Fueled by Lust: Drusus (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Fueled by Lust: Drusus (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 11

by Celeste Prater

  Lina felt her face light up with embarrassment as she walked quickly toward the hallway leading to her office. Drusus kept to a leisurely, panther-like crawl since his legs were much longer than hers were. Every face turned to them, eyes wide and curious. This was a first. Never once had she brought a man to work with her, especially one now possessively palming her lower back. His hand felt like a hot brand, burning his ownership into her flesh. Peeking up to gauge where she was heading, she caught fleeting shots of her female coworkers’ mouths hanging open with not a little lust beaming from their eyes. Smiling, she noticed Drusus pulled that same look from a few of her male coworkers as well. She knew Felix would be all over her with a million questions before she had a chance to get her first cup of coffee. She knew he had a deep appreciation of a fine male form.

  Before she could turn left down the hallway, she felt a hard tap against her shoulder. Halting, she swung around and looked up at the she-bitch from hell, who was now fully facing Drusus and stripping him with her eyes. An unfathomable burst of jealousy hit her square in the chest. Squashing her first reaction to bitch-slap the intruder, she glanced at Drusus and relaxed as he ignored she-bitch’s attempts at acquiring his attention. Those intense, emerald eyes twinkling with banked sensuality never left hers. He was letting her know he had been checking out her ass. Blushing, she inched closer to his side. A sensuous feminine voice oozed across her flesh, bringing her anger back to the front of her brain.

  “Lina, aren’t you going to introduce your guest?”

  She-bitch had moved closer to Drusus and straightened her back, prominently displaying the expensive set of breasts bulging from the top of the low-cut, cashmere sweater. Finely manicured fingers ran seductively back and forth over her pearl necklace, her trademark move to draw attention to her chest.

  He’s not looking at you, slut, so give it up!

  Brushing her other hand against shoulder length blonde hair, she-bitch extended it out to Drusus to take. “I believe Lina is at a loss for words today. My name is Laurell…with two l’s. I am the curator of this fine establishment. Lina works for me. Is there anything that I can do for you today? Anything at all?”

  Chapter 11

  Bitch! As if he didn’t know that I worked for you, you damn bean pole…and don’t think I don’t know what you meant by “anything.” Okay, I know that’s not fair, she can’t help it if she’s a good five inches taller, has a runway-model build, and legs up to her fake boobs, but she’d better quit macking on my man. Damn! Why does she have to look like she belongs next to him instead of me? Lina could feel her own fingernails digging into the palms of her hands, angry at her sudden vulnerability.

  With a quick nod, Drusus shook her hand. “Nice to meet you, Laurell with two l’s, I am Daniel Tarquinius. Thank you, but I am in no need of assistance. Avelina was just showing me to her office.”

  Attempting to pull his hand back, Lina could tell she-bitch had a firm grip and was reluctant to let go. When Drusus’s eyebrow rose, she released him.

  Unfazed, Laurell swayed a little closer to Drusus, throwing her most practiced seductive smile at him, revealing perfect, white teeth that Lina now wanted to smash down her throat. She had seen Laurell land enough sales from male clientele that had come in just to browse. She knew how lethal that smile was.

  “I would be more than happy to assist you, Daniel. Please, let me show you around.” Lina felt a growl building low in her chest when Laurell’s fingers brushed across Drusus’s arm. Glancing briefly at Lina as if just realizing she was still there, Laurell purred her discontent. “Oh. Lina, you can go now. Don’t you have the Branford collection documentation to catch up on?”

  Laughing softly, Drusus stepped closer to Lina, placing his hand to her back again. “I believe you misunderstand, I am here with Avelina. She is all that I need.”

  Smiling, Lina felt her inner cheerleader do a crazy dance. You go, Drusus! He shoots, he scores!

  One perfectly arched brow rose as Laurell shot her eyes back to Lina. “You and Lina? Well, I am surprised by that bit of news.”

