The Mystery on Cobbett's Island

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The Mystery on Cobbett's Island Page 1

by Kathryn Kenny

  This is a reissue edition of a book that was originally published in 1964. While some words have been changed to regularize spelling within the book and between books in the series, the text has not been updated to reflect current attitudes and beliefs.

  Copyright © 1964, renewed 1992 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by Random House Children’s Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto. Originally published by Golden Books, an imprint of Random House Children’s Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, in 1964.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Kenny, Kathryn.

  [Trixie Belden and the mystery on Cobbett’s Island]

  The mystery on Cobbett’s Island / by Kathryn Kenny ; illustrated by Paul Frame ; cover illustration by Michael Koelsch. — 1st Random House ed.

  p. cm. — (Trixie Belden ; #13)

  Originally published: Trixie Belden and the mystery on Cobbett’s Island. Racine, Wis. : Whitman Publishing Company, 1964.

  SUMMARY: When the Bob-Whites—minus Dan—head to Cobbett’s Island to spend ten days in a historic home on the beach, Trixie finds an old letter tucked away in a book and sets off on a long-delayed treasure hunt.

  eISBN: 978-0-307-80872-1

  [1. Buried treasure—Fiction. 2. Sailing—Fiction. 3. Islands—Fiction. 4. Mystery and detective stories.] I. Frame, Paul, 1913– ill. II. Koelsch, Michael. III. Title. IV. Series.

  PZ7.K396Ms 2005 [Fic]—dc22 2004017251

  RANDOM HOUSE and colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc.




  Title Page


  1. An Unexpected Invitation

  2. Foul Weather

  3. An Emergency

  4. The Neighbor

  5. The Letter

  6. Mystery in the Tool Shed

  7. The Gazebo

  8. A Sailing Lesson

  9. An Accident

  10. Jimmy’s Place

  11. The Captain’s Tales

  12. The Mysterious Stranger

  13. Teacups and Sailboats

  14. Another Clue

  15. Jelly Doughnuts

  16. The Chart and the Compass

  17. A Little Black Box

  18. Trixie’s Tops!

  Chapter 1

  An Unexpected Invitation

  “Oh, Moms, do you know what?” exclaimed Trixie as she dashed into the kitchen, letting the porch door slam behind her, and almost knocking a lemon pie out of Mrs. Belden’s hands.

  Her mother carefully put the pie, piled high with golden meringue, out of the way in the pantry, and then straightening her apron, she smiled fondly at her daughter and said, “Yes, I know what; another step and you would have had no pie for supper tonight! Now try to calm down and tell me what has you so excited that you would risk ruining your favorite dessert.”

  Trixie pushed back the blond curls from her damp forehead and, taking a deep breath, said, “Mrs. Wheeler has invited all the Bob-Whites to the beach for ten days!”

  “To the beach!” said Mrs. Belden. “How wonderful! Tell me all about it,” she invited.

  As she spoke, she brought over a bowl of cherries and sat down next to Trixie who had collapsed into a chair at the big, round kitchen table.

  Trixie popped a cherry into her mouth. Her eyes were snapping with excitement. “Well, the Wheelers rented a house on Cobbett’s Island for weekends this summer so Mr. Wheeler could go deep-sea fishing. Then, last week he found out he has to go to Brazil on business, and he wants Mrs. Wheeler to go with him.”

  “Yes, she told me yesterday she hoped she’d be able to go because she’s never been to South America,” Mrs. Belden commented, “but she didn’t say anything about the invitation.”

  “I guess South America is the only place she hasn’t been unless it’s the South Pole.” Trixie laughed. “She probably didn’t mention the plans because they weren’t definite until today.” She reached for more cherries as she continued. “Anyway, the Bob-Whites were all up at the clubhouse this afternoon trying to think of something to do now that school is out.”

  “Well, the Bob-Whites usually find something to keep them busy and stir up a lot of excitement, too,” her mother commented. She smiled warmly.

  “I know we do. I guess it all started when Honey and I found Jim in the Mansion. A lot’s happened since then,” said Trixie reminiscently.

