Given to the Highlander

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Given to the Highlander Page 11

by Veronica Touse

  The larger representative of the McLeod clan nodded in agreement. “Can we be up front with ye?”

  “Aye, ‘tis always allowed in this keep.” Baile appeared to take a sip of his whiskey, but Malmuira knew that he never drank while he was in negotiations. His mug was probably filled with juice. She smiled inwardly at her knowledge. That's something she would never share with anyone at this table.

  “Our clan mostly needs grain at this point. We need the same amount that we asked for last year. In return we're willing to offer you an equal amount of corn. Yer clan can turn it into the finest whiskey.”

  Her father appeared to be writing some things down, but he already knew what he was going to say. He always knew what he was going to say. She had been taught how to negotiate by her father, so she recognized all of his tricks. After a few moments of appearing to calculate costs and weighing options, Baile addressed the larger McLeod representative.

  “Tevis, we've been trading for a long time and ye ought to know that corn is not as valuable as wheat. Ah’ll need double the amount of corn. And ye know I'm giving ye a good deal.”

  Tevis wasn’t as good at negotiations as her father. He immediately rejected the offer. “Baile, ye know we don't have access to that much corn. And even if we did that would not be a good trade. Ah can give ye equal amounts of corn and a fair amount of cloth.”

  “If we’re going to be dealing in other goods, then ah’ll need to consider what our keep needs. Ah do know we are in need of ore and that ye have access to various weapon construction materials.”

  Tevis appeared uncomfortable. “Aye, we do have access to materials for weapon construction, but they are a lot more expensive than corn.”

  At that point, Eaunrig jumped into the conversation. “Our clan is small, but we do have a surplus of ore that we will not be using as much, since we are now at peace. We could use the wheat. I'm not sure what your previous amount was, but I can show you the amount that we would need for our clan.”

  Tevis appeared to now be very uncomfortable. He shifted in his seat and tapped his fingers on the table while he spoke. “The ore will be fine, we just need to decide on an amount.”

  His reply came too quickly. Malmuira could see he really wanted the wheat, and would do almost anything reasonable to get it. Baile would be able to see that, as well.

  Her father motioned for a man that was standing behind him to step forward. He whispered in his ear and the man left the room. “My manservant will be back with those numbers. Ye can go over the numbers with him and see if ye accept or reject the offer. Ah’m giving ye first pick of the trade because of our long-standing history.”

  The smaller McLeod had been silent for the duration of the meeting and now turned to Tevis. “Ah’ll look over the numbers when his servant gets back.”

  Tevis nodded in agreement.

  “We already discussed the amount of grain we would need from ye. Perhaps we should take a short break, fill up our flagons with ale, and then we can continue soon.” Tevis stood while he spoke, lifting his flagon to show it was empty.

  “Aye, ‘tis a good idea.” Baile immediately stood to leave.

  Everyone else left after he did, wanting to take a break from the discussions.

  Malmuira was surprised at how quickly everything had gone. “That was brief.”

  “Aye, but there will probably need to be more discussion after we come to an agreement with your faither.” Kyle led the way toward Malmuira’s room and she assumed they were going to speak to Oidche.

  “Why would we need to have further discussion?” She had never been privy to any agreements between more than one clan at a time. The trade agreements had always been done one on one with her father.

  “They may offer more or less, depending on the needs of their clan. Try to get a better deal or offer more if they want what he offers us.”

  “That makes sense.” Malmuira followed Kyle to the room, trying to figure out how both of her clans could come out on top of this deal.

  Kyle and Malmuira filled Oidche in on the most important facts from the brief conversation. He didn’t really have anything to add, so they returned. The talks commenced as soon as everyone returned and continued well into the night. Malmuira was sure to take good notes—that way she could give the notes to Oidche. She took a break in between long bouts of discussion to run them to him and bring back anything he suggested to Kyle or Eaunrig and Culloden.

  When everything was agreed upon, Malmuira was more than happy to retire to her bed. She was exhausted from all the talking and arguing that took place. Luckily, most of the arguing had been civil, and all parties seemed happy with the end result.