  Watching Drusus pull to his full height, lips pursed, Lina knew this look and it wasn’t going to be pretty.

  Drusus’s rich voice turned monotone. “Is that so? Would you care to elaborate?”

  Clueless, she-bitch opened her mouth and stuffed both size-ten stilettos in. “You are so…different…from each other. I mean…well, look at you,” she said to him before giving Lina a cursory glance up and down. “I would have envisioned you with someone more…well, more in line with your stature. You work out, yes?”

  Drusus’s voice dropped to velvet darkness. Lina wasn’t even on the receiving end but it still made her skin crawl in trepidation at the inherent authority.

  “Forgive me, Laurell with two l’s, but I find myself completely at a loss as to how you have acquired the position of curator of a fine arts gallery if you are unable to find beauty in the most innocent of things. Your vision is narrowed and unimaginative with your self-imposed blinders firmly in place.”

  Draping one arm possessively over Lina’s shoulder, he leaned slightly toward Laurell, his eyes narrowing. “Tell me, has my good friend Michael Delante left for his trip to Denver yet? No? Be a dear, will you, and leave a message for him that I look forward to taking him to dinner upon his return. No, wait. I have a better idea.”

  Taking his phone from his back pocket, he scrolled through the contact list and punched “Send”. “Michael, how have you been? Yes, it has been awhile. I was just having a conversation with your curator. Yes…the Laurell with two l’s. No, I was just bringing Avelina to work. Oh really? Indeed, word does move fast in our community. Listen, I wanted to get a rain check on dinner when you get back in town. We have much to discuss. Excellent, that would be great. You can meet Avelina then. Tell Madelyn I said hello…Later, my friend.”

  Snapping the phone closed, he glared back at she-bitch, who now looked ashen and shaky. “Laurell with two l’s, if you will excuse me, I believe that Avelina was showing me to her office. Have a nice day.” Grasping Lina’s hand, he started pulling her down the corridor, his voice rich and smooth once more. “Now sweetness, show me your domain.”

  Lina closed the door to her office and just stared at Drusus as he glanced around the broom-closet-sized room. “You have no idea how happy you just made fifteen people that are now standing comatose out front with their chins on the floor. Do you really know the owner of the gallery or did you just call your house and leave yourself a long message? Either way, I am so going to fuck your brains out later tonight. That bitch has been a royal pain in my ass for the last six months since our previous curator moved to New York.” Launching herself at him, she smothered his face with kisses before dropping back to the floor, hugging his waist as he wrapped his arms around her.

  Squeezing her thoroughly, he pulled back and tapped softly on the tip of her nose. “I love to see you so happy, Avelina, and I will definitely take you up on the reward. Yes, I do know the owner. He is one of my warriors. Quintus met his mate two years ago when she called for an escort to a benefit dinner. He purchased several galleries because of her love for the fine arts. They both live in Dallas now and have a little one on the way.” Looking around the room again, he shook his head. “This will not do, Avelina. This is not an appropriate office. I hate to think of you in this tiny room with no windows.”

  “Oh, it’s okay, Drusus. I’m usually out in other areas of the building or running errands.” Grasping his hand, Lina searched his eyes. “Drusus, do you always go through things like this? You know, women constantly touching you or making innuendos when you’re not in the role of an entertainer? Doesn’t it bother you that women may want you just because of the way you look? Are you worried that I may be just as shallow?”

  Eyes turned serious, he circled his arms around her shoulders. “It used to bother me, but I just ignore it now. There are greater injustices than someone that finds me attractive.”

Lina watched raptly as his eyes moved back and forth, remembering something. His expression moved from confusion to determination before he locked those green jewels back to hers.

  “Someone used me once and it hurt me very deeply. They wanted me in order to gain power and position. Because of that, I almost missed out on getting to know you, Avelina. I know that you look beyond the surface of people. This is what makes you so very special to me.”

