Radclyffe - Safe Harbor 02 - Beyond The Breakwater

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Radclyffe - Safe Harbor 02 - Beyond The Breakwater Page 10

by Beyond The Breakwater (lit)

  Bri didn't return to awareness until she felt Caroline, naked now, stretched out on top of her, moving in the familiar rhythm of desire. Caroline's face was pressed to her neck, her skin slick with urgency, her breath little more than faint broken cries. She felt the wet heat as her lover rocked frantically the length of her thigh. Bri barely had the strength to do more than wrap her arms around her, but she clasped her lovers hips, adding to the pressure that would bring Carre off.

  "Babe, babe," Bri whispered. "I love you."

  Caroline's only response was a choked sob.

  "Come on, Carre. Come on me."

  Caroline stiffened.

  "Oh, yeah. Thats it." Impossibly, Bri felt a second orgasm rise from her depths, a distant thunder eclipsed by the storm raging in Carres body. "Do it, babe."

  Caroline jerked convulsively, her hands clutching Bri's shoulders desperately, and screamed as the climax pummeled her. Bri strained into her, closing her eyes, letting her lover's passion carry her away.

  Beyond the Breakwater

  by Radclyffe

  Part Three

  Chapter Twenty-One

  "Man, I've missed that," Caroline mumbled when she emerged from the pleasant torpor that followed. "I thought I was going to melt."

  " Meltdown is more like it," Bri muttered, running her hands up and down Carres back. Carre was still on top of her, their arms and legs entangled. "You practically gave me a stroke."

  "Good." Caroline traced a finger along Bri's neck and down her chest, stopping to cup her breast in her palm. "Feeling better?"

  "I can't feel anything at all. Im pretty sure my legs fell off."

  Caroline laughed and snuggled even closer, drawing one leg across Bri's thighs and wrapping an arm around her midsection. "I love you."

  "Mmm," Bri murmured, running her fingers through the soft golden hair. "Lucky for me."

  "Uh-huh. And try not to forget it, okay?"

  "I'm sorry for being an asshole," Bri whispered.

  "It's okay," Caroline said softly. "You're not."

  “ Yeah, well. Bri sighed and kissed her as Caroline snuggled closer.

  “ Hows Reese? Caroline asked

  “ Good. Better.

  “ Im sorry I didnt get down to see her.

  “ Ill tell her you said hi, Bri said. As an afterthought, she asked, “Have you talked to Tory lately?

  “ Not since Reese was in the hospital. It was so crazyI could never catch her in.

  “ So you dont know?

  “ Know what? Caroline asked anxiously.

  “ Torys pregnant.

  “ Oh my god! Thats so great.

  “ Yeah. Pretty cool, huh?

  “ Oh, I cant wait to see Tory and ask her all about it, Caroline exclaimed. I want us to have a baby some day.

  "Well, there's a big class party in Barnstable the Friday of Memorial Day weekendkind of like an early graduation thing." Bri nuzzled Carolines ear contentedly. “So if you came down for that, we could swing down and see Tory and Reese after.

  Caroline grew still. After a moment, she said, “Uhits special, huh?

  "Sort of. I'd like you to meet my friends." Bri thought for a second, trying to clear her fuzzy brain, which still didn't have enough blood going to it. From the way she felt, it was all still centered between her legs. "So, will you come?"

  Another stretch of silence ensued. Bri opened her eyes, suddenly wide-awake. "Carre? What's going on?"

  "I didn't get a chance to tell you on the phone before, because you know, we got into a fight." Caroline's voice was flat, impossible to read. "Part of the scholarship for next year has this work study thing."

  "Uh-huh." Bri's heart started triple-timing. Jesus, something else?

  "I got a job here for the summer. There's an orientation that weekend."

  Bri sat up swiftly and reached for the sheet, pulling part of it over herself, searching for some fragment of protection. "You're not coming back to the Cape for the summer? You're going to stay here? "

  "It's not like I don't want to be with yo--"

  "Christ, you didn't tell me?"