  She headed back to her room but Oidche was nowhere to be found. She began to look around, and a small panic sounded in the back of her mind. She hoped he hadn’t gone too far, for fear of him hurting himself. She decided to go find Maizy and see if she knew where he was.

  Maizy sat in her room getting herself ready to sleep.

  “Do ye know where Oidche is?”

  “Aye. He had some menservants help him get up and go down to the talks, to say farewell to the McLeods.”

  That made Malmuira upset. That stubborn man! She sprinted for the great hall, hoping to catch him before he did any permanent damage to his leg. She found him being supported by two servants, one on each side holding him up under his arms. He was bidding farewell to the McLeods as they departed. She waited until the doors closed behind them and decided to let him have a piece of her mind.

  “Oidche Murray, what’re ye thinking, getting out of bed with a broken leg? Do ye know what kind of damage ye can do? I can't believe ye’re being so foolish.” Malmuira stormed up to him and put her hands on her hips. She could hardly see straight, she was so angry.

  His face was pale and he looked weak. “Ah’ll be going back to bed now. Ah’m sorry to worry ye. Ah just wanted to make a good impression.”

  Her face softened with the apology. “Aye, just get back in bed. Ye need some rest, or ye aren't going to heal up.”

  The servants helped him get back to the room. He lay back down and patted the bed beside him. “Come lie with me, lass.”

  She lay beside him, putting her arm around his chest and cuddling up to him. “Ye worried me, Oidche. Ah don’t like to worry.”

  He stroked her hair and hushed her. “Sleep, love. Ye’ve worked long enough.”

  She was suddenly overcome by fatigue and fell asleep in his arms.

  A loud knock sounded on the door. Malmuira jumped out of bed in confusion. Oidche yelled out. “Who's there?”

  “It's me, Baile,” came the reply.

  Malmuira was already clothed, as was Oidche. “Enter.”

  Baile stood in the doorway with a smile on his face. “Ye did well yesterday, Mal.”

  Malmuira took the compliment with a sleepy smile. “Thank ye, Faither.”

  “Ye as well, lad. Ah heard ye got out of bed and said goodbye to the McLeods. Left a mighty good impression on them, ah think.”

  “Aye, ah would count this as a successful talk. And ‘twill go a long way in establishing peace between our clans.”

  “Malmuira, ye impressed the McLeods, as well.” The chief sat on a chair in the corner of the room, holding something in his hands.

  “Ah did?”

  “Aye, Tevis told me about it before he left. Said we were lucky to have such a fiery lass who was still respectful of her place.”

  Malmuira nodded in gratitude.

  “Ah’ve got something for you and Oidche.” He held out the item in his hands. “Yer maither wanted ye to have it. Ah’ve held on to it for far too long.”

  It was a little white dress for a bairn. “Ye wore it when ye were but a wee bairn. Yer maither made it specially for ye. Siusan wore it too, but ah want ye to have it. That way when ye have bairns of yer own, ye can use it for them.”

  Malmuira took the small dress from him and ran her hands over the smooth linen. “Thank ye, Faither.”

  “Ah’ll want to see yer bairns as often as ye can spare time for this old man.” He had a misty expression.

  Oidche sat up in bed and spoke with a serious tone. “Ah’ll make sure of it.”

  “Thank ye, Oidche.”

  The clan chief left the room and Malmuira joined Oidche back on the bed.

  “Yer faither is a good man.” Oidche was talking while he tried to scratch under the bandages on his leg.

  “Stop scratching that or it will never heal. Ye’re going to hurt it worse.”

  He stopped scratching. “Ah need to get up and do something. Ah’m wasting away here.”

  “Cohlm says one more week.”

  Oidche let out a long sigh, almost eliciting pity from Malmuira. “Well then, ye’ll just have to keep me company.”

  “Aye, suppose ah will if ye’re to be cooped up in bed here for another week.”

  Chapter 11

  The days flew by as Oidche mended. He and Malmuira had lots of time to talk and get to know each other while he was stuck in bed. Soon though, Cohlm gave him the go ahead to begin walking around, as long as he didn’t put pressure on the leg. He had some sticks fashioned to use under his arms while he walked. Oidche was worn out quickly and still in a fair amount of pain, so he didn’t get out of the room without having to turn right back around again.

