The Secrets of Paradise Bay

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The Secrets of Paradise Bay Page 13

by Devon Vaughn Archer

  “Are you sure? Otherwise I’ll be happy to make his life miserable again.”

  Trey laughed. “No, don’t do that, please.” He put his arms around her, pulling her to his chest. It felt good to be so close. “Just keep doing what you’re doing. Clyde can use a friend. And so can I.”

  Trey wished they could remain like that for the rest of the day. Ivana seemed to need it as much as him. Unfortunately, his business had been hit, and it was up to him to hold things together and keep up employee morale while the case was being investigated.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Trey checked in at the front desk of the Las Vegas hotel where he was staying overnight for a meeting with some potential investors. He was always interested in listening to people who wanted in on one of his businesses and were prepared to pay the price. Trey had chosen not to bring Clyde along, deciding it was better that he stay behind and learn to work with Stella, independent of him.

  Trey called Ivana from his suite, and got her voice mail when he would have preferred the real person. “It’s me. Just wanted to let you know I made it safe and sound. I’ll call you this evening. Love you. Bye.”

  Trey thought of how many times he had told Ivana he loved her, something he never considered routine. Yet the words had rarely been bounced back his way in recent memory. Did Ivana still love him? Or had it become more of a marriage of convenience for her?

  His cell phone rang, and Trey lit up for a moment, thinking it might be Ivana. Instead, it was Stella.

  “I wanted to catch you before the meeting,” she explained.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No, other than the fact that it looks like a major storm is headed our way.”

  Trey rubbed his nose. “Sounds nasty. Let’s hope its come and gone by the time I get back in the morning.”

  “Wouldn’t count on that,” Stella cautioned. “It’s supposed to stick around for at least a couple of days. Anyway, those incentives have helped sales go through the roof last month.”


  “Yes. I was just looking at the numbers.”

  “Well, that’s certainly something good to know to entice the investors.” Especially after the troubles they had two weeks ago with the vandalism, and the culprits still at large.

  “Hey, every little bit counts, like I was telling your brother.”

  “I hope he was listening,” Trey said.

  “Oh, I think so. Give him time and I know he’ll make you proud.”

  “He already has.” Trey truly meant this, even if he probably didn’t express it as much as he should, and in spite of some ill-advised actions on Clyde’s part. His brother did really seem to be trying, and that was more than half the battle.

  After tidying himself up a bit, Trey was out the door, thinking of how nice it would be for him and Ivana to vacation in Vegas. Maybe for their anniversary. It was a pleasant dream, anyway.

  Clyde was glad to escape the rain as he entered the tavern. Mindful of his last visit there, he hoped to hell he didn’t run into Willie again, though he suspected the man wanted no part of him anymore.

  Sitting at the bar, Clyde ordered a malt liquor from the female bartender. She was attractive and in her mid twenties.

  “Sure thing,” she said. “Nasty out there, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, nasty.” Clyde shook his head like a dog with fleas, releasing water to the floor.

  “I’m pretty much used to this stuff where I come from,” she said coolly.

  He studied her. She was slender, on the tall side, with long, dark-brown crinkled locks, and bold hazel eyes. “I take it you’re not from around here?”

  “You’re right.” She gave him no further information, instead sliding the beer toward him and taking his money.

  “Albert wouldn’t happen to be around, would he?”

  She smiled, displaying straight white teeth. “Yes, he would happen to be.”

  “Think I could have a word with him?”

  “That would be up to him,” she said. “What’s your name?”


  She met his gaze. “I’ll check, Clyde.” After taking a couple of steps, she faced him again, and said, “By the way, my name’s Stefani.”

  Clyde watched as she sashayed away with a perfect strut. Nice form to go with the good looks. A surefire way to keep the drinks coming.

  A moment later, Albert came from the back. “Wondered if you’d ever show your face here again,” he said. “Though I wouldn’t have blamed you much had you kept your distance after Willie nearly ruined everything.”

