Forsaken (Fated Saga Fantasy Series Book 8)

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Forsaken (Fated Saga Fantasy Series Book 8) Page 24

by Rachel Humphrey-D'aigle

  His wedding clothes. Just sitting on the bed. Like he was preparing, but never made it any farther.

  Many scenarios played out in Juliska’s mind. None of them good. But why would someone want to hurt Eddy? Or take him, or…

  A terrible thought slammed into her. Had someone found out her secret? That she was pregnant. Or that she was a vampyre. This had to be it. There could be no other explanation.

  Kanda helped her back downstairs where she just stared into nothing.

  Eddy would not run out on her. He loved her.

  Which meant something terrible had happened to him.

  Because of what she was. This was all her fault.

  They were punishing him because of her, she was sure of it.

  Arnon came in after a few minutes. He’d been questioning the neighbors.

  “No one saw him since last night. The carriage driver said he dropped him off at the house just after midnight last night. He’d had a few drinks but was fine, a couple friends saw him into the house.”

  Juliska had stayed with her mother last night. But was aware of the party planned for her fiancé; one he had made it home from just fine.

  “So what happened between midnight and now?” Kanda whispered to no one in particular.

  They headed back outside, unsure where to go next.

  “Take me back to the wedding,” said Juliska. “Maybe someone there knows something. Maybe he’s there…” she said desperately.

  Arnon agreed and got the carriage back on the road.

  Juliska took even breaths trying to hold back the panic threatening to explode out of her. Where was her fiancé? It was a big island, but an island nonetheless. Someone must know something.

  And if this had anything to do with what she was, or because someone found out she was pregnant… if Eddy had been hurt… she’d never forgive herself.

  They were half way back to the wedding location when they came across a crowd gathering in a small clearing. Juliska ordered them to stop and hopped out before Arnon or Kanda could stop her, or find out what was happening. They jumped out and followed.

  Juliska approached cautiously.

  They were gathered around something on the ground, gawking. Hushed whispers wafted through as they saw Juliska coming. She ignored their stares, her gaze fixing on the shape on the ground.

  Please let it be Eddy.

  Please don’t let it be Eddy.

  She didn’t know what she wanted from this.

  A body slipped in front of her, blocking her. PanSofia.

  “Juliska, you should wait.” Her gaze warned she would not like what she was about to see.

  “Just let me through.” Her voice trembled.

  “I don’t know if it is wise to let you,” her mentor argued.

  “Move out of my way. Whatever’s happened he’s my fiancé.”

  “Just keep that thought in mind,” warned her mentor. She stepped aside and let Juliska through, mumbling, “I feel terrible magic has been used here.” Her words only reached Arnon and Kanda. They stared at each other, wondering what the retired seer meant. But she did not explain and walked away, leaving.

  The crowd parted, letting Juliska through.

  They went quiet. A fearful quiet. A confused quiet.

  Juliska held her breath.

  There was a body, and it was moving.

  She let out the breath.

  He was alive.

  He was alive.

  He was alive…

  Whatever had happened, if he was alive they could make it through.

  Eddy came into full view.

  She forced out an exhale.

  Time ceased to exist.

  Her heart stuttered, threatening to stop beating.

  There was no sound. Only blood fleeing out of her heart to her ears.

  The ground under her feet started to move, the world spinning. Only it was perfectly stationary; she was the one losing her balance. Falling backwards.

  This was not real.

  Her eyes must be deceiving her.

  Eddy was not alone.

  There was a woman tangled up in his arms.

  They were sleeping. Peacefully. Happily.

  Eddy stirred, releasing the woman. She rolled onto her back, her eyes fluttering open.

  Ice… it surged through Juliska’s veins replacing the fire usually there. A moment of complete numbness.

  Her sister… Amelia…

  Eddy would not do this… and yet there they were.

  His eyes opened. He sat up, rubbing his head like it ached, looking around at everyone.

  “What the heck is going on?” He looked to his side, to this woman on the ground next to him. “Who are you?” He shook his head looking closer. “Wait… you’re Amelia Cobb, right?”

  “Yes…” she looked just as befuddled about their current predicament as he did.

  No one moved in to help them up.

  Some wore looks of disappointment. How could they do this? How could Eddy do this to the woman he claimed to love? And Amelia to her own sister…

  Some wore looks of disbelief. There had to be some kind of bad magic at work here. They didn’t believe for a moment Eddy was capable of this.

  Some wore looks of utter sorrow. Poor Juliska… whatever this was, it was a terrible thing and her wedding was ruined, after everything she’d already gone through.

  Clarity began to reach Eddy’s mind.

  He looked up to see Juliska staring blankly at him. She was pale and trembling.

  He realized what this looked like and got to his feet. Arnon rushed in and assisted him. He approached his bride.

  “No,” she told him. “Whatever lie you’re about to tell me. Just… no.” She turned to leave. Eddy reached out for her but she pushed him away. Their eyes met. Eddy saw it all happen. A switch turning off. Her mind secure in what she believed this was.

