Vegas is Dying (A Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Book 2)

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Vegas is Dying (A Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Book 2) Page 30

by Morgan Kelley

  He leaned over Emma and pressed her against the cushions as he whispered in her ear. It was far more explicit and spoke of his dominancy in their relationship. He left nothing to the imagination when it came to what he wanted.

  It turned her right on to hear the things that were brewing in Greyson’s mind. “Yes, Grey,” she promised, willing to give him anything.

  “Wait for me,” he ordered, very close himself. As her body quaked around his, Greyson knew it wouldn’t be long before he was lost in the moment.

  “Babe,” she moaned. “More!” Emma demanded, right before the world shattered, and she spiraled into the ecstasy.

  The single word was all it took and it ripped all control from his grasp. His frame shook as he slammed into his wife one last time and found what his body so desperately craved. Greyson shouted her name at his release as he enjoyed the pleasure wrapping around them both.

  Falling backwards, he cradled his wife against his body. “Mmmmm, Emma,” he murmured as he relished the moment with his wife.

  Turning, she curled into him and wrapped herself around the front of his body. “I love you,” she purred, never wanting to let go of him. “Can we stay like this forever?”

  He laughed. “I love you too, and I don’t mind since I’m completely covered. Our company has a really great view of your…”

  Emma placed her hand over his mouth and started laughing. “Okay, how about since I did all the work, you carry me to the shower?”

  Croft would have carried her across a desert full of man eating scorpions. “Always my little vixen,” he promised. Pushing up from the couch, he cradled her against his body. “Next time you plan on being bossy during sex, you have to carry me to the shower.”

  She started laughing as he tossed her over his shoulder and slapped her on the bare ass.


  His only response to her outrage was more masculine laughter. “Wait until I get you all soapy, my kitten,” he promised.

  Well, so much for Emma, being in charge. The caveman was back, but it was fun while it lasted.

  * * *

  Saturday Morning

  The sun began streaming into the colorful cabana, already heating the inside. Brynn could feel someone lying beside her, breathing on the back of her neck, and somehow she didn't think it was Emma. Then, she could feel the tautness of his body, and the telltale sign that gave him away.

  It was a very awake and excited FBI agent.

  Oh hell. What had she done now?

  Briggs knew the exact moment when she had been pulled from sleep. Her entire body went rigid, and he suspected she was rationalizing the surroundings and situation. After falling asleep, his night was filled with dreams laced with Brynn’s perfume. It made it very difficult to rest peacefully. No, that wasn’t the word for it.

  Everything about last night was just hard.

  Now that she was awake, it was time to fix what he’d done. Curtis needed to have a heart to heart with the woman he’d just slept beside.

  “Morning,” he said cautiously, unsure if she was going to be happy to wake with him curled around her body or not.

  Brynn didn't know what to say. “Hi.”

  Curtis gave her space and allowed her to roll to her back and stare into his eyes. “We need to talk.”

  She nodded, wondering why in her life things weren’t easy. A big conversation was about to happen, and she was a rumpled mess.


  “I’ll go first,” he said. “I had no right to be mad at you. Your life is yours. I’m not here to play your moral compass.”

  She stared up into his eyes. “Did I ruin a chance between us? Did my one mistake throw away us having a shot at a relationship?”

  Briggs thought about it. “No. We’ve already had our first kiss, and technically we slept together.”

  That made her laugh. “Was it good for you?” she asked snickering.

  He grinned down at her. “No, it was missing something,” he answered as he stared down at her lips. It was now or never. Lowering his mouth to hers, he kissed her. It was slow, deep, and it warmed them both up far more than the outside sun ever could.

  Brynn allowed herself to slip into the moment as she wrapped her arms around him and held him close. The man was really great at kissing, and she was already stirred up.

  Keeping the pace slow and light wasn’t easy. What he wanted to do was dive in and bury them both in the moment. Pulling away, he stared into her blue eyes. “Brynn.”