  “Not a chance.” Clyde grinned dismissively.

  “Couldn’t keep me away.”

  “Good to know.” Albert gave him a hug across the bar. “I see you met my niece.”

  “Niece?” Clyde couldn’t hide his surprise. “Stefani?”

  “I’ve only got one,” answered Albert with a nod. “She’s in town for a few days.”

  “Yeah, she suggested as much. Keep it all in the family, huh?”

  “Not really. She’s just subbing for a few hours ’til the regular bartender comes in. I taught her a few tricks of the trade.”

  “I see.” Clyde tasted his drink thoughtfully.

  “Stefani’s from Seattle. She comes down here every now and then to visit friends and of course, her ornery uncle—her words, not mine.”

  Clyde laughed. “Maybe she knows you better than you know yourself.”

  “Maybe.” Albert scratched stubble on his chin.

  Wonder if her friends are all female. Or is there a male included who’s maybe more than a friend? Clyde chewed on that thought . He wouldn’t mind getting to know Stefani better. Too bad she won’t be around long.

  Albert cast him a look of unease. “Heard you had another run-in with Willie Munroe.”

  Clyde swallowed. “Yeah, just one of those things.”

  “One of what things?” Albert’s lips pressed together.

  “An unavoidable one.” That I now regret.

  “It can always be avoided, Clyde. You just have to want to stay out of harm’s way.”

  “That’s what I want to do from this point on,” Clyde insisted.

  “So you got it out of your system?”

  “Yeah, man. We duked it out a bit after a misunderstanding, and now everything’s cool.” At least I keep telling myself that. But is he listening?

  “Glad to hear that, Clyde. People like Willie Munroe will always pull you down, but only if you let them.”

  “I hear you, Albert.” Should have listened before, but let my hot head get the better of me. Can’t let it happen again. Otherwise, no telling how it might end next time.

  “So tell me what else has been happening in your life since the last visit.”

  Clyde tasted the malt liquor and wondered where to begin.

  “I’m leaving now,” Francine yelled up to Ivana.

  Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. “See you tomorrow,” Ivana said unenthusiastically.

  She listened as the door slammed shut. Emily had left a half hour earlier, having finished her chores and not having Trey or Clyde around to gab with. That suited Ivana just fine, as she preferred her own company to others of late. Well, maybe it wouldn’t have been bad had Clyde been there to spend time with, independent of Trey. Seemed as though she got on well with the bad boy in Trey’s brother—even if they both tried hard to keep some distance, as if to cross that imaginary line might spell the type of danger neither could resist. But Clyde had obviously chosen to do his own thing this rainy evening with Trey out of town.

  Well, that’s his business. I won’t spend time worrying about it. Or wishing for something I can’t have.

  Ivana walked barefoot into the study, wearing only her robe and chemise. She put on some classical jazz and made herself a martini, settling on the wicker sofa. She thought about Trey’s alleged business trip to Las Vegas. Was he really there to conduct business? Or was it just a front for another
one of his trysts? For all she knew, he had arranged to meet Helene DeCroch out of town to pick up where they left off, assuming it had ever ended.

  Ivana tried not to think about that, for it only caused her pain. Instead she focused on the music, that along with the alcohol, put her in a dreamy state. She found herself mentally wandering through time and space to a period of her life when Ivana challenged herself much more, with satisfying results.

  What happened to those days, when she took the modeling world by storm and could write her own ticket in life? Is this what she signed up for—being with a man she wasn’t sure she could ever be able to trust again? Or love to the depths of her heart?

  Ivana tasted the martini, feeling it coursing down her throat. She had a sexual thought, and wasn’t quite sure if it involved Trey or Clyde. Maybe even both. She dismissed it, if for no other reason than that there was no one there to bring it to life. Not that such thoughts had a life of their own these days. Or did they?

  “Hope I’m not disturbing your reverie. . . .”

