Decker's Fate (The Decker Brothers Trilogy Book 1)

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Decker's Fate (The Decker Brothers Trilogy Book 1) Page 36

by K. R. Richards

  Niamh saw white light so blinding she felt the stinging of the burn in her eyes. Strong, intense currents of energy pummeled through her entire body. It was almost painful, but exhilarating at the same time. When it was done, when the white, hot, light subsided, Niamh nearly collapsed. After taking several deep breaths, she could focus and see again. She trembled violently. She looked down to see the lifeless eyes and the open mouth of her grandmother, and knew her spirit had left her body. No life remained in her shell. Aoife the White had left the world of the living. She had crossed into the realm of spirits.

  Donal O’Floinn handed Niamh her grandmother’s staff. Niamh thought it looked odd without her grandmother’s crystal upon it. Ciaran had taken it. “We are in your service now, Niamh the White.” He bowed before her. “Come. We will take Aoife the White home, to Ardagh.”

  “Aunt Neave!” Fianna called as she rushed to her. The interruption broke the vision. Neave’s eyes rolled back and she leaned against the sofa cushions, her head lolled to the side.

  Fianna gently patted her aunt’s cheek, sighing in relief when her eyes returned to normal and she saw a spark of recognition in them.

  “Goodness, I’m sorry Fianna dear. I think I went too deep into the memory,” Neave’s voice sounded a little weak. “It was as if I was there, back in that time…living it all over again.”

  Fianna helped her aunt get more comfortable. With a snap of her fingers, a delicate floral china pot with a matching cup and saucer appeared on a silver tray along with a plate of her aunt’s favorite biscuits.

  “Such a good girl. This will put me to rights.” Her aunt managed a weak smile.

  Fianna placed the cup and saucer into her aunt’s trembling hands. Neave took one sip. After another, some of her color returned.

  “I suppose I blacked out before I finished. Where did I leave off? I can’t remember speaking of anything more after the point I entered the circle.”

  “We received much more than that from you, Aunt. You must have gone into a trance. It was as if I was watching a program on the telly,” Niall said. “I felt as if I were there in the flesh.”

  “Oh?” Neave’s brows knit together in concern. “That sort of thing has certainly never happened before.”

  “It was the same for me,” Fianna admitted. She looked to everyone else. “Did the same thing happen to you, cousins?”

  “That’s what I experienced,” Decker spoke.

  There was a chorus of agreements.

  “I could feel the emotion of Aoife and Niamh, even Bearach. I felt the strong energy of the circle, the cold of the night, the warmth pulsing within the stones, everything,” Jade said as she rubbed her arms.

  “I could feel, hear, smell the damp green earth, the wind…nothing like that has ever happened to me,” Brody added. “I smelled Aoife’s blood even.” He grimaced.

  “Then where did it end, I’m afraid I don’t really remember?” Neave asked.

  “The last I saw, your grandmother put her power in your bronze pendant, and she passed away,” Erin offered in a sympathetic tone.

  “I loved my dear granny.” Neave sighed. All of them witnessed the glint of moisture in her eyes.

  “Do you know what your grandmother had in her hand that she threw at Ciaran? It caused him a great deal of pain and sent him running from the circle,” Liam asked.

  “No, I have no idea what she used. I do remember, it was very powerful and did send him scurrying away,” Neave answered. “I wish I knew. The knowledge would come in handy about now.”

  Liam nodded. “I wish we could find out. It would give us something to better protect ourselves with.”

  “Was it the colored fog or the energy of the circle that took Ciaran off guard when he first stepped inside? I could definitely feel that it threw him off a little in those first minutes after he stepped into the ring,” Jade queried.

  “You’re right, Jade. I noticed that too. He felt uncomfortable, and wasn’t his usual confident, cocky self when he stepped into the circle,” Brody said.

  “He did hesitate,” Decker agreed.

  “Wait! There was a current in the circle. The current of energy would be similar to a vortex, right? There are vortices all over Sedona, and if I’m not mistaken, there’s one near Cathedral Rock, isn’t there?” Jade spoke up.

