Decker's Fate (The Decker Brothers Trilogy Book 1)

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Decker's Fate (The Decker Brothers Trilogy Book 1) Page 14

by K. R. Richards

  “Didn’t you say Liam was expected home at the end of the year? You said your parents were waiting for him to come home so they could explain the curse to you in depth,” Jade questioned.

  “Maybe this guy didn’t want them to explain anything to us, or he just decided to kill them,” Brody spoke. He continued, “You have to admit, Decker, we were both stunned when you got the call. Dad was a careful driver. They were driving home from Sedona in the dark. The authorities at the scene told us the accident happened at two o’clock in the morning. Our parents never kept those kinds of hours. They were in bed by eleven almost every night. They never drove in the dark, and they always called one or both of us when they were on the way home. If there was some sort of emergency, they would have called us.”

  “I always thought so too. You’re right. It was always hard for me to accept they died in a freak accident, but there was no evidence of foul play, only skid marks from their car which could be normal if Dad woke up right before they went over the cliff.” Decker shrugged. “I always wondered what they were doing driving home at that hour. I assumed the authorities had just been off when they determined the time of death and the accident. We didn’t get to Sedona until the early afternoon. The authorities called me about ten in the morning.”

  Feeling him tense beside her, Jade entwined her fingers with his and gave them a squeeze. When he turned toward her, she saw appreciation in those vivid blue eyes. She felt a flutter in her belly when she realized that she and Decker were truly in tune with one another. She was determined to remain cautious because she felt she was falling too fast for this man. Yet, she knew he felt the same about her. She couldn’t explain how, she just knew. Nothing about Decker frightened her. She had never felt so positive and sure about a man before, not even when she met her former husband, Austin. Still, remembering how her marriage turned out with Austin, she believed it was a good idea to take things slow.

  “So, we need to keep looking through their things we have stored here, and if we still can’t find the book, we need to go to Sedona one weekend very soon,” Liam suggested.

  Decker and Brody agreed.

  “If they left in the middle of the night, something happened that necessitated they come home immediately. It had to be important or they wouldn’t have attempted to drive home in the dark,” Brody offered.

  “Or, and forgive me for saying this, they were running from something…like maybe the demon guy?” Harper suggested.

  “I have a question,” Erin spoke. “Why has this creep waited until now to show up? Is it because you met Jade, Decker? It just seems to me that if he knew you lived in Chandler, he might have tried to get rid of one of you long before now. I mean, I’m glad he didn’t, but according to you there has to be six of you to defeat him, right? Why would he wait for the six to gather, or for you to meet Jade?”

  “That’s a good point, Erin,” Liam said with a frown. “Clearly, we need to find the answers to all of the questions we have about this.”

  “So far we are accumulating more questions than answers.” Decker shook his head in frustration.

  “We don’t know enough. Our parents never told us how to battle this ancient, evil dude.” Brody rose and paced. He was clearly upset. “You think they would have, instead it appears they just told us the bare necessities. They did encourage us to open up to our psychic abilities, but even then, you girls are much more advanced than we are. I don’t know why he never came after us, none of us do. I never even thought about it until now.” He looked to his brothers.

  “Well, this demon could have killed our parents. If he also knew that they didn’t teach us anything, I would think he would have come after us long ago and ended it. We’ve never seen him until now. We guessed Jade was one of the six when I met her. Maybe he somehow knew that we met. It could be he just didn’t know who the three women are and was waiting for them to show up,” Decker posed. “Since Jade did, he’s after her?”

  “Ugh, I hadn’t thought of that. That makes sense,” Harper growled with displeasure. “Jade’s family never told her anything about this curse. Maybe he lost track of her family and the others ones too. It could be there are so many descendants of the first O’Flynns and their wives; he had no idea which ones to go after.”

  “Well, I guess we know what our priorities are.” Liam shook his head. “While Decker and Jade work tomorrow, Brody and I will search for info in Mom’s computer. We’ll look for the notebook. We need to order the supplies for the alarm system at the women’s apartment. We didn’t have time for that today.”

