Dilke, Sir Charles
Disraeli, Benjamin
Dittweiler, Emilie
Drawing Rooms
Du Plat, Major Charles
Mansion House
Duff Gordon, Lady
Dürer, Albrecht
East End
Eastlake, Sir Charles
Economist, The
Egypt, Khedive of
Electric and International Telegraph Company
Elizabeth II, Queen
Ellenborough, Lord
Elphinstone, Howard
Elvey, Dr George
Ely, Lady
Ernst (Ernie), Prince of Hesse (Princess Alice’s son)
Ernst II, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (Albert’s brother)
Ernst I, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (Albert’s father)
Ernst, Prince of Leiningen
Eton Volunteers
Eugénie, Empress of France 91
Evangelical Alliance
Exeter Hall, London
Eyck, Jan van
Farquharsons of Inverey
Federal Union (America)
Feodora, Princess of Hohenloe-Langenburg (Victoria’s half sister) 41
Ferdinand, Prince of Portugal
Ferguson, Dr Robert
Fine Arts Commission
Flahaut, Comte de
Flanders, Count of
Florschütz, Christoph
Foley, John
Foreign Office
Fowke, Captain Francis
Franco-Prussian War
Franklin, Lady Jane
Franklin, Sir John
Fraser’s Magazine
Frederick VII, King of Denmark
Frederick, Crown Prince of Prussia see Fritz (Frederick), Crown Prince of Prussia
Frederick Christian, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg
French Riviera
Friedrich Wilhelm IV, King of Prussia, Friend of India
Frittie (Wilhelm Friedrich), Prince of Hesse
Fritz (Frederick), Crown Prince of Prussia
Duchess of Kent’s mausoleum
Royal Mausoleum
Gaskell, Elizabeth
Gavard, Charles
Gazette de Lausanne
George III, King
George IV, King
George, Prince of Denmark
Germany see also names of states and places
Gieve, Elizabeth
Gillray, James 190
Gladstone, William
Duchess of Sutherland’s communications with
thinks he detects signs of recovery in V
and V’s interest in foreign affairs
resolution to disestablish Irish Protestant Church
becomes Prime Minister
relationship with V
tries to persuade V to fulfil public engagement
perceives need to address ‘the Royalty Question’
argues for more responsible role for Bertie
supports V’s request for money from Parliament
fails to persuade V to increase her official duties
asks V to postpone her departure to Balmoral
finds V’s continuing protests ‘sickening’
and Dilke’s criticisms of V
and Bertie’s illness
and service of thanksgiving
opinion of Jenner
brief references
Glanville, Lord
Glasgow Herald
Glassalt Shiel
Glen Mark
Glen Tanar
Golden Jubilee
Gordon, Sir Robert
Gothic Revival
Granville, Lord
Great Exhibition (1851)
Great London Exposition (1862)
Great Synagogue
Green, Mrs Everett
Grenadier Guards
Greville, Charles
Greville, Henry
Grey, General Charles
Christmas gift
admires Royal domestic life
and Albert’s illness and death
rivalry with Phipps develops
V discusses plans for statue of Albert with
detects signs of avoidance in V
and John Brown’s presence
and the public mood
position as Private Secretary ratified
experience of writing about Albert
concerned about V’s continuing seclusion
opinion about V’s workload
Ponsonby contrasted with
brief references
The Early Years of the Prince Consort
Grey, Sir George
Grosse Kurfürst
Grüner, Ludwig
Guildhall, London
Gull, Dr William
Günther, Dr
Halifax, Lord
Hallam, Arthur
Hambro synagogue
Handel, George Frederick: ‘Dead
March in Saul’
Hanover, King of
Harcourt, General
Hardman, Lord
Hartley, Mrs
Hartley Colliery
Hawker, Robert
Haydon, Benjamin
Heidenreich von-Siebold, Charlotte
Helena (Lenchen), Princess
Helps, Arthur
Henry, Prince of Battenberg
Henry, Prince of Hesse
Hertford, Lord
royal family see names of individuals
Hesse, Mathilde Grand Duchess of
Hesse family mausoleum, Rosenhöhe
Hildyard, Sara Ann
Hocédé, Madame
Hoffman’s Drops
Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Prince of
Holbein, Hans
Holborn Circus
Holborn Viaduct
Holland, Sir Henry
Holland & Sons
Holy Land
Home, David Dunglass
Home Office
Hook, James Clarke
Horse Artillery
Horticultural Society’s Garden
House of Commons see also Parliament
House of Lords see also Parliament
Houses of Parliament
Howden, Lord
Hull, Mrs
Humbert, Prince of Italy
Humbert, Albert Jenkins
Hyam & Co.
