Forsaken (Fated Saga Fantasy Series Book 8)

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Forsaken (Fated Saga Fantasy Series Book 8) Page 21

by Rachel Humphrey-D'aigle

  Juliska had no response. She’d seen her sister moody before. Precocious, stubborn, persistent. But ready to start a war? She tried to see her sister’s point of view, but it was difficult considering what she was willing to do. Part of her did understand Amelia’s desire to leave the island and explore or find a new home, but there had to be a better way.

  Guilt. A lot more of it. So much guilt Juliska wasn’t sure there was enough room for it all.

  If she hadn’t been taken, none of this might have happened. They’d have come home and the Banon would have chosen a new place to expand to. Form the sounds of it though, this would not have appeased Amelia.

  But to threaten the safety of those on the island. Which seemed to include her own mother… this was an Amelia she did not recognize.

  Eddy reached over and caressed her cheek. “Sorry. I didn’t want to overwhelm you so fast. But you would have heard about it soon and I thought better from us.”

  “You’re right. It is better this way. I just feel so…” she was at a loss for words.

  Her mother reached out and touched her arm.

  “Go home. Get some rest. Don’t worry about all this pesky mess we’ve gotten ourselves into,” said her mother. “You’re home now. There’s plenty of time to catch up later, once you’ve had a chance to get settled again.” She eyed Eddy knowingly.

  “I’m taking her there now,” he responded, overjoyed.

  Her mother had been in on it too. She should have known.

  Eddy went out to wrangle the carriage while Juliska and her mother said goodbye.

  “He is a good man,” her mother said. “Reminds a little of your father. I never would have thought it, with what I’d heard about him,” she laughed. “But he absolutely adores you and that’s all a mother can hope for.” She stopped for a second. “Do you love him?”

  “I didn’t think I ever would, but yes. I do.”

  “I know it hasn’t been easy, with what you are and what people expect from you.”

  “But he’s not like that.”

  “No. I can tell he’s not. Now… go home. And just be together. I’m so happy for you.”

  Juliska hugged her. She did miss her mother. She just didn’t realize how much until just now. It was hard to leave, and yet Juliska was relieved to get out of the house and breathe the fresh air.

  Her poor mother had endured so much in the last eighteen months. She’d lost her husband. Had a daughter taken, and had another daughter starting a rebellion. It was more than any adoring mother should have to put up with.

  Juliska wanted to go home and be alone with Eddy.

  Just the two of them away from all this chaos.

  She needed to collect her thoughts.

  There was so much to discuss.

  He helped her back inside the carriage and thirty minutes later, they pulled up in front of a brown shingled cottage covered in a frosty sheen. She imagined in the summer it would have been in full bloom, with loads of flowers. Eddy got out and helped her out.

  “What do you think?”

  “This is ours?”


  “I still cannot believe you did this. For me. For us.”

  “There’s a wonderful garden space in the back. The house itself needed some upkeep but I’ve had some time on my hands so…”

  “It’s perfect,” she whispered. “If it’s ours, it’s perfect.”

  Eddy insisted on carrying her over the threshold and she obliged, holding back a giddy laugh. He placed her gently on a sofa and lit up the fireplace.

  “I could do that in a snap,” she reminded.

  “I don’t want you to lift a finger. Just let me. At least for today.”

  “Well how can I turn that down?” She let out a heavy sigh.

  He got the fire roaring and joined her on the sofa. He took a seat near the right-hand side and motioned for her to lean back on him.

  It was perfection. She could have stayed just like this all night long.

  “I don’t want to let go, or lose you again,” he whispered.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Eddy.”

  “Good, because curse the man who tries take you away from me now.”

  She turned her head to see his face. “I love you.”

  “I love you.”

  She took a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “Everything you went through after I was taken. It could not have been easy for you.”

  “No. It was… hell. Those first hours and days…” he couldn’t even speak of it. “But I’m not concerned about me right now.”

  “I’m fine. Really I am. I was never mistreated. Not once.”

  “To see you looking so beautiful and to hear you say that, gives my heart peace.”

  “I just want to disappear. I’m not ready to face everyone yet.”

  “Just let them try…” his tone warned no one would bother her on his watch.

  She snuggled up against his chest and he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head. Even as perfect as it all was, there was a restlessness she could not get rid of. She lifted her head.



  “Will you show me around our house?”

  “Hm, yes. Let’s do that.” He helped her off the couch, but never let go of her hand. “Obviously, this is the living room.” She laughed. He took pulled her into the kitchen.

  “It’s… magnificent.” She looked at him quite seriously. “I did tell you I’m not a very good cook, didn’t I? I won’t win any awards for anything that comes out of this kitchen.”

  “Good thing I know my way around a kitchen then.”

  Next he showed her into the study, which took up the backside of the house. Through the back was also a cute little yard. She imagined waking up and having coffee in that yard. It would have to wait until spring now.

  “Where’s this door go?” It was at the end of the hall before the stairs leading up.

  “That, my dear, leads down to the basement. It’s fully finished and when I saw it, I thought it was the perfect spot for you.”

  “For me?”

