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by Reid Lance Rosenthal


  Reuben stood lazily, his Navy Colt in one hand, gunpowder smoke still rising several feet above the muzzle. One of the other men moved and there was the distinctive hammer-click of Johannes’ Sharps, which he had raised to his shoulder. Reuben’s jaw clenched. He grimly cocked the hammer of the Colt. “I don’t push, mister. You got exactly two seconds.”

  The sun hung suspended behind dark, silhouetted mountains, the thin layers of softly glowing clouds laced with silver and bold strokes of fiery orange-red. A deepening purple sifted down from the highest peaks and curled around the foothills, spreading like a fog of color across the rolling plains. Transfixed by the sheer power of the scene, Sarah felt tiny and insignificant yet empowered at the same time. So many choices.

  Eagle Talon raised the bow to the ready, its long alder body held with an almost rigid left arm diagonally in front of his chest. The mustang took two more careful steps. Suddenly, Eagle Talon caught a movement from the left corner of his eye. His pulse raced. The battle with the Pawnee was still fresh in his memory and he was high strung by the events of the last two suns. He brought the bow to full draw instinctively, without thought, sighting down the arrow shaft.

  She was standing just inches away, her brown eyes wide, teary, looking up into his, full of sorrow and something else he couldn’t quite fathom. The blanket fell from her shoulders. She wore nothing but a sheer silk chemise, almost transparent, every curve of her lithe young body glowing in the low light. His voice was stilled as she raised her other hand to his mouth, touching his lips with the tips of her fingers. “Don’t talk. Not a word.” Her fingers fumbled with the buttons of his breeches.

  He watched the two riders approaching, one medium build and moving easily on a big palomino, the other tall, with long blond hair. Something in his posture screamed military or maybe law. “Woman—my pistols. Pronto,” Philippe hissed back toward the tipi. He stood slowly, wanting to appear nonchalant.

  UNCOMPAHGRE – where water turns rock red

  What Authors and Reviewers are saying about the Threads West Series:

  “Just want say how much I like this story. Johannes is a rascal, and I love rascals! Epic storytelling, detail, and dialogue. Rascals! Passion! Action! Real! Keep writing the Threads West series!”

  —Max McCoy Author of the 4 Indiana Jones and 18 other novels,

  Screen Writer for Spielberg’s Into the West, Multiple National Award Winner,

  Professor of Creative Writing

  “Diverse characters…highly visual prose…a journey of gathering suspense…delicious and devastating results. Rosenthal delivers!”

  —Josephine Ellershaw

  #1 international bestselling author

  “Reid Lance Rosenthal outdid himself with this novel. His settings and descriptions are stunning. I survived that snowstorm—felt the cold wet damp of the snow creep into the bones. The heat of the sun, warming a back, slashing through branches. The smell of a campfire, the tang of raw game, the stench of battle. I was there every step of the way. What a trek! The weaving of the stories together and apart flows easily, creating an incredible depth of experience for the reader... But it’s Reid’s people who just blew me away. (I hesitate to call them characters—that would insinuate that he made them up....) They are as real—if not more so—as most of the people I have ever met. I know Rebecca better than most people I have ever gone to school with. People I worked with for years have never solidified in my memory the way Sarah and Zeb have.... Maps of Fate flowed perfectly, without having to stop and think about where everyone was and when.... I love that—running into people I know.

  I felt a surprising sense of appreciation for the diversity of the author’s people and plots—every group—cultural, religious, racial. Following Eagle Talon’s journey, Israel’s escape, Black Feather’s tragedy, as well as the Europeans, all of whom come from even more layers of origin, makes for a rich blend of experience, perspective, and understanding. Americans may have started out on a million different paths, but it’s the strength, determination, and perseverance that all American ancestors had in common, regardless of where they came from and how, that created your purpose—a melting pot. There’s a lot to be said for that. And Rosenthal says it beautifully.”

  —Alexandra Brown

  “The book is riveting and the storyline captivating. I didn’t want to put the book down once I was started. I have never read romance or western novels and I thought this read would be a stretch for me but as I got into the story I immediately became engaged and found myself immersed in each word as the tale, the characters and their lives unfolded.”

