The Prince’s GameA Mershano Empire Novel

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The Prince’s GameA Mershano Empire Novel Page 7

by Lexi C. Foss

  “Do you think she’s trying to get him to remove his shirt?” Lily wondered as Georgiana slid her manicured fingers over Evan’s abdomen. The busty brunette wasn’t holding anything back today. I watched as she drew a line of sugar along Evan’s cheek and went up onto her toes to lick it off. Her overconfidence was astounding.

  “Wow.” Lily’s almond-shaped eyes rounded. “Think he tastes good?”

  Yes. “Everything tastes good with powdered sugar.” I gave our paparazzi a coquettish glance for fun. Most of the crew were around the prince, but we had a few trailing us.

  Evan brushed the sugar off with a half grin. No one seemed to notice his discomfort, or maybe they didn’t care. Three women rushed over to help wipe off his shirt, all using it as a chance to cop a feel. Amber stood off to the side, lips pursed. When she rose on her tiptoes to whisper something in his ear, his dimples flashed. It was the first real smile all afternoon, and it went to her.

  Last night he implied he hadn’t been intimate with any of the girls, but the private look they exchanged insinuated otherwise. Why would he lie about something I could see on television later? It wasn’t like I would judge him. Well, not much anyway. If he chose her, a few snide thoughts might escape.

  Amber was groomed to be a trophy wife, with that long blonde hair, model-thin body, and old southern charm. She would make a perfect billionaire wife, except he didn’t want one—at least, that’s what he said. As he bent down to murmur something back in her ear, I started to question his intentions. Unless all he wanted was sex. I couldn’t blame him for that, being around all these willing women. But why visit my room and kiss me to oblivion if he was getting it from blonde Barbie over there?

  “I see you like the bimbo bitch about as much as I do.” Patty approached from the side, her long ebony legs on display from her clingy tan dress. She snorted when Amber laughed with delight at whatever Evan told her. “Oh, I’m sure he’s just so funny.” She batted her thick lashes, making Lily and me laugh.

  “Yeah, she’s a piece of work.” Lily blew the black bangs out of her matching eyes with a huff and scrunched her nose. “I couldn’t believe how she threw that poor girl under the bus the first night. What was her name? Oh, I think you were talking to her. Brianne maybe?”

  “You mean Bianca?” She and Amber were the only contestants I talked to that night.

  “Yeah, that’s right. Amber told Evan something about Bianca not wanting to have kids, and the girl about lost her shit.” Lily gave a dramatic shiver. “It was scary.”

  Well, that explains the tension radiating off her that night.

  “Bet Paul loved that.” Patty gestured at the director, who was saying something to the cameramen around Evan. “Looks like he wants something to happen between Evan and Amber to create drama.”

  The flirtatious exchange between them was like watching a train wreck. He tugged on one of her blonde curls and leaned in to kiss her on the cheek, but she moved at the last second to snag his mouth with her own. The kick to my stomach was neither expected nor appreciated. Feelings were not meant to get involved here. Lust was fine. Safe. Other emotions were not.

  Angry stares and dramatic whispers rushed over the group as the women reacted the way Paul wanted them to. He must love his job. Creating drama, making people cry—just living the dream.

  I ignored the hysteria and admired my surroundings instead. The French Quarter’s architecture was adorable, with flowered balconies and brick siding, and the romantic, jazzy notes in the air went straight to my heart. I was born to dance, my curves loving a good tune, and the live street music made me want to groove. I gave in to the temptation and let my hips sway to the beat.

  Lily and Patty joined me, and with them came more cameras. I didn’t care. My tango-loving mom taught me all her moves and more, making me an experienced dancer by the age of ten. I used to skip around the house on my toes, flying in circles and living to the beat of my own drum. Patty kept pace, showing me up with some moves of her own. Lily’s short legs and tiny waist weren’t as practiced, but I gave the girl props for trying. I was midlaugh after shimmying at her, when a hand caught my hip and a hard chest met my back.

  “How am I supposed to resist three dancing women in the street?” His lips were by my ear, but the words were meant for all of us.

  “Hey, you’re welcome to join us anytime. Assuming you can keep up.” Patty kept moving, showing off her skills, while Lily’s olive skin flushed red. She missed a step and nearly took Patty out midmove. I kept my hips swaying to the beat, unable to help pushing back into his groin. He chose to grab me from behind. Not a good idea unless he wanted to walk away in discomfort. I had curves for a reason.

  His mimicking the move was not what I expected. He gyrated his hips against mine, taking control of the rhythm. So, the man can dance. That made things interesting. I tested how far he would go by picking up the pace and shaking my God-given gifts while raising my arms up into the air. With his chest to my back, it forced me to arch a little to clasp my fingers behind his neck. He slid his hands up and down my sides as he followed my lead.