  “We’ll help you however we can,” Erin offered.

  “We will,” Harper added. “And we’ll take care of breakfast and lunch tomorrow, because we are both off work.”

  “Sweet!” Brody grinned at her.

  “And Harper and I will work out a schedule with Riley, Claire, and Annie tonight so we have, what, two nights a week to sit in circle? Since Harper and I are here until the alarm is installed, we can sit with you in your circles. Perhaps more answers will come to us when we start working together,” Erin added.

  “Two nights a week will be good,” Jade agreed.

  “I can do two nights a week.” Decker nodded. Liam and Brody agreed.

  “And I will coordinate my shifts so I can be at the Coffee Shop when Claire, Riley, and Annie are at the shop so they have someone watching out for them, and you can concentrate on your thing here,” Connor offered. “From this point forward, ladies, when you want something from Connor’s you call it in. It will be delivered to you. For now, it’s best if you come in to work, and stay at the shop until closing time.”

  Several of the ladies grumbled.

  “It’s a good idea, Connor’s right. You’re safer if you stay in one place,” Decker agreed.

  “I’ll keep my eye out for the guy at the bar,” Marlowe told them.

  “Thanks, Marlowe.” Decker gave her an appreciative nod.

  “We talked about it at the shop today and Riley, Annie, and I live fairly close to one another. We’re setting the schedules such that two of us will be working at the same time, so we can ride together when we work,” Claire offered.

  “The three of us can cover for you when you need it. We’ll do whatever it takes to help you end this thing,” Riley assured them.

  They talked for another twenty minutes, mostly about how the girls could stay safe while they were at the shop, and what to do if the creep made an appearance again.

  Chapter Eight

  “Okay!” Connor rose when they finished. “I hope everyone saved room for dessert. I have individual strawberry cheesecakes and some pretty sinful triple chocolate cupcakes.”

  “Triple chocolate?” Brody asked.

  “Chocolate cupcakes with dark chocolate truffle mousse filling and milk chocolate frosting,” Connor supplied.

  “Oh man!” Brody rose and headed into the kitchen. “I’m for the chocolate!”

  “Does he always think about food?” Harper laughed and looked to Decker.

  “Twenty-four seven!” Decker nodded. Liam laughed.

  Everyone had dessert. They filtered onto the patio. Some swam. Some watched. They mingled, talked, and laughed.

  It was eight-thirty when Connor, Marlowe, Annie, Riley, and Claire left.

  Liam sat in the recliner and opened his laptop. He showed Brody, Erin, and Harper the photos of the hill where Ardagh Castle once stood, and then photos of Drombeg stone circle.

  Brody announced he was setting up his parents’ computer in the room where he was staying. Max wandered in to find him.

  “Hey, I have to get up early, so I’m going to bed. You can stay up and come in when you want to, you won’t wake me up,” Decker whispered to Jade about nine o’clock.

  “I’m tired. I have to work tomorrow too. I’ll come to bed,” she said with a smile.

  “Give me five to change then the bathroom is yours, okay?” Decker asked. She nodded.

  After talking to everyone
for another ten minutes, Jade made her way to Decker’s bedroom. It felt odd, going in to sleep with Decker, and she was a bit nervous. She tried to push those thoughts away. He promised to be a gentleman and she did believe he would be. Erin and Harper were staying in the room just across the hall. Why was she nervous? She had no idea.

  She found him in bed already. He was petting Sam. She tried not to stare at his bare, muscled chest. A silver chain hung around his neck with some sort of silver medal hanging from it. She laughed as Sam butted her head against his hand and Decker continued to make a fuss over her. Her cat was going to be spoiled rotten. She was purring as loud as a tiger.

  Sam paid her no mind whatsoever as she pulled her pajamas from her bag and went in to the bathroom to change, brush her teeth, and wash her face.

  She felt a little awkward. She didn’t know what to expect. She imagined Decker would be polite, and that was good, right. Of course it was. They didn’t know each other that well yet. She was strongly attracted to him, and despite that, she believed they should not rush things.