  Ivana looked up and saw Clyde hovering over her, his eyes pinned on her with unmistakable interest.

  Clyde stared down at Ivana lustfully, realizing just how powerful the sexual attraction was, seeing her sitting there with long legs crossed invitingly and revealing cleavage through the opening of her robe. He had come in the room after seeing the light on and hearing music. Now he wondered if that was such a good idea.

  “Didn’t hear you come in.” Ivana sat up while putting her empty glass on the antique table.

  “Probably because of the rain.” Or whatever had you so absorbed. Maybe the alcohol.

  She raised her chin. “I suppose.”

  “So where is everyone?”

  “If you mean the hired help, they’ve gone home for today. And, of course, your brother is in Vegas doing business.”

  “Maybe you should have gone there with him, take Trey’s mind off of business,” Clyde suggested. And take my mind off you.

  “I’m afraid I’m not much company these days when it comes to his growing empire.”

  “You don’t really believe that?”

  “Not sure what I believe anymore these days,” she said.

  Clyde shared those sentiments, wishing he didn’t. Another common thing between them. He thought briefly about Albert’s niece, whom he was attracted to, but came back to the woman before him and how hot she was this night. Too damned hot to take his eyes off of.

  “Well, I think I’d better—”

  “Would you like a martini?” Ivana cut in, standing. “I’m about to make myself another and I just hate drinking alone.”

  Since when? mused Clyde, having gotten the impression that it was just the opposite. He tried not to read too much into the invitation, but welcomed the opportunity to stay.

  “Sure, I’ll have a drink with you.”

  Ivana smiled, and Clyde followed her to the wet bar. She looked like a pro in making the martini. Obviously, it came with lots of practice, considering her drinking habit. And maybe with good reason, not that he was in a position to judge anyone.

  “So what have you been up to this evening?” she asked, handing him the martini and meeting his gaze squarely.

  “I dropped by a tavern a friend runs and had a drink,” Clyde said.

  “Just one?”

  He grinned. “Yeah. Maybe I wanted to hold off on that second drink ’til I got back here.”

  “Good answer.” Ivana wet her lips with alcohol.

  “What about you?” asked Clyde. “Sure you haven’t had one drink too many?”

  “I’m not drunk, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “I’m not.” He wasn’t sure if it would matter one way or the other at this point. “Must get pretty lonesome at times in this big house, especially when Trey’s not around.”

  “You get used to it,” she told him tonelessly.

  “I guess.”

  “Of course, it’s not so bad when Trey’s little brother is around to keep me company.”

  “It’s good for me, too,” he admitted, finding it hard to back away from her innocent flirting. Or was it anything but innocent?

  “Then we do see eye to eye on at least one thing,” she said. “And probably a few others.”

  “Yeah, I think so.” Clyde swallowed his drink, trying to hold it together when he wanted her so badly. And she clearly wanted him. Trey had it all, something that Clyde always resented. Now his brother’s woman was practically throwing herself at him, giving him the chance to have someone Trey loved—if you could call cheating on her love.

  Having a few drinks had softened Clyde’s resistance to his stunning sister-in-law, causing him to toss aside any barriers that shouldn’t be crossed.

  We have to deal with the here and now. To hell with everything else.

  “I’m going to bed,” Ivana cooed seductively, inviting him to join her with unspoken words.

  “No, you’re not,” Clyde heard himself say.

  Ivana widened her eyes. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.”

  Ivana locked eyes with him. “So what exactly did you have in mind?”

  “You tell me. Or am I reading you wrong?”

  She sat her glass down. “I think you’re reading me very well.”

  Ivana backed that up by grabbing Clyde’s collar and pulling him to her. He took that as his cue, giving her a hard kiss on the mouth. She pulled away and slapped him. As Clyde took a moment to digest that, Ivana came forward again and pressed her open mouth onto his, kissing with utter abandon. Clyde gave her every bit as much in return, wanting her maybe more than he ever had anyone before. She was his brother’s wife, and for the moment he didn’t give a damn.

