Broken Kingdom : A bad boy college romance (Royal Hearts Academy Book 4)

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Broken Kingdom : A bad boy college romance (Royal Hearts Academy Book 4) Page 12

by Ashley Jade

  Dammit. A snot-nosed little brat shouldn’t be thawing the block of ice around my heart.

  “Stay strong,” I remind her as I stand up.

  Her father is visibly stunned.

  “Bianca Covington,” the woman at the front desk calls out.

  I hike my purse up my shoulder. “That’s me.”

  I’m about to walk away, but think better of it.

  “You care about your daughter, right?”

  The man’s eyes widen. “Of course I do.”

  “Then I suggest you find her a new psychiatrist.”

  His mouth drops open. “Dr. Young came highly recommended.”

  I look him in the eyes. “Trust me, she’s better off with someone else.”

  Pushing past him, I slip my game face on and march into his office.

  Stay strong.

  “What brings you here today, Bianca?” Dr. Young mutters.

  I cross my legs. “I’m pretty sure you already know.”

  Lust flashes in his eyes before he looks away. “I told you I wasn’t comfortable with you coming to my office anymore.”

  It takes every ounce of willpower not to reach over and strangle him.

  I leisurely run a finger up my thigh. “What can I say? I’ve never been good at following instructions.”

  He looks down at his notepad. “I’m aware.”

  Drumming my nails along the armrest of the chair, I give him a menacing grin. “How’s your wife?”

  His jaw bunches. “Bianca—”

  “What’s the matter, Doc? Afraid I’ll tell her and everyone else the truth?”

  He turns ashen. “You promised—”

  “I promised nothing,” I hiss.

  On second thought, he’s right.

  I promised I’d make him pay for what he did.

  I promised that one day I’d make him feel every ounce of pain he caused my family.

  I promised I’d avenge her death.

  The pathetic man looks like he wants to drop to his knees and cry.


  “What do you want?”

  “I want my mother back, but that can’t happen…now can it?”

  Frowning, he rubs his forehead. “I told you I’m so—”

  “Sorry won’t bring her back.”

  He draws in a heavy breath. “What can I—”

  “I need more money.”

  He looks at me like I’m insane. “I wrote you a check for two hundred thousand three months ago. Not to mention, your father is a goddamn billionaire.”

  I stand up and walk over to him. “I’m aware.” I flash him some teeth. “And you’re right, I don’t need your money. I just want to ensure your murdering ass doesn’t get to have any.”

  “I’ve told you time and time again. I didn’t kill—”

  “You have one month to come up with five hundred thousand.”

  His eyeballs nearly pop out of his skull. “You can’t be serious.”

  “As a heart attack.” I tap my chin. “Or rather, a car going sixty miles an hour ramming into a tree and then rolling into a ditch.”

  His expression turns solemn. “You know I don’t have that kind of money.”

  “Not my problem.” I study my nails. “On second thought, it’s no biggie. I’ll just post those videos on every porn site I can think of.”

  Turmoil colors his face. “You swore you wouldn’t do that. Don’t punish her for my mistake—”

  The sharp sting from my hand slapping his cheek practically echoes in the small room. “My mother wasn’t a mistake.”

  She was a tortured soul.

  A tortured soul who trusted him to fix her.

  But he didn’t. Because he was too busy taking advantage of her.

  “Please, Bianca. I am begging you not to do this.”

  I walk over to the door. “Just like my mom begged you before she killed herself?”

  He slumps back in defeat. “I’ll see if I can take out another loan.”

  “You do that.” I start to turn the knob, but pause. “Oh, and one more thing, Mark.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You better warn your cunt daughter to stop spreading lies about me or I’ll release every goddamn thing I have, and our little deal will be off.” I blow him a kiss. “I’ll text you with the time and place you can drop off the check.”

  Chapter 15


  Holy shit.

  Hayley’s dad was Mr. Young, my mom’s psychiatrist.

  And the man she was cheating on my dad with.

  Head whirling, I leave the classroom in a daze.

  It’s safe to say I know exactly why I was blackmailing him now. And that I was using Hayley to do it.

  Not that it makes it right.

  Part of me wants to call Stone and tell him about this new memory, but I can’t.

  I can’t tell anyone.

  I’m so out of it I don’t realize where I’m walking to until the lake comes into view.

  My heart stutters when I spot Oakley sitting on my bench eating a sandwich.

  Stomach churning with nerves, I approach him as one would approach a bomb…with extreme caution.


  His blue eyes widen and he pauses mid-bite.

  “Can we ta—”

  He’s already walking away before I can even get the words out.

  “Please,” I plead as I watch him toss the remainder of his sandwich in a nearby garbage bin. “Just give me two minutes.”

  I can tell he wants to argue, but to my surprise he begrudgingly sits back down on the bench.

  Whatever nerves I had disappear as I take a seat next to him. Despite his hostility toward me…I feel a comfort in his presence.

  “I set your weed on fire,” I utter, recalling one of my recent memories.

