Decker's Fate (The Decker Brothers Trilogy Book 1)

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Decker's Fate (The Decker Brothers Trilogy Book 1) Page 19

by K. R. Richards

  “Did you take time off?” Surprised, Jade turned to him.

  “Yes. I did, babe.” He nodded.

  “Oh, Decker, you don’t have to do that. Will you be paid? I’m so sorry you felt you had to take off on my account.”

  “There is no reason to apologize. I took off because I feel like it is the right thing to do in our situation. I’ll get vacation pay, but even if I didn’t, Jade, it’s no problem. My parents were wealthy. They invested wisely. They saved for a future they never had. My brothers and I don’t really have to work; we do because we want to. We continue to invest wisely, and use some of what we have to help others in need. Work keeps us busy.”

  “Oh. Ugh! I really want this guy to go away,” Jade whispered as Decker helped her into the SUV. “I want my life back. I’m sure you and your brothers do too.” She shrugged.

  He placed a gentle kiss to her forehead and drew her in for a hug. “I know you do. Trust me, babe. I want him gone too. We’ll get through this.”

  Decker had called in an order for Chinese before leaving the police station. He told Jade it was a great little place on the square where everything was made fresh. Once she stepped inside the Red Dragon, Jade could see it was no ordinary Chinese restaurant. Though it was small, it was a beautiful space. There were linen tablecloths on the tables along with cloth napkins. The décor was Oriental at its most elegant. She never even knew this place existed, being at the back of the square as it was. It was quaint and the employees were friendly. Their order was ready, so as soon as Decker paid, he took the big bag. They left to go home to join Liam and Harper. He called Brody who assured him he would call in an order for him, Erin, Annie, and Claire at White Magic.

  It was seven o’clock when they finished eating. Jade changed into her oldest and most comfortable pair of gray yoga pants and a white tank. She used a scrunchy to put her hair up into a messy knot. The polished wood floor felt smooth and cool beneath her bare feet. She was eager to join the others. It had been a long, long day. She wanted, more than ever, to find the way to stop this Ciaran, demon, whatever he was. She hated that he made her afraid of her own shadow. She struggled every day to push her fears away. She couldn’t let fear overpower her. She knew all too well, the worst thing a person could do was focus on their fears.

  “I think we should all go.” Jade heard Harper saying as she entered the family room.

  “Go where?” Jade asked.

  “To Sedona,” Liam answered.

  “We need to search the house up there for Mom’s other notebook,” Decker explained as she sat down next to him. “Liam searched all afternoon and didn’t find it here.”

  “But could all three of us go, and leave the other girls to take care of the shop?” She looked to Harper.

  “I think so. Decker said he has a buddy that could look in on the girls at the shop while we are gone, and he thinks Connor would help keep an eye on them too. Ciaran doesn’t seem to be after them. He is definitely after you. We need that notebook to find out more about him and how to defend ourselves. There is the chance he may not know where we go, and that would be good for all of us, especially you.”

  Jade nodded. “Or he might follow us, or somehow know how to find us.” She looked to Decker.

  “We’ve thought about that too,” Decker assured her.

  “We’re currently working on the safest way to get there.” Liam nodded. “We’ll take Decker’s SUV and Brody’s truck and make a caravan up there. We’ll drive up and back in daylight. Brody and I updated the alarm system on the house last year, so we will be safe while we are there. I’ve ordered six Kirlian cameras and four thermal cameras, along with various other items to help ensure our safety here, at your apartment, and your shop. That will be delivered tomorrow along with the rest of the supplies we need to install everything. We’ll just take some of the Kirlian cameras with us up to Sedona, I’ll re-order some more for your apartment and they’ll be here when we get back.”

  “We’re thinking about staying a week, since you and I are technically on vacation. That would give us a good space of time to work together too. Aside from finding Mom and Dad’s notebook, we would make that our priority while we are there.” Decker rubbed her back as he spoke.

  Jade nodded. “But Harper and Erin depend on the money from the shop,” she said softly. “I’ll still get my paycheck from the hotel, but they don’t have backup.”

