Southern Shifters_Taken by the Wolf

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Southern Shifters_Taken by the Wolf Page 4

by Selena Blake

  Then they could die together because she was pretty sure the orgasm gathering strength would blow the top of her head off. He flicked her nipple with a finger and she contracted around him. Another groan rumbled through him and he latched onto the delicate skin over her artery.

  The sucking sensation sent her straight over the edge. Her eyelids slammed shut as a tidal wave of pleasure swept through her. From the roots of her hair to the tips of her toes, every inch of her tightened viciously.

  Moaning her pleasure she fought to keep herself steady. Colt adjusted his stance again, holding her weight as she clung to him.

  The waves continued and he thrust gently, a slow rhythm that set off round after round of aftershocks. She felt her juices running down her skin. The sensation was deliciously naughty. He'd taken her to a height she's never imagined.

  “My turn gorgeous. Think you can stand?”

  “After that?” She moaned. “I'll sure as hell try.”

  Mostly because after all those orgasms he deserved a doozy himself but a greedy part of her wanted another.

  She unlocked her legs from his hips and slowly lowered them to the floor. Blood rushed back in, making her toes tingle and she stood carefully. He was right there, big, slightly sweaty male, arms around her. She loved that he couldn't stop himself from touching her. His cock bobbed between them and she stared down, fascinated with the way her juices coated him so thoroughly.

  With a hand at her hip, he turned her and she grabbed ahold of the stairs again. They were so vertical it might as well have been a ladder.

  “Step up, baby.”

  She did as he instructed and climbed the stairs until he stopped her. “Right there.”

  His hands coasted over her ass, around her hips, then up her sides. He trailed kisses up her spine and she almost lost her footing.

  “Hold tight, baby. Don't want you to fall.”

  He massaged the tips of her breasts as he pressed against her back. Doped up on orgasms she couldn't stop the sounds tumbling from her lips. Moan after moan escaped as he nipped her shoulder blade and then nuzzled into her hair.

  Where did he get so much patience? He'd turned her into a wanton. She rubbed her ass against his cock and was rewarded with a deep growl.

  “That sets my wolf on edge,” he all but hissed.

  “You'll have to introduce us later,” she murmured, still gyrating against him.

  “With pleasure.” His voice was deeper, less recognizable and she knew that the beast was fighting the man at her back. She shivered at the power that rippled through him and sent sensations through her nipples. Even though he wore confidence like a badge, it seeped into her. Made her feel immortal, like their connection would never end.

  He slipped a palm down her belly and cupped her mound. A thick finger tapped her clit and her hips jerked back. Colt pressed forward, his cock burrowing into her.

  Obviously ready for his own release he tipped her pelvis just so and thrust home. They groaned together.

  “Better than I remember,” he uttered and pressed his lips against her shoulder.

  She couldn't form words as he pounded into her, leaving her weak kneed and breathless. Her fingernails dug into the wooden stairs and she bit her lower lip, but that didn't stop the throaty moans every time he bottomed out.

  His finger circled her clit again and she bore down on his cock. He growled deep in his throat, reminding her just who and what he was.

  He sped up his motions and she took flight again. A sharp pain pricked the back of her neck as a growl erupted through the cabin. He came hard, body tightening even as his finger continued to draw wave after wave of pleasure from her.

  The werewolf was talented with his hands; she'd give him that, she thought resting her forehead against a step.

  After several moments of heart racing, ragged breathing, twitching bliss he pulled out. But rather than let go, he pulled her back and they collapsed into a heap on the floor, thoroughly sated.

  Chapter Eight

  It wasn't even light out when Colt came to. He sat up and scrubbed a hand down his face. The scent of coffee filled his nose and he grinned. His mate was an early riser, just like him.

  Not bothering with pants, he skidded down the ladder, landing behind her. She whirled with a squeak, eyes wide, spatula raised.

  “Gonna fend me off with a kitchen utensil, gorgeous?” he asked, stepped forward until they were toe to toe.

  He took a deep breath. Her scent melded with that of the coffee and bacon. His stomach growled and his wolf let out a long howl. She was his; he'd bitten her and now his scent mixed with hers.

  “It's going to take more than a spatula to keep me away, mate,” he said the last word softly and suggestively.

  Despite the early hour, she laughed and swatted him playfully. He closed his hands around her cheeks and kissed her.

  “Why am I not tired?” he mused. They'd stayed up half the night talking about everything under the sun and stars. Their game of twenty questions had quickly multiplied and now he knew everything important there was to know about Robin MacDonald

  Even a few things that humbled and even scared him. It hurt him that she'd been willing to forgo a mating bond. That she’d been willing to die rather than take a mate her Clan chose.

  Luckily, that was moot. He’d claimed her, they were mated, they’d deal with any fall out together, as a team.

  “Because you're superman?” she quipped.

  “You make me feel super. Holy shit, that was corny.”

  She rose up on her tip toes and pulled his head down for a kiss. “I liked it.”

  “Then I'll be corny more often.”

  “I like you,” she said, emphasizing the last word.