  Juliska believed he had betrayed her. With Amelia…

  Had he? He had no recollection of last night other than getting home. He’d only had a few drinks, he wasn’t even that drunk. Definitely not drunk enough to blackout or do something as utterly stupid as this. And of all people… Amelia Cobb?

  No. Something didn’t add up here.

  This was a trick of some kind.

  Amelia was on her feet and came forward.

  “Juliska… please…” she tried to stop her.

  “Do not speak to me. Ever again,” Juliska warned.

  “This isn’t what you think.”

  “Don’t tell me what I’m supposed to believe. I have eyes.”

  Kanda joined them and touched Juliska’s arm gently. “Please, I think something has happened here we should get to the bottom of. Eddy would not betray you like this.”

  “You know me,” Eddy pleaded. “You know I would never do this.”

  Juliska thought she might vomit.

  She glared at Amelia. “Do not ever call me your sister again.” She ignored Eddy and turned away. No one knew what else to say and the group parted down the middle to let her back through.

  Juliska wanted to disappear. Run far away. Why had she come back here? Why did she think this was the right place for her?

  It was all a lie.

  Eddy didn’t love her.

  He’d finally reached that point when he realized he wasn’t going to get what he wanted from her and had to find a way out. And he’d chosen the one thing he knew she’d never be able to forgive.

  Or maybe he’d decided that everything she’d told him was too much for him to handle after all. Maybe he didn’t want a child. Maybe he didn’t want an immortal wife and child…

  Hands came up behind her and spun her around.

  “Juliska, please,” Eddy begged. “I don’t know what’s happening. What this is. But it is not what you’re thinking. I love you. Please, let’s just go somewhere and figure out what happened.”

  She said nothing. Just stared at him like his touch was poison.

  Why had she belie
ved him?

  Fallen for him and given her heart away like a lovesick schoolgirl.

  He was just like all the rest.

  Accept she’d fallen for it.

  Was it just some sort of sick joke? Was he crossing her off his long list of conquests?

  It didn’t matter now.

  It was over.

  Ice encased her heart. Not love.

  She would never fall for another man, ever again.

  But what to do about the fact that he knew everything? She’d trusted him with details of her life that she did not want others to know. Including that she was pregnant.

  “I trusted you,” she muttered helplessly. “I will never make that mistake again.”

  Arnon and Kanda attempted to get the crowd to leave, quietly, and let the two sort it out.

  “Juliska, the last thing I remember is getting home last night and getting my clothes ready for this morning… and then just now, waking up out here. This is some kind of trick! To keep us apart.”

  She let out an embittered huff. “Please, just stop, Eddy.”

  Amelia tried again. “You should believe him.”

  Loathing. Juliska’s stare turned to complete loathing.

  “Let go of me, Eddy.” Her voice came out flat and empty.

  He did, but his gaze pleaded with her to let him figure out what had happened.

  “All or nothing, Eddy,” she reminded evenly. “There is no more all. You chose nothing.”

  She turned and left without another word or look to Eddy or anyone.

  She ignored every shout, question, or sympathetic gaze.

  There would be no wedding today, or any other day, for Juliska Blackwell.


  Eddy slumped in his chair, staring out the front window of his house.

  It was his now, not theirs.

  Juliska’s belongings were gone.

  Even with the arrival of a mild spring erupting, the house that just weeks before was filled with love and the promise of new life, was empty and cold.

  Weeks, without any irrefutable proof to offer. Nothing to prove his innocence other than his word. Which sadly, was not enough. Juliska was an all or nothing woman. And he’d never feared that because he was all in.

  It hurt that she cut him off so easily. Believed him capable of such a terrible thing.

  She refused to speak to him or see him.

  Four months pregnant with a child he might never see.

  Somehow, she was hiding the pregnancy. Someone was helping her. This might give him some clue as to who had done this thing to him, but Juliska was keeping her secrets well. And he would not betray her by telling anyone. She probably expected him to.

  He wanted to fall asleep, wake up and be in a place where this had never happened and they were married, about to start a family and happy.

  Arnon had tried to help.

  Cornell as well. He attempted to trace any magic that might have been used but so far, neither had come up with anything solid.


  It was the most important question. What was the point?


  The answer might tell him how to prove to Juliska that he had not betrayed her.

  Just why?

  Why ruin his life? Why ruin hers?

  He feared the answer lied somewhere in the depths of her time with Jurekai Fazendiin. In the things he saw and read between the lines of all she’d told him.

  There was some greater scheme in the works… he’d bet his life on it. Somehow, it revolved around the woman he loved.

  And he was not part of the plan… at least the future of it. He’d been used. Served his purpose. The Grosvenor had gone right for the jugular, doing the one thing he knew Juliska would never recover from… betrayal. Of the worst kind. It shattered her. And he was helpless to stop it.

  Why hadn’t he questioned more? Seen all this sooner? Brought up or pointed out his concerns? Would it have even made any difference?

  Amelia had been no help. She didn’t like what had happened and was equally perplexed, but had a lot more important things going on… like starting a war. She was heavily recruiting people to her side.

