The Spires of Dasny: 2: Queen of Dragons

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The Spires of Dasny: 2: Queen of Dragons Page 13

by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

  “I don’t remember. It was so sudden.”

  “You must remember, Seyra. Our visions give us a look into the future, a harbinger of things to come.” My gaze falls into his eyes and I’m locked where I stand. He moves towards me and places his hands on my head.

  I’m drifting between clouds on a night of only shadows. Electricity of a storm punches around me, pushing me onward. I look down, through clouds, through deep shadows and see a camp with many men and dragons. Some dragons have wings; some do not. The winged dragons make a pact with a thin man reeking of power and deception. I concentrate on the landscape and see a deep gorge where the land has ripped apart. Winged dragons fly up from the deep crevasse, screeching. Men fall at the sound of the dragons. The man of the Xi laughs and chaos spreads in all directions.

  I awaken. Tears flood my eyes and run unchecked.

  “You have done well, Seyra. I saw your vision. It is true. The Xi have returned and bring with them dragons who have magic and will work with the Xi with the promise of fertile lands to rule over. The land is very far from the Spires. They are enlisting ‘volunteers’ as they make their way to us. Those who do not join them are erased from the land. Villages are set ablaze as they continue from the east to the west.”

  I hear Dreyth’s belly-fires ignite. Elky whimpers in front of me. Ustice busts into the training room, eyes wide. He has sensed Elky’s fear and joined us.

  Hu’gan shouts, “Bring my warriors! I need to send out many to different trails to the east!”

  The chaos from my dream fills the Spires as people and dragons move throughout. A dozen of the Beljeem Warriors rush into the training room, bow and stand at attention. Hu’gan disappears behind the training wall to his private chamber and returns with scrolls, each with strange symbols marking its outside. In his agitation, he speaks in his native tongue, gesturing directions as he places each scroll in outstretched hands. When all have left to ready their dragons, I’m left with my heart racing for escape.

  Hu’gan calls out. “Dreyth, you must send more guards, each with a rider. You already have guards along the Spires but now is the time to add guards further east on the far ends of our kingdom. We don’t know from whence they will approach but it doesn’t seem like they used the Gateway like last time. We didn’t take into consideration they would amass a larger army once they reach our lands. And Dreyth.” His eyes narrow. “Be it advised that you always have at least one guard and rider with you whenever you fly from the Spires. Grifton and Athan, most assuredly. I will however need to keep Elky and Ustice close to me. Agreed?”

  Dreyth nods.

  “Elky, follow me.” Hu’gan turns and walks towards his chamber. Elky scurries off to catch up with him.

  “Seyra, return to your chambers and rest. It will take me some time to get the others ready to take their posts.”

  “Do you think I can rest now? Impossible. How can I help?”

  Dreyth pauses. “Tell Grifton the news. He will want to sleep in Athan’s lair to be ready in a moment’s notice if we should leave the Spires. I need time to put a plan together. Go now Seyra. Return to my lair when done.”

  Chapter 19

  I hurry away from Dreyth to find Grifton. I wish I could mind call him as I do Dreyth; it would make it so much easier to locate him. I stop at his chambers and he isn’t there. I run through the nooks and crannies and ask all those I pass if they've seen him. Hurrying through the passageways, I catch my boot on a rock and skid across the ground, palms first. In moments I right myself, blood trailing down my hands. Pausing to catch my breath, I allow a precious moment to pass as I focus my energy to stop my bleeding and heal my hands. Breathing in a deep chest-full of air, I hurry past the row of chambers and out into the main open area of the Spires. I see Grifton up ahead, moving towards the kitchens. Out of breath, I try to call to him, but the words don’t reach my tongue. He stops in his tracks and turns to look at me. He heard me?

  He starts walking towards me, then runs as he sees the worry plastered across my face.

  “Grifton,” I pant, “you need to go to Athan. Sleep in his lair tonight.” I lean over, hands resting on my bent knees as I work to channel air into my airstream. “Dreyth has…”

  “Save your breath, Seyra. Athan just told me what is happening. Here, let me take you to Dreyth’s lair so you can rest up. I’m running off to the kitchens to bring food back. Can I bring you something?”