  His hands roamed down to her ass, cupping, squeezing until she giggled against his chest.

  “I like you too. All of you.”

  “I'm so glad.”

  “How about we eat breakfast, take a leisurely shower together—” At least as leisurely as his tiny shower could afford. “And then I'll introduce you to the pack.”

  “Sounds per—”

  She froze and got that far off look he was starting to rely on. “They're coming,” she whispered.

  He didn't miss the tremor that coursed through her.

  “Can you tell who it is?”

  She shook her head quickly.

  “How many?”

  “Five—no, six.”

  “Get dressed,” he said, even though he hated to lose the view of her legs that his T-shirt (and nothing else) afforded.

  She dropped the spatula and raced up the ladder. He turned off the stove and downed a cup of coffee while he got in touch with Matthias.

  They were already heading off the trespassers. Colt was torn as he'd never had to worry about a mate before. He'd always stood shoulder to shoulder with his men, given no thought to feminine delicateness.

  But knowing that she was his mate changed everything. He wasn't sure if he should rush down the mountain and head off the intruders or hang back, protecting her from here. One thing was for sure, he wasn't letting her out of his sight.

  He stared up after her, watched the shadows on the wall as she rushed to get ready. How had things changed so quickly? He'd fully expected to like his mate, but he hadn't expected the deeper connection. That feeling of home.

  She felt right in his home, in his arms, wrapped around his cock. He'd do whatever it took to keep her safe or die trying.

  “I'm ready,” she said, shimmying down the ladder as if she'd done it a thousand times.

  He'd expected her to cower or chew her lower lip but instead she was bright eyed, back straight and utterly calm.

  “What now?” she asked, seeming almost eager. She shifted from one foot to the other.

  Beats me, he thought, admiring the way her jeans clung to her legs. The corners of that kissable mouth turned up.

  Outside, several howls carried on the wind.

  “They're being ambushed,” sh
e whispered, going still. She stared off into space for a handful of moments. Suddenly she gripped his arm as her eyes connected with his. “We've got to help them.”

  The urgency in her voice warred with his need to keep her safe.

  The front door flew open and he whirled in front of her.

  “I did that,” she murmured, rubbing a hand up his spine.

  His eyebrows jumped up his forehead. She'd done that? “What else can you do?” he asked, only half kidding.

  “I'll show you later.”


  “Didn't you get enough last night?” she teased and he appreciated her levity.

  They strode out the door and he let his wolf rush forward, ears searching for anything out of place. He heard the ruckus downhill, Robin's heartbeat and her soft breath.

  “I don't sense anyone close by.”

  He reached for her hand and all hell broke loose.

  Bodies closed in from right and left. Someone grabbed Robin before Colt could stop them. She screamed and fought like a wildcat. He put up a fight of his own and let his wolf rush forward. He'd just finished his shift when something stabbed into his neck.

  He hadn't even gotten in a good bite before it was lights out.

  Chapter Nine

  Robin screamed as Colt hit the ground. She'd never seen a werewolf shift and if she hadn't known the beast in front of her was Colt, her heart would have surely stopped beating. Full stop, given up the ghost.

  One of the men used his collapse and her distraction to his advantage, grabbing around her waist again. She used her power to choke him and he let go, gasping for air. The others charged her and she mentally swatted them away like flies.

  “Colt,” she screamed, diving for him.

  The moist forest floor soaked through her jeans as she landed by his side. His fur coat was thick, dark and warm. She soaked her fingers into it, relishing the connection.

  “What did you do to him?” she demanded, glaring up at the men.

  “Fuck, I didn't bring another dose,” someone said from behind her.

  She sent him sprawling back on his ass. Fury rose up in her and she stared the men down. One by one, she recognized them as the jerks who'd chased her out of town.

  “Answer me.” Thanks to the mating, her powers were back at full power.

  “Just a little sleeping pill. Nothing for you to worry yourself about.” It was the guy who'd banged on her window.

  “And how did you mask your presence?”

  Another surge in her power told her that Matthias had regained consciousness. He moved through the woods, quiet as a mouse. One day she'd have to learn that secret. For now, she simply glared at the fuckers and petted her mate.

  Wake up, Colt. Please wake up.

  “A witch's spell masked us.”

  “Which one? I'd like to kick her ass.”

  “Now, now. I expected better language from you.” This was a new voice, slimier.

  She turned to see another man approaching from the early morning mist. Her fingers flexed into Colt's fur and she felt his pulse skip a beat.

  Stay calm, she told him.

  “Why would you expect anything?” she asked, needing to keep them talking and focused on her.

  He stopped and studied her, then made a tsking sound.

  “Doesn't matter,” she amended. “Colt and I are mated now so whatever plan you had in mind for me won't work.”

  The man didn't mask his surprise fast enough and he shot a glare at the others.

  “Your little underlings didn't tell you that did they?” She was using up all her energy to keep the bravado up and her trembling down.

  Matthias and the others are coming, she told Colt. Just hang tight.

  I want to rip their fucking throats out.

  She sank her fingers into his fur and watched the newcomer mull over her words. He seemed to puff up and she wondered if he'd explode.

