Devil's Property: The Faithless MC

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Devil's Property: The Faithless MC Page 48

by Claire St. Rose

  I tightened my grip and pulled her in. I reveled in her sarcasm, but I also reveled in letting her know who was in control. My hands gripped her waist firmly and pressed her close to my body. She let out a gasp as she came in contact with my rock hard cock.

  “If anything’s going to cloud my judgment…” she murmured.

  I laughed, pulling her in for one quick kiss before releasing her. There was no telling who might be around to see the exchange. It was risky even touching her here, but hell that was a risk I was willing to take.

  “Let’s go then,” I said. “I’ll follow behind you.”

  She nodded and began a shaky walk to her car. Maybe the pantsuit wasn’t the sexiest garment ever created, but it hugged her ass well enough. I watched until she slid into her little green sedan, then got onto my bike and revved up.

  Sasha’s house wasn’t in the nicest part of town, but it wasn’t the worst part either. I appreciated the clear devotion she and her mother had for the property. All the grass on the front lawn was trimmed, the driveway was clear of debris, and the house looked recently painted. It was a little rancher with nothing special about it, but Sasha had assured me the basement would work for our purposes. She and her mother generally used it in the summer when the rest of the house was too hot to relax in.

  I wasn’t afraid of mothers, by any means, but I was glad Sasha’s was asleep. She hadn’t told her mother about our plan and didn’t want her mom to worry about her, so she wouldn’t. But her mom spent enough time sleeping for us to easily fit in our sessions. It was like being in high school again; trying to sneak in friends while my dad was out at the shop. He was never very strict on me, but I tried to avoid him seeing my friends. Or them seeing him. Or me seeing him, for that matter.

  I waited for Asa outside, as we’d agreed. She pulled up on her bike five minutes late, but for her, that was basically ten minutes early. Dating her and trying to go anywhere was a fucking hassle. She was never ready on time, and somehow she’d always make it my fault.

  “Nice of you to show up,” I said.

  She stalked up to me with a sour expression on her pretty face. “If you’d given me better directions, I wouldn’t have had such trouble finding the place.” She swept her hair over her shoulder. “What kind of therapist works out of their house, anyway?”

  “The cheap kind,” I replied through gritted teeth. “But make no mistake, Doctor Walker is the real deal. If she can’t help us, nobody can.”

  Asa batted her eyelashes at me and smiled, changing tune faster than a record scratch. “Can I get a kiss?”

  I snorted and walked past her to the front door. “Let’s just get through our first session. Then we’ll see about touching.”

  Her angry footfalls followed me up the steps to Sasha’s front door. I knocked and waited patiently, ignoring Asa as she fought for space on the front step with me. I was a big guy; there wasn’t much room.

  Sasha answered moments later, clearly pretending not to have been standing right by the door. “Hello,” she said. “You must be Zane and Asa.”

  “That’s us,” I replied, my gaze boring into hers. “And you’re Doctor Walker?”

  She smiled. I knew how much she loved being called that. “That’s me. Come on in.”

  We walked down the main hallway, Asa shoulder to shoulder with me even in the narrow space. At the basement door, Sasha gestured for us to go down first. I let Asa go in front of me, and gave Sasha a lecherous wink as I passed her. Though her face betrayed nothing, I knew she had some seriously dirty thoughts about me. Good.

  The basement looked good. She’d set up a desk in the corner with some flowers and paperwork on it, but seated us on the couch in the middle of the room. Sasha grabbed a clipboard from her desk and sat across from us in a plush red armchair. The couch was comfortable, but I would have rather sat on nails than sit next to a woman threatening me with my non-existent unborn child.

  “So.” Sasha adjusted her glasses on her nose and peered down at Asa and me through them. “Let’s talk about why you’re here. Who wants to start?”

  The silence in the room was palpable. I expected Asa to leap at the opportunity to make me look like a bad person in front of the therapist, but she was oddly quiet. I looked over to see her studying Sasha.

  “You look familiar,” she said.

  I held back a sigh. Asa was very drunk the night she and Sasha met. I had hoped she had forgotten Sasha’s face entirely, but it appeared even that pissed Asa was able to identify a competitor.

  “You’re right,” Sasha said cooly. “We met a few days ago. I was out at Armand’s. That’s where I met Zane.”

  Asa turned to me with a scowl that could have melted bones. “You’re taking me to therapy with one of your whores? Do you know how fucked up that is?”

  I rolled my eyes. “She’s not one of my whores,” I snapped. “She’s a doctor of psychology who happens to be shit at pool. We talked at the bar, but I was more interested in her professional assets than her ass.”

  That was probably the biggest lie I’d ever told. I doubted there was much I was more interested in than Sasha’s ass.

  Asa turned her attention to Sasha again. “But you guys disappeared into the back room. The one that Zane goes in when he wants to fuck.”