Hyde Park
Illustrated London News
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
International Democratic Association
Ireland see also Curragh, the; Belfast; Dublin
Irene, Princess of Hesse
Irish Protestant Church
Irish Temperance Journal
Isle of Wight see Osborne House
James I, King: ‘A Counterblaste to Tobacco’
Jay’s London General Mourning Warehouse
Jenner, Dr William and V’s fears about Vicky
and Albert’s illness
and Albert’s death
sits with V, and gives her opiates
as V’s doctor
and Bertie’s illness
sent to Alice
tudy of typhoid fever
Jennings, Henry James
Jet Men’s Arms, Whitby
Jin Kie
Kensington Gardens
Kent, Victoria, Duchess of (V’s mother)
illness and death
V’s grief following death of
mourning for
brief references
Kent, Edward, Duke of (V’s father)
King’s College, University of London
Kingsley, Reverend Charles
Kinnaird, Lord
Koch, Robert
Koh-i-noor diamond
Ladies’ Companion
Lady’s Magazine
Lake Lucerne
Lambeth Orphan Asylum
Lancashire cotton industry
Lancet, The
Land and Labour League
Landseer, Sir Edwin: ‘Her Majesty at Osborne 1866’
Lausanne Bible
Lavradio, Count
Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highlands from 1848–1861
Leech, John
Leeds Mercury
Leeds Mourning Warehouse
Lehzen, Baroness Louise
Leighton, William
Leiningen, Emich Charles, Prince of (first husband of Duchess of Kent)
Lennox, Lord Henry
Leonardo da Vinci
Leopold, King of the Belgians
V’s letters to
Leopold, Prince
Les Invalides
Lever, Charles: The Dodd Family Abroad
Lewis, Sir George
Lewis & Allonby
Life Guards
Lighthouse Service
Lincoln, President Abraham
Lincoln, Mary
Lind, Jenny
Lister, Dr Joseph
Lloyds’ Weekly
Loch Muick
Lockinge House
Löhlein, Rudolf
Londesborough, Lord
London in winter of 1860
gloomy atmosphere following death of Duchess of Kent
scandalous rumours about Bertie in
and news of Albert’s death
American ambassador in
Wellington’s funeral in
and mourning for Albert
on day of Albert’s funeral
trade suffers in
procession of Bertie and Alix across
residence of Bertie and Alix in
celebrations for wedding of Bertie and Alix in
public desire for V to come to
V’s absence from
V fails to entertain foreign visitors to
republican ideas in
V attends events in
V opens Blackfriars bridge and Holborn Viaduct in
demonstration in Trafalgar Square
Bertie urges V to visit
Jenner argues against need for V to spend time in
public anxiety about Bertie in
Service of National Thanksgiving
V drives in Regent’s Park
supposed ‘assassination’ attempt
brief references
see also Albert Memorial; names of locations in London
London, Lord Mayor of
London City Mission
London Fever Hospital
London Gazette Extraordinary
London Republican Club
London Review
London Season
London Wall: Greek Orthodox church
London Zoo
Longford, Elizabeth
Lord Chamberlain see Sydney, Viscount, Lord Chamberlain
Lord Chamberlain’s office
Lords, House of
Louis, Prince of Hesse (later Ludwig IV, Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine)
engaged to Alice
visit to Windsor at Christmas 1860
visit to Balmoral
Alice writes to
Bertie writes to
accompanies V to Osborne
leaves Osborne to attend Albert’s funeral
