and caressed and squeezed sweetly as his voice created background music.

  When he couldn’t go any higher Antoni gathered her up, and Sasha felt like a limp noodle. She hadn’t felt so relaxed in years. No one had paid attention to her body like this before, not even herself. It made her skin tingle from the numbness that crept up on her. Wrapped haphazardly in a towel, she wondered if she made the right decision by being so stubborn. Then again this could just be a one-time thing meant to lure her in, her rationality told her.

  Being set front first on her bed, she couldn’t find it in her to care.

  Sitting lightly on Sasha’s thighs, Antoni started working on her back with growing affection blossoming in his chest. When she was taken care of she was actually quite docile, and he liked that about her. He enjoyed her fire and her rain. Most males knew their mate was perfect for them, but he felt it more than he thought he would. Her dark skin was beautiful between his fingers, soft and smooth under his palms. His thoughts couldn’t trail any lower or he’d be in trouble.

  “Y- yeah...” A soft moan left Sasha’s mouth as Antoni moved to her lower back, and she pushed herself up a bit. Even her groggy mind registered the turning point. Leaning over her, he mouthed her skin even while his hands continued their magic, leaving only long enough to brush her hair to the side.

  “Yeah? Do you like it there?” Mumbling, Antoni nibbled her shoulder and a shiver slid down Sasha’s spine. It was like a dirty secret shared only between them. Forcing one eye open, she glanced up dazedly before he pressed all of his chest to her back.

  “Oh-h-” Grinding against her ass, Antoni flicked his tongue over Sasha’s ear and drew out another moan. She wasn’t a virgin by any stretch of the imagination, but still she had no idea what to expect. It was kind of exciting to be faced with the unknown.

  Slowly Antoni rolled her onto her back, and Sasha let out a sigh as he nestled between her thighs. His kiss was soft, coaxing her into a passionate and slow meeting of lips. A small smile curved her mouth at the sudden idea of how her parents would react if they saw her right now. They would disown her, do anything they could to ruin her life. Hell, they’d probably even try to go after her job.

  “What’s so funny, mio piccolo tesoro?” Letting out a huff, Sasha arched her back slightly as Antoni’s lips hovered just above her own.

  “My parents...” There was a second huff that didn’t come from her, and she lazily reached up to pull his face back down. Leisurely they kissed, gently grinding together. He didn’t fondle her, but his hard member between her thighs was enough to heat her blood. The faintest of tightness was overtaking her belly, and her arm fell above her head when she couldn’t hold it up anymore.

  Gasping at the hot, silky flesh that slid between her folds, Sasha opened her legs a bit more before Antoni moved away from her mouth. With care he thrust his hips and pulled back until the tip of his cock was positioned at her entrance. Kissing her jaw and cheek, he tensed against her before thrusting once again. His groan mingled with her moan, mixing together in a moment of muted heat. She could feel every ridge and seam, ever vein. He was the perfect length for her, hips touching but no pressure.

  “Ah-h-h...” Exiting her, Antoni ground his teeth together as Sasha’s channel sucked him in. She was hot around him, wet and tight and made perfectly for his cock. Beneath him she arched and writhed weakly, her face contorted in pleasure. Lips apart, she might’ve been in more bliss than he was. Picking up his pace, he clenched the bedspread between his fingers as sweat began to accumulate on his back and shoulders.

  Antoni went slow and steady, and Sasha was drowning in the feeling of what was more than sex. He was making love to her, caressing her from the outside in. The coils in her abdomen began to tighten as he soothed her walls sweetly. Coaxing them into a fit of spasms, his length slid in and out of her in a beautiful dance made just for her. Again and again they came together, hips touching only to be pulled apart once more.

  “Sasha...” When the time finally came, Sasha imploded, but instead of fire and lava there were flowers. Antoni weighed down on her, panting heavily in her ear as she did the same. She couldn’t move with his body pressed against hers, and she didn’t want to. There was nothing now; nothing but him and her and the darkness that crept up on the edges of her consciousness. Snuggling into his chest, she felt him softening inside her but paid in no mind.

  Maybe when she woke up they could do it again when she wasn’t so tired from his massage.

  “Good night, mio piccolo tesoro.” Taking Sasha against his side, Antoni was already feeling the struggle of what was to come. He was going to spend as much time as he possibly could here before she woke up, and then he would leave. A man of his word, his mother had described him once. Holding his mate, he frowned as he inhaled her scent, her femininity mixed with his sweat and the staling smell of sex. Slowly he began to shift, being careful not to wake her. Dark brown fur the same color as her skin sprouted all over him, and it didn’t take long for his four legged form to take hold. Throwing his massive paw over her midsection, he nudged and tugged as gently as he could manage. It helped that she rolled into him, burying her face and tangling her fingers in his fur as her knees pulled up.

