Harlequin Kimani Romance June 2017 Box Set

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Harlequin Kimani Romance June 2017 Box Set Page 25

by Arthur, A. C.

  “I don’t know,” Daniel said. Angela wasn’t one of his women who knew the score and would be content with being wined, dined, romanced and then set free. It could get complicated, messy. “I think it’s best if we keep our relationship professional.”

  Angela nodded, but her eyes were cloudy and he couldn’t read what she was thinking. “Of course, if that’s what you prefer.”

  Darn it! It’s not what he preferred. He would prefer to take Angela back to his place and ravish her body all night until they both were spent from pleasure. But theirs was an untenable situation. He didn’t want to hurt Angela or cause damage to Cobb Luxury Real Estate in the process. He’d already done enough damage tonight by his impetuous actions.

  “Good,” he said. “I’m glad we’ve settled it.”

  They drove the remainder of the way to her apartment in awkward silence, and when the car came to a stop, Daniel started to get out, but Angela halted him. “Don’t bother,” she said curtly. “I can find my own way up.”

  Soon, she was exiting the vehicle with the help of the chauffeur and leaving Daniel sitting inside the limousine feeling like a complete and utter heel for having complicated the relationship and then cooled it off all in one night.

  What the hell had he done?


  Angela awoke the next morning thankful that she didn’t have to go into the office and face Daniel. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she padded to the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee, as if somehow it would wash away the memories of the night before and how she’d made a total fool out of herself.

  She’d practically thrown herself at Daniel after he’d made the first move, but instead of taking her up on her offer of spending the night together, he’d told her no thanks. How humiliating! She didn’t make a habit of throwing herself at wealthy, eligible bachelors. Sure, she liked the finer things in life and had appreciated all the effort Daniel had shown last night in wining and dining her, but she certainly should not have propositioned the man.

  Whatever had gotten into her? Last night she’d had a lapse in judgment. She’d gotten caught up in the moment, in the hype of being with Daniel Cobb, one of the Millionaire Moguls, and she’d made a play for him. And promptly fell flat on her face. Of course he wouldn’t be interested in her—a junior real estate agent with hardly any money to speak of. The fact that she was saving up for what was probably a modest condo in Daniel’s opinion was laughable.

  He went out with highly successful, beautiful women. Though she wouldn’t knock herself in the beauty department. She knew she wasn’t bad on the eyes and that had always been her saving grace, but she also wanted respect. Maybe Daniel’s brush-off was a way of showing respect? Showing that he valued their working relationship too much to ruin it?

  But how on earth was she supposed to shadow him and let Daniel mentor her when there was this attraction simmering beneath the surface? Angela didn’t know how she would fare, but apparently it was going to be pretty easy for Daniel. He’d made his feelings perfectly clear in the limo. He was interested in only one relationship with Angela and that was a professional one.

  Later that afternoon, Angela was surprised when her sister Denise called and asked to meet her for coffee at a Cuban coffee shop near Coconut Grove. She’d known Denise was due back soon, but where had the time gone? She knew where she’d been—fantasizing about an affair with Daniel that would never happen.

  After they placed their coffee orders and picked out their pastries, Angela and Denise found a two-seater table near the rear of the shop.

  “It’s so good to see you, sis,” Angela said. “Though I was surprised to hear from you. I thought you weren’t making it back for another week.”

  “I wasn’t,” Denise responded, “but I decided to come back early because I wanted to talk to you about Mom and Dad’s thirtieth anniversary party.”

  “I hadn’t realized it was coming up so soon,” Angela remarked as she took a pinch off the blueberry muffin she’d purchased.

  Denise raised a brow. “Yes, well, I thought it would be nice, since they didn’t celebrate their silver anniversary, that we throw them a party. You know, do something real nice.”

  “That sounds lovely,” Angela responded. “But who is going to pay for this shindig?”

  Denise shrugged. “I was hoping now that you’re working at that big fancy real estate firm that you could. I mean, doesn’t one of your commissions pay for an entire month’s rent or something like that?” She chuckled nervously. “I do watch Million Dollar Listing Miami, and those guys make a killing.”

  “I’m sorry to tell you, little sis, that not all of us make those kinds of commissions,” Angela returned. “I just joined Cobb six months ago and I’m far from getting clients like those you see on a television show.”

  Their coffee order was called by the barista and since Denise didn’t lift a finger to get them, Angela rose from her chair and went for their drinks.

  “So why keep up the front?” Denise asked when Angela returned and handed her the iced coffee she’d ordered. “Why don’t you go back to school so you can get a real job?”

  “I have a real job,” Angela responded crisply. “In case you hadn’t noticed, it’s the one paying for this meal and that helps you out in grad school when you’re in need of cash.”

  “Okay, okay.” Denise held up her hands in defense. “I didn’t mean to offend.”

  “What did you mean?” Angela replied. “Because on the one hand, you want me to pay for our parents’ anniversary party, yet on the other, you’re putting down how I make a living.”

  “I’m sorry, okay,” Denise huffed. “Who knew you were so sensitive on the subject.”

  Angela sighed. Was she being too hard on her baby sister? She was just tired of everyone ragging on her job. Why couldn’t they see that she could be quite successful at it?