  A flicker of amusement crosses his face. “That you did.”

  I give him a rueful smile. “Sorry.”

  He snorts. “It’s fine.”

  Fidgeting, I wipe my damp palms on my jeans. “Do you still write poetry?”

  I’ve clearly caught him off guard because the color drains from his face and he goes still.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ups—”


  He utters my name like he’s on his last breath and I’m his lifeline.


  His lips part on a sharp inhale and his strong throat works as he swallows. “I thought you had amnesia?”

  “I do.”

  For the briefest of moments, the despair lingering in his gaze evaporates. “Then how do you know—”

  “I had another flashback.”

  And just like that, the sadness is back. “Right.”

  It’s as though I sucked the wind right out of his sail. “I’m sorry.”

  His jaw tightens. “Stop apologizing to me.”

  I can’t help it. For some strange reason I feel like I should.

  I have no idea why, though.

  My attention drifts to the lake and the two ducks fighting over a piece of bread in the water.

  “I have to ask you something really awkward.”

  Anxiety lodges in my throat, because despite him turning down my advances in every memory I’ve had, I feel like he knows me.


  “Did we ever…you know…hookup?”

  We stare at one another for what feels like an eternity. The intensity burning in his gaze makes my heart race.

  “Your two minutes are up.”

  Without warning, he gets off the bench.

  There’s a heavy tightness in my chest the moment he walks away.

  Irritation rushes through me and before I can talk myself out of it, my feet follow him.

  “Why won’t you answer me?”

  He stops so short I almost collide into his back.

  The hurt swirling in his eyes nearly brings me to my knees when he turns around.

  A breath shudders out of my lungs and my heart pr
opels into a hard gallop when he grabs my hand. It feels like there’s a live wire connecting our bodies.

  One that wraps around my neck and squeezes when he gestures to my engagement ring and bites out, “That’s why.”

  Face twisting in a scowl, he drops my hand like it’s acid and stalks off.

  And this time, despite the inexplicable connection I feel between us…

  I let him.

  Chapter 16


  For a moment I thought she came back to me.

  I should have known better.

  The muscles in my chest draw tight as I continue sweeping up the trash in the hallway.

  Even if Bianca wasn’t marrying someone else, it still wouldn’t change anything.

  She’s gone…

  Because of me.

  And now I have no choice but to man the fuck up and live with the consequences of my actions.

  The sound of someone laughing callously has the tiny hairs on the back of my neck standing on end.

  I know that laugh.

  I’ve heard it a hundred times before.

  Usually at the expense of whoever was dumb enough to piss Jace off.

  A moment later my former best friend comes into view.

  Eyes narrowed, he drops the soda bottle he was holding…even though the trash can is a mere three feet away.

  “It’s funny as fuck watching trash clean up trash.”

  His anger is more than warranted, but he’s off his rocker if he thinks I’m going to stand here and let him hassle me while I’m trying to work.

  I glare at him. “Pick that up.”

  He takes a step in my direction. “Fuck off.”

  Goddammit. Shit between us is fucked now, but it doesn’t negate the fact that he used to be my best friend.

  Jace was the one who took me under his wing and had my back when I was new in town.

  The one I could talk to about all the fucked-up thoughts going on inside my head whenever I was having a shit day and missed my mom.

  The one who took care of me whenever I’d get high and have a seizure.

  At one point in my life, I would have done anything for him.

  Hell, I still would.

  But it’s obvious the feeling isn’t mutual anymore because here he is…going out of his way to start shit with me.

  He kicks the bottle down the empty hallway. “You pick it up, motherfucker.”

  I’d rather eat shit.

  I take a step toward him. “You might be able to bully everyone else in your life, asshole, but you can’t bully me. I ain’t the fucking one.”

  His nostrils flare. “You ain’t shit, bitch.”

  The fucker was clearly looking for a fight.

  Well, now he’s got one.

  Something inside me snaps and I shove him. “You wanna fight me?”

  I’m no longer mad. I’m fucking enraged.

  At him. At the situation I’m in.

  But mostly? At myself.

  Because I killed someone and lost the girl I love.

  “Take your best shot, mofo.” I tap my chin in invitation. “Right fucking here.”

  He levels me with another cold glare as he winds his fist back.

  I brace myself for the impact. Because I want it.

  But it never comes.

  “Stop it,” Bianca screams in the distance.

  A moment later, she squeezes herself between us. “Leave him alone, Jace.”

  He pushes her away. “Stay out of this.” He winds his fist back again, but Bianca clutches her head and cries out, “Ouch. Holy shit that hurts.”

  That’s all it takes for us to forget our feud and rush to her side.

  My gaze darts over every inch of her, scanning for signs of injury. “What’s wrong?”

  “What happened?” Jace questions, his voice filled with concern.

  It takes everything in me not to pummel him. “She might have hit her head when you shoved her.”

  Jace blanches. “Fuck.” He looks at his sister. “Are you okay?”

  She rubs her temples. “I don’t know. I have a really bad migraine.”