  “Argh,” he exclaimed. “Ah’m so frustrated with my leg. Ah don’t know what ah’ll do if ah have to keep in this bed much longer. Culloden and Eaunrig are dying to leave.”

  “What about Kyle? Isn't he just as eager to leave?” Malmuira wanted to get his mind off of the boredom. A task that had become nigh on impossible.

  “He's got his eye on someone—won't tell me who it is. Ah don't know if ah can get him home after this. Ah may have to tie him to the back of my horse.”

  “If he won't tell you, how do you know he’s smitten? He’s not really one to announce his feelings, is he?” She had noticed how he spoke about things that were light most of the time, but imparted wisdom when needed by those he cared about.

  “It’s just this look that he has. Ah haven't seen it in a long time.” Oidche shifted in bed, uncomfortably.

  Malmuira helped him prop up his leg on a pile of blankets. “Well, ah dunno who it would be. There aren’t that many eligible lasses to choose from in the keep. Most of them are married or far too old for Kyle.”

  “Ah dunno. But ah’ll bet it’s someone that we see a lot. He’s not one to chase a lass for her looks. He is more interested in the way she is.”

  She fidgeted with the button on her dress. “And what do you look for?”

  “To be honest, ah wasn't really looking for anything. Just a warm body. That was until ah met you.” He clasped his hand on hers and squeezed it lightly.

  She was too cowardly after his sweet compliment to look up into his eyes. She kept her eyes downcast, staring at her clasped hands. She felt him cup her chin and tilt her head up to look him in the eyes again.

  “Ah want to be properly married to ye, Oidche. Yer the man ah want to be with the rest of my days.”

  Oidche had a smile on his face and brushed a tear that had strayed out of her eye. “Aye, love. We’ll be properly married, but ah need to heal up first. Ah want yer first time to be special and ah’m afraid there’s not much ah can do with a broken limb.”

  “Ah understand.” She wasn’t nervous anymore, but only felt anticipation.

  He groaned and shifted in bed. “My body thinks it’s ready. This will be a difficult process. Ah need to get better faster.”

  “Hush, Oidche, yer body will heal at its own pace.” She leaned over and kissed him. “Ah have to go help Maizy with Siusan. Ah’ll see you after supper.”

  “Faither, she’s growing so fast.” Malmuira sat at the back of the room with her father while Siusan ran around the room chasing an insect that was flying from one spot to the next. She would try to catch it, and when it flew away, fell into a fit of giggles.

  “Aye, too fast.” He was writing notes in a leather bound book that he always carried with him.

  “Ah’ll miss everything.” A tear slid from Malmuira’s eye and a deep sense of pain and regret filled her heart.

  “Ye’ll have bairns of yer own, Mal. She’ll be alright. Maizy is looking after her.”

  “And for that ah am so grateful.”

  “Aye, ah’m grateful, as well. She’s one of a kind, that Maizy. Bonnie lass, as well.” He had a smile on his face as he gazed off into the distance.

  “And half yer age, Faither,” Malmuira replied scandalously.

  Baile cleared his throat and turned his attention back to writing.

  “Mal, will ye play with me?” Siusan’s chubby hands pulled at Malmuira’s skirt.

  “Aye, Siusan, ah’ll play with ye.”

  “Let’s play battle.” Siusan handed Malmuira a stick, and they were soon hitting the sticks together in mock battle. Siusan twirled and pranced from side to side, wielding her stick and shouting. “Ye’ll never get me, ye lily lizard.”

  Malmuira was laughing so hard that she forgot to parry Siusan’s blow and it rapped her hand.

  “Ah’m sorry, Mal,” Siusan said. She ran over and jumped in Malmuira’s arms and kissed her cheek.

  “It’s alright, little one. Ye didn’t hurt me.”

  “Good. Ah don’t want ye to cry.” Siusan had a grin she could barely hide on her face.