  At her shy smile, he kissed her forehead. “I could ask the same of you, sweetness. You are a very beautiful woman. Do you not worry that I am just after your scrumptious body? I see how other men look at you and I want to rip their eyes out, just as you did when that woman would not let go of my hand.”

  Rolling her eyes, she shook her head. “You are just so damn sweet! Now that I have been busted on my black thoughts of murder, I’m letting you off the hook.”

  Chuckling, he gave her a tight squeeze and a soft kiss before releasing her. “Good then. I will leave you to your work. I have already taken up too much of your time. I will be back at noon to take you to lunch. Avelina, I insist that you do no errand running for that awful woman today. Remind her that you do not have your car. Do you think this will help?”

  “Drusus, I don’t think she will be bothering me much at all today, thanks to you.” Blowing him a kiss, she smiled as he winked and left. He wasn’t gone five minutes before the fan club showed up at her door, spewing phrases like “hunk-a-licious” and “slapped the bitch down” bombarding her. She couldn’t wait for lunch.

  * * * *


  Drusus: I miss you already.

  Lina: You’ve been gone for a total of thirty min. How can you miss me already?

  Drusus: My body craves you. It knows you are not beside me and it does not like it one bit.

  Lina: You are a silly man. Now leave me alone.

  Drusus: I am sitting across the street drinking coffee. I can see your building. Killing me knowing you are in there and I am not.

  Lina: You say the best things. A girl could get addicted.

  Drusus: I want to kiss you and grab your perfect ass. Did you know it is in the shape of a heart?

  Lina: Damn! You’re getting me hot, Drusus.

  Drusus: You? My cock is hard and strangling in my pants. I am pretending to read a newspaper so they do not throw me out for carrying a concealed weapon. Severus is pretending that he does not know me.

  Lina: Okay, stop! Now my face hurts from laughing.

  Drusus: I will let you make it up to me later for laughing at my agony. Be prepared.

  Lina: Bring it on, big boy. More than happy to help you out.

  Drusus: Deal. See you at noon.

  Lina: See you, sweets! 

  * * * *

  Lina smiled as she watched all the heads bunched in the window stare at the sleek car Drusus was driving them away in. She got an exquisite thrill to see she-bitch seething with envy in the corner. How nice not having to score that ungrateful bitch lunch today. She was so tired of being her lackey. Glancing back at Drusus, her brow creased with confusion. “Why aren’t we going to the diner across the street?”

  Rolling his eyes, Drusus patted her on the hand. “The last thing I want to do is go back in there. I am tired of looking at them and them at me. Anyway, I wanted to take you to my favorite restaurant. It is just around the corner. You like Italian?”

  “I love Italian, thank you, Drusus! This sure beats the fast food drive-thru I’ve been hitting for so long. Laurel makes me run errands for her during my lunch hour so I don’t have much time to get a proper meal. Oh, and by the way, when I said her name, I did it with one L just because I could.”

  Laughing, he squeezed her hand and glanced over at her, his face morphing quickly to annoyed male. “You should not have to do things like that for her, Avelina. I know you have a degree in your field. She should be utilizing your talents in other ways. I see that look in your eye, so you can just calm down. Yes, I checked on you. I wanted to see how deep into your life Basilius would be able to delve. If I can find it, so can he.”

  Lina quickly decided it wasn’t worth ruining their lunch to start up a conversation on overzealous, protective men. Besides, they had just pulled up to the restaurant and she was totally starving. “Oh, that makes sense. Hey, I like this place. I’ve been here once with Cassie when we celebrated her new job. They have the best garlic and butter biscuits.”

  Pulling into a parking spot close to the front, Drusus shut the engine and leaned closer to her. “Then we have much in common, because that is the very reason I keep coming back here.” Kissing her cheek, he tossed her a warning look. “Do not open that door. I am coming around to get you.”