  “For you and all your candles. You told me you needed a private space to work in. You’ll love it.”

  “My own candle room. That’s… actually very exciting.”

  “That’s nothing…” He pulled her up a flight of stairs. “Bath, to your left. Spare room to your right. I have some thoughts on filling that room.”

  “Do you now?”

  “Yes. It starts with the last room. It takes up the entire backside of the upstairs.”

  He opened the door for her.

  “Oh my. Eddy, this is… this is really ours? I didn’t think we were up high enough to a view like this.”

  “The outside of the house is a little deceiving. It’s much larger than it first appears.”

  Their bedroom had a back wall that was nearly one gigantic window, with a view of the ocean.

  “I can’t believe we get to wake up to this, every day. How did I get so lucky?” Life was perfect. The chaos would slow. She’d get caught up with things eventually. This, here, with Eddy, her future, was all that mattered. “How did I get so lucky?” she muttered again. A flutter of nerves hit her stomach and her cheeks blushed.

  “I miss that.” He kissed her. She soaked in every bit of it.



  “I have my own ideas for that room across the hall.”


  “It pretty much starts with us spending a few days locked in the bedroom.”

  “I like that plan. Incredibly similar to my plan.”

  And with that, they did not resurface in the outside world for days.


  The outside world, however, did not want to be put on hold. Messages piled up outside the front door. Messengers arrived a few times a day, knocked, knocked and knocked again before finally giving up.

  The Vian
court wanted a complete recount of Juliska’s time with the Grosvenor and the Balaton agreed this could potentially prove useful in fighting them. More than once though, Arnon came to Juliska’s rescue and reminded everyone that she’d been through a traumatizing experience and she deserved a little time. When she was ready, he felt confident she’d oblige their request.

  Tanzea Chase sided with him, agreeing to his thinking, but pointed out the impossibility of her escape. Something that had never been done before. This led them to debate the possibility she’d been purposely freed. And followed.

  Perhaps the Grosvenor were unknowingly using her in some way, to get to them, or possibly even planning an attack. As soon as these words were uttered, the room pretty near declared war…

  Tanzea held her tongue the remainder of the meeting and the Banon put a stop to the panic, squelching these concerns before an island wide crisis started. However, he realized it would not last long. And he feared they were correct that an attack might be imminent.

  He’d give Juliska as much time as he could, but right now, he wasn’t sure others wouldn’t take matters into their own hands.

  He ordered those in attendance to keep these concerns to themselves and share them with no one. He didn’t need the island in anymore chaos than it was already in. And in trying to give Juliska the time she needed, this might give Amelia fuel to add to her fire, by claiming he wasn’t doing enough to protect the people.

  He caught Arnon and asked him to stay behind so they could speak in private. Arnon was the head officer of the Balaton now. He’d gotten a promotion after returning from the quest.

  Arnon waited patiently as everyone left the meeting.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked the Banon.

  “First, set up a patrol to watch outside Juliska’s house. I’m sure she’s perfectly safe, but I’d feel better if we kept an eye on things. Rumors are bound to spread and they’ll be seeking her out for answers.”

  “I agree. I was thinking the same thing.”

  “Good. Second, let’s up security a little. Check our protections around the island. Reinforce the barrier. Check for any weak spots. While I do not believe an attack is coming, I don’t want to take any chances.”

  “On this we agree as well. I’ll see it done. Anything else?”

  “No. That’s all for now.”

  Arnon nodded and left to implement the Banon’s requests at once.


  “Is that another knock at the door?” mumbled Juliska, barely awake.

  “Just ignore it.”

  The knocking didn’t stop.

  “Go away, I don’t want to talk to you.”

  Eddy peeled himself out of bed and put on his slippers. He heard a half-hearted laugh and turned around.

  “You might want to put on something else, other than slippers.”

  He shrugged. “They want to wake me this early, they’ll just have to deal with the view.” Just as he was heading out the bedroom door, the knocking stopped. “Figures.”

  He crawled back into bed.

  Juliska suddenly jumped out of the bed and dashed out of the room.

  He sat up and hollered, “You okay?”

  She came back a minute later. “Sorry. False alarm. All’s good.” She crawled back under the covers.

  “Nausea again?” His mouth twisted in worry. “You said it started while you were away.”

  “Yeah. I think its stress.”

  “Maybe you should see a doctor, just to be sure.”

  “Maybe.” She had concerns about doing so… something she had not thought of. In an exam would a doctor be able to tell she was a vampyre, because she’d fed. That fear kept her from agreeing to see a doctor.

  “Breakfast?” asked Eddy.

  “In a bit. Not hungry yet.” She sighed and rolled to her side to look at him. “I’m going to have to face reality soon, aren’t I?”

  “I’ll hold them off as long as can. Just find me a pitch fork.”

  She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “I think I’ll just get it over with.”

  “You’re sure? If you need more time…”

  “No. Feeling the need to just get it done. Move on. We do have a wedding to plan after all.”

  He smiled widely at that.

  “I’ll draw you a bath then.” He got up to do so.

  “Eddy, wait.”

  He pulled on a shirt and pants and rejoined her back on the bed.

