Fueled by Lust: Drusus (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Fueled by Lust: Drusus (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 8

by Celeste Prater

  Quickly finishing up in the shower, she dried and lethargically pulled on a clean pair of jeans and her favorite well-worn, Texas Longhorn T-shirt and mindlessly dried her hair. Staring at her forlorn face in the mirror, she shouted at the despicable image staring back. “Damn, you’re acting like someone died. Get a grip! You had a freaking one-night stand. Grow a set and get over it!”

  Convinced she just needed to get out of this cramped room to protect her sanity, she considered going into work. I can catch up on paperwork before she-bitch, Laurell with two l’s, starts in on me tomorrow. Geez, I forgot to tell Cassie I’m okay. Grabbing her cell, she punched in a text to her dearest friend.

  Back and ok. Might go to work, don’t ask about last night. I already feel like an idiot. Know u will grill me at lunch anyway. Give u something to look forward to.

  * * * *

  Cassie opened one blurry eye and glared at the alarm clock. Ten a.m.! What the hell! Who calls this early on a Sunday! Grabbing her cell, she answered in her best, threatening growl. “This better be good. Huh? Who did you say you were again? Nicholas? I don’t know a Nicholas. Drusus’s assistant…Oh yeah, Drusus, the big cowboy from the club.” Sitting up, she scrubbed her face with one hand and tried to wake up.

  “Flowers…he wants to send her flowers? He must have messed up bad. No, I’m not going to tell you where she lives. No, you don’t need her phone number either. If she didn’t tell him, why should I? Huh? Okay, I see your point…hold on, let me think. Well, she’ll probably kill me for this but I can give you her work address. You can send them there tomorrow. That should give them time enough to cool down. Sorry? No, that’s the best you’re going to get out of me. You’re lucky I’m going to tell you that much. Okay, that’s all right. Gotta pen? What? A pen silly, you know, something to write with. It’s 125 Taylor Lane. It’s an art gallery. Yes, that’s right…okay, you, too. Hey, not for nothing, but you have a very cool accent. You’re welcome. Hope he gets out of the doghouse. They seemed good together. Yeah, okay. Bye.”

  Looking at her phone, she saw Lina had left a text, and laughed softly at the message. “Ah, so the night didn’t end so sweetly after all, huh? You’re durn right I’m going to grill you. Well, I hope his flowers get him another shot at it. He seems like a good enough guy.” Flopping back into her warm bed, Cassie turned off her phone and covered her head. “Ten o’clock. Damn fools!”

  Chapter 8

  Closing the phone, Ulixes cast a wary eye in Basilius’s direction. “Well, at least we have something, my lord.” Unsurprised by Basilius’s scowl, Ulixes began punching the address into the car’s GPS. “Here, I am placing her work address into this device. It will guide us to her location. We will secure a place nearby to stay and will wait to acquire her on the morrow. We can take our time to familiarize ourselves with the location and plan our strategy accordingly.”

  Sighing in resignation, Basilius nodded his agreement. “You are correct, Ulixes, I must restrain my excitement and engage in a sound strategy to be successful.” Glancing over at the big warrior, he allowed a genuine show of admiration to settle upon his face. “You are extremely valuable to me, Ulixes. You understand me very well. You are a male of worth.”

  Ulixes fought to hold back the outward show of exhilaration at hearing those long-sought words from the man he loved. “Thank you, my lord. Now let us hope there is an abode close to this place that is worthy of your exalted station.”

  Grinning at the praise, Basilius looked out the windshield and motioned forward. “Yes, if we are to stay longer on this strange planet, let us hope they are prepared for me.”

  * * * *

  “I told you they would be blue, now pay up.”

  Drusus rolled his eyes at Severus before pulling his wallet out and slapping fifty bucks in the outstretched palm. “You cheated. I know you cheated somehow.”

  Feigning mock injury, Severus placed his palm over his heart. “Trejani, I would never deceive you. Blue was next in rotation. You should pay closer attention.”