  “Red Rock Crossing!” Liam said. He picked up his laptop and clacked away on the keys. He turned his screen around to show them a photo. It was of Oak Creek and a series of very large, flat red rocks in the creek bed. The brilliant red and orange hues of the imposing Cathedral Rock stood like a giant sentinel in the background. “Hold on, I’ll read about the energy there.”

  “I’d forgotten about the vortices here.” Aunt Neave looked to Niall and Fianna. “The energy of a vortex may very well help with our situation.”

  “It could.” Niall nodded.

  “We must carefully explore the idea. It could give Ciaran more strength as well,” Fianna cautioned.

  “There is one plus to this particular vortex, it’s on running water. Water is purifying and cleansing,” Niall pointed out.

  “A very good point, nephew!” Neave smiled at Niall.

  “The energy of the Red Rock Crossing and Cathedral vortex is feminine. It helps to release emotional blockages. The energy is highly nurturing, loving energy.” Liam smiled as he looked up from the screen. “It is mother energy, and the largest rock you see in the photo is the apex of the vortex. Some call it the Mother Rock.” Liam smiled.

  “That type of energy is something Ciaran is definitely not used to. My grandmother always told me his mother was very selfish and paid little attention to him when he was young. I don’t believe he ever experienced great love from his mother. His centuries of adult years have been spent wreaking havoc and fulfilling his own selfish desires,” Neave offered.

  “Demons aren’t known for their compassion, are they?” Brody commented.

  “So, if we decide the vortex thing works, since I’m the one meeting him, I can somehow lure him to the vortex. How far is it from the trail where I’m supposed to meet him?”

  Liam tapped the keys again. “Not that far. Here’s a map.” He swung the screen around so everyone could view the map.

  “It could be a mile. That is farther than I’d like it to be,” Jade said, worry evident in her tone.

  “I’ll just stand where the Templeton meets the Baldwin trail and wait. That will draw him to me,” Decker posed after studying the map. “I will be closer to Red Rock Crossing that way.”

  “We could be waiting at the Mother Rock,” Niall proposed.

  Jade looked to Aunt Neave. “Do you believe that the reason Ciaran is focusing on me is because I look like your mother?”

  “I think that is the main reason, yes.” Neave nodded.

  “If we decide Red Rock Crossing is a good spot to do what we need to do, I could draw him to the rock,” Jade suggested.

  “No, babe. Absolutely not! I don’t want you to be used as bait.” Decker quickly declined the idea.

  “And I don’t want you to go meet him either, Decker, but it’s been decided that’s what has to happen. If Red Rock Crossing proves to be the best place for us to get Lauren away from him, and get all of us away unharmed, I believe I could successfully lure him to the vortex.” Her tone was strong and serious. There was a challenge in Jade’s eyes when she met his gaze.

  Decker’s blue eyes narrowed. “We’ll just have to wait and see if the Red Rock Crossing location pans out, Jade. And if it’s decided you should lure him there, I can guarantee that you won’t be alone.”

  “No, she won’t. If Jade is used as a lure, I’ll be there with her,” Liam spoke up.

  “So will I!” Harper added.

  “Me too,” Erin committed.

  “I think the first thing we need to do is check the energy of the vortex at Red Rock Crossing. We’ll know when we feel it if it will help us. We don’t want Ciaran to know we are poking around, though. He may be w
atching the Cathedral Rock area already,” Niall suggested.

  “We need a bit of cloaking to the house, and for us as well. Shall we?” Aunt Neave stood. “We’ll pop in down there, if we went the ordinary way, he’d notice. I’m a bit weak still, Niall. You and Fianna will have to do it.”

  “Of course, Aunt.” Niall grinned. He closed his eyes. Lifting his hand in the air, he made a wide circle above his head. “The house is cloaked. He can’t see in. Rather, he’ll see what we want him to, us milling about inside, a bit of an illusion, if you will.”

  “Well then, dears, let’s join hands.” Aunt Neave smiled. “We’ll have a wee walk about at the Oak Creek.”

  They formed a circle of nine, hands joined.