  “There is that.” Harper shrugged. “But the Deckers are feeding us, and very well, I might add. I have a little in savings; you’ll get your paycheck from the hotel, so we can just pool all we have this month to pay rent at the apartment and the shop. Business has been slower this month, so we shouldn’t have to order too many items for the shop. I feel that it is in our best interest in the long run, to get rid of the demon dude,” Harper announced.

  “You’re right. I can’t argue with that.” Jade nodded.

  “I texted Erin earlier and she gave me the name of your landlord for White Magic. I paid your shop rent for the next two months,” Liam spoke. He continued to click the keys of his laptop and never looked up.

  “What? We can’t let you guys pay our rent.” Jade shook her head.

  “You can. You will.” Decker smiled at her. “We’re all in this together now, Jade. We’re family now. He’s after you, my brothers, and me. The fact that Harper and Erin are your roommates and business partners means they are in danger as well. True, he started with you, but it just takes getting to one of us and he’s free to continue as he has all these centuries. The one thing we do know is that it will take all of us, plus two other people, who are hopefully out there somewhere, to beat him. As far as I’m concerned, the six of us here in my house, we are family.”

  Decker could tell she was not pleased. He continued, “We have to work together now, as well as depend on one another. So, Liam has the shop rent covered, the Decker brothers always pick up the food tab for ladies, and I called your apartment office while I was at the station and paid your rent for the next two months after I called Liam.”

  “You were planning this before we left the station?” Jade asked as she cocked her head and narrowed her gaze upon him.

  Decker nodded. “We were, and of course I was going to tell you, after we came home and you relaxed a little. While you were at the station was no time to discuss this,” he explained.

  Jade realized he made a good point. She was far too tense while they were at the station. Even now, she trembled when she thought of what happened earlier at work. Her focus had been on leaving the police station and returning to Decker’s house, so she could change and relax.

  “Okay.” She sighed in surrender and shrugged.

  “It was Liam’s idea, Jade. He told me about it after Riley drove me home. I thought it was a great suggestion. We need to find that book. And if we’re all off, we can work together more,” Harper confessed. “Yes,” she added after Jade gave her a look, “I was conspiring too. But I didn’t know they paid our rent.” She scowled at Liam.

  He flashed a grin at her. “No, she didn’t. Neither did Erin. It was meant to be a surprise for you girls. I told Erin I needed to talk to the landlord about the alarm system.”

  Harper rolled her eyes. “It must be a Decker brother trait to flash one of those big, dazzling smiles when they’re in trouble. Brody does it all of the time, and Liam just did it. Decker did it earlier,” she chuckled.

  “You girls have worked hard to get the shop going,” Liam said, ignoring the Decker brother trait comment.

  “We know you three have put a lot on the line and made sacrifices to get White Magic up and running and keep it profitable. We felt it might present a financial hardship for all of you to take off at one time. We have to take care of each other now because we’re not only family but also a team. As far as I am concerned, this subject is closed.” Decker winked at Jade. Flashed her one of those grins Harper mentioned.

  He continued, “Besides, we’ll need a lot of items from your sho
p to take with us to Sedona, so we have everything we need in the spiritual protection area. You ladies can take care of that. You are teaching us, giving us psychic development classes. I know you charge for those at the shop, so we’re even.”

  “Okay, it’s an exchange of energy then.” Not charity. It could be considered payment for a service. “You have a deal.” Jade exhaled loudly as she shook her head.

  “You guys!” She shook a finger at Decker then Liam. She let go a small laugh. If there was one thing she had learned about the brothers, they were going to do what they wanted. They also genuinely liked to help people.

  It was ironic really, that she had met such an awesome guy, the kind of man she believed only existed in dreams, and at the same time another man, no not a man, an evil being, that she didn’t previously believe any as strong as his kind truly existed in the world. She was simultaneously very happy about meeting Decker, and terrified that a demon like Ciaran was after them. She hated that she was presently his primary target.