  I admired Sasha’s collected expression. It struck me that I should have warned her what kind of things Asa would say about me. Many of them, such as the bit about the back room, were true. I wondered how Sasha would handle it when it was the two of us were alone. I was just glad she didn’t storm out then.

  “I don’t know about fucking,” said Sasha, “but I do know it’s a good place to go when you want to talk in quiet. After you had accosted me by the bar, Zane pulled me away to that back room because he wanted my professional advice.”

  Asa looked stunned. “About what?”

  The first hint of a smile graced Sasha’s full lips. “Even in pool halls, I’m afraid, doctor patient confidentiality still stands. But rest assured it’s in your interests to attend these sessions.”

  Asa looked over at me, weighing me with her eyes. I shrugged in response, which infuriated her. She wanted to know what we’d talked about in that room, and thought the only way she’d ever find out was to stay and chat. Sasha was brilliant. If only Asa knew what had really happened in that room, what kind of dirty things I’d done to the perfect little therapist sitting in front of her.

  Asa turned back to Sasha. “Fine. Let’s talk.”

  Sasha made a note on her clipboard and donned a gentle smile. “Let’s start with you, Asa. Why are you here today?”

  “Well, we—”

  “Ah,” Sasha tutted. “Not we. You. Why are you here today?”

  Asa’s eyes were probably red at being cut off, but her curiosity and desperation ran too deep. She merely gritted her teeth and said, “I am here because I’m pregnant with Zane’s baby, and I want us to figure out our issues so we can be together and be a family.”

  Sasha nodded. “What would you say your ideal outcome for these sessions would be?”

  “I want him to man up and marry me, for a start.” She crossed her arms over her chest and sunk back into the cushions. “But my absolute ideal is for us to rekindle the passion and love that he let die.”

  I rolled my eyes, though only Sasha could see it. The passion and love that I let die? Was she insane? There had only ever been passion in the first place—not love—and it hadn’t died so much as become toxic. For both of us. How easy it was for her to forget that. If we had stayed together I would have gone crazy and begun to hate her and everything she stood for, and she would have gone crazy and hated me for resisting her attempts to sculpt me into the person she wanted me to be. The person she thought would be right for her.

  Sasha turned to me as if sensing my thoughts. “And you, Zane? Why are you here?”

  I was so pissed off that I didn’t even say what she’d told me would be the best answer. I just said, “She says she’
s pregnant with my baby, but I think it’s a trick.”

  Asa rounded on me, her hands clenched into fists at her side. “Excuse me?” she seethed. “You think I’m tricking you? Why would I do that?”

  I chose not to engage. I stared her down instead, my eyes harder than steel. She didn’t scare me. She never had. If she thought that turning her fury on me would do anything but make me laugh, she was the dumbest of them all.

  Seeing that I wasn’t going to respond, Asa turned to Sasha. “He is the absolute lowest of the low!” she spouted. “He has no idea how to treat a woman and is rotten to the core. He might look like a man, but he’s nothing but a spineless rat.” Her voice began to crack, but I stayed motionless. “He uses women and discards them like trash. And everyone knows it. Even his own club is out to get him. Graham—” Her voice broke down into sobs.

  Sasha leaned over toward Asa. Maybe it was to put a hand on her; maybe it was to slap her. I would never know because Asa leaped out of her chair and stormed toward the stairs.

  I was always stunned by how irrational Asa could get, but tonight she’d reached a new low. But I sensed it was a low for her in other ways, too. She clearly had felt something for Graham. If not love, still something. And his death must have been the spark that set this whole thing off.

  “Sorry,” I muttered to Sasha, rising from the couch and striding after Asa. She’d already made it out the door by the time I caught up with her. “Asa.”

  She stopped in front of her bike and turned on me, sour. Her eyes were red and puffy, smeared with black makeup underneath. I didn’t reach out and hold her, as she undoubtedly wanted, but I tried to appear as understanding as possible. She waited for me to speak.

  “If you want me to believe you, you need to do these sessions with me.”

  My firm tone inspired a response from her. She spat at me. It failed to hit me, but it was a piss off nonetheless.

  “Asa!” I boomed. “You will come with me to see Doctor Walker or you won’t ever see me again.”

  She took in a deep breath, blinked back some more tears, and said, “Fine.” Her tone was a sharp blade, pressed against my throat. I didn’t react. “I’ll go with you, but don’t you ever talk to me like that in there again.”

  Technically I had been talking to Sasha, but I wasn’t going to split hairs with her when I’d already exhausted my patience for her shit today.

  “Fine,” I agreed. “Do you need a ride home?”

  She wiped under her eyes and shook her head. “I’m fine.”

  I watched her leave under the pretense of checking something on my bike. She roared out of the suburb with all of the ignorance and arrogance she went anywhere with. I supposed it was fitting, though I hoped it hadn’t woken up Sasha’s mother.

  I had no idea how this was going to go. Sasha had completely floored me today with her abilities as both an actress and a therapist. Though undoubtedly crazy, this plan of mine might actually pay off.