  Chapter Twenty

  When Jade opened her eyes, she had to close them quickly, for the brightness of the sun’s reflection upon the water was unexpected. When she lifted her lids seconds later, she saw they stood on a long, flat slab of red rock. The wide Oak Creek flowed along on either side of them. It was a soothing sound. Across the creek, Cathedral Rock loomed in the distance.

  “Keep your hands joined for a bit longer,” Niall instructed.

  Jade felt a surge of warm, quick energy pulsing around her.

  After a few seconds, Niall spoke, “We’re cloaked. Let’s have a look about, shall we?”

  Jade concentrated on the location. There was very good energy here. Strong, energy. “It feels wonderful here.” She looked to Decker. “Welcoming.”

  He nodded. “It does.”

  “There is a vibrant source of energy here. Positive energy,” Aunt Neave remarked. She bent and ran her fingers through the creek water. “It’s in the water as well, how fortunate for us.”

  Niall agreed with a nod. “Indeed. Let’s have a wander toward Cathedral Rock and see the trails for ourselves, shall we? We’ll walk back here, poke around more. When we return to the house we can sort it all out.”

  “Rock cairns are everywhere along the banks. No doubt people make them as offerings in the energy field of the vortex,” Fianna noted as she looked about. We should have a look on both banks of the creek as well. It seems the energy of the vortex travels a long distance.”

  “It’s to our advantage that we see everything before we make our final plans,” Decker agreed. He reached out and took Jade’s hand.

  Jade gave his hand a squeeze. He gave her a smile. Her heart melted just a little then. They had to make it through this. It was imperative they did. She wanted a future with Decker.

  Hours later, the sun was lowering in the western sky. The vibrant rays illuminated the rock formations that Sedona was famous for, creating a fiery display of vivid shades of orange, red, and ochre.

  They now had a plan A, B, and C. If worse came to worse, Neave, Niall, and/or Fianna would pop them all back to the house, with or without Lauren Asherton. They had worked hard, mapping, planning, and talking everything through. The group researched, studied maps of the whole area, and had even discussed what could go wrong. Niall worked with the six for an hour, to help them strengthen the focus of their thoughts and energy on a single intention.

  They had laughed on their first, shaky attempt to levitate the largest leather sofa. As they tried to lower it, the sofa dipped precariously to one side and then the other before it rested once again in its original spot on the polished oak floor. They improved as they went along. Their last endeavor was to lift a gigantic boulder out back into the air. Of course, Niall had cloaked them while they were out of doors.

  The afternoon was busy, and they worked hard. Afterward, they moved into the kitchen together to make dinner. Liam and Brody took grill duty.

  Aunt Neave enjoyed a glass of wine as she sat on a barstool at the counter waiting for the timer on the top oven for the toasted, garlic bread. At the last minute, she snapped her fingers and popped in a sinful looking chocolate caramel torte.

  “We’ve earned such a decadent reward today,” she explained.

  Niall and Decker sat in the far corner of the family room going over the details of their plans once more.

  “I agree, Niall. The goal is to get Lauren and get back here safely. It’s not to destroy him this time. We are not ready for that battle yet, but I need to know, are we prepared enough to accomplish this much? I want your complete honesty here. I have the wellbeing of my brothers, Jade, and her friends to consider. I don’t want anyone hurt or worse.”

  “For this, yes, you are prepared enough. If you were not, I wouldn’t allow you to go through with our plan. I would find another way,” Niall told him. “I am your guardian, if you’ll remember. I’m not certain you’ve grasped the meaning of that as yet.” He raised a dark brow at him.

  Decker nodded. He sighed heavily. “Okay, I do trust you as our guardian. Sorry, Niall.”

  “Good. I’m happy you understand and more importantly that you trust me. As I promised, Jade will be well protected. I know that is a major concern for you.”

  “It is, because so far he’s focused on her. If our plans fail, do me a favor, forget about me, and get her out of there, would you?”

  “I can’t leave you behind, Michael. All six of you have to come through this. I can tell you with absolute certainty that this situation is the most crucial Ciaran has faced in eight hundred years. This is the first time there have been three brothers of the direct O’Flynn line and at least two, more than likely three, females descended from the original O’Flynn brothers’ wives. He won’t stop at killing just one of you. He’ll try to take you all out eventually to ensure he can continue his everlasting life. You realize he’ll target any children you might have in the future.”