  “It certainly has,” agreed Mrs. Belden, “but get back to the invitation.”

  “Well, Moms, we couldn’t seem to think of any new project, and we were all getting kind of frust—frusted—”

  “You mean ‘frustrated,’ don’t you, dear? You’re beginning to sound just like Mart with those big words.” Mrs. Belden smiled proudly at her daughter.

  “As a matter of fact, it was Mart who said we were all getting kind of frustra-ted, and that we’d all better go up to Honey’s house and have something to eat so we could think better. You know how food is usually Mart’s solution to a problem.” She giggled.

  Mart, Trixie’s brother, was fifteen, eleven months older than Trixie, and looked so much like her that he was sometimes taken for her twin. In the last year, he had begun to grow so fast his wrists always seemed to be hanging out of his sleeves, but he still had the same sturdy build as his sister, the same sandy hair and blue eyes. Mrs. Belden smiled, for well she knew how all the Bob-Whites loved to eat, not just Mart, although he was probably the most ravenous of the group. Only yesterday her cooky crock had been emptied when all seven members of the B.W.G.’s, as they called themselves, had stopped at Crabapple Farm on their way home from their last day at school.

  Besides Mart, Trixie, and her oldest brother, Brian, the members of the secret club consisted of Honey Wheeler and her adopted brother, Jim Frayne, Diana Lynch, and Dan Mangan. All lived near each other a few miles outside the small Westchester County town of Sleepyside-on-Hudson, and all attended the same junior-senior high school.

  “Well, just as we were eating those yummy brownies,” continued Trixie, “Mrs. Wheeler came in and said she had some news for us. Honey, who seemed just as mystified as the rest of us, asked her mother what it was all about, and then she told us! Can you imagine?”

  “I think that’s wonderful,” said Mrs. Belden, “and I can see no reason why you and your brothers can’t go, if—”

  The “if” was smothered by Trixie grabbing her mother and giving her a bear hug.

  “Where is Mart, by the way?” asked Mrs. Belden. “And Brian? Where is he?”

  “Oh, Brian’s out in the barn working on an old rattletrap car that he towed home yesterday. All we need is another jalopy around here! And Mart is still up at the Wheelers’ talking about the trip. We knew we could count on you letting us go, but do you think Daddy will agree?”

  “That was the ‘if’ I was about to mention,” said her mother, “but I’m sure if this expedition doesn’t cost too much he will let you go.”

  “Oh, it won’t cost much,” Trixie quickly assured her mother. “Cobbett’s Island isn’t more than three or four hours’ drive from here. You have to take a ferry from the mainland, and there’s fishing, and sailing, and a deserted lighthouse, and …” Trixie was off again. “And I won’t need anything but my old blue jeans, and those shirts we used for gym last year, and maybe a new bathing suit?”

  The last item mentioned was more of a question than a statement of fact, and Mrs. B
elden, obviously surprised, said, “Why, Trixie, don’t tell me you’re interested in getting something new for a change. Is my girl growing up?”

  “Could be,” answered Trixie thoughtfully. “Of course, I don’t know what I’d use for money. The yearbook and my class ring took all my extra cash,” she added, her face clouding. “What could I do?”

  Her question was left unanswered as she and her mother heard the familiar sound of the Belden Buggy as it turned into the driveway. The family station wagon had been christened the Buggy three years ago when a queen bee had chosen its interior as a perfect place to swarm. It had taken Mr. Lawlor, the local bee authority, all day to capture her and put her in a new hive where she was soon joined by her faithful followers.

  Bobby, Trixie’s little brother, who had been playing with his electric train in his room, came running downstairs, out the door, and up the drive to meet his father. He was followed closely by Reddy, the friendly but undisciplined Irish setter, who was never far away from the little boy. Trixie brought up the rear.

  Mr. Belden had scarcely stepped out of the car before his children had thrown their arms around him and Reddy began barking a joyful welcome. “Now what have my pets been doing on their first vacation day? I wish banks closed for the summer, just like schools,” he said, “but when a bank closes it’s a disaster, not a holiday.”

