Fueled by Lust: Drusus (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Fueled by Lust: Drusus (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 5

by Celeste Prater

  Their eyes remained locked. Heart melting in her chest, she battled with the urge to throw herself in his arms, to sink into his strength and allow him to be in charge of slaying her dragons. Could she simply throw away all the baggage of doubt and fear that he would take her heart into his large palm resting on his chest and crush it to dust? She was all too familiar with that feeling. That was her reality. This was an unknown. The disgust, yet comfort of the familiar fear won out.

  “I’m seeing someone,” she blurted, immediately regretting reverting to her usual defense by building walls that existed only in her mind. She immediately hated that she had caused his eyes to shift from glowing warmth to a steely glint and his hand to drop from his heart to his side.

  “Is this the same someone that keeps trying to change you, Avelina?”

  Chin raised, she stared him directly in the eye. “His name is Travis. I’ve been seeing him for five months. I really shouldn’t be here. I don’t know what I was thinking. It’s not fair to him…or to you.” Even as she spoke the words, she felt humiliated that he remembered her little rant at the club.

  “Are you in love with him?”

  She knew immediately that her face had given her away when one eyebrow rose and his lips twisted into a delicious smirk. She wanted to be angry, to lash out at him, if only to make herself feel better. But she couldn’t find it within her to act on that thought, so remained quiet, challenging him with her eyes.

  “Do not lie to me, Avelina. You cannot possibly love a man that so easily overlooks the core of your essence, to attempt to form you into a woman of his imagination. Perhaps I should have asked a different question. Are you lovers?”

  “Yes. I’ve slept with him…yes…I guess you could say we are lovers.” She felt her mouth go dry, unsure where he was leading with this question and the narrowing of his eyes as if he was angry.

  “So, you have shared your body with him, but not your heart. Why is that?”

  Swallowing hard, she slowly shook her head from side to side. “I don’t know.”

  His eyes shifted back to soothing liquid green, his shoulders relaxing. “Yes, you do know, Avelina. Tell me.”

  Angry for the tears stinging at the back of her eyes, she felt her bottom lip begin to tremble as she let the truth out. “Because he doesn’t see me, Drusus! Damn you!” Wrapping her arms around her waist, she glared back at him, daring him to finish what he had started. Surprise filtered through her when he didn’t show smugness or superiority at so easily pulling out her dark confession.

  “Of course he does not, sweetness, or you would have never been in my club. He would be spending his time wisely in keeping your eyes turned to him, and only him. Now tell me, Avelina, do you really feel disloyal to this man or are you fearful of something else?”

  God! How had he so easily stripped her relationship with Travis down to its ugly, bare nothingness? How did he know how to touch on her deepest wound yet make her feel better for having said it? She wanted to hate him now and was happy he hadn’t moved closer to her, or she would have done the unthinkable and thrown herself into his arms and cried like the sap she was. How humiliating! She sucked in a deep breath, unable to pull her eyes away from his.

  “You’re right of course. I owe him no loyalty. He is a warm body when I’m lonely…a quick fuck to scratch my itch. Happy now?” She barely recognized her own voice laced with bravado.

  He was too smart to dive headlong into her challenge to fight with her. She could tell from his calm look and relaxed stance that he was not done with his questioning.

  “No, I will never be happy to see you hurting, Avelina. Now tell me your true fear. What would make you want to push me away?”

  She felt defeated. He was much better at this then she was apparently. Her voice came out as a whisper, “You scare me, Drusus.”

  She was surprised at the look of hurt that crossed his face before it returned to the prior calmness.

  “Why do I scare you, sweetness? Do you actually think that I would physically harm you?”

  Her answer was immediate, “No, Drusus, I would never think that you would hurt me in that way.” Shaking her head, she chose to walk over that last line and let him in. “I’m not afraid of you in that way…I’m…I’m afraid for my heart.”

  His deep voice wrapped around her, caressing her skin, comforting her jangled nerves.

  “Ah, sweetness, but I see you.”

  They both flinched when the intercom buzzed next to her ear.