  Look at Daniel.

  Thinking of her boss brought back the shame of last night and Angela flushed with embarrassment.

  “Hey.” Denise reached across the table and placed her hand over Angela’s. “I’m sorry. Okay? Truly sorry that I offended you. You know I love you.”

  Angela blinked several times, bringing herself back to the present. “I know.” She patted Denise’s hand encouragingly.

  “Is something else going on?”

  Angela shook her head. She certainly wasn’t about to spill her guts to her baby sister about an inappropriate relationship with her boss in a profession her family didn’t fully support. “No, I’m just a little touchy on the subject of my career. I believe in what I’m doing, Denise, and all of you are going to have to get on board with that.”

  “I will,” Denise replied. “Though you know Mom and Dad are academics, so it might be a little harder for them to come around, but you won’t hold that against them, will you? You’ll help with the party?”

  Angela didn’t hesitate to respond. “Of course I will, but we’ll need to discuss budget. I’m working toward a goal, and I won’t let anyone or anything get in the way of it.”

  * * *

  “Thank you for making the time to meet with me,” Joshua said when Daniel stopped by the yacht club where Joshua’s private vessel was moored that afternoon. The yacht was exactly like its owner, sleek and sophisticated without trying too hard.

  “It’s no problem,” Daniel responded.

  “Care for a drink?” Joshua inquired.

  “Scotch, neat.”

  While Joshua set about making his drink, Daniel gave him the once-over. From what he was wearing, no one would ever know Joshua was a member of the prestigious Prescott George, because he danced to the beat of his own drum. Even now, he wore cargo shorts and a cotton V-neck T-shirt that revealed a small tattoo of the infinity symbol on his right biceps. The only reason anyone wou
ld know he had any money was his Ray-Ban aviator sunglasses and Jack & Jones leather boat shoes.

  Daniel didn’t mind. Nor did it bother him that everything came easy to Joshua. Or so it seemed to Daniel. As a corporate raider, Joshua appeared to make his fortune from the misfortune of others, but his natural charisma made everyone he came into contact with a believer, all except Ashton. Daniel suspected the club president was the real reason Joshua wanted to meet privately on his yacht, and away from public eyes and ears. Although the paparazzi had a passing fascination with Daniel because he used social media as a means to an end for his business, they loved Joshua, because he catered to them.

  “Why all the cloak-and-dagger?” Daniel teased when Joshua walked over and handed him his scotch.

  “I think you know why,” Joshua said, sitting across from him. “It’s time we oust Ashton.”

  “Cutting to the chase. I appreciate your directness.”

  “And?” Joshua leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his thighs. “Are you on board with helping me on this? You’ve been a member of PG a helluva lot longer than me. People respect you, listen to you.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m sure with your charisma, you can bring the other members around.”

  “Not without your support.” Joshua swigged his beer and leaned back in his chair. “You’ve known Ashton a long time and everyone knows it. If you say our practices are outdated, folks will listen.”

  “It won’t be easy dethroning Ashton,” Daniel said. “There’s never been a time in the organization’s history when a Rollins or an Owens hasn’t been in command. There’s a legacy there, Joshua. You would do well to remember that.”

  “Yeah, well, it’s time for a change,” Joshua responded. “Ashton is still clinging to some twentieth-century way of doing things. It’s the twenty-first century, Daniel. You and I know that the only way we’ll keep Prescott George moving upward is to recognize that.”

  “I agree with you.”

  “But are you with me?” Joshua asked. “Ready to do battle with me, against Ashton? I know it won’t be easy. He recommended you for the club. It’ll feel like a betrayal if you turn on him.”

  “Then he would know how it feels,” Daniel murmured under his breath.

  “What was that?”

  “Nothing.” Daniel rose from the lounger, downed the rest of his scotch and turned to face his friend. “I’m in.”

  A broad grin spread across Joshua’s mouth. “That’s good to hear.” He stood to shake Daniel’s hand. “You won’t regret this.”

  Daniel snorted. “I’m sure I will, but there’s no turning back.” He started toward the plank that led to the marina.

  “Daniel, if you don’t mind my asking,” Joshua started, “there seems to be some sort of bad blood between you and Ashton. Care to share? Because in my quest to bring Ashton down, I’m not going to leave any stone unturned. If you have news that might be helpful…”

  “None I’d care to share,” Daniel responded evenly. “We’ll talk soon.”

  Daniel moved down the plank and toward his Ferrari. He was in no mood for personal confessions. He wasn’t about to share with anyone, let alone Joshua, his unrequited love for Mia and how she’d chosen Ashton over him. That was his cross to bear and his alone.


  Monday morning arrived and Angela was determined to put the past seventy-two hours behind her. So what if she’d made out with her boss like some kind of wanton woman who was hard up to get laid. Daniel had rebuffed her. Made her feel as insignificant as the women they talked about in the press.

  But Angela wouldn’t let his rejection ruin her career. She had a good thing going at Cobb Luxury Real Estate, and if she kept her cool, her reputation would only grow. One day she’d have her own million-dollar listings instead of following Daniel around.