  “Gosh, Daddy, do they ever have to close?” asked Trixie.

  Mr. Belden walked toward the house with an arm around each one. He explained that in the old days, before banks were insured by the Federal Government, they sometimes failed, and the people who had money in them lost all their savings. But now such a thing was almost impossible.

  Trixie thought of her college fund of fifty-nine dollars and seventy-two cents lying safe and sound in the bank, then she sighed contentedly. Smiling up at her father, she said, “Do you know what?”

  By now, they had reached the kitchen door where Mrs. Belden was waiting to greet her husband. Bobby, unconcerned about banks since his treasure of eight pennies was safely hidden in an old leather bag under his mattress, ran off to throw a stick for Reddy to retrieve.

  “That’s just what she asked me, dear,” Trixie’s mother said, laughing, “and I must say you’ll have a hard time guessing the exciting news.”

  “We won’t make him guess,” said Trixie eagerly, and she began to tell about the wonderful invitation. As she saw her father glance at Mrs. Belden, she hastened to add, “Moms thought you’d say we could go.”

  “Well, I think my girl deserves a vacation, and the boys, too. You’ve all worked hard in school this year, and kept your marks up in spite of all the activities of the Bob-Whites, and you’ve seldom been unwilling to do the things your mother and I have asked you to do.”

  Trixie lowered her head to hide the flush she felt creeping into her cheeks, remembering several times lately when she had been asked to help with the dishes, or clean her room, and she had answered, “Oh, do I have to?” or “Do you mean right now?” Housework she really detested, but she resolved to try harder to be more cheerful about such chores in the future. And when her father, on his way to the living-room with his paper, planted a kiss on top of her head, her spirits quickly rose again, and she dashed to the phone to tell Honey that she and her brothers could go to the island.

  Honey’s real name was Madeleine, but as a little girl, she had acquired the nickname because of her golden hair, which she wore in a long bob, and because of a disposition that, despite ill health when she was younger, had never been anything but sweet. She was taller and slimmer than Trixie, and her eyes were hazel and beautifully soft. Since meeting Trixie and becoming a member of the Bob-Whites, Honey had forgotten her illnesses and was as active and healthy as any of the other members.

  “I’m so glad you can all go,” said Honey when she heard the news. “At least there will be six Bob-Whites, but the most awful thing has happened. Dan just called up to say he can’t make it.”

  “Oh, jeepers!” exclaimed Trixie. “What’s wrong? He’s our newest member, and it’s not fair for him to miss out on the fun again, the way he did when we all went out west.”

  “Did you notice how quiet he was when we were all talking about the trip?” asked Honey.

  “Come to think of it, he did seem kind of unenthusiastic, didn’t he?” replied Trixie.

  “Oh, he wanted to come badly enough, but last month, without anyone knowing, he applied to several camps for a summer job, and yesterday he heard from one of them saying they would take him.”

  “But I thought Mr. Maypenny needed him to help on your father’s game preserve,” said Trixie.

  “I guess Dan knew that job was just part of the experiment to see if he would straighten out after the trouble he got into in the city, and that Mr. Maypenny didn’t really need a full-time helper,” said Honey thoughtfully.

  “Well, he’s certainly justified Regan’s faith in him, hasn’t he? And to think he got a job all on his own! No one will ever have to worry about Dan again,” Trixie said, and Honey heartily agreed.

  Regan, the Wheelers’ groom, was a likable, red-haired young man, who had, on several occasions, helped out the Bob-Whites. He always welcomed them whenever they came up to the stable, showing his fiery temper only when he felt any of them had been careless in caring for the beautiful thoroughbred horses in his charge. He had lost touch with his sister, Dan’s mother, years before, and the first he knew of Dan was when a judge in New York wrote him for help after Dan had been taken into Children’s Court. Dan’s father had been killed in Korea, and later, after his mother died, the boy had felt there was no one who really cared what happened to him, and he had become involved with a city gang. The judge finally agreed to let him come to live with Mr. Maypenny and work for him, so that he would be near Regan, hoping he might get a new point of view and a new start in life. The adjustment hadn’t been easy for Dan, but when he finally proved to everyone that he had as fine a character as his uncle, the Bob-Whites gladly took him into their club.