  Eyes still locked, he asked in a low, calm voice, “What will it be, Avelina? Do you go down the elevator or does our food come up? Your choice.”

  Chapter 5

  She felt the weight of her decision and years of hurt slide slowly off her shoulders, bringing a slight lift to her lips. It wasn’t completely gone by far, but it had at least released a few claws. “I want my greasy burger.”

  He briefly closed his eyes before straightening and making his way to the intercom.


  “Your meal has arrived, Mr. Tarquinius.”

  “Send it up.”

  “Very good, sir.”

  They continued to stare at each other as they waited, a silent agreement as they worked their minds through the last conversation. At the second buzz, Drusus slid aside a small panel and peered into the elevator before he allowed the doors to open. A delicious smell wafted in and her mouth immediately watered in anticipation. She recognized the carryout bag and laughed. “You got them from my favorite place! You just scored big points, mister!”

  Grabbing the bags, Drusus tipped the concierge handsomely. As the elevator doors closed, he snatched her hand and practically dragged her into the kitchen. Perhaps he, too, was relieved to focus on something else beside that agonizing and draining word exchange.

  She tried not to gape like the Texas hick she was as she surveyed the gleaming steel appliances, dark, built-in oak cabinets, and marble countertops. The entryway sported a gently sloping archway, as did the one leading out to the dining area. The walls were a soft Tuscany gold, complimenting marble flooring of a deeper shade. Any woman would kill for this space with the central, L-shaped island bar lined with thickly cushioned, high-backed chairs and a twelve-burner stove off to the left. What captured her attention and finally led to her mouth dropping open was the ceiling. Thick wooden beams crisscrossed to form perfect deep rectangles with muted recessed lighting casting a warm glow over the entire area. She wanted to live in this kitchen. Drusus looked so natural walking through the space. She could picture him propped up at the bar, sipping on his morning coffee while she cooked a big breakfast for them. Vigorously shaking that insane thought from her head, she snapped her mouth closed and gave him her best smile when he glanced back at her.

  Placing the bags on the counter, he pulled out two of the chairs before releasing her hand. Moving around the bar, he yanked the refrigerator door open and stared at her for a moment before gracing her with his dimple-revealing grin. “Sit. What do you want to drink? I have beer, water, wine coolers, or soda.”

  “Water is fine.”

  Placing two water bottles in front of her, he plopped down next to her, handed her a bag and then unwrapped his double-decker burger, spreading the wax paper flat on the counter. Unceremoniously dumping the fries onto the wrapper, he gripped the big burger and dove in with gusto. There was nothing shy or reserved about this big warrior of a man. It was his world and she was just visiting.

  Relieved that he had not put plates, forks, and knives out, she repeated his actions. Thank goodness, hers was only a single patty.

  Laughing as best as they could with mouths stuffed with food, they took turns mopping grease off each other’s hands and face. Finally, they sat back, stuffed and satisfied. She watched as he lazily patted his flat belly and stared at her.

  “I swear, Drusus, if you burp I’m going to laugh and throw up my food. So help a girl out here okay?”

  He had her lifted out of the chair and
planted against the wall before she could decipher the wild look in his eyes. His lips felt familiar now and she sucked his tongue into her mouth, matching him nip for nip and sweeping invasion. He tasted of burger and sin. She savored the deep groan she received at her show of aggression. His hair was still loose down his back and she buried her fingers in the thick, silky strands, holding him in place. This time she pulled her own legs higher, wrapped them around his narrow waist and squeezed her thighs. An even deeper rumble vibrated across her chest as he pulled her away from the wall, one massive arm slung underneath her ass and the other wrapped around her back.

  He practically ran to the living room, knocking into end-tables and kicking chairs to the side before he sank his knee into the couch. Slowly he lowered them lengthwise on the soft suede, his big chest heaving against her breasts. She felt his erection pushing hard, heavy, and thick against her thigh. Only then did he lift his mouth from hers. Arching her back, she smashed her breasts closer to his chest and released a whimper of displeasure at the removal of that wonderful mouth from hers. Emerald-green eyes, hooded and darkened with need, bore into hers. She barely recognized the dark, gravelly voice, much less understood the words slipping from his lips to shoot heat down her spine. She could feel her pussy flooding with wetness, preparing her for him.