  It took all my restraint not to text Zane as soon as he left. When we originally planned this, he said he would text me once he had seen Asa off so we could regroup and go over how things had gone. I had so much more on my mind than that.

  For one thing, the whole charade had made me unbelievably horny. Like, red hot poker levels. I wanted him so deeply and on such a visceral level that I even considered just running out after him and making up some excuse for why he needed to stay. But I’d only just gotten out of Asa’s suspicions, and I didn’t want to be put back on her “whore” radar anytime soon.

  I also now had some concerns about Zane. It was clear to me that Asa had believed the things she’d said, but that didn’t make them truths. Asa also harbored deep, unresolved feelings for Zane. And they weren’t all romantic. I’d even wager a guess that her attachment to him had much less to do with her presumed ownership of him than it did her own insecurity. It didn’t even seem like she liked him very much. Not on a personal level. She had certainly liked his body enough. I’d nearly jumped across a couple times and scratched her eyes out, my own territorial demon surfacing with a vengeance in response to the looks she was giving him.

  The girl had sinful good looks. And yes, I was jealous. That only added to the horniness. I wanted Zane to come back and claim me as his. I wanted him to bring me to places I had never been. And I wanted it now.

  But there was a time and a place, so I waited for his text. I wondered if I should change into something a little sexier, but he had clearly enjoyed the look of me in a power suit. I kind of liked it too. It was like part of my personality that I didn’t normally play with had been brought to the surface, and I was finally getting to know her. I felt completely different behind a desk than I did behind the counter at Fancy Florals.

  When my phone buzzed on the desk, I practically dove for it. It was from Zane.

  She’s gone. I’m still in the driveway.

  He didn’t want to ask if I wanted him to come back in, but he knew there was a reason for me to have my doubts about him. Asa had said some pretty nasty things. I replied.


  I heard the front door open a few minutes later, and then the door to the basement followed. His booted footfalls were heavy on the stairs, and my heart fluttered with every step. Oh God, I wanted him so bad. But I had to put some of my fears to bed before I could get to bed.

  He clearly didn’t realize that was my intent, as he crossed the room in only a few strides and yanked me out of my chair with a firm hand on my forearm. He pulled me to him and kissed me fiercely, his hands grabbing me through my clothes and fondling my butt.

  I pushed him away, though my breath seemed to have escaped me. “Wait,” I said. “Wait.”

  His eyes were dark. There was that look again—his bottomless, all-consuming lust. I loved it and feared it at the same time. When he gave me that look, I knew the things going through his head would make a sailor blush. And I blushed too.

  “It better be damn good if you’re making me wait,” he growled.

  Gooseflesh rose on my arms, but I took a meaningful step back. “Please,” I said. “Lie down.”

  He looked back at the couch, quirking an eyebrow. “You planning on shrinking me?”

  I nodded, adjusting my blazer. “More like getting to know you, though.” I smiled regretfully. “Asa said a lot of things tonight. I just want to see what kind of guy you are. You know we don’t really know each other that well.”

  He shrugged and headed for the couch, flopping down with his arms behind his head in nonchalance. “Fair enough.”

  I followed and set myself up in the chair across from him, though I crossed my legs beneath me for comfort. He watched with mild amusement.

  “If you lie, you know I’ll know,” I warned.

  He shrugged. “I have nothing to lie about, sweetheart. If you can’t handle it, that’s your own problem.”

  Gotta respect that. I settled back in the chair as I considered my first question.

  “Tell me about how things actually went with Asa. Or at least how they went in your mind.”

  He looked up at the ceiling, as if for clarity. “We dated for awhile, but it was never anything serious. She seemed to care about me a lot more than I cared about her. When it ended, she began dating Graham. Basically right away, actually.”

  “So you were the last person she was with before Graham?”

  He shot me a smug grin. “I doubt Graham and I have been the only ones she’s fucked in that time, but yeah, in a sense I am.”

  I nodded. It made sense. She was projecting, trying to get a sense of normalcy back in her life. I felt sorry for her. To suffer a loss that great and to have nobody to turn to? It sounded horrible.

  “And what about you, Zane?” I hardened my expression. “You’ve been around the block a few times. Let’s talk about it.”

  “I’m not sure you could handle it.”

  I straightened. “I can handle anything.�

  I could. If you’ve spent days and weeks and months wondering if every day would be your mother’s last, you know what it’s like to be strong. I doubted anything from Zane’s sordid past would even cause of flicker of revulsion in me. Depending on what it was, it might affect how our relationship progressed, but those would be decisions I made based on my own well-being.

  “Well, what do you want to know?” There was a challenge in his eyes that I refused to back down from. I let his gaze swallow me, but remained unbothered.

  “Are you much of a heartbreaker?”

  His lip twitched. “I’m a realist, and any woman who sleeps with me expecting it to be love and fireworks is not. I’ve broken my fair share of hearts, but I don’t do it on purpose.”


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