  —Karen Mayfield, Msc.CC

  National bestselling author of Wake Up Women—

  Be Happy, Healthy & Wealthy and co-creator of the Wake Up Women book series.

  BOOK THREE-UNCOMPAHGRE- where water turns rock red



  Third novel of the Maps of Fate Era (1854–1875) of the

  Threads West, An American Saga Series


  Cheyenne, Wyoming

  To my mother June, who, among many gifts, passed on to me a love of, and talent for, writing. To my editor Page Lambert, who continues to remind me just how much I have to learn about the wonderful craft of prose. To Jordan Allhands, whose unsurpassed computer and Web design skills makes access to this series possible for so many. To Laura Kennedy, tireless publisher’s assistant and master of all trades. To the characters—my friends and countrymen—who live in these pages. Finally, to America, her values, history, people and the mystical energy and magical empowerment that flow from her lands.

  © 2010–2014 Writing Dream LLC

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  Publisher’s Note:

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, businesses and incidents are from the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual places, people, or events is purely coincidental. Any trademarks mentioned herein are not authorized by the trademark owners and do not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners. Any trademarks used are specifically in a descriptive capacity.

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  Book Design by TLC Graphics,

  Cover by Tamara Dever; Interior by Erin Stark

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  Cover Painting by Nationally Acclaimed Artist, Debbie Sampson

  “Movin’ ’em Out”

  flag: ©

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/>   Kansas map: iStock: nicoolay

  Indians: Flickr/Accession number: SIL7-58-08/Creator/Photographer: Edward S. Curtis

  Woman’s face: Bigstock, bigbang, 4243237

  Printed in the United States of America

  ISBN: 978-098215767-1

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2013918649

  UNCOMAPHGRE—where water turns rock red





  CHAPTER ONE - Loss of a Brother

  CHAPTER TWO - Girl Talk

  CHAPTER THREE - Gentle Surprise

  CHAPTER FOUR - Pull Back

  CHAPTER FIVE - A Word to the Wise

  CHAPTER SIX - Torrid Confusion

  CHAPTER SEVEN - I Don’t Push

  CHAPTER EIGHT – Longhorns



  CHAPTER ELEVEN - Red and Black


  CHAPTER THIRTEEN - Philippe Reyes

  CHAPTER FOURTEEN - Now There Were Four

  CHAPTER FIFTEEN - Headin’ South

  CHAPTER SIXTEEN - Renaissance of the Soul


  CHAPTER EIGHTEEN - The Offerings




  CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO - Primal Surprise



  CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE - Jockeying for Position



  CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT - Lucky Encounter


  CHAPTER THIRTY - Storms on the Pass



  CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE - Under a High Country Sun

  CHAPTER THIRTY-FOUR - Taking No Chances

  CHAPTER THIRTY-FIVE - Disputed Trail

  CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX - Stitches of Rawhide


  CHAPTER THIRTY-EIGHT - Little Medicine


  CHAPTER FORTY - The Barter

  CHAPTER FORTY-ONE - White Doeskin

  CHAPTER FORTY-TWO - Traditions


  MOCCASIN TRACKS—Book 4 Preview













  UNCOMPAHGRE—where water turns rock red

  This is the third novel of the Maps of Fate era, (1854–1875)

  of the Threads West, An American Saga series.


  to the Maps of Fate Era Novels

  of the Series

  The year is 1854. America is on the cusp of her great westward expansion and the threshold of reluctantly becoming a world power. The lure of the vast territories and resources beyond the Mississippi explodes the population of St. Louis, gateway to the frontier, to almost one hundred thousand, an eight-fold expansion from just a decade prior.

  One thousand miles to the west lie the Rocky Mountains, the lawless, untamed spine of the continent. The power of their jagged peaks beckons the vanguard of generations—the souls of a few adventurous men and women of many cultures and separate origins, to love and struggle in the beautifully vibrant but unforgiving landscape of the West. America’s promise of land, freedom, self-determination and economic opportunity is now known worldwide. Immigrants from many continents exchange the lives they know for the hope and romance of a country embarked on the course of greatness.