  “I’ll go with you.” I grin, embarrassed. “I don’t think you could carry your food and mine with my current appetite.” He gives me a lop-sided smirk and walks with me to the kitchens. I ask a kitchen worker to make me a small sack with dried meats, roasted potatoes bundled in leaves and several hand pies, and half-rounds of cheese. Grifton gawks at me. “Not all for tonight, you goose! In case we have to leave suddenly.”

  With a raised brow, he turns to the kitchen help. “I’ll have what she’s having.” It is evident the kitchen help is aware of a sudden shift within the Spires. First, the messengers come in for a haul of food, then a line of the Beljeem Warriors and now us. I’m sure the Spires will all be told before long. We carry our bags of supplies down through the Spires and Grifton stands next to Dreyth’s lair. “You do know I’ll be just down the way…if you need me before Dreyth returns, right?”

  I nod. “Thanks, Grifton. I’m hoping this is a simple measure of preparedness.”

  “I can tell by your eyes, you know better. Don’t be concerned. We’ve won battles before. We’ll win any others that come our way. And Seyra…I won’t leave your side.”

  The look in his eyes overwhelms me. Words fail me and I nod before entering Dreyth’s lair. I fluff the area where I’ll sleep, or at least try to rest my eyes as I wait for Dreyth to join me. Lugging my bag close to me, I slip my baselard from the scabbard and slice a chunk of cheese to ease the roiling in my gut. Even in my fit of nervousness, my eyes grow too heavy to stay open. A fitful sleep finds me.

  I stir under the soft pelts nestled deeply in Dreyth’s lair. Yawning, I open my eyes to see faint light in his chamber. With a smile, I roll over. I sit up and find Dreyth isn’t here. My hands travel his bedding and there is no lingering warmth or even a hint that he slept here last night. Poor Dreyth… I stretch and rise to hunt him down. I’m irritated that Hu’gan, or whomever he was discussing strategies with, didn’t look out for his welfare. A dragon cannot run on an empty tank—and there is no such thing as sleep reserves. Why, if we were called out this morning to battle, he’d be too worn out to think straight. My lips make a tight line as I think of his lack of sleep, yet he made me come and rest in his lair. What good is that if he isn’t rested?

  The main cavity in the Spires is eerily quiet. Gooseflesh prickles my arms. I rush to the training room and there is no one there, not even Hu’gan in the chamber behind the room. Leaving, I find a few people and ask questions if they have seen Dreyth or Hu’gan and none have seen them. I backtrack to Athan’s lair to find Grifton. They aren’t there, but I can tell at least they had been. Grifton’s food bag rests against one wall and his changed clothes are on the ground. Darting through the passageway, I end up at the western opening of the Spires. Grifton is leaning against the wall with Athan peering off in the distance.

  “Thank the Stars and Moon I have found you,” I laugh, relieved to see them. “For a moment it felt like the Spires had emptied. I looked for Dreyth and Hu’gan and no one has seen them. Where is Dreyth? I want to catch up on what they discussed as strategies.”

  When Grifton turns to face me, I take an involuntary step backwards. His face… It’s red-splotched from tears. I know how my face gets when I am sad. “What’s happened? Grifton? What is it?”

  “Seyra, they’ve gone.”

  “What? What are you saying?” My heart drops to my toes. “Who left and where did they go?”

  “All of them left, Seyra. I was left here to guard you. Hu’gan and his warriors, including my sister, left to head towards the east, each having map scrolls
to their destinations. Dreyth took over twenty riders and dragons with him, to different paths to the east.”

  My chin comes unhinged. “He left me? What good to him am I here? We are better together than apart, as he always says. Moon madness! I am his healer! What will happen if he is injured?”

  Grifton nods, understanding my hurt and anger.

  “I have never been left behind. Why did he do this?” My words sling out with a building rage.

  “Seyra, you know why. He’s made it obvious all along.”

  “What do you mean?” I stomp forward standing nose to nose with Grifton.

  “The reason he took you as his Queen. He knew the day would come when he had to go to war. He knew there would always be a chance he wouldn’t—return. He needs someone to be able to hold the kingdom.”

  My legs go weak and Grifton catches me before I fully collapse. One long wail surges through my lips— “Nooo!”