  To her good fortune, she didn’t see Casanova much over the next two days. Every time she came in, he was either not in the office or on his way out. That was just fine with Angela. She didn’t relish having to work so closely with the man. Not after she’d found him immensely attractive while he’d remained cool and aloof, despite the swell in his pants that she’d felt.

  How did he manage it? Had his heart not pounded at their electrifying kiss? Clearly, it hadn’t been as momentous as it had been for her.

  It wasn’t until midafternoon on Wednesday that Daniel decided to face her. Or should she say, he had Myrna call her into his office.

  Angela took a huge fortifying breath as she walked ramrod straight toward his office. She was glad that today she was looking her best in a bright orange sheath that showed off her hourglass shape, peep-toe stilettos, and colorful bangles and earrings. Angela had to admit she looked sharp.

  When she reached his door, she waited for an invite and he waved her forward.

  “You asked to see me?” she inquired from the doorway. She’d come prepared with her folio to take notes.

  Daniel lifted his gaze from his monitor and looked straight at her. His mouth settled on her bare shoulders, then his eyes traveled down the length of her. The air throbbed with tension, and Angela could feel heat spreading through her body as it instantly responded to him.

  She swallowed it back. Her face blazed, but instead of lowering her lashes at his blatant perusal, she stared back boldly at him. “Daniel?”

  He blinked several times as if he was bringing her into focus. “Yes?”

  “If now isn’t a good time, I can come back.”

  “No, no, now is fine. Please sit.” He gestured to the seat in front of him and then rose from his chair to close the door she’d purposely left open. “I wanted to talk to you about ideas for the launch of the Wilsons’ estate.”

  Angela took a seat in one of the two chairs. “I have a few ideas.”

  “Let’s hear them.” Daniel sat on the edge of his glass desk. He was so close, their legs almost touched. Angela crossed her legs to give them distance and she noted that Daniel caught the action, but didn’t say anything.

  She opened her folio. “Well, as you mentioned, we could have a talented musician come in and play for the crowd. You know, to get them excited. Or I thought we could have an art showing, displaying several pieces of artwork from local artists.”

  “Go on.”

  “Or we could go a little unconventional and play up the exclusivity of Sunny Isles with our social media.”

  “Hmm…” Daniel rubbed his jaw. “Sounds very promising.”

  “Which one?”

  “I like the last one.”

  “You do?” Angela knew it was a risky move, but the buzz they could gain might make buyers come to the opening.

  “Yes,” Daniel said. “We need traffic, and to get the word out about the property.”

  Angela beamed with pride. She couldn’t believe Daniel really thought her idea was worthwhile.

  “I’d like you to run lead on it,” Daniel continued. “I’ll send you the vCard for my marketing firm. They’re the only folks I trust to provide marketing materials for my high-profile clients.” He reached behind him for his iPad, and with several swipes of his finger he was done and set it back down on the desk.

  “Thank you. I appreciate your faith in me.” Angela rose to leave, but Daniel stopped her by placing his hand on her waist.

  “Did I say the meeting was over?”

  Angela glanced down at his hand, which he immediately moved. “Uh, no.” She sat back down in her chair. “Was there something else?”

  “Yes, I wanted to go tour the model condo of our new development downtown. It’s finally ready and I thought you might want to join me.”

  “Do you really think that’s a good idea?”

  “I am your mentor, am I not?”

  “Yes, I just…” Her words trailed off. If Daniel co
uld act as if this past weekend had never happened, so could she. “I’ll get my purse.”

  * * *

  Daniel watched Angela out the corner of his eye as she walked through the model, which had been decorated by one of the top home stagers in the business.

  Instead of assessing the property, he was too busy studying her.

  He admired her long, straight brown hair highlighted with blond streaks and the proud tilt of her head. She was putting up a good front that she was unaffected by him, and he admired her determination. She was refusing to allow what had occurred between them to deter her career. While he, on the other hand, was having a hard time not remembering how good it had felt to hold her. How good it had felt to have the soft press of her breasts against his chest. How good she’d tasted when they’d kissed.

  He’d tried pushing thoughts of her from his mind, but there was no escaping her. She was at his office. They were showing property together. He was just going to have to face what was going on between them…but how?

  He didn’t do relationships. Never had. The memory of Mia and her rejection had been seared in his memory. He never wanted to give his love so freely without knowing if it was returned. And after a time, he’d decided that he didn’t need love. If he dated a woman for too long and she became clingy, he ended it. Since Mia there really hadn’t been another woman to keep his attention or interest for long, in or out of bed, except one. His ex, Farrah Davenport. She’d traded on her beauty for tangible items and the extravagant gifts he could provide her, hoping to string him along until her inevitable endgame: marriage. Not that her plays had worked. He’d called it quits with her.

  But Angela intrigued him. She didn’t appear to be like any other woman he’d known, making him want to delve deeper, beyond what was on the surface.

  But he squashed any hopes she’d had the other night in the limo when he’d made it clear that theirs was a business relationship. So why was he still yearning for this woman? And not just her body. He wanted to know what motivated her, what drove her. What she liked. What—Well, he wanted to know everything about her.


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