  "I didn't know," Caroline said miserably. "I would have told you sooner--"

  "So." Bri was amazed at how calm she felt inside. No, not calm. Cold. Cold and, mercifully, numb. "I'm going to be there, and you're going to be here. And then you're going to be in Europe. For a year."

  Caroline sat up now, too. She searched around on the floor and found her blouse and pulled it on. Automatically, she handed Bri her T-shirt. "Yes, we'll be separated for a while. So what?"

  "Oh, come on." Bri couldn't take it anymore. She got out of bed, hunted up her jeans, and tugged them on.

  "What's the matter with you?" Caroline got to her feet and grabbed Bri's forearms. "We knew this was going to happen sooner or later."

  Bri's hands trembled as she buttoned her jeans. She turned away so Carre wouldn't see. And what happens when you come back? You'll have a new life, and I'll be part of year old life. I'll be the past. I can't stand around waiting and wondering when that will happen.

  Bri walked to the door and grabbed her helmet and jacket.

  "Where are you going? Carolines voice was filled with anger and tears. “It's two o'clock in the morning."

  Bri couldn't think of a single thing to say. She couldn't say goodbye, because the words would tear her heart out. She couldn't say I love you, because the words wouldnt change what she feared would happen. In the end, she said nothing.


  She drove all night and pulled into the parking lot in front of the training center with ten minutes to spare. When shed left for Manhattan the night before, shed planned on skipping her Saturday weapons class. Now, it seemed like the only thing that might take her mind off the howling pain that had threatened to swallow her up all night.

  She must have sleep-walked through the class, because an hour and a half later, she found herself straddling her bike again. She fiddled with her keys, contemplating the rest of the day. The thought of going back to the barren apartment almost made her ill. She could ride to Provincetown, maybe visit Reese. But she should call before she did that. Visit her dad? No, he would only ask her questions that she didn't have the strength to answer.

  "Hey," Allie said as she walked up. "You okay?"

  Bri raised her head, slightly confused, then smiled faintly in recognition. Allie was wearing tight blue jeans and an academy T-shirt with expensive cowboy boots. She looked tough and sexy at the same time. "Yeah, sure. Fine."

  "I thought you looked a little spacey in class. Rough night?"

  Bri laughed bitterly. "Yeah, something like that."

  "How about I make you breakfast?" The blond moved a little closer and placed a hand on Bri's knee.

  She didn't even have to think twice. "Okay."

  "Excellent," Allie said with a broad smile as she placed her palm on Bri's shoulder, threw a leg over the broad bike, and snuggled up close behind Bri. She wrapped both arms around Bri's waist, her hands resting in the curve of Bri's thighs. "Most excellent."

  It took only a few minutes to reach Allie's small cottage.

  "Is this all yours?" Bri asked, still feeling a little disoriented.

  Allie slid off the bike, removed her helmet, and hooked it to the bracket on the back of Bri's Harley. "Yeah, I'm renting it for now. Depending on where I get assigned for my training period, I'll either keep it or sublease it."

  "Nice," Bri commented as she followed Allie up the drive.

  “ Come on in. Allie opened the door and motioned Bri into a warm and surprisingly welcoming living room. "Sit down. You want coffee?"

  "Yeah, that would be great." As an afterthought, as she headed for the couch, Bri added, "Do you, uh, need me to do anything?"

  "No. Go ahead and relax. You look like you could use it." Allie leaned a shoulder against the open refrigerator door, observed Bri with a small smile, and shook her head. "I can manage this."

  Bri clasped her hands between her knee
s and nodded. Now that she was sitting, she realized that she really was beat. A night without sleep and ten hours on the road had left her a little fuzzy.


  Bri jumped. "What? Sorry."

  "Toast and eggs okay?"


  "Just give me a minute."

  Bri leaned her head back against the sofa and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, it took her a few seconds to place her surroundings. She was leaning to one side into the corner of the couch, her legs up on the cushions, taking up most of the rest of the sitting area. Allie was seated at the other end, her bare feet propped up on the coffee table, a magazine open on her lap.

  "Good nap?" the brunette asked with a smile.