  Waking up the next morning, Sasha groggily rolled over expecting to hit the body that had been beside her. All she felt was warmth slowly seeping from the sheets, though. Cracking open her eyes, she frowned lightly and lifted her head to look around. Instantly the sensation of having a drunken one night stand speared her chest, and she let her head down with a huff. Staring at the ceiling, her palms came up to rub her eyes before she let out a heavy sigh.

  Antoni really hadn’t been kidding when he said he would leave before she woke up. Unsure of how to feel about it, Sasha pulled her comforter over her face and took a breath. It didn’t smell like laundry detergent anymore. Instead, the lingering scent of sex and sweat wrapped around the inside of her nostrils and a groan escaped her.

  It took a l
ong while for Sasha to get out of her bed and when she did her legs were like jelly. Shuffling somberly to the bathroom, her last experience flashed vividly in her mind’s eye. A frown overtook her face, and she shook her head furiously to be rid of the visions. She couldn’t think about that now.

  “Hey Sasha, I know it’s pretty short notice but the camp coordinators want all of the counselors to come in on Thursday for orientation. You’re going to be here from then on, so make sure you pack accordingly. See you in a few days!”

  Groaning into her cell phone, Sasha hit the ‘end’ button with what seemed like a permanent frown on her face. It was already Tuesday, and ‘short notice’ was an understatement. Leaning on the back of her chair, she let her head fall back and contemplated the mess that was her life right now. Being a teacher wasn’t a full time job that went year in and year out. That was the only reason she was doing this camp thing. If she had a choice she wouldn’t be, though.

  She hated camps; all of the bugs and the smells and the general outdoors-ie-ness wasn’t her cup of tea. It paid well, and she had to constantly remind herself of that.

  Antoni had left his number in her phone before leaving, and Sasha stared at it for a moment. Everything he’d said, everything he’d told her, came rushing back. Even knowing so much about him, he was still a stranger. She didn’t even know what he did for a living, but somehow knew all of this other seemingly more important information about him. Hovering over the call button, her thumb wavered before she took the plunge.

  Who was she kidding anyway? Sasha didn’t date for many reasons and Antoni had basically snatched away all of her doubts about it. He wasn’t a slum runner or a wannabe gangster like she’d seen so many times before. It was glaringly obvious he was the exact opposite, in fact. Not only was he a successful man that clearly had his life together, but if she wanted to get technical he was more than just a man.

  “Hello?” Antoni’s voice rang through the speaker and Sasha didn’t offer a response immediately. Taking a breath, she lifted her head to stare at the table with furrowed eyebrows.

  “I have to work at an overnight camp for the summer.” Blurting out the tidbit of information, Sasha held her lungs still as some faint noise crackled over the line. When Antoni did speak up she could practically hear his smirk, and it didn’t make her feel any better about her indecision.

  “Oh yeah? You didn’t strike me as an overnight camp kind of woman, you know.” Across town Antoni leaned on the railing of the deck with a smile on his face. Sasha had called him earlier than he expected. It made pure male pride spear his chest because he must’ve done something right. He couldn’t resist teasing her a little, and she huffed into the receiver before replying with a grumble.

  “I’m not. But anyway... I guess what I’m trying to say is...that...”

  “You want me to wait for you.” Antoni felt a full blown smirk grow on his face when Sasha didn’t respond, choosing instead to keep her mouth shut. She didn’t deny or accept his statement, but he knew he was right. Turning to stare at the back yard, he switched his cell phone from one ear to the other.

  “I can do that, mio piccolo tesoro. If you want you can tell me which camp you’re going to and I can sneak into your cabin t-”

  “No! No, don’t do that. You just stay right here, you got it?”

  Rolling his eyes, Antoni wondered how Sasha could already be ordering him around. He didn’t object, though; he wasn’t really serious in the first place.

  “Fine. When do you leave?” Pushing herself from her chair, Sasha’s frown fought a losing battle with her smile as she wandered to the refrigerator. There wasn’t any awkwardness to their conversation, and Antoni hadn’t turned into a stuck up prick that pretended he didn’t know her. It was a step up, at least.

  “Thursday morning. Early.” Sasha held the phone between her ear and her shoulder as she rifled for something to eat. Her kitchen was almost empty, her refrigerator bare of everything but a half dozen eggs and half a loaf of bread. There wasn’t even any milk. If she bought more food, she’d just end up throwing it away, though.

  “So do you want me to come back? I help you get acquainted with your wild side.” Mercilessly flirting with her, Antoni’s offer made Sasha giggle, which wasn’t something she did often.

  “I think I need all the help I can get.”

  Maybe Antoni wasn’t such a bad idea after all.


  Another bonus story is on the next page.