  Trey phoned Ivana. Once again, she wasn’t picking up. He imagined her in a drunken stupor, lying in a ditch somewhere on the side of the road. The thought scared the hell out of him, as he wasn’t around to help her. More likely, she simply didn’t care to answer. It was easier for her to wait ’til he was home to bitch and moan.

  Maybe I should be happy that I can’t speak to my wife only to be given an earful. But I’m not.

  He missed being with her, even if she was not all that thrilled these days for the most part to be with him. As she hadn’t left him, Trey considered that a good thing. He would try his damnedest and do more to make their relationship work when he got back.

  He tried Clyde, figuring he was probably raiding the fridge at about this time, or catching up on some of the TV programs he’d missed over the last nine years.

  Clyde also wasn’t answering, leaving it to his voice mail.

  “It’s just me,” Trey spoke into the phone disappointedly. “Tried Ivana but . . . you know my wife—well, maybe not in so many words—still trying to get on her good side to stay. Guess that’s harder when I’m a few hundred miles away. Keep an eye out on her for me, will you? See you tomorrow.”

  Trey held the phone for a moment, staring out the window at the glittering lights of the city that never slept. When all else failed, he knew there was someone he could always talk to when feeling the need. And he was ever thankful for that, given the situation of having no one else available.

  Should he or shouldn’t he? Was it a good idea to ring Helene as a wife substitute and friend when Ivana wasn’t interested in speaking to him? Or was he supposed to forever suffer from his wife’s detachment and seeming indifference?

  Trey punched the redial and sucked in a deep breath. He thought about hanging up again, not wanting to intrude on Helene’s life that, for the most part, seemed happy. Or was he simply reading into it what he wanted to?

  The phone was answered. “Trey . . .”

  “Hey, Helene. Was wondering if you had time to talk?”

  “I can make time,” she said, “for a friend. . . .”

  Trey smiled, appreciating the invaluable gift of camaraderie.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Clyde carried Ivana up the stairs, their mo
uths never parting. Bypassing her room, he went to his, setting her on the bed.

  “Take your clothes off,” she demanded breathlessly.

  “Not yet,” he said, unable to wait a moment longer to enjoy the wares of a woman. This woman.

  Ravenously, Clyde parted the silk of Ivana’s chemise covering her crotch. Without preamble he spread her legs and put his mouth between. His tongue whipped at her clitoris, and Clyde drank in Ivana’s intoxicating scent. Creamy wetness quickly covered his mouth. He had forgotten the thrill in tasting a woman’s sex and having her want him to just as badly.

  Ivana moaned and shuddered violently in having her orgasm. Clyde felt her holding his head in place between her thighs as he continued to orally gratify. It turned him on to no end, and he couldn’t wait to make love to her.

  She raised his head up. “It’s my turn to give you something special,” she murmured.

  Clyde had no problem with that, needing the release before they got down to the real business. He allowed her to take control, laying him on his back before unzipping pants and pulling out his erection. She took him full into her mouth, bathing in her warm saliva. It felt so damned good that he was almost frozen with anticipation. She had brought to life his pent-up yearnings, and he was ready to experience the payoff.

  But just before reaching the point of no return, Clyde decided he didn’t want that first time climaxing since becoming a free man to be in her mouth. He lifted Ivana up and into the air, bringing her gently down onto his erection.

  “Make love to me,” he ordered, loving the tight, tingly feel of her around him.

  Ivana gasped with desire. “Yes, I will.”

  She galloped wildly atop him, seemingly adjusting to his size with no problem. Ripping his shirt off, she dug long fingernails into his chest, causing him to wince, but otherwise turning him on like the lady herself. He brought her face down to his and kissed every part of it, ending with Ivana’s luscious lips, which eagerly attacked his. Feeling his orgasm approaching, Clyde turned them over and pounded into her with elemental need.


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