Vegas is Dying (A Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Book 2)

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Vegas is Dying (A Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Book 2) Page 46

by Morgan Kelley

  He opened his mouth to make a comment, and his boss shut him right down. “Think about it first,” he warned, “Because I’m betting my sex life is way up there, and she let me have bacon.”

  Emma snickered. He had a point.

  “You used to be fun to bust. Now, it’s not fair. You’ve got a live in babe to bang. I can’t get in a good comment now. I liked it better when you were celibate.”

  Croft crossed his arms, trying not to laugh by the man’s terminology.

  Cutting in, Emma continued. “After that, we’ll deposit you back here, Curtis, and Grey and I have a dinner date with Randall Mason.”

  “Yeah, I’ll pass on that one. As much as I love seeing the big guy go all ape shit insane all over someone, that’s a powder keg with a very short fuse.”

  His partner was obviously a smart man, except when it came to making age comments. Oh, and ones related to Emma. Okay, so his preservation was questionable, to say the least.

  “Is that all for today?”

  Emma shook her head. “I have to head back to the precinct. I need to update Captain Ford on what’s been going down. He’s going to want to know, and I haven’t been around the squad room much lately.”

  Croft didn't mind her being surrounded by a room full of cops. At least she’d be safe. “I’ll meet you there before we head over to Crassmount to do the interviews and walkthrough.”

  Emma kissed him. “Yes, sir,” she teased.

  Running his fingers across her necklace, he whispered into her ear. “You know what happens to bad little kittens, Emma.”

  She started laughing, even as the flush crept up her body.

  “Exactly,” he murmured as he kissed her cheek.


  Greyson laughed at her reply.

  Briggs watched them as a couple and hoped one day to find the happiness and connection they had together.

  Croft spoke, inhaling the lavender scent. “Keep your cell on for updates and searches tonight. If we find anything, we’re going to have you run it as we wander around at one of Mason’s dress rehearsals,” Croft stated.

  “I can do that. I’ll handle it from the hospital. I want to keep Brynn company tonight,” he stated.

  “Tell her I’ll be in as soon as I catch this killer. I’m buried,” added Emma. “Convey to her that it’s not the same without her.”

  Briggs nodded.

  Emma and Greyson finished their toast, and he cleared the tray. “We better get moving. Today’s going to be a long one.”

  Briggs shrugged. When wasn’t it when his partner was working a case?

  ~ Chapter Eighteen ~

  Tuesday Mid-Morning

  The three walked into the doctor’s office together, and immediately split up. Emma went to the desk to check in, and the men went to gather information in the waiting room.

  Sitting there, Croft scanned the décor and checked out the books on the shelves. There were ones on eating disorders, addictions, and couple issues. God, he hoped he never had to see that book in reference to his and Emma’s marriage.

  Across the room, his partner was standing by some certificates with his tablet out. It meant he was already doing searches on the woman they had an appointment to see.

  Now it was only a matter of time.

  Right on schedule, the doctor came to the door and waved them in after a weepy couple walked out of their therapy session. “I didn't expect to see you again,” she said, taking a seat. “I see your party of two has become a threesome.”

  Croft didn't find it amusing, especially when his partner’s smile was a little too bright. He elbowed him. “We need to ask you a few questions, if you don’t mind, Doctor Russell.”

  She nodded and leaned back in the chair.

  “Did you have a patient by the name of Liza Harper?” Emma described her in detail. “She had red hair and was a bit taller than myself.”

  “I’m going to make the assumption that since you’re back here, the woman is no longer alive,” she stated as she moved towards her cabinet.

  When she pulled out a file, Crofts eyes narrowed. Three victims out of four came to this office. That couldn’t be a coincidence.

  Maureen Russell sat and opened it to begin scanning the details. “Yes, I remember her now. We had a few sessions. I didn't even charge her for the last three. I was deeply concerned for her well-being and was trying to stage an intervention of sorts.”

  Emma watched the woman’s face for any emotion, but it remained completely blank. “What can you tell us about her?”

  Briggs sat behind them and entered information while doing his searches.

  “When I say she was a mess, it’s not an understatement or exaggeration. Her main problem was her drinking. It consumed her life. Liza was always looking for the next bender. She’d hide little bottles of alcohol in her purse for when the shakes would start. Unfortunately, the alcohol was just the first hurdle.”

  Croft waited, “Please continue.”

  “The drinking led to poor moral behavior. She would find herself having sex with men just to keep her money to buy more booze. It was a vicious circle.”

  “How about her boss?” Emma questioned.

  Maureen Russell flipped through the pages. “She mentioned a flirtations relationship with him. Her hopes were to land him and move up in life.”

  Ahhhh, a gold digger.

  “To Liza, any man with that type of social stature would be a draw. It would mean an endless supply of the drug of choice,” she paused before continuing, “The addiction was the driving factor and made her do things a sober person wouldn’t.”

  Emma didn't understand addiction, unless it was with her husband. She somehow didn't think she could live without him.

  “Look at yourself, Detective. I’ve seen you on the news and that, to Liza, would be alluring. You’re married to Director Croft, and he’s one of the most eligible men in Vegas.”