  Dancing was the foreplay to sex, and this man knew how to play. The hardness against my backside told me I wasn’t the only one enjoying the friction. I tilted my head back to flash him an appreciative smile and found his intense gaze on my cleavage. My lacy shirt wasn’t low-cut, but the position forced my breasts up and out. The cameras no doubt noticed, but I was too consumed by the sexy, hot male pressed up against me to care.

  His lips dropped to my ear. “The phone you requested is in my front right pocket.”

  “A convenient location.”

  “I thought so.” His hands went to my hips to turn me around. I didn’t miss a beat, undulating my hips to the jazzy melody with my front to his. The erection brushing my belly was impressive. Someone was mixing business with pleasure. My fingers drifted down his hard arms. His black T-shirt clung to him like a second skin, granting me access to every muscle and dip.

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Enjoying yourself?”

  I shifted my hips to brush his groin. “Are you?”

  “With you dancing like that in front of me? Absolutely.”

  “Good.” I explored his torso, taking in his hard pecs and muscular abdomen. “Any suggestions?” With the cameras and eyes on us, it would be impossible to grab the phone without someone noticing.

  “Mmm, I can think of several.”

  “Is there a particular one you care to try?”

  “Leave it to me, sweetheart.” He placed a finger beneath my chin and tilted my face upward to meet his kiss. It was measured, slow, and brimming with unveiled passion. If it weren’t for the audience and his intentions, I would have gotten lost in it. His arm snaked around my waist, pulling me tight against him while maintaining our rhythm. He deepened the sensual assault by parting my lips with his tongue and devouring me in an open-mouthed kiss.

  I grabbed his shoulders for support as my legs threatened to buckle. Holy shit. The man was potent. His hot touch trailed over my jawline and neck and then continued the journey down my left side. When his palm met my hip, the arm around my back guided me into an angle to hide his actions. Those clever fingers removed the slender device from his pocket and slid it into mine without screwing up our beat or detracting from the kiss.

  I smiled against his lips, impressed. “Nice.”

  “Glad you approve, Miss Summers.” He returned the grin and nipped my lower lip. The wickedness in those dark eyes sent butterflies to my lower abdomen. The things I could do with him . . . Dancing was an aphrodisiac. A man who could move like him? It was my biggest weakness. We could go to bed anytime he wanted, and from the way he was looking down at me, the feeling was mutual.

  “That was fantastic!” Paul exclaimed, spoiling the moment. Lost in those sinful eyes, I almost forgot about the cameras. “Sarah, darling, you’ve been holding out on me.” His tsk was unsettling, making me feel like a child. Thanks for ruining the mood, jackass.
  “I’ll be by tomorrow night to discuss everything,” Evan whispered against my ear. “I’m going to get everyone a drink,” he said to Paul and let me go.

  He walked into the bar, leaving me on the receiving end of several female glares. My skin went from hot to cold. I loved to dance, but I hated being the center of attention. Not that I regretted it. Evan’s skills left me craving to see his rhythmic talents applied to the bedroom. I kept my head high despite the snide comments rolling through the air. My favorite was the one about my oral skills.

  “No wonder he needs a drink. I would want to wash the taste out of my mouth, too, after that. She practically ate his face.” It was Georgiana who said it. She flipped her brown hair over one shoulder and gave me the look of death, while Amber eyed me with newfound interest. I was becoming a competitor. Not that any of the feelings between us were real beyond lust. A few nights in bed together would scratch that itch.

  “That was hot.” There was a look of envy in Patty’s ebony gaze, but her tone was light. “And I totally hate you.”

  “Me too.” Lily grinned. “But only a little.”

  “Aw, thanks, guys.” I did a girly twirl, pretending to celebrate sharing a moment with Evan. It elicited more glowers from the group. Oh well. The hot kiss alone was worth the scorn, but I also got a phone out of it. I’d call Rachel as soon as I got a moment alone.


  Contract Review

  “What the hell are you thinking?” Evan must have given Rachel this phone number so she would know it was me calling. She sounded thrilled to hear from me.

  “Hi to you, too, Rach.”

  “Have you lost your fucking mind? Two months, Sarah. Nine flippin’ weeks. That’s how long you have to stay on that show just to refuse his proposal. You’re giving up sixty days of your life for a man you don’t even know. A rich, powerful man who could easily throw you under the bus. Not to mention you’ll be giving no notice to Stern and Associates, so say good-bye to any good recommendations from them to future employers. When exactly did you become Abby?”

  “Okay, ouch.” I pulled my shirt over my head and threw it on the bed. It was close to midnight thanks to the after-date interviews Paul made us sit through. I dialed Rachel’s number as soon as I shut the door because I knew she was waiting for my call. “You realize he could keep me here against my will, knowing I would turn him down in the end, right? At least I get something out of it.”

  “You could leave and sue his ass. Hello, you have an attorney for a best friend.”

  I snorted. “The same best friend who legally advised me to do the show because it would ruin my reputation otherwise?”

  “Well, there’s that, but this is insane. You don’t know anything about him.” Rachel’s distrust in powerful men was what drove her concern more than anything else, which was why I jumped to the point.