  “Just so you know, we owe the Decker brothers big time,” Harper announced. She gave Liam a serious look.

  “You don’t owe us anything,” Liam countered. He looked up from his laptop and said plainly, “We’re a team. Family. Our blood ties go back to ancient Ireland. Jade’s ancestors married into the Clan O’Flynn of Ardagh, we are Flynns from that same O’Flynn of Ardagh line. You are Jade’s family, so we are all family. There’s no owing. There’s just doing.”

  “Gosh, I think Liam needs to work at the shop. He just put me in my place.” Harper shook her head. “Have you ever considered giving people readings? You are a natural.” She looked to Jade and laughed.

  Jade grinned knowingly and nodded her head.

  Liam raised a confused brow at Harper. “What?”

  Harper began her explanation, “According to Spiritual Law or Universal Law, we, as in the inhabitants of the Earth, the human race, are supposed to work together, live together in harmony, give to others, look out for one another as equals, and look at every single human as an equal, like family. You said that so plainly just now, and what’s more important you, Decker, and Brody believe it. It’s how you guys are wired. I’m spiritual, and I know this, but I immediately slipped back into my old, proud, ingrained ways, became defensive, and told you I owed you for your kindness, when in truth I should just say thank you, and be open to receiving. I’m sorry.”

  Liam waved a hand at her. “No need to apologize. It’s all cool.”

  “So tell us how things went at the police station. What about those two guys with Ciaran?” Harper turned her attention to Decker.

  “Of course Ciaran was not found. He disappeared, literally, into thin air. The two men, both known drunks and addicts, said the last they remember, they were sitting in one of those little dive bars south of downtown. One of them said they remember talking to a man who looked like Ciaran, though he can’t remember what he said to them. The other one recollects nothing. They both had no idea who Jade was and neither of them remembers trying to take her. They had no idea why they were at the San Marcos.” Decker sighed in frustration.

  “He’s worked alone so far, why would he bring in two guys now? Two drunks.” Liam’s brows furrowed as he thought.

  “Wait a minute. He wasn’t alone at the Waterfront.”

  Everyone turned to Jade.

  “I think he had help, that blonde girl in the restroom corridor. Liam, I remember you saying she was incredibly strong, and you said the same thing, Decker.”

  “She was crazy strong for a woman, and a drunken one at that,” Liam agreed. “But, why would he use drunks? What good could they really do?”

  “Bear with me on this. We were in a bar that first night. Those two guys were in a bar today, right?” Jade posed.

  “Yeah,” Decker agreed.

  “I know what you are thinking, Jade, and I think you are on to something.” Harper nodded.

  “Negative energy,” Decker said as he realized what Jade was trying to say.

  “Enlighten me, please, I’m lost,” Liam said.

  “Remember when we explained last night that light beings are of a higher vibrational energy than we are. When we are sitting in a circle, we try to raise our vibration, Spirit actually helps us raise our vibration, and they lower theirs so we can communicate.” Jade stood up.

  “I understand that.” Liam gave a nod and waited for more.

  “So, not to say every single person who walks into a bar is unhappy, because that isn’t true, but people who are alcoholics or addicts are generally unhappy with themselves, with life or both. Sometimes unhappy people go into a bar to drink to forget about whatever it is that makes them unhappy. Their vibration is lower because of that,” Jade talked as she paced. “And because there are a number of people with addiction problems, depression, etc. in bars, there can be negative energy that remains there. Bad energy can even bring happy people down.”

  “And demons, or lower vibration spirits, find it much easier to communicate with lower vibration humans, who are usually lost and unhappy people,” Harper interjected. “That makes them easy to manipulate, and manipulation is something demons are known for.”

  “Yeah, okay. I see where you are coming from now.” Liam nodded his head. “I can see where some people, particularly addictive personalities, are easier to manipulate. Are we talking mind control, because Decker said those two guys remembered nothing about what happened?”

  “Maybe. I think Liam’s right because he wanted to touch you, Jade, and he wanted you to look into his eyes that night at the bar.” Harper rose now and paced the family room along with her friend.