  “Correction, Doctor. I married Greyson before he was a director, so your implication of me marrying him for social climbing is dead wrong. Two more things for the record, while we’re at it. The media attention for me is nothing more than a hindrance for my job, and I could do without it. As for Greyson being eligible, I would have to object. He’s off the market and any woman who tries to social climb, with my husband, is in for a huge surprise.”

  “I didn't mean to offend,” she said smiling.

  Croft placed his hand on her leg, offering her some reassurance. Since it appeared everyone was cheating in Vegas, he needed to assure her he wouldn’t.

  “Were you aware that Liza Harper was sick?” Emma asked.

  “I assure you, she was mentally unstable, but alcoholism is a disease and she was losing.”

  Emma shook her head. “No, she was HIV positive.”

  The woman looked surprised.

  “Oh dear! She had quite a few sexual partners. I doubt she was sober enough to think about protection either. They’re now all possibly infected with it too.”

  “Yes, we know.”

  “This is all a travesty. It’s a shame that those young women in the prime of their lives are gone and the others that had unprotected sex now have signed their fate.” Doctor Russell shook her head sadly.

  Croft was watching the woman and none of what she just said felt insincere. “Where were you Saturday night, Doctor?”

  It caught her by surprise. “I was at home alone.”

  Now, Emma went in for a little of the action too. “You’re a young woman, and you’re sitting home on a Saturday night all alone? That seems odd to me.”

  “I teach at the community college, Detective. I had papers to correct for midterms. I didn't get a chance to make plans for the night,” she paused. “If you and your husband are alluding to something, I wish you would just come out and say it.”

  “Okay,” Emma paused. “Did you kill these four women?”

  “You are very to the point. I hope you’re not this belligerent in your marriage, or you
and your husband will need counseling.”

  Laying it out, Emma was done playing nice. “You had contact with three of the four victims. You knew their issues and very well could have used that against them. Right now, our friend behind us is running a very deep search on your life. If I can find anything that ties you to the first victim or Randall Mason’s life, I’m bringing you in for questioning.”

  “I don’t know the first victim. I’m here to help them and not hurt them.”

  Croft watched his wife. Gone was the calm and the fiery spirit was pushing up.

  “You went to medical school, right?”

  She looked blasé. “Of course I did. You can’t be a psychiatrist without a full medical rotation. I had to specialize in my field.”

  It occurred to Greyson Croft that his wife was tricky and super slick when it came to people who underestimated her. She just managed to get her to admit to something key.

  “So, you know how to handle a scalpel?”

  “I did a surgical residency before specializing in psychiatry,” she replied.

  Emma was glad she was going into defensive mode. It’s when people screwed up more often than not.

  “All four women had their eyes removed, ears cut off and lips stitched shut.”

  Now, she looked downright pissed off.

  “What did your mother do for a living?” She threw it out there, going for broke. Maybe the body on the mother’s crypt was too literal. Maybe they were looking for something more ‘Freudian’ or metaphorical.

  “She was a professor of English literature until her retirement two years ago. Now, she gardens and has tea parties with her friends.”

  Emma stood. “Thanks, Doctor. We’ll be in touch soon if we find a connection to you and Sara Jensen.”

  She headed to the door. “Oh, and stay in town. You’re officially a suspect in the murder and mutilation of all four victims.”

  The woman stared openmouthed as they walked out, unsure what to even say.

  When they exited the building, Croft kissed his wife. It wasn’t a deep kiss, but it was still passion filled.

  “That was hot to watch. I can’t wait to get home tonight!” he stated, wiggling his eyebrows.

  Briggs groaned. Maybe he should sleep in the hospital to avoid the preplanned sex between them.

  Emma started laughing. “Why? What did I do that turned you on, big guy?”

  “How you keyed in on the medical background and went for the jugular, or how you backed her right into a corner. I have to say, that was entertaining to watch.”

  “Yeah, well when she referred to you as eligible, it pissed me off. Now, we need Curtis here to find me something relevant to tie the first woman to the stuffy doctor.”

  Briggs grinned. “I’m searching. It takes time, but for the record, I like how you went all crazy on her when she alluded you were a gold digger.”

  Croft took her hand in his. “Little do they all know that I got the far better deal. Emma has to accommodate me a lot more than I do her. I just pick her laundry off the floor.”

  She stared laughing. “How about you give me a ride back to the police station and stop hinting that I’m a slob? I need to brief the captain and get a vehicle.”

  “I’ll give you a ride anywhere,” he crooned in her ear as he nipped it. When she shivered, he grinned satisfactorily.

  Briggs stopped walking and turned around.

  “Where are you going?” Emma asked, pausing in the middle of the sidewalk.

  “I just heard what he said, and now I think I need therapy. My brain just drew up pictures of you two in my head.”

  “Curtis, get your ass in the Denali,” Croft growled as he tried not to laugh.

  “Yes, Dad.”

  After updating her boss, Emma grabbed the keys to one of the detective cars in the squad room. When her husband dropped her and Briggs off, he had a private conversation with the man, and Emma was sure she knew what it was regarding.