  “Gods! Ista capisso mea spiritus procul! Tell me you are mine, Avelina! Say it! Let me have you!”

  “Yes, yes please! Have me, Drusus!” She was beyond caring if he ripped her heart out and threw it against the wall. She had to have this man. She had never felt like this before. Her body shook as if she was chilled, yet the room was pleasantly warm.

  Lowering his head back down, he began reverently placing soft kisses across her forehead, eyelids, mouth, and cheeks as if giving her thanks before trailing those warm lips up the side of her neck. When he reached her ear, he sucked the lobe between his teeth and gently bit down. Skin pebbling, she groaned when he began rocking his pelvis against her thigh then licked the shell of her ear, his words a hot whisper.

  “You are mine now, Avelina. I’m going to bury myself so deep in your soft, wet heat you will forget any other man had visited this body.”

  Liquid heat shot down her neck, tightening her nipples to hard points and settling as a throbbing fire in her pussy. Her hips instinctively began to twist against his, searching for him.

  Abruptly, he released her and rose to his knees. Lifting both arms back over his shoulders, he grabbed the back of his shirt and yanked it over his head, tossing it aside. With an unconscious toss of his head, he swept that glorious, onyx mane back over his shoulder, arms dropping back down to his sides. Her mind immediately jumped back to the club. Him, on his knees before her and whispering in her ear. She shivered at the memory. Fully aware that now there were no others vying for his attention, nothing around to stop them. He was giving her free reign to look her fill.

  Mesmerized, she stared at his powerful shoulders and beautifully formed chest, the necklace buried between those massive pecs glinting with each heavy breath. She knew that he could hurt her so easily if he wanted to. He was so much bigger and more dangerous, yet she felt safe with him. Rising slightly, she reached out and ran her fingers across the raised pattern of his washboard abs, feeling the bumps and valleys of his rigid flesh. His body trembled as she stroked one finger down the soft dark hairs trailing into his jeans. Looking up to his eyes hidden by a thick veil of lashes, she placed her palm flat against the front of his jeans before cupping and dragging it down the length of the throbbing shaft trapped behind the material. At his deep groan, she moved back up to the button and popped it from the hole. She shivered as he whispered to her.

  “Vero, aequa ista, mea mellis. Yes, like that, my sweetness. Release me.”

  Grasping the zipper tab, she slowly pulled it down, the rasping sound mixing with his uneven breath. His words strained from his sculpted lips.

  “Do you want to touch me? Put your hands on me. I want you to.”

  He was hypnotic. She had never felt such a deep-seated need for another as she did this masculine, virile man kneeling above her. She needed more. Rising higher, she braced herself on one hand, reached inside his sexy black boxer briefs and closed her hand at the base of his cock. He was so thick her fingers would not wrap around fully. He was fiery hot in her hand and silky to the touch. She lightly rubbed her thumb across a large vein running underneath.

  His upper body jerked forward and he clamped both hands to her shoulders. He was shaking, voice raspy and deep. “Gods damn, Avelina! Fuck!”

  Wiggling to sit flat and free her other arm, she released his shaft, hooked both hands into the top of his jeans and tugged the material off his hips and down to his knees. There before her rose the most beautiful cock she had ever seen, in real life or pictures. He was huge, so thick and long that it struggled to rise from against his thigh. Without thinking, she clasped it with both hands and pulled it toward her. She barely registered his fingers digging into her skin or the violent tremor of his abdomen. Enthralled, she watched as a glistening bead of pre-cum rose from the slit in the bulbous, ruddy head. Her tongue darted out to wet her lower lip. Moving forward she extended her tongue further and licked the pearly drop into her mouth. Savoring the delicious taste of him, she looked up quickly when she felt strong fingers grasp her chin.

  His emerald eyes appeared to glow, so intense was his stare. His head had slumped close to his chest, ebony hair hanging down both sides and brushing against his nipples. He spoke between clenched teeth, the words almost incomprehensible. “Open for me. Put those plump lips on my cock. Let me in that luscious mouth. Do it now!”