  “What is it?”

  She sat up and got comfortable. “I want to tell you about everything that happened to me. But… I’m a little afraid to.” He started to speak; she motioned for him to wait. “I don’t want there to be any secrets between us, Eddy. But everything I’ve learned in the last six months… it might change how you see me.”

  “Juliska, nothing you tell me could ever make that happen.”

  “I hope that’s true.”

  He eyed her curiously. “Now you need to tell me, the suspense is already killing me.” He tried to keep it sounding light, but he was very curious, though he did not want to push.

  She took a breath. It was shaky and uneven. He grasped her hand and held it firmly.

  “Only if you want to, and I promise, I’ll still think of you exactly how I do now.”

  She blew out a breath and nodded. Then started.

  With day one of her captivity.

  Eddy did not interrupt once. He let her tell him everything. And she held nothing back. The good. The bad. The downright shocking and weird. He freaked just a little when she introduced him to Pajak, who’d been in hiding around the house the last few days. But more so over how she spoke of her captor, Fazendiin. Almost like a father figure… someone she respected. But he said nothing and let her speak.

  But the more she explained, the more he picked up on things he dared not speak aloud to his bride to be. It was not obvious to her, at all… but there was something sinister behind some of Fazendiin’s actions.

  Eddy had no clue as to what, or proof… but it was clear to him that he wanted something from Juliska and had not gotten it yet. But she was blind to see it.

  And yet he understood why and could not blame her. This man had given his bride her life back. Her history.

  He didn’t care at all what she was. Being a vampyre was minor to him compared to what he feared Fazendiin was up to. But he said nothing of these fears to her. Only accepted all she said, learned, was, did… unconditionally.

  At one point, he thought she was done, but she wasn’t. She looked downward apprehensively. He picked up her chin and saw the fear in her eyes. He kissed her and encouraged to continue.

  She did.

  She explained getting sick, nearly killing Basil, and becoming immortal.

  There was an obvious shock he could not hide at this revelation, but he held his tongue. And the hundreds of questions already surfacing.

  She continued explaining all she knew about this, unsure of what it meant for their future together.

  While Eddy had concerns, he wondered of this is what the Grosvenor had wanted, to do this thing to her? But why? What purpose did it serve?

  Juliska stopped talking.

  Finished. Spent. Restless. Afraid she was about to lose everything that mattered.

  Eddy needed a moment to think. And process.

  Regardless of the reason behind becoming immortal, Juliska thought it was the safe choice. And he could not entirely disagree, based on what she was capable of. But it was a lot to take in. He sat and pondered for quite some time. So much that he didn’t look up until he heard a sniffle.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I just got a little lost trying to process it all. It’s so much to take in all at once.”

  She nodded apprehensively.

  “It doesn’t change anything,” he told her, leaning in for a kiss. “You did what you thought was right to keep everyone around you safe. How can I get angry over that?”

  “You really don’t hate me now?”

>   Tears had formed in her eyes. He swiped them away.

  “Never. It does add a few kinks, and kind of hurts my brain to comprehend it all. But if you can live it, survive and accept it, then so can I.” He reached out and grasped her hands. “It’s me and you till death. Whatever that means…” he added with a contorted face.

  She bit her lip and let out anxious breath. What did it mean? For now, nothing, but in ten years? Or twenty? Regardless, she’d told him everything. And if accepted her even after all she’d told him, they could survive through anything.

  The weight lifted off her chest made her body feel about a hundred pounds lighter. It was such a relief to have no secrets between them. To trust Eddy like she’d never trusted anyone in her life before.

  They spoke a little more, Eddy agreeing that she needed to keep most of what she’d learned to herself. He might understand, but others would not be so easy going about it. He also thought they needed to come up with a believable story for how she escaped the Grosvenor.

  Juliska was ready to face the Viancourt and the Banon, but feared the confrontation coming her way. What if they saw through her lies and discovered the truth. They’d never accept she’d just escaped. So they pondered up some acceptable ideas.

  Hours later, they sat on the sofa downstairs, finished.

  Eddy just smiled at her. She’d been through so much. She’d come back changed, and yet so much the same. A more enhanced version of herself. Increasing all the things he loved about her. Including more confidence and a desire for life she had not had before.

  It was hard to hate Fazendiin for nurturing this side of her. For letting her become the person hiding just under the surface, who wanted out so badly.

  By the time they finished talking, coming up with an escape scenario, bathing and eating, it was already midafternoon.

  Juliska still wanted to meet with the Banon and the Court.

  “Do you want me to go with you?” Eddy offered. “Do you think we should reach out to the Banon first, in case he’s busy?”

  “No. I need to just go and get it done. And he’ll make time for me. They all will.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure you’re right about that.”

  He kissed her goodbye and watched apprehensively as she left the house to give her account of her captivity. Eddy hoped the others did not pick up on the subtle indications from her retelling, as he had. It was possible they’d misconstrue the meanings and cause an unnecessary panic, or potentially blame Juliska herself. Although, she was telling them a watered down version of the story; he hoped it was enough and feared it was a mistake to let her go alone.


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