  "Oh, man, I'm sorry," Bri said as she jerked upright. Rubbing both hands over her face she searched the wall for a clock. When she saw that it was mid-afternoon, she realized that she had been asleep for several hours. Blushing, she glanced sideways into Allie's dark eyes. "What a jerk, huh?"

  Allie shifted closer until their shoulders touched, turning slightly so she could meet Bri's eyes. "Uh-uh. I thought it was pretty cute when you just conked out. You didn't even flinch when I put your legs up."

  "Sorry about breakfast."

  "That's okay."

  Suddenly, Bri was acutely aware of Allie's body pressing lightly along her side. She was also aware of her light perfume, a scent very different than Carres, but nice in a pretty sort of way. Bri looked down when she felt the light brush of fingers over her hand. Allie's hand was small and delicate, each nail perfectly sculpted and glossy with a pale pink hue. It was very quiet in the room. The soft rhythm of Allie breathing was soothing and, at the same time, exciting.

  A pulse tripped unexpectedly between Bri's thighs, and she caught her breath in surprise. Reflexively, she stood up and stepped away a pace. "I should go. I've got a lot of reading to catch up on still."

  "Are you going out later?" Allie asked as she stood. “You know, Saturday night at the Breakers?

  "I don't know," Bri said awkwardly. "Maybe."

  "I'll be there, Allie informed her as they walked toward the door. “Look for me, okay?"

  "Sure, if I go."

  When Bri mounted her bike and pulled out onto the highway, she didn't head back to her temporary apartment. She took the highway that wound along the ocean and rode until the churning want in her depths subsided. By the time she returned, it was nearly dark. She didn't go out again that night.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Tory walked into the bedroom and stopped to watch Reese finish getting dressed.

  Reese glanced over and caught the contemplative expression on Tory's face. "What are you thinking?"

  "How much I love you."

  "Still, huh?" Reese's blue eyes danced as she crossed the bedroom and slid her arms around Tory's waist. Her lips were soft, her kiss gentle. A moment later she asked, "You okay about today?"

  "Just a little bit nervous," Tory confessed.

  "Since you always tell me that everything is just routine," Reese reminded her gently, "I never know whether I should worry or not."

  "Well, an amniocentesis is routine, and thousands are done every day," Tory admitted as she lightly kissed Reese's jaw. "Let's go to the airport."


  Two hours later, Reese and Tory arrived at Boston City Hospital. When they reached the outpatient obstetrical clinic, they were greeted by a happy cry of welcome.


  "Oh my god, Cath! You didn't have to come in just for this," Tory exclaimed, gathering her sister into a tight hug.

  "I haven't seen you in weeks, and this was a great excuse to leave the kids with Danny for the day." Tory's younger sister, a fairer-haired, blue-eyed version of Tory, threw both arms around the pregnant woman and kissed her vigorously on both cheeks. "This is so exciting. I talked to Mom and Dad last night, and they can't stop talking about how much they're looking forward to another grandchild."

  Tory slipped her arm around Reese's waist and leaned into her as Reese draped an arm over her shoulder. "I wish they lived closer so we could see them more often."

  "Don't worry. I've already been talking to Mom about getting plane tickets so they can come down after the baby is born."

  "Ill be right back," Tory said. "I should go sign in and let them know I'm here."

  Cath watched her walk away and then tilted her head and studied Reese. "How're you doing?"

  "Pretty well."


  Reese nodded.

  "Are you going in with her?"

  "As long as it's okay with Wendy," Reese replied. The very thought of something being done to Tory while she waited outside in the hall was enough to make her stomach cramp. She didn't get this nervous when she was facing down a drunk with a knife.

  "You know," Cath said, taking Reeses hand, "my husband almost passed out when I had my last one. I think it's a normal spousal response."

  "I'm glad to hear that," Reese confided softly. "Because I feel that way half the time."

  Cath patted Reeses cheek. "You know, honey, you're the best thing that's ever happened to her."