  Since then, Briggs was her shadow. When she came out of the ladies’ room, he was right there. As she grabbed a cup of coffee, Emma nearly spilled it when she turned and practically walked into him. There was going to have to be a talk with Greyson about giving her babysitters or better yet, she’d give him one to see how liked it.

  Walking out of the precinct and towards the vehicle, she found another unpleasant surprise waiting for her. Immediately, Curtis moved to stand in front of her like a shield.


  She had a mini Croft in the making on her hands.

  “What do you want, Detective Laden?” Briggs asked, crossing his arms across his chest. They’d been down this road once, and he wasn’t going to let the man even breathe on Emma. Croft would follow through with his threats to ship him to Afghanistan to search for scorpions.

  Emma wanted to laugh, but she wasn’t sure if Curtis would find it funny that she was entertained by his display of protectiveness. She was seriously going to have to talk to both of them.

  “I need to speak to Detective Croft, if you don’t mind,” he said, staring at the man. “You’d think your husband would give you a scarier guard dog and not a pubescent child.”

  It was surprising, but Emma had to restrain Briggs. “Okay boys, let’s head to our corners and stop the fight.”

  “I need just a moment of your time, and then I’ll be on my way,” he stated easily. “I swear I won’t touch her tough guy.”

  “Stop provoking people, Sawyer. You don’t get it do you? You wonder why people call you an asshole? Well, here it is--you are one.”

  He started laughing. “I came to apologize, okay? I crossed a line when I allowed that weasel to touch you. I’m a cop first, and I let my anger get to me.”

  “You think?” she replied. “If he had a knife, he could have shanked me.”

  Detective Laden knew it. “I know and that’s why I’m standing here, facing down your body guard.”

  Briggs swore he’d love to beat the man into the ground just for being a complete asshole.

  “So, you apologize and all is forgiven?” Emma asked incredulously. “Because I have a hard time forgetting you could have cost me my life.”

  He shrugged. “I just wanted to tell you I was wrong. I still hate your Fed husband and little mini-me, but at least I’ll be honest about it. I was wrong and I crossed a line with you.”

  Emma watched the man walk away, and she simply shook her head. “Come on, Curtis. We have things to do today and no time to deal with an arrogant prick.”

  Briggs let it go, only because Croft would most likely kill the man later anyway.

  Yeah, that was something to look forward to watching.

  * * *

  Greyson Croft sat in his office, waiting for his boss to pick up the call. Later, he had a conference call with the man, but he couldn’t wait. This was a private conversation, which he needed to take care of immediately. When Ethan Blackhawk’s secretary, Ginny, had placed him on hold, he hoped the man would be available.

  Suddenly, the music stopped and his boss’s voice came over the line.

  “Greyson, what can I do for you?” Ethan Blackhawk said with concern in his voice.

  “I may have a situation that’s on the horizon, and I need to make someone aware of it in advance. I didn't know if I should call you or Elizabeth.”

  Yeah, Ethan didn't like the sound of that at all.

  “You know the issue that took down the last director?” he began, knowing the man would know immediately.

  “Yes, I’m very aware.”

  Croft hated to do this, and he despised the fact that he had to be the one who made the call, but something had to be done. If it came down to a friendship or his wife and life in Vegas, there could be only one choice.

  “I think I found the source of the problem.”

  Blackhawk leaned back in his chair, thinking it through. “Are you sure?” he asked, needing him to be positive. When they removed the last director, he wouldn’t rat out the person do
ing the bribing. There was a steep price for offering kickbacks to a federal employee and they needed to locate the person behind it.

  It pained him to say it. “Yes, I think the source of the enticements is coming out of Commissioner Booker’s office at the Las Vegas Police Department.”

  Ethan Blackhawk knew what a huge mess this was going to be. This time, the FBI wouldn’t be coming out of this looking bad when they caught the man. “We’ll start working on it immediately.”

  “I need a favor though,” he said, finally.


  Greyson swallowed the bile rising in his gut. “I need your assurance that no matter what happens to me or this office that you will keep my wife safe and out of this mess. She’s innocent, and I don’t want Commissioner Booker nailing her ass to the wall on this. He’s the big boss.”

  Blackhawk understood where the man was coming from. “I give you my word. Emma will be safe.”

  Greyson knew that in the end that’s all that really mattered. “Okay what do you need me to do?”

  * * *

  Detective Emma Croft stood on the porch with her field partner flanking her. No one liked to do death notifies, but in their line off work, it was simply one of the things they had to handle.

  Now, they were coming to notify a bunch of men that their lives would never be the same again.

  Special Agent Briggs scanned the havoc and couldn’t believe his eyes. This was like a frat party had gone wild, only it was happening in the middle of the relatively silent neighborhood. There were beer cans and bottles of Wild Turkey all over the place. Already, he’d counted three pairs of women’s undergarments. He didn't remember college being this crazy.

  It was like partying on steroids.

  Yeah, he grew up in the city, but he’d never seen aftermath like this before, probably because his grandmother would have kicked his ass. She raised him to know better than to get this drunk and this stupid.


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