  Decker gave Niall a determined look and shook his head. “Yeah, he can try. As long as there is breath in my body, he won’t get to any of us, or any children that may come to us down the road. I trust you with the life of my lady, Niall, as well as that of my brothers and the girls. All six of us, me included.”

  Niall grinned. “Thank you. I do not intend to fail any of you. It falls to me, to keep all of you from harm’s way. That is my duty.”

  Decker gave him a solemn nod. “That’s all I can ask for.” He added, “Hey, you know that thing you do, making things appear out of thin air?”

  Niall nodded. “You’ve need of something?”

  “Uh, yes. I do. I want something special to give Jade.”

  “Ah, an engagement ring!”

  “Not yet, no. It’s a little too soon for that, but I would like to give her something special, to let her know how I feel about her.”

  “And how is it that you feel about her cousin?” Niall’s eyes danced with amusement as he asked the question.

  Decker exhaled. “I want her to know that I love her.”

  “Ah! That wasn’t too difficult to say, was it?” Niall gave him a teasing wink. “Something very special then, and I think I I’ve just the thing, a necklace. A Claddagh, actually. The Claddagh is the perfect symbol for giving your heart to someone, eh?” He pulled out his phone. After a few taps and finger flicks, he turned the screen around to show Decker a collection of gold and silver Claddagh necklaces.

  “Wow! Yes.” Decker nodded. “I like these. Silver, because I’ve never seen her wear gold. I like the more traditional looking Claddagh with the hands holding the heart.”

  “This jeweler is in Cork City, and a good friend of mine. He’s familiar with my need for, shall we say, spur of the moment deliveries. Pick one, I’ll send him a message, and pop it in for you.”

  “I know what I like, but I’m not sure which one Jade would prefer.” Decker turned to look at Niall.

  “Pick one. If she doesn’t like it, I’ll send it back.”

  Decker looked. He really liked the one with the heart-shaped emerald best, but would Jade like it?

  “I would suggest this one, with the emerald in the shape of a heart with diamonds on each hand.” Niall pointed it out. “Let me enlarge the picture.”

  “That’s the one I was loo
king at too.” Decker grinned. “This one is engraved inside, what does it say?”

  “It’s Irish Gaelic and an old saying at that. It means, “With these hands, I give you my heart and crown it with my love.” Will you be wanting it engraved, do you think?”

  “Definitely.” Decker smiled. “With that exact saying, in English though. It’s perfect. The Claddagh symbolizes exactly what I’m doing. I’m giving her my heart and my love.”

  “Very good. I’ll ask his price.”

  “Price doesn’t matter. I can afford the best.”

  “This is the one then?”

  “Yes. To me, it looks like Jade. I could be wrong, but I hope she thinks the Irish Claddagh is as special as I do. It means something to me. The situation we’re involved in started in Ireland and our roots go all the way back to Ireland. I am giving her my heart and my love.” Decker realized then that he was trusting Jade with his heart. That was something he hadn’t been able to do for some time. He had never completely trusted any of his former girlfriends with that. He guessed that might be why he had all those rules in previous relationships and even stricter rules after his experience with Lauren.

  “I’ll get it to you before you retire this evening. I’ll get the total when I message my friend. If Jade likes it, you can pay me, and I’ll pay my mate, Daniel, when I return home. If not, I can return it as easily as I get it.”

  “It’s a deal. Thanks, Niall.”

  “We’re family. No thanks are necessary.” Niall clapped him on the back. “We’ve had a busy day. I’ve worked up quite an appetite, and as luck would have it, it looks like our fine meal is ready without either one of us lifting a finger.” He brandished a large grin.

  There was no talk of the task awaiting them the next day during their dinner.

  The long outdoor table had been set with the fine Belleek and apple green napkins. Everyone had a Galway crystal goblet with iced lemon water along with an alcoholic beverage. The men had Guinness, as did Jade and Harper. Erin, Fianna, and Aunt Neave chose wine.


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