  Her name on his lips drew goose bumps across her body. “Curtis.”

  Grinning at her, he could read all the emotion in her eyes and face. There was no doubt that the kiss affected her equally. “Tonight after our date, how about we go back to your place?” he asked, praying she’d say yes. “I’d say we could go to my place but my mom and dad are strict with me bringing home girls.”

  Brynn started laughing. “We can go to my apartment. I’m a little weirded out that you call them that.”

  He started laughing as he climbed off the cabana. Briggs held out his hand to her, waiting for her to take it.

  She stared at him wanting to ask him a question. “I need to know something first,” she hesitantly asked.

  Now, he was concerned. “Go ahead.”

  “Are you going to be some bossy, arrogant Neanderthal like Greyson?”

  He started laughing. “God, I hope not. I pray it’s not contagious!”

  She took his hand, relaxing at his words. “Then carry on.”

  As they stood at the elevator, he figured they should lay it all out in the open. “I have to be honest.”

  Uh oh.

  “About what?” she asked, glancing over at him.

  “Greyson and I went and got a few beers last night until I calmed down, and he told me something. You need to know about it, since it pertains to you.”

  Now, she was getting really nervous. “What?”

  “It seems Max Pauley is telling everyone he scored with the ‘hot detective’.”

  Yep, double uh oh. It was a good thing she confessed first. If Curtis would have heard the details around the FBI water cooler, the shit really would have hit the fan.

  “I’ll talk to him later,” she said, feeling sick to her stomach. Part of her wished he didn't tell her that. Now, she was going to have to handle a mess.

  “You don’t need to worry about it,” Briggs said, escorting her into the elevator.

  “Why’s that?” she inquired curiously.

  “Because when I get back to the FBI office, I’m going to kick his ass.”

  She turned her head fast and stared up at him. “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  Obviously her brain must still be foggy. “That’s very Neanderthal-like,” she stated, hoping he was kidding.

  “I guess I should retract my previous statement then. I’m not going to totally act like the big guy, but there may be shades of masculine lunacy.”

  Brynn wasn’t sure where to take that. “Oh boy.”

  Yeah, Curtis Briggs could absolutely live with that.

  ~ Chapter Twelve ~

  Waking up alone was never her favorite thing to do, but she’d begun to adjust to it. When her husband was away, there was always that lingering panic that tried to overtake her right before her mind regained control.

  Today, she wasn’t worried. When she had rolled over, there was a note on his pillow. This happened on occasion when Greyson had an early meeting or something to take care of before work. Opening the note, she lovingly ran her fingertip over his words.

  I adore you, Em. I’ll meet you at the office before we head to the appointment. Think about me. After last night, you’ll be running around in my mind.

  Mostly naked…


  It was hard not to giggle like some school girl reading his words. That sexy man of hers made her feel like a teenager again.

  Where he was heading that morning, she hadn’t a clue. Emma was betting
it was related to the evening’s plans. Sliding out of bed, she saw his t-shirt he’d slept in after their shower the previous night and like a thief, she stole it to start restocking her collection of scented husband wear. The last thing she needed to do was stash away his little love note. Pulling a shoe box out of the closet, Emma placed it in there with the others.

  Yeah, she was a big sap for the man. She kept every note he ever wrote and probably always would. They were her treasure.

  Now, she was grinning as she slipped into her clothes for the day. Since her work schedule was a short one, Emma decided to go with jeans, some simple boots, and a t-shirt. She and Brynn would be leaving early to get some pampering done.

  Once dressed, she headed for the kitchen, glad to find the coffee already brewed and waiting for her. Yeah, she was going to kiss her husband for being thoughtful.

  As she enjoyed the caffeine hit, the door to the condo opened and Emma paused. She knew it wasn’t going to be her husband. As her hand went to the butt of her gun, she listened to the person entering. At her partner’s laughter, she relaxed. Greyson must have given Curtis a key.