  Bonus Story 40 of 44

  The Moonlit Guardians

  Paul ran so hard that his lungs burned in his rib cage. As he ran, his body bent and creaked, transforming from his bear form on all fours back to a man on two long human legs. His brother, Andre, had bothered a den of wolves, and once again Paul was cleaning up one of his brother’s messes. Hopefully, it would be finished before sunset. Once the full moon was high in the sky, the pack would call to any of the werewolves close by, and he and Andre would never stand a chance.

  He could see through the dense trees arched over the deserted highway that the sky was painted purple and orange. Night was coming, and they had no shelter. The two brothers beat the pavement, eating up mile after mile to escape the pack of wolves racing about six miles behind them.

  “We lost them, right?” Andre gasped from behind him.

  Paul could hear his brother’s footsteps fade. He had slowed down to a stop. Paul’s bare, tanned feet skid against the asphalt, and he leaned with his hands on his knees to catch his breath.

  “Why did you mess with them anyway?” Paul spat out at his


  Andre shook his long blonde hair, causing enormous drops of sweat to hit the ground.

  “Answer me, Andy!” Paul said, shoving his brother backward.

  “Sorry! I thought the white one was a werewolf. I was just curious, and wanted to see if she wanted to join me at the lake for some … star gazing,” Andre said, smiling.

  “Well, she wasn’t. Clearly! How many times do I have to tell you—”

  “I know. I know. When I look a werewolf in the eyes, there will be a crescent moon reflected back in one of the eyes. Well, to see that, I gotta get close, right? I was just getting a better look,” Andre said, pulling his long wavy hair into a high ponytail.

  “The moon mark is only a wolfen sign. There are others were-creatures though. You should know this already, and you need a haircut,” Paul huffed, scanning the sky for the north star. He raked his hands through his black buzz-cut hair as the clouds shifted and groaned under the weight of the setting sun. The sky would soon be coated in an inky blackness, and they would have no shelter or food.

  “Girls like long hair now, man. That wolf was into me before those other mutts showed up. God, I’m sorry. I could have sworn— anyway; that was a sweet spot back in the woods. Crap! All of our food was in there. What’s the plan now?” Andre asked, rubbing his hands together, after a slight shiver.

  Paul rubbed his hands together too. Cold was settling on the road like a damp blanket. In their human form, the cold was much more noticeable. Fine goosebumps were already trailing across Paul’s broad shoulders. They were, after all, in Alaska for the salmon, and the discretion.

  Paul loved salmon, and the sooner his brother’s transformation was better under control, the sooner they could return to their ruse of being architects in Olympia, Washington. They needed the cold, so they didn’t overheat during transformations. After his brother nearly disrupted an office Christmas party with his beady, black eyes and claws, Paul knew a winter sabbatical was needed.

  He had to teach Andy how to control it. They were only half brothers, and after Andy had turned twenty-seven, he thought the gene skipped him. Apparently, it was just running a little late to the party.

  “Hey Pauly, where did you go?” Andy asked, putting his sweaty hand on his brother’s shoulder, “You zoned off on me.”

  “Nowhere,” Paul grunted, shrugging him off.

  “I said ‘so
rry,' bro,” Andy said.

  “And I’m saying, ‘okay.’ Look, I know this world is new to you, but we only have two weeks before this little vacation is over. No messing with the other shifters, or any other animals for that matter, I mean it. Just cause we can all shift doesn’t mean we’re all friends,” Paul said. He turned around quickly, sniffing the air.

  “Why? Wait, what is it?” Andy said, sniffing the air.

  “Run now, ask questions later,” Paul said, diving onto all fours. His muscles quickly ripped and tore, bulging on new thickened bones. His skin stretched on the new muscle and bone. He was back to being a large, menacing, black bear. His brother followed suit, joining him in his smaller brown bear form.


  The brothers, still in bear form, gnawed in silence on the salmon leaping violently in the stream. Paul had no idea how hungry he was until the pink and silver morsels leaped into his mouth. Andy was doing a lot better at catching them and finally had a rhythm going. Paul jerked his big, black hairy bear head back, swallowing the last mouthful of fish. His brother still hadn’t slowed down. His body was not used to the bear metabolism yet. If he over-ate and transformed back to his human form too soon, he would feel engorged and throw up.

  Paul ran out of the water, collapsing on the bank. Everything around them was black, no light, no noise. Maybe they could sleep in the open in safety.

  Paul stretched his front and hind legs, shook off the water and let his body collapse back into his thirty-year-old, muscular frame.

  “Oh, that was delicious,” Paul said.

  Andre was still munching away.

  “Easy, brother. We aren’t going into hibernation,” Paul said, throwing a rock at Andre. Andre growled at him before snatching a large salmon out of the air.


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