  She started to brush her hair out slowly then the sight of the window in the mirror, the darkness waiting beyond, made her uneasy. She hurried to finish, turned out the bathroom light, and walked toward her side of the bed.

  Decker smiled at her. When she slid into bed, he turned out the light.

  He was there, wrapping her in his arms. He kissed her temple.

  “Goodnight, babe.” He gave her a tight hug.

  She couldn’t help but notice his voice was deeper, huskier.

  “Goodnight,” she whispered. He started to pull away from her when she reached out to touch him, her fingers making contact with his chain. She followed the chain until she found the oval, metal disk. It felt like it was engraved on the back. “What is this you wear? A medal?”

  “Yes, a St. Michael medal. It was a gift from Mom and Dad when I graduated from the Police Academy.”

  She smiled. Of course, Archangel Michael, the patron saint of police officers.

  “That’s nice. Do you always wear it?” she asked him.

  “Most of the time. I take it off occasionally, but not very often.”

  “Good. You should always wear it, especially now. Promise me you will. Sweet dreams, Decker.” She sighed contentedly as she snuggled closer to him.

  “I will. My dreams can’t be anything but sweet with you here, in my bed, beside me,” his warm breath tickled her ear. He could also have very sexual dreams about having hot, hard sex with her, but he wasn’t about to tell her that.

  Even in the darkness, she knew he was flashing that devastating grin. She smiled. “Mine will be too,” she assured him. His skin was warm, and she could faintly smell the aftershave he had used hours earlier. It was a fresh, clean smell.

  “Good,” he whispered as his hand moved to her jaw. Tipping her chin upward, he pressed his lips against hers and started to pull back.

  She decided she wanted a real kiss. Jade didn’t count those quick pecks on the lips he had given her before, or this one, as first kiss material.

  Her hand slid from his chest, over his collarbone to his neck. She gently tugged his head forward again and kissed him back.

  He had intended to give her space for a while, even if they were sharing a bed, because of the reason they were sharing it. She was in danger. Then there were his rules, and he had already rushed when he asked her out right away.

  Then Jade opened her soft, warm lips and pulled his lower lip into the warmth of her mouth. When she ran her tongue along the seam of his lips, ah, hell. He caved. Not only did he cave, he took control.

  Jade had wanted him to kiss her. Even though she had enticed him to it, this definitely was a great first kiss.

  This kiss was warm, seductive, and complete with tongue. It was passionate, not in a hot and wild, racing toward sex kind of way; instead, it was a slow, gentle, but thorough exploration. It was tender and sweet…quite deliciously so, actually, but also passionate. She sensed that he was holding back, and that was okay. She thought to herself, he was giving her just what she needed at that moment, slow, meaningful affection. Yeah, there was passion between them. She had guessed there would be. Decker was holding it back to a warm simmer, and that was fine.

  Her hands moved to slide over his bare chest then across his solid, muscled shoulders as their kiss continued. She felt those hard muscles react to her touch. Yeah, he was definitely holding back. At the same time, he was giving her enough.

  What they shared was all give and take, the fusion of warm bodies, the nibbling and gentle pulling of lips, feather light, gliding caresses, his soft, husky whispers. His large hands smoothed down and up her back, arms, shoulders, moved a time or two to her waist and hips when he kissed her more deeply, but never strayed to other places. She knew they wouldn’t. Not tonight.

  This was all about emotion. It was about touch, romantic kisses, and feelings. It was the most wonderful kiss she had ever experienced. Her hand moved to his strong jaw as she increased the pressure and deeply explored his mouth with her tongue, she liked the feel of his stubble beneath her fingertips. The short, deep moan he emitted when she continued her hungry assault did something to her.

  He reciprocated, lifting up enough to change angles so he could kiss her more passionately. His kiss grew deeper, more demanding. His large hands encircled her waist, holding her fast, as his tongue continued to probe and explore. This time he was more determined.