  Without thinking, I reach out and touch her cheek. “Do you want me to—”

  “Get the fuck away from her, asshole,” Jace bites out as he slaps my hand away. “Now.”

  As if sensing another fight between us, Bianca looks at Jace and utters, “Can you walk me back to my dorm?”

  Jace shakes his head. “No. I want to take you to the doctor and get you checked out.”

  Finally, something we can both agree on.

  Despite looking like she wants to object, she nods. “Okay.”

  Jace drapes an arm around her shoulders, and they start ambling down the hallway. “Can you walk? Should I call an ambulance?”

  “I can walk,” she assures him.

  They’re almost to the end of the hall when she tilts her head and our gazes collide.

  It’s a visceral punch to the gut when she gives me a small smile.

  Forcing myself to stay away from her kills me, but keeping my distance is the right thing to do.

  Because she hurt me in ways she doesn’t remember…

  and I hurt her in ways I can’t forget.

  Chapter 17



  The whiskey and ecstasy buzzing through my system is enough to almost knock me on my ass as I stagger through the front door.

  “You live here?” the hot blonde I brought home from the bar squeaks behind me.

  Technically I live in the guesthouse, but I don’t bother telling her that.

  I’m too focused on dragging her up the staircase to my temporary room where I have every intention of bending her over and fucking her till she can’t stand.

  However, the little hottie has different plans because she shoves me onto the bed and drops to her knees.

  Fuck yeah.

  “You gonna wrap those pretty lips around my cock,” I rasp as she drags down the zipper of my jeans.

  “Holy shit,” she breathes as she looks her fill. “You have a cock piercing.”

  Gets them every time.

  She bites her lip. “I’ve never been with a guy with one of those.”

  Propping myself up on my elbows, I grin down at her. “Well, you know what they say. There’s a first time for everything.”

  Shooting me a seductive smile of her own, she utters, “Very true.”

  A moment later she stretches her mouth around the head of my dick.

  However, that’s not what grabs my attention.

  That would be the petite figure I spot through the crack in the door.


  Wearing a tiny white t-shirt and lacy panties, baby Satan’s glaring daggers at me…watching my every move like the little stalker she is.

  But it’s the naughty look in her eyes—the one daring me to continue—that turns my dick to steel.

  Grabbing the back of the girl’s head, I urge her to take me deeper.

  I groan when she does, but it has nothing to do with her.

  It’s the defiant way Bianca’s holding my gaze the entire time. Taunting me.

  Goddammit. I’m sick and tired of her shit.

  “Stop,” I bark.

  The girl jerks in surprise, her movements coming to a halt. “What’s wrong?”

  I dig my wallet out and toss her some cash for a cab. “You need to leave.”

  Bianca shoots me a nefarious smile before she disappears.

  Anger mixed with unwanted lust floods my veins.

  This isn’t over, baby girl.

  Not by a long fucking shot.

  The blonde is understandably offended. “Are you serious?”

  Tucking my dick back into my jeans, I stand. “Yes.”

  And then I brush past her.

  Because it’s time to teach the little wicked princess a lesson.

  One she won’t forget.

  Chapter 18


p; Past…

  I’m not mad.

  I’m fucking furious.

  The fact that Oakley would bring another girl into my home so she could suck him off is…

  Jealousy moves through me like a boulder rolling downhill as I march back into my room.

  For a minute I debate turning around, grabbing the bitch by her hair, and personally tossing her out on her ass, but before I can, my bedroom door swings open and Oakley strides inside.

  “What the hell do you want?”

  Eyes narrowed, Oakley slams my door. “Did you enjoy the show?”

  I tell him the truth.

  “Her technique could use a little work.”

  That only makes him more irate. “That so?” Grimacing, he takes a step forward. “Then why don’t you show me.”

  It’s safe to say I’m effectively thrown. “You want me to show you the right way to get your dick sucked?” My smile is all teeth. “Sorry, sweetie. I don’t do sloppy seconds.”

  Not even for him.

  “No.” He takes another step, closing the distance between us. “I want you to show me how much you want me.”

  I swallow hard, not understanding what he means. “Wh—”

  My breath hitches when he grips my t-shirt between his fingers. “Take this off.” His other hand curls around my hip. A hungry, desperate feeling rolls through me when he drags the pad of his thumb along the lace of my panties and his voice drops to a ragged whisper. “These, too.”

  To say I’m shocked would be an understatement.

  I decide to call his bluff anyway.

  Finding the hem of my t-shirt, I whip it over my head and toss it on the floor.

  Given I’m not wearing a bra, he gets a full view of everything.

  Including my nipples which are hard enough to cut glass.

  “Like what you see?” I taunt when his eyes drop to my tits and I see his Adam’s apple bob.

  “Get on the bed.” His voice is rough, almost pained. “Now.”

  My heart beats like a drum as I sit on the mattress. “Anything else you want?”

  “Yeah.” Heat snakes down my body as he stalks toward me. “Take off those fucking panties.”


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