  “Fine, spoil me rotten.” Grinning, she stayed put and waited until he helped her from the car. Keeping a soft grip on her elbow, he led her up to the quaint building nestled among low-hanging trees. It had at one time been an older home, now repurposed for fine dining.

  Drusus kept the same level of attention as he opened the restaurant door and led her directly to a private booth in the back. She hoped he hadn’t heard her stomach rumble. It did the same thing every time she came in this place. The heady aroma of buttered biscuits and pasta made her mouth water. She loved the place because it exuded class with all the white tablecloths and flickering candles, yet it felt welcoming and homey with the muted lights and large-backed booths. He had not been exaggerating when he said he came here often, if the attention of the manager and the wait staff told the story. They knew him by name and he obviously had his own designated spot. “Do you have a warrior that owns this place, too?”

  Laughing softly, he motioned for her to slide into the booth before joining her. “No, I just spend a lot of time here and they know me. However, we have spread out among the world. You may have been in many establishments owned or run by our people. Many stay here on Earth after they mate while others choose to return to our home world.”

  Unable to help herself, she ran her hand along his thigh, looking up to him with curiosity. “There is so much I don’t know about you, Drusus, about the Insedi.”

  Tilting his big body toward her, he opened his palms out, showing her he had nothing to hide. “Ask. I will hold nothing back from you.”

  Gah! Where to start? “Well, the most important question at the moment is why you introduce yourself as Daniel when you told me you’re known as Drusus. Is Drusus or Daniel your real name?”

  “Drusus is the name my parents gave me. When we first arrive, we have to create a new Earth persona, everything from building a past to current credit history. We thought by adopting a more common Earth name that we would not stand out as much. I took the name Daniel from a man I met when I first arrived. He helped Severus and me get to Austin. Oh, and when you get a chance, call Severus Steven, it will make your day to see his reaction.”

  At her confused grin, he smiled and batted at the air. “Anyway, we were the first to arrive and stay longer than a day. We had studied Earth customs, language, mores, and culture prior to coming, but nothing prepares you for the actuality. We had no vehicle, plenty of precious jewels, but no immediate way to convert them to Earth currency. We had no idea where to start, except to begin walking to a larger metropolis. Daniel drove us here and taught us to drive on the way. He thought we were just a couple of bumbling tourists and we did not tell him differently. Thinking we were in need of money, he convinced us to join him at his place of work. In fact, he saved our lives.”

  The server arrived and took their orders. When she left, Lina sent a questioning look to Drusus. “Go on. How did he save your lives?”

  “To fully understand, I must first tell you what the Insedi require to survive. Our life force, the core Nubis energy form, requires a constant influx of new energy. Until we mate, the core energy is not stable. We filter acquired energy to our planet and it returns newer energy back. Here on Earth, we have to acquire the energy from other sources. Our energy was steadily draining, yet
we could not locate a source sufficient to maintain our need. You can only imagine the chaos we caused from draining transformers, plus it was a painful energy and one I do not care to repeat.”

  The server arrived to deliver their food, but Lina couldn’t touch a thing, so fascinated was she with his story. “Please, I’m dying here, Drusus. What happened?”

  “I love your impatience, sweetness. When we walked into Daniel’s work place, we merged with energy so fulfilling it was as if we had stepped back onto our planet. That place was Heat Seekers, Avelina. Of course, it carried a different name then. Daniel was a male stripper and thought we could use quick cash. We certainly had the build for the work. He taught us how to put together stage acts and hustle for money. However, the reason we remained was the unbelievable energy source we found in sensual and sexual desire. In essence, Heat Seekers is the largest battery charger available to an Insedi. We simply have to walk around all the women and we have more than enough. Put us on stage, and we acquire enough to filter the excess back to our planet. Eventually I purchased the establishment for other warriors to pass through until they find their mates.”

  Lina felt weird asking the next question but her curiosity won out. “Isn’t that sort of like the mythical Incubus? You seduce women and drain them of their energy? Isn’t that harmful to them?” Lina winced at his shocked expression.


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