  Of course, his touch and kiss aroused her. She knew her hands upon his bare skin and her return kisses aroused him. She could feel the evidence of that straining against the soft cotton of his boxers against her thigh, but she knew that for tonight, this was what they both needed, the caring, the kissing, the touching, and holding.

  She knew that she wanted Decker to make love to her, not tonight, but sometime in the near future. It was the first time since Austin had died that she wanted another man to touch her in that way. When Austin was killed, she didn’t even have good memories left of that act with him. When she realized her marriage was a failure, she must have withered up inside, grown cold, hardened even, to the beautiful, physical pleasure a man and woman could share together.

  Until Decker.

  He pulled back. “We’d best get some sleep,” his whisper was thick and deep in the shadowy darkness. His breathing was ragged and uneven, just like hers.

  He added, “I had no intentions of going that far tonight, Jade. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. I did promise to be a gentleman.”

  “Yes, we should sleep now,” Jade whispered. She added, “Thanks, Decker. That was the most beautiful kiss I’ve ever had in my life.” She had completely relaxed in his embrace. “And don’t worry, I’m not uncomfortable, and you are a gentleman. I believe I initiated that kiss.”

  “You did, and I’m not complaining. It’s not that I didn’t want to kiss you like that. I did. I’ve wanted to, even before this, but we just met, you’ve been through a lot, too much, too soon, which is why I haven’t kissed you. So it was good for you, then?” he asked as his fingers made a feather light trail down her arm.

  She could tell by his teasing tone he was grinning. “It was. Truly.” She nodded, her cheek rubbing against his shoulder as she did. She burrowed into him. “It was wonderful. I have nothing at all to complain about.”

  “Yeah, I liked it too, babe. It was amazing,” he whispered as he pulled her closer against him. He hadn’t intended to hold her all night either, however, it felt too damn good to pull away, and he sensed she wanted this. Maybe she needed it after what she’d experienced. He reasoned it had been a long time since someone had held her. He wanted this too. He’d get back to his rules tomorrow. Jade had been through a frightening ordeal, and she needed this, so, he’d just alter his rules for this situation. That was all it was. He could still slow things down and make sure they didn’t rush.

  Before long, they both slept.

  She started when his alarm went off. She h
ad a soothing sounds alarm; she liked the running water sound. It had been a long time since she had woken to a shrill beep. He fumbled for a few seconds but turned it off quickly.

  “What time do you need to get up for work?” he asked in a sleep-deepened whisper as he rose up on one arm to peer down at her.

  “Six-thirty,” she croaked after she yawned. “I have to wake-up a bit before I go into work. Caffeine, you know.”

  He sat up then leaned back over to whisper to her, “The alarm’s set for you. Go back to sleep. Help yourself in the kitchen. Eat whatever you want for breakfast. Take a sandwich for your lunch if you like. I’ll pick you up at five tonight. In the hotel front lobby?”

  “Uh-huh. I’ll see you then.” The corners of her mouth turned upward, though her eyelids remained closed.

  “You will.” He bent, pressed a quick kiss to those beautiful lips, and wished her a good day. He needed a cold shower. Bad.

  “You too,” she vaguely remembered whispering before she rolled over and closed her eyes again. The sound of the water running in the shower was the last thing she remembered hearing.

  She was checking in a hotel guest when Decker walked into the spacious lobby. He flashed his signature, heart-stopping, grin her way then sat on one of the leather sofas in one of the many seating areas in the lobby. Tingles of excitement raced through her. She still wasn’t used to the fact that she had a boyfriend, but she was very glad she did.

  Decker had reminded himself several times throughout the day, usually after he remembered that long, heated, and amazing kiss last night, how important it was that he slow things down between them. When he remembered holding her warm, body in his arms all night, and the long, cold shower he had to take that morning, he told himself going slow was best for their relationship. Their relationship would be much stronger if they took the time to get to know each other better before they jumped into sex. Unfortunately, it didn’t matter how many times he told himself those things, he kept thinking about having sex with Jade.


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