  “I’m in the kitchen,” she called to them.

  Around the corner they strolled, holding hands. Everything seemed to be better in their little world, and that made her happy. Emma wanted both of them to be at peace and find love.

  “How’d you both sleep?” she asked as she pulled down two more cups and filled them.

  Briggs took one and grinned. “Pretty good,” he answered. It would have been better had they consummated their relationship, but he’d save that for tonight.

  “It’s really comfortable up there. Thanks for letting me stay,” Brynn stated, glad to have her hands on some caffeine.

  “You’re welcome here anytime. You can even use a guest room,” she grinned.

  “Why do I keep hearing ‘Love Shack’ playing over and over in my head?” Briggs said, snickering.

  “Great,” answered Emma. “Now, I’m going to think that every time I have sex here.”

  “So, pretty much all the time?” teased Briggs. “Speaking of non-stop sex, where’s the boss man?”

  Emma shook her head. “Curtis, he’ll beat you down. Knock it off for your own health and longevity. Don’t bait the Croft tiger,” she answered laughing. “As for his location, he said he had errands. I know nothing more than that.”

  “What’s on the agenda today?” Brynn asked.

  Thinking about it, Emma mentally drew up the list. “Interviews and briefing for the men, and we women have interviews and girly stuff.”

  “Ugh,” Brynn muttered. “Don’t remind me. I suck at this kind of thing. I wish we didn't have to do this in a gown.”

  Emma couldn’t wait. There was something about being dressed up and with her FBI director husband that appealed to the old fashioned streak in her. It screamed nostalgia. “It’ll be fun. I already know what I’m going to wear. I saw it in a shop out on the boulevard a few weeks ago when Grey and I were taking a walk.”

  Brynn wished she shared the enthusiasm. “I guess.”

  Leaning over, Briggs whispered in her ear. “Think of it as foreplay to the big event.” His hand ran down her back, and he earned a shudder.

  Emma hid her grin behind the coffee mug. “Why don’t you both go get dressed? We need to be at work in less than an hour.”

  They both took their coffee and walked away, hand in hand, and Emma couldn’t help but smile.

  There was nothing like the blossoming of love.

  Greyson Croft was a planner when it came to everything in life. It was years in the military and being in the FBI that burned the compulsion into his personality.

  All night, he was thinking about the ride to the premiere. They couldn’t show up in an FBI vehicle, and his Dodge Challenger wasn’t appropriate either. Emma had the biggest mode of transportation, but he wanted to go in style. Calling Tom Booker, he asked what he and his wife were planning and where to get a driver on short notice. It wasn’t easy finding a place in Vegas. Apparently, every power player and celebrity going had already booked in advance.

  He didn't care if it took all day, because the details made the presentation.

  When in Vegas, go big or go home.

  At first, he was going to rent a limo, but it seemed over the top for the director of the FBI. Yeah, this premier was a big deal in Vegas. Scoring an invite wasn’t an easy thing, but limo echoed movie star, and he wasn’t feeling it. Then there was the Lincoln town car. That definitely screamed FBI director, but lacked something special.

  Then, he saw it and just knew.

  Old Vegas had a degree of class that was mostly unseen anymore. Croft was beginning to believe that maybe a part of him was a throwback to an era long gone, because at first sight, he fell in love with the beauty before him. This car was perfect, and he was sold. Now, it was a matter of his wife understanding his vision.

  This would be his coming out of sorts.

  Although they’d be working, he knew people were curious about the new FBI director. When the last one was arrested for accepting bribes, it set him up to be in the spotlight. The throng of spectators would want to catch a glimpse of a man who was replacing corruption at its finest.

  There was no doubt. He was going to be under the microscope for all to judge. It occurred to him, he should warn Emma what was coming. He placed it on the back burner, instead focusing on the evening’s festivities.

  With this car, it was going to be fun.