  But she’d lost some. Whatever had happened, it was not a publicity stunt by Amelia Cobb. And if it was, it had backfired. She’d lost followers, who could not side with someone willing to destroy a happy couple. She was even less popular on the island now. And hadn’t been seen out and about much at all.

  If he could just talk to Juliska. Look her in the eye and swear to her.

  She would have to talk to him eventually. They were still having a baby together and even if she’d never take him back, he would not be written out of his child’s life. She could not keep him from their child.

  Except that there was no one on his side, unless he betrayed Juliska’s trust and told someone she was pregnant. He refused.

  He glanced around his cold, lifeless house.

  He hadn’t gotten rid of his old apartment yet, the one he’d gotten when he’d first apprenticed with Balloch Flummer. He couldn’t stay here anymore.

  This was a happy place that had died a tragic, needless death.

  He left, closing the door behind him.

  It crushed him to do. Leaving meant giving up. Accepting fate.

  But what more could he do?


  PanSofia sat in front of Banon Havelock.

  “I’m concerned. Juliska is living in complete denial.”

  “Her work is satisfactory,” the Banon argued. “She doesn’t seem… unhappy.”

  “That’s because she has not accepted or grieved her loss. This will be come back to haunt her. It could affect her work. You should know, there are theories that Eddy was tricked.”

  The Banon looked at her. “What theories? I haven’t heard anything about any theories.”

  “Some are saying this was done to discredit Amelia Cobb.”

  “Oh and I suppose they think that order came from this office.”

  “It’s been discussed. I don’t know how many people think there’s any truth to it.”

  “Well it’s ridiculous. I was thrilled with the union. Everyone on this damn island knowns it.”

  “There is another theory… amongst some of the Balaton,” PanSofia told him.


  “That it’s something to do with her time away. When she was Fazendiin’s captive.”

  “Nonsense!” said the Banon. He got up from his desk. “There’s not a bit of evidence proving that. Things have been peaceful since her return… accept for the whole Amelia nonsense, but even she’s been quiet.”

  “Only because she lost some followers after she was found with Eddy. At least that’s the rumor.”

  The Banon chewed on his lip.

  “We’d be remiss if we didn’t consider that something more happened to Juliska while she was a captive.”

  “Did you have a vision?” he asked the seer.

  “No. Gut feeling…”

  “Not good enough.”

  “It would have been in the past,” the seer scolded. “Is my opinion so easily written off now that I’ve retired?”

  “Of course not!”

  “Then as Banon, you need to consider the possibility.”

  “Even if something more happened while she was away, what purpose would it serve to break up two people in love?” He got out of his chair, his cheeks getting red with anger. “Juliska is not a liability. Far from it! The poor woman has been through hell. Just let her grieve in her own way.”

  “You’re missing my point. I’m not blaming Juliska. Can’t you see how someone could be using her, without her even knowing?”

  “You’re talking about conspiracies that have no validation. Stirring up trouble where there is none. Unless you can offer proof, this topic is no longer up for discussion. Just leave it alone. You’re retired… so go be retired.”

  She jumped out of her chair to leave.

  “You’re love
for that girl will be your undoing, Benson,” she pleaded at a personal level. “Mark my warning. Vision or not, something is not right. And by the time you see this, it may be too late.”

  He said nothing.

  He had enough to deal with without listening to rumors and conspiracies.

  Just as PanSofia opened the door to leave, she gave a start and stepped back.

  Juliska was on the other side of the door, about to knock. She dropped her arm forcing a smile. It was so obvious she’d been the topic of their conversation.

  It was getting old. And tiresome. And annoying.

  Having people talk about her all the time. Trying to figure out what had happened to Eddy, like he was somehow an innocent in all of this. She wished they’d all just move on. She had.

  “PanSofia,” Juliska greeted. “Banon Havelock.”

  “Your mentor was just informing me she was officially cleaning out her desk, sort to speak,” he explained. His smile looked as forced as hers. The seer said nothing and just nodded a goodbye to Juliska.

  She did not care for the way her old mentor was looking at her. With distrust.

  Where did that come from?

  She never cared for Eddy, so she couldn’t possibly be on his side.

  Juliska shut the door, closing she and the Banon in his office.

  “What can I do for my new First Seer?” said the Banon, taking a seat once again. He reached into a drawer and pulled out a potion bottle. She recognized the bottle… if she was a betting woman, Tanzea had made that potion. He opened it and took a quick swig.

  “Are you feeling all right?” she asked him.

  “Oh, yes, just fine. Ignore me.” He thrust the bottle back into the drawer. “It’s supposed to help calm my nerves.”

  “Bad day?”

  “It’s always a bad day,” he jested. “Now, what can I do for you?”

  “Nothing of importance really. I had a vision regarding… Amelia…” just saying her name was like a knife cutting across her tongue. “But it was the same. Nothing new, or of any use I’m afraid.”

  “What to do, what to do? This Amelia problem isn’t just going to go away.” He eyed Juliska with gentle admiration. “I must ask you, and I’m sorry that I must… but are you okay dealing with Amelia, considering…”

  Juliska didn’t even flinch. “I’m fine with it.” In fact, she was more than fine and hoped to inflict some discomfort on her backstabbing sibling.


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