  Laughing, Drusus shoved Severus on the shoulder and looked up at the man approaching them. He was easily six feet seven inches, with spiky, black hair tipped in neon blue, piercings running the length of both ears with one in the eyebrow, and usual faded jeans covering the well-worn Harley Davidson Xelement tribal skull boots that held up his massive frame. With barbed-wire tattoos circling each bicep and threatening to rip through his faded black T-shirt, Cato looked every bit the lethal owner of the tricked-out Harley Fat Boy motorcycle parked out front of Seekers. He was also the very perceptive and valuable computer genius that managed the complicated database of potential mates for his men. If this world only knew the level of sophistication and advanced technology stored in this non-descript dating facility, they would be astounded. Every text, phone call, and whispered desire of women within a 100-mile radius captured and analyzed for one thing—a need to connect. Whether it was a search for a lifelong mate, a quick fuck, an escort to a function, or a night of debauchery, their systems would triangulate, locate, and eventually invite these women into their lives.

  Raising a beautifully arched brow, Cato stopped and crossed those massive arms across his chest and leaned forward. “So, are you saying that I am predictable now, Severus?”

  Lifting his palms out in supplication, Severus solemnly shook his head side to side. “Trust me, Cato, your hair color is the only thing predictable about your sorry ass. From red, orange, green, purple, yellow, gray, then to a lovely shade of magenta last month. Blue was next in line. Of course, you deviated once six months ago when that chick…what was her name…oh yeah, Candy dared you to go pink.”

  Flopping down into a beat-to-hell desk chair, Cato shoved his Tribals hard against the floor and rolled backward to a bank of computers. Swiveling, he began tapping on the keyboard before spinning back around, a lecherous grin splitting his face. “Okay, fine. Even though it freaks me out that you’ve been paying attention to my hair, you weirdo, you keep my rotation to yourself in the future and I refrain from spilling about your almost date last night. What was it she said?” Rotating back around, he glared at the screen for a second before stabbing those cerulean blue eyes back to Severus. “Oh yes, her morning text to her best friend reads…and I quote…Hey Katy, your idea to use the escort dude worked like a charm. Matt couldn’t keep his hands off me…Should I go on?”

  “Enough! You win!” Looking over at Drusus for help, which only got him a shrug, Severus glared back at Cato. “I will promise to never notice your hair again, big guy, so down okay?”

  With a quick nod of his chin, Cato grew serious when his head turned toward Drusus. “Trejani, what can I do for you?”

  Drusus grinned at the warrior’s quick understanding and walked over to the wall lined with large monitors, keyboards, and flashing server lights. “I am looking for a female named Avelina Roth. She and her friend were in the club last night. The female named Cassie had an invitation. I need to know how to locate her.”

  Swiveling back to the monitor, Cato’s big fingers flew over the keyboard, then paused. “Avelina Roth’s current address is not publicly listed. Last location was a dorm at the local college. She graduated from there several years ago, so highly doubt she hung around. She is careful with her personal information. I can break into the driver’s license database but it will take me awhile since they recently updated their security. Then we can only hope she has kept her address current. How fast do you need this information?”

  “I need it quickly. Perhaps you can pull information on her friend Cassie and I will take it from there.”

  “Already done,” Cato said and pointed to the monitor. “I pulled her info up at the same time. Caught her text message two days ago about ‘hunting down some hotties,’ so she is already in the database.”

  “Excellent! Write that info down for me.” Clapping Cato on the back as he pocketed the slip of paper, he turned to Severus. “Let us go see Cassie. You will get a kick out of this one,

  * * * *

  Pounding on the door for a fourth time, Drusus cast a dubious look at Severus. “She is not at home. Try her cell again.”

  “I have tried three times already but it goes to voice mail. She has it turned off.”

  “Damn!” Running frustrated fingers through his hair, Drusus turned to leave but stopped when he heard fumbling at the door lock. Smiling, he watched as Cassie cracked open the door and peered out at them with one eye.

  “You,” she said, pointing one finger through the door crack at Drusus, “I know. The other big brute I do not. What do you want?”

  “Good morning, Cassie. We are sorry to disturb you, but I am looking for Avelina. Would you perhaps share her phone and address with me?”