  “Ye’d think that ah’d cry?” Malmuira began to tickle Siusan’s sides mercilessly. “Ah’ll show ye.”

  “Ah surrender,” Siusan cried out through peals of laughter.

  Malmuira hugged Siusan to her and kissed her cheeks.

  “Ah love ye, Mal.” Siusan pushed away from her big sister and ran over to find another game to play.

  “She’s a sweet child.” Malmuira sat next to her father again.

  He had finished writing and was now just watching Siusan play. “Aye, takes after her maither.”

  “Ah miss her,” Malmuira said. She felt a tug on her heart and lowered her eyes to her hands, clasped in her lap.

  “Ah do too, Mal. She was everything to me.”

  “Have ye ever thought of marrying again, Faither?” She looked over at the clan chief and saw an almost whimsical expression on his face.

  “Ah have. Ah’m not sure who ah would marry, though.”

  “Ah dunno, Faither, but ah’m sure there is someone out there for ye. Maither would want ye to be happy. It’s been so long since she passed, too. Ye could use the company.”

  He put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed in a reassuring manner. “Ah’m alright. But maybe someday. Ah’ll see.”

  They sat in silence, watching Siusan come up with games of imagination and fun. Malmuira knew in her heart that time with her father would be precious to her after she left the keep. She hoped that they would meet again, often.

  “Ah didn’t know ye’d be out of bed.”

  Oidche was up and dressed, using the sticks under his arms to keep him up and avoid using his broken leg to walk. He hobbled about the room.

  “Ah needed a break from sitting in bed. It has been weeks now. Ah just want to get moving, get back to normal life and get home. Cohlm said I would be up in a few weeks. It’s been that long.”

  “He said it might be a few weeks. Didn’t ye hear the part where he said it might take a few months? Ye broke yer leg and ye had a fever too. Yer lucky ye’re able to get up at all.” Malmuira sat down on the bed and motioned for him to join her.

  He let out a heavy sigh and hobbled over to sit next to her. A small grunt escaped his mouth when his leg bent and bumped the bed. She could see the pain etched on his features, but didn’t want to make him uncomfortable by fawning over him.

  “Are ye getting bored with me already?” Malmuira teased.

  Oidche had a pained look on his face. “Never,” he replied sincerely.

  “Ah was just teasing.”

  “Ah’m worried about Eaunrig and Cullo
den getting bored here. They need to be heading back to the keep.”

  “Why don’t ye just send them then? Kyle wants to stay, from what you said. Meet up with them and tell them to go back. Kyle can ride with ye and me when we return back to the keep.”

  “‘Tis a good plan. Fetch them for me please, Malmuira?”

  “Aye, ah’ll see if ah can find them.”

  Malmuira got up to leave, but Oidche grabbed her hand and pulled her gently back.

  “Mal, thank ye. Thank ye for everything. He pulled her down to him. He pressed his lips softly against hers and whispered in her ear. “Ah love ye more every day. Ye’re a kind and gentle woman and ah’m lucky to have ye.”

  She couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. After she left the room, she leaned up against the wall and took a deep breath. She felt happy. Genuinely happy, and the man in the room she just left was the cause.

  It took Malmuira the better part of an hour to find Oidche’s men. She should have guessed she would find them with the guards. They had spent a lot of time there recently.

  “A bit early for ale, isn’t it?”

  They startled when they heard her, but began to laugh. “‘Tis never too early for ale.” Eaunrig took a swig out of his tankard and slammed it down again.

  “Oidche needs ye.” She turned and left without another word. The guards were not her favorite people, and they certainly had a way of saying things that would make any maiden blush.

  Oidche’s men caught up to her in the hall. Culloden walked nearest her. “Sorry for the company we were keeping. Ah’m sure ye don’t approve of the guards.”

  Malmuira nodded. “They’re a rough bunch.”

  “What does Oidche need?” Kyle inquired.

  “He wants ye to talk to him about how long it is taking him to heal. He seems to think that it is taking too long.”

  “It is taking quite a while.” Eaunrig elbowed Culloden for his comment. “What? It’s true.”


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