  The trip was the sole subject of conversation during supper. Trixie was eating her third piece of pie when she again thought about getting a new bathing suit. Of course, there was the money in her bank account, but that was for college and must not be touched. She could ask her mother for extra work, but she already got five dollars a week for taking care of Bobby and doing household chores. Now that she was fourteen, she felt she should no longer depend on her family for extras. She had about given up the whole idea when she noticed her father pulling a letter out of his coat pocket. He pushed his chair back from the table and announced that he had received a letter from Uncle Andrew that morning.

  “Oh, Daddy, hurry up and tell us the news,” cried Trixie, who always looked forward to hearing from her favorite uncle.

  “Well, he’s fine, and so is everyone at Happy Valley Farm. He says he may drive out to see us this summer, but in the meantime, he wanted to get Trixie a present for her graduation from Junior High. He didn’t know what you wanted, Trix, so he sent me a check for ten dollars. I was stumped to know what you wanted, too, so I decided just to give you the money.”

  “Gleeps! Ten dollars!” Trixie cried, her eyes shining. “Excuse me, everybody. I’ve got to run right upstairs and write Uncle Andrew. He’s saved the day!”

  “What crisis is my dear sister facing that she should need ten bucks so desperately?” inquired Mart in his most sarcastic tone.

  “Oh, you wouldn’t understand, lame brain,” Trixie called over her shoulder as she dashed up to her room.

  “Now, don’t tease your sister, Mart. She just decided she has to have a new bathing suit,” said Mrs. Belden as she started to clear the table. “That’s all.”

  “That’s all!” shrieked Mart. “That’s the biggest news since Edison discovered the telephone.”

  “Or since Alexander Graham Bell discovered radium,” teased Brian.

  “Well, I guess our princess wants to look her best at Cobbett’s I
sland,” said Mr. Belden with a smile. “I just hope she gets a blue suit. It’s my favorite color.”

  Chapter 2

  Foul Weather

  The day before they were to leave dawned clear and bright, and Trixie could hardly wait until after breakfast to phone Honey to get the latest plans for the trip.

  “We’re leaving early tomorrow morning,” Honey said, “because it will take at least three hours to get down there, and we don’t want to waste any time. After all, we only have ten days.”

  “Jeepers, Honey, that’s three days more than a week, and you know how much can happen in seven days! Remember our trip to Iowa!”

  “I’ll never forget that week,” sighed Honey. “But don’t be disappointed if we don’t find any mysteries this time to challenge our intuitive powers, as Mart would say. Dad says Cobbett’s Island is a very quiet place and hasn’t had any real excitement for years and years.”

  “Well, honestly, Honey, after the way I’ve been working in school this year, I’ll be glad to just lie on the beach and relax.” Trixie sighed.

  “That will really be the day, when you relax! Are you sure you can get ready by tomorrow?” Honey asked.

  “I’m sure I can if I hurry,” answered Trixie. “All I have to pack are my jeans and shirts and pj’s and stuff like that, or should I bring a dress, too?”

  “We just might need one,” Honey replied. “I told Di to bring that lovely lavender one that brings out the purple in her eyes.”

  Diana had always been considered the prettiest girl in her class, with long, dark hair and large eyes that were sometimes deep blue and sometimes almost purple. She had joined the Bob-Whites a short time before Dan. Although she was somewhat quieter than Trixie or Honey, she had fitted easily into the club. She had twin brothers and twin sisters, but since they were much younger, she had welcomed a chance to be with a group her own age.

  “I guess I’ll bring that flowered print,” said Trixie. “It’ll pack easily. Now I’ve got to run. Moms is taking me to White Plains to get a new bathing suit. That old thing I had last summer looks like a rag.”


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