Possessive Canadian: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 72)

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Possessive Canadian: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 72) Page 6

by Flora Ferrari

  I feel a rush of blood to my head and I feel her hands shoot around me grabbing me by the neck as she starts to move her hips more aggressively, and I look down seeing her engorged clit getting rubbed in rhythm as she grinds it against me.

  “Right there,” she says. “Oh my god.”

  Suddenly her rhythm turns frantic and her grip on me goes from fingertips to nails as she latches on and rides me like a woman possessed.

  But when I feel my cock pull back slightly I know I’m the one about to possess her and right on cue it thrusts forward out of my control and I unleash my thick, warm gift inside her.

  “Oh yeah,” I moan.

  “I’m coming!” she calls out and I feel my dick getting rained on by her feminine flood as a downpour covers my cock sending me into another involuntary spasm and another release as I flex my ass muscles which brings my hips up and forward even more burying my seed even deeper inside her.

  Suddenly our bodies still and the only sound is panting for air, trying to catch our breaths through our mouths as our chests heave forward as we both lean into each other trying not to collapse.

  But it’s no use, and as the bigger one my weight carries us onto her back with me on top and my cock still buried inside.

  “Am I smothering you?”

  “I like the feeling of your weight on top of me.”

  “You sure it’s not too much?”

  “Never. I want to feel this every night for the rest of my life.”

  “Don’t’ forget morning and noon too.”

  Suddenly we both burst out in laughter.

  “And every other hour of the day.”

  “And every other hour of the day,” I repeat. “For the rest of our lives.”

  “For the rest of our lives,” she says. “My fiancé.”

  “My fiancée,” I say.

  “That has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?”

  “It does. But it will be even better once I put that next ring on your finger.”

  “And make me your wife.”

  “Because you gave me a life. A real reason to live and that’s because of you, and because of what’s in here,” I say sliding my hand in between us and placing it on her stomach.

  “Lunch?” she jokes.

  “Very funny.”

  “You really think I’m pregnant? First time.”

  “I know you’re pregnant.”

  “How could you know?”

  “The same way I knew you’d be mine.”

  She says nothing.

  “And look at us now.”

  “Look at us now,” she says and slides her hand in-between us placing it underneath mine. “And by us I mean the three of us.”

  I kiss her on the lips and everything is absolutely as perfect as it possibly could be.

  Thanks to her. Thanks to us.

  The three of us.



  “If he says anything that’s not supportive I’m going to jump in on the call.”

  “It’s okay,” I say. “My boss will understand.”

  But in my mind I know there’s a good chance he won’t.

  The phone rings and he picks up. After a bit of small talk I let him know I’d like to tender my resignation, but I’m more than willing to continue working remotely until they find a replacement. I can even help train whoever they find to replace me.

  “You’re quitting and you don’t even have the decency to come back?”

  “Mitch,” I plead, but it’s too late.

  Cameron picks up the other phone that’s right next to mine. It’s a shared line, and I can tell by the look on his face he’s about to share a part of his mind with my boss.

  And it’s a part that he’s going to learn really quickly that he wants no part of.

  “Listen up, Mitch. Camila doesn’t owe you anything. She’s offered to help you out during the transition so your only answers are ‘no thank you, we’ve got this covered and I wish you the best,’ or “thank you, that would be great.’ So what’s it gonna be?”

  “Who are you?”

  “I’m your worst fucking nightmare if you don’t provide one of those two answers right now.”

  So much for getting a reference from Mitch.

  But then again I don’t really care. I won’t be working for him or anyone anywhere near him ever again. Heck, I won’t even be in the same country anytime soon, let alone the same zip code. Plus I never really appreciated the way he worked us to the bone and never even considered giving us a thank you or even a pat on the back. Imagine that? Cameron seeing him put a hand on me, even in a positive way.

  And that’s exactly where my imagination is headed right now. Sometimes I feel like as a woman it’s in my nature to just be courteous and not rock the boat, especially when it comes to collecting a paycheck.

  But Cameron is the complete opposite and if Mitch knows what’s good for him he’ll recognize the deep notes of Cameron’s voice and the resonance of his words and quickly come to the conclusion that Cameron doesn’t make statements he doesn’t plan on backing up.

  “I think we’ve got this covered,” Mitch says.

  “Good. Have a nice day,” Cameron says and hangs up. I already told him I’d received my last direct deposit and my holiday pay had hit this morning. In other words if I quit on the spot then the company and I would be perfectly square.