  These immigrants drawn from the corners of the earth are unaware of the momentous changes that will shape the United States in the tumultuous years between 1854 and 1875, sweeping them into the vortexes of agony and ecstasy, victory and defeat, love lost and acquired.

  The personal conflicts inherent to these brave, passion-filled characters—the point of the spear of the coming massive westward migration—are spurred by land, gold, the conquest of Mexican territory by the United States, railroads and telegraphs. Their relationships and ambitions are tempered by the fires of love and loss, hope and sorrow, life and death. Their personalities are shaped by dangerous journeys from far-off continents and then across a wild land to a wilderness where potential is the only known reality.

  The epic saga of Threads West begins in 1854 with Book One. We meet the first of five richly textured, complex generations of unforgettable characters. The separate lives of these driven men and independent women are drawn to a common destiny that beckons seductively from the wild and remote flanks of the American West.

  In Book Two, Maps of Fate, they are swept into the dangerous currents of the far-distant frontier by the mysterious rivers of fate, the power of the land and the American spirit. Secret maps, hidden ambitions, diverse cultural traditions and magnetic attractions inherent in lives forged by the fires of love and loss, hope and sorrow, life and death, shape their futures and the destinies of their lineage.

  In Book Three, Uncompahgre, the time nears when the first of the next generation of Threads West characters will be born of the brave men and courageous women who have come so far and risked all. The men and women of the saga, having reached their initial destination: pre-Denver, Cherry Creek, are each faced with life-altering decisions. Some must decide to pursue or abandon torrid love affairs that have flowered on the dangerous journey from Europe and across America. Their lives shaken by events they could not foresee and converging with souls they could never imagine, they begin to build a nation that’s essence is in transition. The life threads of characters of uncommon cultures and competing ambitions meld through fate and history. The Oglala Sioux family struggles to cope with the inevitable change casting shadows upon their lands, culture and sacred traditions. The elderly slave couple, and a renegade and his young, traumatized captive introduced in Maps of Fate, are bound ever more tightly to the arc of the story—their tragedy and triumph-filled tales weaving into the fabric of a collective destiny. Mormons stream west in the Great Exodus escaping persecution and searching for Zion. Driven north by the Texas Rangers, an outlaw vaquero with royal blood quests for a new sense of self and place. The black-hearted renegade is unknowingly catapulted by his tortured past into possible redemption. A young man, kidnapped in his Chinese homeland, is forced to labor on the railroad but his determination to escape remains undaunted.

  In the fourth and fifth books of the Threads West novels (Moccasin Tracks and Footsteps), the budding enmity between North and South flares into the winds of war, and the remote fringe of the frontier is destined to descend into virtual anarchy as most of the meager army troops are withdrawn to the east. On the Front Range of the Rockies, Cherry Creek will be renamed Denver as the city booms with the effect of gold discoveries in the Pikes Peak area and the Ouray, San Juan and Uncompahgre Mountain Ranges. The first newspapers in the West roll off the presses in Leavenworth and Lawrence, Kansas, and Platte Valley, Nebraska. The Sioux will grapple with the terrifying realization that they cannot compromise with the disdainful and greedy hairy-faced ones. A massive, unfeeling tide washes over their ancient traditions and lands essential to their existence.

  A young man, kidnapped in his Chinese homeland, is forced to labor on the railroad but his determination to escape remains undaunted. The Mormon family begins to establish a dangerous but devout life in the Cache Valley, their thoughts drifting occasionally to those they have met in their travels West, unaware that twists of fate and the inexorable
march of history hold future surprises. Chief Guera Murah dies, and the new chief of the Uncompahgre Ute, Ouray, though beset by his own personal tragedies, keeps solemn promises to the new settlers in the valley, despite enmity between the Sioux and the Ute, and growing evidence the words of many white eyes are far different than their deeds.


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