  Reese glanced across the room to where Tory stood at the counter, filling out paperwork. Even from here, Reese could clearly see the swell of her abdomen beneath the loose pullover she wore. Tory's cheeks were brushed a delicate rose, and everything about her seemed fresh and alive--miraculous. When Reese spoke, her voice was husky. "I'm the lucky one."

  Tory rejoined them and announced, "Wendy is running on time, so it shouldn't be more than half an hour."

  They settled in to wait, Tory and Cath catching up on family news while Reese held Tory's hand and tried to relax.


  "I just want to make sure the samples get off to the lab," Wendy Deutsch said as she applied a small Band-Aid to the puncture wound in Tory's abdomen just below her umbilicus. "Ill be back in a minute."

  "You okay, sweetheart?" Tory asked, turning her head to look at Reese, who sat by her side on a tall stainless steel stool. Reese's hair was damp with sweat.


  "I couldn't really talk during the procedure," Tory apologized.

  "That's okay, love. Reese brushed her fingers over Torys cheek. “I'm pretty sure you weren't supposed to be talking. Wendy explained everything, and I saw as much as I needed to."

  As a matter of fact, shed barely remembered to breathe as she watched Wendy place a long needle through Tory's abdomen and into her uterus. Shed been able to follow the path of the needle perfectly well on the ultrasound monitor. It seemed to pass within millimeters of the baby's head, which at sixteen weeks, even she could make out without assistance. The whole thing was over in a matter of minutes, but it had felt like an eternity.

  "How're you feeling?" Reese asked, edging closer so that she could take Tory's hand.

  "Fine. Just a little cramping."

  "Is that normal?"

  "Perfectly," Tory said with a small smile. "Don't worry, sweetheart, Wendys the best."

  At that moment, the obstetrician returned and pulled up another stool next to Reese's.

  "That went fine." She had a chart in her hand which she opened and perused for a few seconds. Then she met Tory's eyes. "Your blood pressure's been steadily increasing."

  "I know."

  "Are you having any other symptoms?"

  "No." Tory felt Reese's grip on her hand tighten, and she looked away from her doctor to smile reassuringly at her lover. Softly, she whispered, “Its okay.

  "No extremity swelling, no visual problems?"


  "We're not at the point where I'd call this preeclampsia," Wendy said seriously, "but you need to be alert for the early signs, Tory."

  “ I have been.

  "What's going on?" Reese asked sharply.

  Wendy focused on Reese. "Preeclampsia is a condition which affects some women during pregnancy, particularly women who are nulliparous, meaning they have not previ
ously been pregnant. It's associated with hypertension and, in a small percentage, with other symptoms such as persistent headache, visual abnormalities, abdominal pain, and changes in blood chemistries."

  "Is it serious?"

  "Reese--" Tory protested gently.

  "No. I want to know." Reese's eyes were locked on Wendy's, and her voice was a command. "Go ahead, Doctor."

  "It can be, if it progresses. There can be severe hypertension with alteration in renal and liver function and other problems. But--"

  "Is it a risk to the baby?" Reese asked.

  Wendy continued in a steady, calm tone. "Sometimes if the maternal-fetal blood flow is compromised, there can be intrauterine growth restriction."

  "And to Tory?" Reese's voice was even and strong, but there was a roaring in her head that sounded like gunfire.

  " Only if the condition progresses," Wendy said. "But we're nowhere near that point, Reese. Im not even willing to call it preeclampsia at this point, but we need to be vigilant."

  "I'm already taking my blood pressure three times a day," Tory said quietly. "The diastolic has only risen ten points above my baseline. I've checked my urine daily for protein. There hasn't been any."

  "Ill need to see you every two weeks," Wendy said. "Keep monitoring your BP and urine the way youve been doing, and add a fingerstick hemoglobin every ten days. Call me at the slightest sign of symptoms. Even if you're not sure."

  "What about working?" Reese questioned. "Is it safe?"

  Wendy nodded. "Reasonable hours, yes, as long as we don't see any worsening."

  "Don't worry," Tory said. "I'll be careful."

  "Good. Then I'm satisfied." Wendy stood and smiled at them both. "I'll call you with the lab results as soon as I have them."


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