  “I’m not a lower vibration person.” Jade whirled around to face Harper.

  “No, you’re not, but I think that is how he might control anyone. By looking into a person’s eyes or touching him or her. Remember, for all practical purposes, he’s a demon, and supposedly very powerful.” Harper grimaced and shook her head, her dark ponytail swinging behind her as she did. “How in the hell do we compete with a demon who uses mind control?”

  “So far, it hasn’t worked on Jade, so now that we know why he wants to touch us or for us to look into his eyes, we know not to let that happen.” Decker rubbed the stubble on his chin.

  “It may not just be drunks and addicts. There are depressed people, people with low self-confidence or low self-esteem, people with injuries or illness who are weary…” Jade returned to sit beside Decker.

  There was a worried frown marring her features. He hated that she was subjected to all of this fear, worry, and stress. All because he met her, but there was no turning back. He wouldn’t. I am thankful and happy I met her for so many reasons! Decker hoped that someday soon, this demon would be gone and he could just concentrate on his relationship with Jade, making her happy, and seeing where they ended up.

  “If he used that girl at the bar, he wanted her to create a diversion so he could get to Jade. It was the same scenario today, except he was using two guys to grab you. Maybe because he hasn’t been successful in controlling your mind thus far, he decided he needed someone who would just take you. Once he had someone tied up, he could force his victim to look at him. He could touch them.” Liam looked to Decker.

  Decker exhaled. “So, moving forward, he’ll try to bring others in to either create diversions, or to try and force one of us away from the others.” Namely, Jade. Decker tensed. Not if I’m near her, he won’t!

  Frowning, Liam nodded. He picked up his phone and texted something.

  “Are you warning Brody and Erin to be careful?” Harper asked.

  “Yes. I wish they could just come home. We have a lot to talk about and a lot to do if we are going to leave for Sedona on Friday.”

  “It’s almost eight. The shop closes at nine. They will be home soon,” Jade offered. “Tell them to straighten up and get everything ready to close now so they can leave right after nine.”

  “Will do.”

  “I need to
go by the apartment and pick up more clothes tomorrow,” she informed him. “I also need to pick up some cat food at the pet food store.”

  “Yeah, that’s fine, babe. We’ll get cat food tomorrow morning. Harper mentioned that you girls need more of your things. She said she and Erin get off at five tomorrow. I’m thinking you, Liam, and I will meet them someplace near the shop for dinner then go on over to your apartment, get your things, then come back and sit together in a circle again.”

  “That works.” Jade nodded.

  “Erin is just going to give me a massage at home instead of the shop, so I won’t have that appointment to make tomorrow. I do have PT Thursday. I need to go, because I’ll miss a week when we’re in Sedona. Erin said she will take me, so she can see what they do and can work with me while we’re up at the Sedona house,” Liam informed them.

  “Good. I forgot that you would miss PT. Are you sure you’ll get by without it?”

  “Yes, I’m positive. Erin will work with me and I only have two more sessions after we get back. Then I’m free!” Liam grinned at his brother.

  “I think maybe I’ll work at the shop tomorrow and Thursday to give Riley, Claire, and Annie some time off before we leave for Sedona on Friday,” Jade announced.

  “Okay, I’ll go with you, and Brody can stay here with Liam. That will actually help them get everything in order that we need for security in Sedona and what they need to get installed at the shop before we go.”

  “That’s great. We can all go to the shop on Thursday. Erin and I will just take off when I have physical therapy. When we get back to the shop, Brody and I can get everything hooked up. It won’t take long, the shop will be easy to do,” Liam assured them.

  “That’s important. We’ll feel much better about leaving if we know the other girls will be safer while we are gone.” Jade eased back against the sofa. For now, everything appeared to be under control. Soon, they would have an entire week to work together on a daily basis. She felt like that would be a huge step forward in their situation. They might get some answers as to what they needed to do to send the old demon back to hell, or wherever it was he came from.


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