  And that’s exactly what happened. Kind of.

  Technically Cameron quit me on the spot, if that makes sense.

  But we’re a team now and I don’t mind him speaking for me. It’s not that I’m a pushover or anything like that, it’s just that things are so much easier when people see Cameron compared to when they see me.

  And I have to admit it’s pretty darn nice to know that from now on I don’t have to fight battles on my own. I’ve got a big strong man with the brains to match in my corner forever and always, and that gives me the peace of mind that life is going to be a lot easier going forward if I reach a point where I have to ask Cameron to give someone a piece of his mind.

  “So that’s taken care of,” Cameron says. “Now onto the tough questions.”

  “Such as?”

  “Scrambled or sunny side up?”

  “Oh, that is a tough one,” I say as I cuddle next to him in bed in his room at the resort. We look through the menu and decide there’s no point in compromising our happiness.

  We agree to have both.

  “I still can’t believe it,” I say.

  “That you’re engaged?”

  “That too,” I say.

  “That we made love in the world’s most incredible glass bottom gondola nearly fifteen hundred feet in the air.”

  “That too,” I say.

  “That you came for a vacation and now you’re never going home?”

  “That’s it, but not quite right.”

  “Because your home is with me now,” he says.

  “That’s it exactly. Or then again should I say that you made me realize I never really had a home. I just had a box, commonly known as an apartment, where I slept, ate and sometimes watched a few movies and TV shows.”

  “Not anymore.”

  “Not anymore,” I say as I give him a big kiss.

  “Because I’m going to make your life so incredible going forward that it will be exciting enough to be a movie in its own right.”

  “Come on.”

  “I’m serious. Just you watch.”

  “How can I watch when I plan on having my eyes on you all the time, my sexy mountain man?”

  “Right where they belong,” he says.

  “And I’m right where I belong,” I say. “You sure you don’t mind sending those moving guys to pick up all my things?”

  “Of course not. And from what you told me it’s not like you had a lot.”

  “I know, but we could run down there and just grab my stuff real quick.”

  “There are a lot of other places we can run to real quick.”

  “Like Niagara Falls,” I say.

  “For starters. Or Victoria Falls. Or Iguazu Falls. Or Yosemite Falls. Or Angel Falls.”

  “Or falling in love all over again every minute of every day.”

  “So Angel Falls it is then?”

  “Why Angel Falls?”

  “Because you’re my angel, angel.”

  “Awww,” I say and give him another kiss.

  There’s a knock on the door followed by a man’s voice announcing “room service.” Wow, that was fast. Almost as fast as how quickly Cameron’s out of bed and on his way to the door, which gives me the perfect view of that tight tushy of his.

  I could look at this manly man all day and night and still never get enough.

  Cameron slips on his robe and I hear the door open, and the irony is fitting.

  Coming up here to Canada and meeting him opened not only a new door for me…not only a new chapter…but an entirely new story.

  One that started the moment he told me I was his and one that will continue on forever.

  After all these years I’ve finally learned to trust and to love, and it’s all because of him.

  Because he’s the first one I trusted with my heart, and I love him because I know how much he values that and how seriously he takes it.

  And we’re seriously so in love already it’s almost scary. As scary as the possessive Canadian that frightens off any man who even thinks he might have a shot to make me his.

  Sorry boys, I’m taken. He’s mine and I’m his.

  Forever and ever.



  Five years later

  “You can’t give mommy a Superman,” our four-year-old son Camden says.

  “That’s right,” Cameron says. “That’s why I give her a Superwoman.”

  I smile thinking back to that first time he lifted me up over his head and snowboarded with me down the hill. It was frightening and exhilarating at the same time.

  “Can you give me a Superwoman while you give mommy a Superwoman?” our two-year-old Camille asks.

  “How about I give mommy an upside down Superwoman and she can hold you up and give you a Superwoman too?”

  “Okay,” Camille says.

  “Well, our children certainly aren’t going to have trust issues,” I joke, but not exactly.

  “You ready to go stacked three high?”

  “Cameron, you know I trust you, but is this safe?”

  “Don’t worry…I’ve got an idea.”

  “You’ve always got an idea, and that’s one of the many reasons why I love you.”