disturbed by changes in Alice
marries Alice
nursed by Alice
married relationship with Alice
becomes Grand Duke Ludwig IV
telegram to V on death of Alice
Louis Napoleon (Napoleon III)
Louis Philippe, King
Louise, Queen of the Belgians
Louise, Princess
Louise of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg (Albert’s mother)
Ludgate Hill
Ludwig IV, Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine see Louis, Prince of Hesse (later Ludwig IV, Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine)
Luther, Martin: hymns
Lyell, Sir Charles
Lyons, Lord
Lyttleton, Lady Sarah
Lytton, Lady Constance
Macdonald, Annie
Macdonald, Archie
Macleod, Reverend Norman, ix
Madingley Hall
Mallet, Marie
Malmesbury, Earl of
Manchester, Duchess of
Manning, Cardinal
Mansion House, Dublin
Mansion House, London
Marie, Princess of Leiningen
Marie of Saxe-Coburg
Marion & Co.
Marks, Dr
Marlborough House
Marochetti, Baron Carlo
Martin, Theodore
Life of the Prince Consort
Martineau, Harriet
Martyrs’ Memorial, Oxford
Mary, Queen
Mary, Queen of Scots
Mary Adelaide, Princess
Mason, James Murray
Maximilian, Archduke
Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico
May, Princess of Hesse
May, Erskine
Mayall, John
Mayet, Gustav
Mayhew, Henry
Medical Times and Gazette
Melbourne, Lord
Memling, Hans
Mendelssohn, Felix
Methuen, Lord
Meyer, Baron von
Milnes, Richard Monckton
Mohammad Ali
Mohl, Mary Clarke
Montefiore, Sir Moses
Moran, Benjamin
Mordaunt, Sir Charles
Mordaundt, Lady Harriet
Morning Chronicle
Morning Post
Morning Star
Müller, Professor Friedrich Max
Lectures on the Science of Language
Munby, Arthur
Napoleon I Bonaparte
Napoleon III (see Louis Napoleon)
National Reformer
Natural History Museum, London
Natural History Museum, Oxford
Nelson, Admiral Lord
Nemours, Duc de
Nemours, Duchess of
Nevill, Lady Dorothy
New York
New York Times
New Zealand
Newcastle, Duke of
Newman, John Henry
Nicholas I, Tsar
Nightingale, Florence
Nightingale Training School
Normanby, Lady
North British Review
North Wales Chronicle
North-West Passage
North Yorkshire
North Yorkshire Moors
Northumberland House
Nova Scotia
O’Connor, Arthur
O’Connor, Feargus
Old Bailey
Oliphant, Margaret
Oldenburg, Princess of
Osborne House
Albert supervises design and construction of
royal family plans to spend Christmas at
visit deferred due to Albert’s illness
V prepares to leave for
V’s departure for
V at
male mourners leave for Albert’s funeral from
Christmas at
Marochetti at
visitors to
wedding of Alice and Louis at
brief references
Overstone, Lord
Paddington Station
Paget, Lord Alfred
Palace Hotel, Windsor
Pall Mall Gazette
Palmerston, Lady
Palmerston, Lord
reluctant admiration for Albert
and Trent crisis
and Albert’s illness
and Albert’s death
offers condolences to V
unable to attend Albert’s funeral
gives support for statue of Albert
sees V at Osborne
concerned about V’s aversion to
V writes from Scotland to
receives letter from V about marriage of Bertie and Alix
and the Schleswig-Holstein crisis
and visit of Prince Humbert of Italy
persuades Parliament to grant money for Albert memorial
A Magnificent Obsession: The Death That Changed the Monarchy Page 43