  Opening the door wider to shove her head through, Cassie glanced back and forth between Drusus and Severus, lingering a little longer on Severus as she answered Drusus. “Maybe she doesn’t want you to have her info. Did you think of that?” Glancing back at Drusus she raised an eyebrow in challenge.

  Before Drusus could come up with a plausible response, Severus piped up. “Open the door a little wider, sweetness. I’m sure there is more to your loveliness besides your face. Are you afraid of something?”

  Eyes narrowing at the dare, Cassie swung the door open to reveal her full length swaddled in a short, silky, black robe gapping open slightly at the chest to reveal the top of her pert breasts encased in more black silk edged with lace. “Well, do I pass inspection big guy?”

  Laughing loudly, Severus nodded his head vigorously. “Quite. You are a vision of beauty for my poor eyes, mellis.” Leaning closer, he lowered his voice as his eyes drifted down her body to her slender legs. “You are ravishing.” His brows lowered, a slight frown marring his handsome face. “However, I have this overwhelming desire to feed you. You are a tiny thing. Your frame could carry much more of that lovely flesh if you only allowed it.”

  That did it. Cassie flew out the door and was up in Severus’s grill before he could lean back, one fist jammed on her hip, the other pointing a finger at his nose, and eyes blazing daggers. “Typical! Just typical! You men have no idea of what you want. I want a thin, airbrushed model…no wait, I want a plush girl…no, make that a blonde skinny girl…nope, changed my mind, I want a brunette. I like you firm…nope, your muscles are too defined. What the hell does your godforsaken species want from us? It’s never enough! You can kiss my skinny ass, you self-righteous bastard!”

  Stunned, Drusus watched a lecherous smile appear on Severus’s face before he snatched her hand. Pulling it closer, he moved her wrist to his lips and laid a reverent kiss upon it before gently releasing her. “You are full of spirit, my beauty. Your amber eyes are on fire and cheeks flushed with passion. I stand corrected in that you are in need of any adjustment whatsoever. You are perfect as you are.” Pulling back to his full height, face sobering, he bowed his head in admonishment. “Now, if you will forgive me for the wrong I have done to you, I would hope you do not take it out on Drusus. He is infatuated with your friend and is desperate to find her and make things right once again. Would you be kind and ease his breaking heart?”

  Speechless, Drusus listened as a suddenly docile Cassie rattled off Avelina’s number and address. Thanking her, they started back for the car, swiveling around when she called his name.

  “I hope you chose lilies. You’ll make an even bigger splash if you remember next Friday is her birthday.”

  Confused, Drusus moved closer. “Lilies? What do you mean?”

  “The flowers…the ones you’re having delivered to her at work tomorrow.”

  “I am sorry Cassie, but I do not understand. I have not asked for flowers to be delivered to her.” Fear spiked in his chest as he saw her eyes widen in alarm.

  “But your assistant called earlier. He said he wanted her information so you could have flowers delivered. He said his name was Nicholas. Had an accent like you guys. Oh god, what have I done? You don’t have an assistant, do you? I gave him her work address. Shit! She texted me earlier and said she might be going to work today. Maybe she meant working at home. I don’t know…oh shit! Wait, I’ll get dressed and go with you. We have to check on her.”

  Whipping his head toward Severus, Drusus saw he was already dialing Avelina’s number. His gut lurched when Severus shook his head and issued an angry growl. “Going to voice mail.”

  “Stay here, Cassie, and keep trying to call her. Turn on your phone and check your calls. You will find our number there. Call us if you hear from her. We’ll go to her home first.” He rushed to the car after she nodded and flew back into the house. The car was moving before Severus had fully closed his door.

  “Gods damn it, Severus, this has to be Basilius’s work! But how the hell would he know about Avelina and Cassie?”

  Long fingers shoving into his mussed hair, Severus shook his head. “He has to have a contact in the club. He could not have tapped into our database or Cato would have sniffed out that bastard in three seconds. No, someone at the club saw you transition when you force-bound with her. This is the only logical option. Wait! I just thought of something.”