  I work trying to mind-call him, begging him to return and take me with him. Over and over, I call his name and there is no answer.

  I plead with Athan. “Call out to them. Tell Dreyth to answer me. Please, Athan?”

  “I can’t, Seyra. They have moved too far. I felt their last traces hours ago while the stars still shone. They, all of them, have moved out of my range of contact.”

  “Why didn’t anyone come to get me? I didn’t even get to say goodbye…What if…”

  Athan’s eyes bear his pain. “We were instructed not to wake you. If it is any comfort, he did go to the entrance to his chamber. He stood silent and still, watching you sleep. We followed him back here and he told us to do everything in our power to protect you and to keep you safe.”

  Tears tumble down my face.

  Grifton’s chin quivers. “Hu’gan took Elky.” His words were whisper-soft. Now I fully understand why his face is so blotchy. He worries for his sister. She was captured before; it must be tearing his heart in two.

  “It’s shocking to me that Hu’gan would take her. He wanted to protect her from ever facing what she went through, again.”

  Grifton sniffles and rubs his hand under his nose. His evident pain is barely held in-check.

  “Find me a dragon to ride. I will not stay here and let Dreyth go on alone.”

  “I couldn’t even if I wanted to, Seyra. Instructions were given to the dragons, not to allow you to ride.” He hangs his head in the defeat I’m feeling. “Look, Hu’gan has been working with Elky. She is able to release the shield magic and it takes hold even with her not continually chanting. They think it will hold for all the dragons as they fly.”

  “But for how long? And, you know that only protects the lower half of the dragon because of the riders. Wait? Did—Dreyth take another rider?” The words crawl out through the desert of my mouth.

  “No, Seyra. He took no rider. He did have a Beljeem Warrior and his dragon at his side, for protection.”

  My head falls to my chest. He should have taken me. I’ll be no good to this kingdom without him at my side. What was he thinking?

  I slide and slump against the damp wall, hands holding my head. I’m devastated. The dream showed me so much chaos that all I can see is the destruction of all that I love. Grifton offers no pretty words, for battle isn’t pretty. He knows we may never see all those who left again.

  I jump up and slug him in the shoulder. “How could you? You let them all leave and just stood there against the wall! Some First Knight you are!” The anger of my words work as a whip, slashing his face, crumbling his defenses. I don’t even care. He—made it this way. Then I catch a breath as a new thought presses in. I step back, square my shoulders and stare him in his eyes. “First Knight! You serve your Queen. I demand you take me in the heading where our Brula’r left.”

  His head jerks up. He gives me an incredulous look, as if I’d finally lost my mind. I meet his look with a smile and a gleam in my eyes.

  “You can’t ask this of me! I was commanded to stay here and protect you.”

  “I can and I do, Grifton. When the Brula’r leaves the Spires, he leaves it in his Queen’s command. You will suffer nothing by him or the Council of Dragons. You are fully in my command as stated in our governing laws.” Perhaps I made up most of what I said, but it sounds reasonable in an unreasonable time.

  “Seyra,” Athan speaks softly, a flash of light in his eyes. “Dreyth commanded the other dragons not to take you as a rider…he never commanded me not to do so.”

  I jerk my head up, tears bursting from my eyes. “Athan, you would take me as your rider?”

  “I would add you as a rider. Grifton must come too, otherwise his title and command of protecting you has no honor.”

  I give a sideways glance to Grifton, hoping he will agree. He asks Athan, “Can you carry us both as well as food and weapons?”

  “I remember a time not so long ago, I sat freezing on the beach with Dreyth and Ustice. Had Seyra not rode out in the storm, we would not have survived. It is because of this I will risk any wrath. I don’t think Seyra is only mad at not being allowed to go, I have a feeling she knows she will be needed. How can I deny her? Yes, I can carry that and more burdens than you’ve mentioned.”

  I run and hug his face, leaving tears and kisses along his snout. “Athan, find food and eat. Meet us back here as soon as you have. You will need all the energy you can muster. Grifton, grab food pack and cloaks, clothes and weapons. I'll do the same. Shove some food in your belly for when we fly; we will stop but rarely. We are hours and hours behind them.” A sudden though hits me. None of us may come back and the rest of the Spires would be left in the dark as to what is happening. I dart off to find the kitchen helper, Kareena. She has pledged her loyalty to me.