  “Second thoughts?” she asked sweetly.

  The man lunged for her. He was so fast that she didn't have time to dodge him. But Colt must have expected the maneuver because he launched straight up, intercepting the attack. His jaws closed around the man's upper arm and he gave a vicious shake of his big head. She could see the blood in the pre-dawn light and the man screamed. The others closed in but she battled them back. Eyes wide, they watched the fight stunned, and gave Colt the time he needed.

  Just when she didn't think she could continue, Matthias and three others just as big, closed in. She hugged a tree as an all-out battle ensued. Some of the men shifted to wolves, others threw punches. Grunts and groans filled the air, sending birds into flight.

  Colt tumbled down the hill, the other man swinging wildly as they rolled. Robin wet her lips and searched the area, trying to make sure she hadn't missed anything.

  Colt pounced on the man's chest and a wheezing sigh met her ears. The big wolf stared down.

  “Get the fuck off my mountain and don't come back. If I so much a smell you, you're dead, got me?”

  The man lay so still Robin thought he might be paralyzed. But then he nodded his head with a jerky movement that showed just how intimidated he was. Colt backed away slowly, the hair on his back raised. He looked ready for anything.

  The fighting died down around them and one by one, the rogue wolves headed down the mountain. Colt, Matthias and the others stood watch for a long time. Robin used what little energy she had left to give the jerks a little shove that sent them heels over head through the thick underbrush. Curses rang out and she laughed softly to herself.

  “I'm glad to see your powers are in working order,” Colt murmured.

  Me too. Never so happy about anything, well, except for being mated to Colt.

  The sun peaked over the mountain tops and Robin took a deep breath. It was surprisingly warm for a spring morning in the mountains or maybe her racing heart was keeping the chill away. Colt turned and nudged her with his head.

  “Back in the cabin.”

  “Bossy, bossy,” she teased but was more than happy to get back inside.

  Though he didn't speak out loud, she sensed him conversing with Matthias. Then he bounded up next to her, his nails clicking on the old, weathered porch. Inside, he shut the door with a paw and she turned to stare at him. A hint of unease gripped her stomach at his size and strength but it was quickly chased away by the tenderness in his warm gaze.

  She had nothing to fear from her mate.

  Shower. Now.

  Except that he might wear her out in the bedroom.

  As introductions went, there hadn't been much of one. She stepped toward the gorgeous beast. “Do you mind?” she asked, extending her hand toward his head. He nodded and she sank her fingers through his fur again.

  A deep rumble vibrated from him to her. She'd recognize those eyes anywhere. The golden flecks had haunted her dreams. He didn't move as she petted him, got to know the beast who watched her so thoroughly.

  A bubble of giddiness rose inside her. He bumped his muzzle against her legs and she ran her hands down his back. His attention and care flattered her; she was a lucky woman.

  Now, get in the shower.

  “Only if you're joining me, Colt.”

  She made a little show of stripping as she crossed the cabin. A howl echoed off the cabin walls. She backed into the bathroom and watched him shift into one delicious hunk of a man. Naked man. He had his sights set on her.

  Robin was happy to give in to him because he was focused on her pleasure. But more than that, he obviously wanted a life with her and he was willing to do anything to have her. He'd made that clear last night.

  It was too late to do anything but surrender to him. They were mated and she was thoroughly enamored with him.

  He crowded her into the tiny shower.

  “We're going to need a bigger shower,” she said as she hiked a leg over his hip.

  “Done.” She loved the way he studied her, gentle yet thorough as if he were looking for all the way
s he could please her.

  She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, in awe of his muscles. “Are you okay? I almost had a heart attack when you fell.”

  He nodded. “Just a tranq dart. Wolves have a super high metabolism.”

  “Thank goodness for that.”

  “Thank goodness for you.”

  “We make a pretty good team,” she admitted, feeling stronger, more centered than she ever had before. If being with him for a day could make her feel so comfortable in her whole skin, she couldn't wait to see what the future held.

  “Yep,” he said simply, his mind obviously already on other topics.

  “You'd better stop looking at me like that and start washing, wolf,” she said. “I don't want to take another cold shower.”

  He chuckled softly and sank to his knees. Soap appeared from know where and he lathered his hands before cleaning her from head to toe. When she was clean and rinsed he returned to his knees and blew a stream of warm air across her clit. Her body was immediately ready for more despite the cooling water temperature.

  “Don't worry my beautiful mate. I'll keep you warm.”

  I’ll always keep you warm.

  The promise of warmth was so much more, she realized. She understood that it was a promise of a future, of good times with the bad, of pleasure with the pain, his security and protection. And maybe one day, his love and a family of their own.

  The End

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  Check out the Other Southern Shifter Kindle Worlds Stories

  Start with Ruby Shae’s BEAR SENTRY

  After a routine mission turns deadly, bear shifter and former Enforcer, Jase Wagner is lost. The ability to trust his senses disappeared with the death of his partner and left him feeling worthless and unable to protect his clan. In an effort to find a place to fit in, he travels south and ends up in Deals Gap, North Carolina.


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