  Croft reserved the vehicle and gave the man directions to his condo. With his and Emma’s names on the invite list and the transportation booked, there was only one remaining stop. Greyson had the inclination to get his beautiful wife a little trinket to remember their evening.

  Swinging over to the jeweler, he told the man what he was specifically looking for in a piece. Emma wasn’t a big jewelry person, but he wanted something she could wear that would make her think of him when they were apart. It needed to be something unique to their relationship.

  The man behind the counter asked a few questions, and then pulled a necklace out of the case.

  Immediately, he knew. It was playful, meaningful, and beautiful. It was definitely the one.

  Placing his credit card on the counter, Greyson began to get excited over the evenings plans. Croft was forced to repeatedly remind himself it was still work related.

  Taking the wrapped box, he hid it in the glove compartment as he headed into the police squad room to meet his wife.

  Tonight was going to be more than work.

  It was going to be a night to remember.

  Sitting in the room, Emma was flipping through papers as she waited on her husband to arrive. She could hear his voice as he headed towards her. Greyson was talking on his phone and giving his secretary her instructions for the weekend. She couldn’t imagine the stress he was under, between running the FBI building and working a serial assignment out in the field.

  When he came into the room and ended his call, she rushed at him. “I love you,” she gushed, leaving many little kisses all across his face.

  He grinned. “I love you too, and what did I do to invoke that response? I want to do it again and again.”

  Emma hugged him and buried her face in his shoulder. “I know how hard you’re working, and I wanted to tell you I appreciate it.”

  His heart melted. “I’d do anything for you, but,” he paused, as she stared up into his face. “If you want to repay me, I’m sure I can think of a few ways.”

  Emma wasn’t surprised at his reply. “I’m going to knock your socks off tonight, Greyson Croft. Be ready,” she said, releasing him.

  “Oh, I can’t wait. I have a few tricks up my sleeves too. I think my wife is going to be impressed.”

  “Are you wearing a normal tux?” she asked casually.

  He stared at her, trying to figure out why she was asking. “Why do you want to know?”

  Emma shrugged. “So, I can pick the appropr
iate dress.”

  Croft dropped into a chair and stared over at his woman. “I’m wearing a black tux with pin striping.”

  “Okay,” she said calmly as she found herself getting excited. The gown she saw would be perfect with it. “My ensemble will complement your choice perfectly.”

  He leaned forward, curiously. “Care to share with me?”

  She made a zipping motion with her fingers over her lips and shook her head.

  Just then, Briggs and Detective Westmore strolled in together. They were laughing at some secret joke shared between them.

  “Detective, do you want us to pick you up at your apartment tonight?” Croft asked, trying not to grin at the dopey look on his partner’s face.

  “Okay,” she answered hesitantly. The jitters about the evening were starting up again.

  Emma came to her rescue. “Actually, Brynn is going to be getting ready at our place. She has to help me into my gown.”

  Immediately, her partner looked more relaxed. Emma would most definitely get her through it.

  “Works for me,” stated Croft. “We have a driver for tonight.” It was all he was going to say about it. “We need to get moving. I need to get some tasks done before the briefing this afternoon.”

  They all packed up their things and headed out into the sunlight to go in their separate directions. “We’ll meet for lunch to discuss what we’ve learned. See you two at noon,” Emma said, heading off with her husband.

  “Well, shall we?” Briggs inquired, grinning.

  Brynn was smiling. “Yep, I love talking to lawyers of the over indulged and excessively privileged in the morning. They just make my day.”

  “Wow, sarcasm abounded there,” Briggs teased, dropping his sunglasses onto his face.

  “Oh, Curtis, you haven’t seen anything yet.”

  Emma and Greyson sat in the grand office of the law firm representing Harrison Tyler. It was obvious that they charged a premium for their time. Waiting for the woman who was handling the case, they sipped coffee that the secretary had offered them.


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