  She is busy cleaning the stone tables set around the kitchens. I tap her on the shoulder.

  She gasps and drops to her knee. “My Queen!”

  “Rise, Kareena. Come with me.” I walk to the kitchens and announce. “As of now, I am borrowing Kareena for my chamber maid.” There are no objections, only nods. I drag Kareena to my chambers. “I must leave at once. Only you will know where I go. You will tell no others unless the battle comes near, then fight with all you’ve got. I go to help our Brula’r. It is my hope we all will return home, but if not, someone I trust needs to know what has happened. If the messengers arrive and want to leave a message, simply tell them all are out in training exercises and you’ve been instructed to take a message and they must return to their duties. Do you think you can do this?”

  “Yes, my Queen. I can and will.”

  “Good. I want you to stay in my chambers except when eating. Understood?”

  She nods. Her eyes are full of devotion; I only hope I can live up to her admiration. She sits on my bed as I dash around her grabbing clothing for the journey. I finish and hug her and I’m surprised by the fierceness in which she returns the hug. I offer a smile as I dodge quickly to Dreyth’s chamber, adding the food bag and sliding my sword and daggers into their sheaths. I pick up the Ziphan and dart to the western opening to the Spires.

  Athan lands in the opening, blood still fresh on his snout. At least I know he’s eaten. Grifton shuffles into the chamber, lugging food, clothing in side bags and weapons strapped to his back and sides. We make quick work of tying everything down, balancing on each side of Athan’s saddle. Grifton boosts me up to the saddle and clambers up behind me, cinching us both into the shoulder harness. It takes some adjustments to secure both of us, but it holds well.

  Grifton yells, “Find Dreyth, Athan.” He gathers his limbs and rushes out of the Spires, pumping his wings to catch the wind. “Seyra, the Ziphan!” Grifton announces. I turn my head to look at the top of it facing Grifton and it carries a weak greenish glow. My stomach tumbles.

  “What does it mean when it glows like that?” Grifton asks.

  “I don’t know for certain. Once it glowed I think, as a warning to me. It glowed again while fighting Hu’gan and gave me more power to fly across the sky
as he did. All I know is it is intelligent, somehow knowing events unfolding.” The words barely slip past my teeth and my nerves are set on edge. Whatever the Ziphan has sensed doesn’t bode well.

  Chapter 20

  The sun is near its zenith, with a crisp breeze moving the scattering of clouds swiftly by. Athan said the stars were still bright in the night sky when everyone left the Spires. I bite my lip knowing we are too far behind. How will I ever find the precise trail that Dreyth took? With all the warriors traveling and the rest of the dragon riders, it will be impossible to know. Had we had an earlier start…

  Scanning the horizon and the disappearing land under us, I look for any sign that dragons passed this way. We move in an easterly direction, crossing hills and valleys with raging rivers cutting through the rock and dirt to work their way to the sea. The sun has quickly slipped behind us, as shadows start marching across the ground. I spot another stream with a forest on one edge and suggest Athan drop down. We need to eat something, refill water bladders and stretch. Not knowing what lies ahead, this might be the last of the fresh water we see for a while. I gnaw on the deer jerky and take large bites from the flat bread. Slicing off a hunk of cheese from the cheese wheel, my stomach has something to digest at last. I excuse myself to the tree line to empty my bladder in privacy. I can’t help glaring knowing the men are provided special skins to use in flight when they need to—go.

  Peering through the shadows of trees, I see Athan dive towards what must be his dinner. A crash thunders through the trees behind me, alerting me he’s found food. Smiling, I’m reminded how satisfied I am that the dragons don’t go hungry on trips like this one. Striding back through the opening, Grifton is reattaching our bags to the saddle and twisting from side to side, easing any aches brought on by the flight. I pull my cloak tighter and cinch the belt to hold it close to me. With my rider leathers underneath, it should keep me warm as the sun falls behind us. Athan lunges forward and kneels at the stream, guzzling the cold water. Refreshed once more, I find my spot on Athan as Grifton wiggles in behind me. It isn’t the most convenient way to ride a dragon, but I’m grateful to them both.


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