  Smiling at the thought of causing this magnificent warrior of a man to lose control, she gladly opened her mouth and sucked him in, shivering in excitement as the taste of his fluids hit her tongue again. His thickness stretched her wide and she could see he had plenty of length remaining to explore even though she knew it would be impossible to take all of him. Her tongue undulated against the bottom of the silky hardness until he hit the opening to her throat. She took quick breaths through her nose to stop her gag reflex, surprised as her pussy flooded with liquid and throbbed at the slight pain as he shoved even harder against her mouth. She angled her head to align her throat then pushed him a little further in and then swallowed. Strong fingers dove into the hair at the back of her head and latched on with a painful bite as he held her still and began thrusting hard against her.

  “Fuck yes! Deeper! Let me in…there…there…yesss…suck my dick, baby…ah gods!”

  She heard his sharp cry when she swallowed twice more and held still to let him regain control before she continued. He hadn’t come yet and she didn’t want this to end. Instead, she felt his legs begin to buckle. Gripping his hips for leverage, she rose to follow him as he fell backward to the couch, his cock still lodged deep in her throat, hips undulating, hand still buried in her hair. Pulling her knees upward and twisting to her stomach, his boot slammed down to the floor on one side of her as the other leg slid forward along her other side. Slowly she lodged herself between his thighs and continued her tender assault.

  Gripping the center of his fully erect cock with one hand, she used the other to softly brush up and down his sac, her fingers feathering against the sensitive area beneath the tightened skin. She gradually drew her mouth backward, moving her hand along his shaft in a slight twisting motion through the liquid trail she left behind.

  He was murmuring in that beautiful language again. Even though she didn’t understand a word, her clit throbbed and burned as if he were brushing it with his tongue. She lifted her right leg over his thigh and began to grind her clit against rock hard muscle. Languidly swishing her tongue from side to side on the upward sweep against his velvet steel rod, she latched onto the thick head and rubbed her tongue repeatedly below the sensitive ridge. His hips bucked violently and she quickly slid him back down her throat once again.

  There was enough wetness now that sh
e began to stroke him smoothly from the base of his cock upward until her fist met her lips, slowly working the rest of him with her mouth. Not an inch of his long cock missed the touch of her mouth or hand. When the unrelenting grip to her hair released, she glanced up and saw he had a white-knuckled death grip on a throw pillow smashed to the top of his head as he slammed the side of his other fist against the back of the couch. His eyes were squeezed tight, breath heaving behind clenched teeth.

  “I cannot…stop…going to come down your throat…fuck!”

  He was hers now and she was going to ride this out to the finish. Let’s see who’s going to forget past lovers now, buddy! She swallowed hard against the thickness lodged down her throat and began to hum, tears sliding down the outside of her eyes as she struggled to breathe through her nose. She slid her middle finger against his anus before gently pushing in up to her first knuckle.

  “Ahhh! Gods damn it! Yesss…so good,” he roared. Flinging the pillow across the room, he gripped the back of her head, holding her in place as he shouted her name and growled his demands.

  “Swallow it! Take every drop! Open that throat!”

  Hot jets of cum pulsed down her throat and she swallowed continuously to keep up with the flow. His big body frantically surged against her face. Slowly she drew backward, softly licking him clean until his movements slowed and he slipped heavily from her mouth. Gasping in gulps of air, her head slumped against the top of his trembling thigh.

  He grabbed her under the arms and slid her fully on top of his body. Grasping her head, he pulled her down for a devastating kiss. His soft lips slanted over hers and his tongue swept in to slide against hers. He nipped at her lower lip then sucked it into his mouth before softly releasing it. He moved his head back and stared at her for a moment as if she were a complicated puzzle.

  Grabbing her hips, he moved her downward until her head was above his chest. His big palm pushed against her head until her cheek pressed against his heaving right pec. He repeatedly stroked the sweat-dampened hair at her temple and brushed the back of his fingers up and down her check and jaw. The timing of their breaths began to synchronize as their bodies calmed. Soon, the only sound was their soft breaths.


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