  He gives me a quick kiss and I feel his hand on my behind as he squeezes hard making sure to get some of my actual butt and not just all the insulated fabric that it takes to stay warm out on the slopes.

  “Okay. Ready everybody?”

  “Ready, dad!” Camden and Camille say in unison.

  “Okay, we’re going to do a modified Superwoman and Superman today. Is that okay with everybody?” he asks with tremendous enthusiasm. I have to admit it’s cute and I love watching him get the kids fired up by getting so involved with them. He really knows how to connect with them and talk to them like kids when the time comes, but be a father the rest of the time. He’s a man and he’s comfortable in that and he’s more than happy to do what it takes to raise our kids right…but still have fun in the process.

  “Okay. I’ll be right back.”

  Cameron ducks behind a tree and I wonder what in the heck is going on. “Cameron?”

  Suddenly he comes bursting out from behind the tree. “Catch me if you can!” he yells and the kids take off running after him. “You too, mom!” he says giving me a wink.

  He’s carrying a big inflated inner tube which makes me feel a whole lot better already. I couldn’t imagine going three high but if I have any clue what he’s up to, and I think I do, then I like this plan a whole lot better.

  We chase him around for a good thirty seconds before he gets in-between all of us and puts the inner tube on the snow.

  “Okay, everybody pile on top of ol’ dad!” he says and we take off running towards him.

  I’m the first one there and I flop down right on top of him.

  “Oh sorry! I must be heavy.”

  “Are you kidding? I barely even noticed,” he says. He sure knows how to make me feel light as a feather and as beautiful as a bird in flight.

  Suddenly I feel Camden and Camille pile on top of the tube and it’s just enough weight to send us down the small “bunny” hill.

  “Arms out like Superman and Superwoman everybody!” Cameron yells and the kids happily comply.

  But the kids aren’t the only one. I’m just as caught up in the fun as they are and I stick my arms out to the side just as the inner tube starts rotating and suddenly we’re spinning in a circle as we go down the hill.

  “Whoa!” we all call out at once just before we hit a small bump and we all go flying.

  “Superman doesn’t crash, dad,” Camden says straightening his winter hat and picking up his glove which came off in the crash.

  “There was some kryptonite back there in the snow. Didn’t you see it?”

  “That wasn’t kryptonite. That was dog pee.”

  “Ewww,” Camille says. When she piled on top of the inner tube I made sure to get a good grip on her so when we “crashed” nothing happened to her. It wasn’t really a crash anyways. Cameron would never allow our family to experience anything bad like that, but he would do it intentionally on a super tiny hill with hardly any slope.

  And I have to admit it was super cute.

  And I also happen to know he did it right where the camera takes your picture. He knew what he was doing all along. He was recording a family memory.

  “Gonna play that one back when the kids start dating?” I ask.

  “You really can read my mind,” he says.

  “Which ones?”

  “Mind or kids?”

  “Kids. You have more than one mind?”

  “Well, there’s the one that’s always focused on you and our family and keeping us safe. And there’s the other one that’s always a step ahead planning our next adventure, so yeah, I’d say I’ve got two. Or maybe a couple half minds that add up to one.”

  “Or maybe you’re just out of your mind,” I say.

  “I sure am when it comes to you.”

  We give each other a kiss and I can’t help but think that I hope the cameras are catching this too, because I don’t want to miss a thing when it comes to us.

  And he was right about us. I did get pregnant that first night, and I can’t wait until Camden is old enough to tell him he was conceived inside that famous gondola.

  But that’s going to be a long time until then, and at least a couple more kids.

  I wanted to take a quick break after the first two so we could really enjoy them when they were babies. But now they’re two and four and they’ll be three and five by the time I can deliver again. That sounds about right. The oldest one will be starting kindergarten so that means it’s time for another.

  I’m not sure that that makes any sense, but that doesn’t matter. Love doesn’t have to be logical, that’s why it’s love.

  And I love the family of four we’ve got right now and I can’t wait until it’s a family of five…and then six…and then who knows?

  “Mom, can we do that again?” Camden asks.

  “And then get some hot chocolate?” Camille asks.

  “Yes,” I say.

  “And yes,” Cameron says.

  I love how we’re always in agreement and how we can practically finish each other's sentences.

  We may be twelve years apart in age and from totally different countries, but at the end of the day we’re the same.

  And we’re meant for each other.

  And I thank my lucky stars that I took that Canadian vacation and the man of my dreams made me his immediately.


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