  Drusus watched anxiously as Severus tapped numbers on his phone.

  “Cassie, this is Severus. Do you still have the phone number of the person that called you? Good, send it to me by text. Thanks, and no worries Cassie, we will let you know what we find. It is probably just a misunderstanding. Okay, bye.” After the text came, Severus punched numbers again, waited and then dialed. “Cato, yeah. You got it? Trace it. Okay, I will stay on the line.”

  Drusus realized he was gripping the steering wheel with enough force he could actually hear the groan of the metal. Taking a deep breath, he relaxed his fingers only to watch his knuckles whiten into another furious grip. He knew it was only a few minutes, but it felt like hours before Severus starting talking to Cato again.

  “Damn it! A fucking disposable phone! You called it? No answer? Shit! Worth a try. Yes, a big problem. We believe Basilius has arrived. No shit. Put two guards on Cassie Wells. Yes, mist form. We have her friend’s address. Going there now. Yes, let us know if you sniff anything out. Thanks, Cato. Later.”

  “Well, fuck, Severus! Who taught that creepy bastard about disposable phones? Who the hell is he working with? One of the human waiters perhaps? It has to be one of the humans. None of our own would betray us, Severus. We will have to clear the business of any humans. This is a weakness. Call Petrus, tell him to put out an alert to the other warriors and add additional security on all sites. Until we know more we have to assume Basilius has brought the war to our doorstep.”

  * * * *

  Tapping her pencil on the desktop, Lina glanced at the clock for the hundredth time. She had been at work for almost two hours and still had not accomplished anything she had set out to do. She had spent more time pacing from her closet-sized office to the hallway, too guilty to warrant punching the time clock. She groaned loudly when she realized she was on her third attempt at reading the same invoice she had been clutching for the last thirty minutes. Shoving the offending paperwork to the side, she pulled her keyboard back in front of her and clicked on the Internet icon. “So sue me, I am not going to rest until I know what the hell he said to me.”

  Bringing up a site for foreign language translation, she typed in mellis. “Okay, that is sweetness, like he said. Latin, huh? So he really is a Greek god…figures! Okay, let’s try tam bona. ‘So good.’ Yes sir, it certainly was.” Grinning, she reset the translator. “Now, let’s try the big line he used. I hope I spell it right. Ista capisso mea spiritus procul.”

  Lina jumped when her phone chimed. Heart pounding in anticipation, she squelched the sudden happiness when she realized that it couldn’t be Drusus since she had been an ass and never left her number. Grabbing the phone, she grimaced and rolled her eyes. Travis again! I so don’t want to text with him right now. She could see it play out.

  Travis: Wyd (what you doing)
br />   Lina: working

  Travis: 

  Lina: what are you doing?

  Travis: not much

  Lina: anything specific for god’s sake like lying down, sitting up, walking, jerking off

  Travis: nah, lol !!

  “Ugh! I would rather hang myself from the coat rack. Make a note, Lina, buy Travis dictionary for Christmas.” Shutting off the phone, she focused back on the computer.

  Hovering over each foreign word, she wrote the English translation down then stared at the paper. You take my breath away. When the words on the paper began to blur, she swiped angrily at her eyes and abruptly brought the site down. What the hell is wrong with me? He probably says that to every damn woman he’s fucked! Why would I be any different? Shoving away from the desk, Lina shook her head to clear her thoughts.

  “Damn it, I might as well go home! I can’t concentrate worth a shit! Maybe if I try to finish up my new piece at home it will help. If not, I’m going to drink myself unconscious.” Gathering up her purse, she headed for the door.

  * * * *

  Ulixes felt his patience wearing thin. He was renowned for his stalwart fortitude, but this man sitting next to him had tested it to the barest limit. He inwardly congratulated himself for not snapping that beautiful neck during the last infuriating hour. Basilius was a very trying man when not in his familiar element. Fortunately for him, Basilius had saved his own life when he had finally agreed the last five-star hotel met with his approval. Ulixes began to question his own sanity at having chosen this man as his true love. Feeling guilty at the thought, he decided he was sufficiently calm enough to start a conversation with him again.


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