  “Is it a good contract or not?” I asked, pulling off my jeans.

  “Oh, of course it’s brilliant. There’s a reason Evan has Garrett Wilkinson on retainer. The man drew up the contract himself, and I’ve gotta say, he’s more than earned his nickname on this one.” It took a lot to impress Rachel, and her tone indicated Garrett had her respect.

  “What’s his nickname?” I asked, curious.

  “The Devil. It’s not original, but it’s deserved. He’s charming, sly, and manipulative as hell. The contract he drafted is solid and protects Evan in every way imaginable. I’m begrudgingly in awe of it.”

  “I’ll be sure to pass on your sentiments,” said a deep voice from her end of the line.

  “Yeah, and speaking of charming”—her sarcasm was palpable—“did you have to send Evan’s cousin to hand deliver the contract? He hung around my office all day. Just lounged on the couch like he owned the damn place.”

  I paused in the process of pulling on a tank top. “Are you still at work or at your apartment?”

  “You sure are cute pacing around in those stockings, darlin’.”

  “Oh, do be quiet,” Rachel snapped, making me laugh. Knowing my best friend, she was roaming around in her sheer tights and skirt suit. From the amusement in Will’s voice, he was enjoying the show. Most men would. “It’s not funny, Sarah.”

  “Actually it is, but you didn’t answer my question.” Because the other comment wasn’t meant for me.

  “My apartment,” she grumbled. “He stalked me the entire way here.”

  “I didn’t hear you complaining when I provided dinner, darlin’.”

  “What part of be quiet don’t you get?”

  “You know, I don’t think a woman has ever demanded silence from me before.”

  Rachel snorted. “Well, I’m happy I could be your first.”

  “Let me know if you want to explore a few more firsts, sweetheart. I live to please.” Will’s amusement was palpable. I could only imagine the way he was looking at my best friend right now.

  “Seriously, Sarah, do you see what I’ve put up with all day? For a fucking contract that is insane, by the way?” Rachel then said to Will, “Don’t look at me like that, you think it’s nuts, too.”

  “Actually, I think it’s perfect.”

  “Just stop talking. Can you do that? For five minutes? Thanks.”

  My face hurt from grinning so hard. Will Mershano had my friend worked up in a tizzy. She was notorious for her cold shoulder, but it seemed Evan’s cousin had wormed his way under her tough exterior and found a soft spot. One that inspired her to argue instead of ignore. Good. My friend needed a challenge. Maybe this one could help her get over her crazy ex.

  “I can’t believe you let him into your apartment, Rach.” That was a big step for Rachel. The last time she invited a man up, it didn’t end well. But now wasn’t the time to press her on Will. Not with him listening to every word. “Anyway, I want to know about the contract.” I listed the terms Evan and I discussed, and Rachel confirmed they were all in there. “Even the get-out clause should he decide to go with someone else in the end?”

  “Yes, even though Will says it’s a pointless requirement.” From the derision in her tone, it was a source of contention between her and the billionaire cousin. Just how much did they discuss today?

  “I want it in there in case he changes his mind,” I said.

  “Oh, it’s a smart clause. If you’re really going through with this, though, then I think you need to add something about his involvement in your future firm. The silent partner agreement is good, but there isn’t anything in here about his say in business affairs.”

  “Yeah, we should add that.”

  “I’m already working on it.”

  This was why I adored my best friend. “You’re awesome.”

  “But are you sure you want to do this, Sarah? Influential men like that . . .” She fell silent, not needing to finish the statement.

  “He’s not Ryan, Rach.” Her former fiancé was a renowned Chicago politician with deep family ties and even deeper pockets. He was charming and sweet on the surface, but deep down he had control issues. Even after she called off the engagement, he believed Rachel still belonged to him.

  “They’re all believable at first. It takes time to see their true colors.” Her quiet voice was underlined by a thousand memories that made me shiver. I didn’t know everything that happened, but I knew enough to understand her stance.

  “Evan has nothing to gain by playing me, but just in case, I asked my awesome lawyer of a best friend to review it. To make sure there are no loopholes.”

  “There aren’t any. It’s solid, but I need to add language about his involvement in your firm. I’ll give the amendment to Will for Evan’s review. If you’re sure this is what you want to do.”

  “He’s giving me the opportunity to own my own firm, Rach. How do I turn that down?”

  “I knew you were going to say that.” We were childhood best friends. She knew what this opportunity meant to me. It was a backward way of achieving my goals, but fate intervened in mysterious ways. S
tern and Associates wasn’t my future; it was a means to an end. This contract allowed me to cross the finish line sooner rather than later.

  “I know why you’re worried, but we’re not really dating here. It’s an agreement that helps both of us. Him especially.” No one should be forced into marriage or to create an heir. And it wasn’t like spending time with him would be a hardship. He was gorgeous, knew how to dance, and our attraction was mutual. I just had to make sure it didn’t go beyond the physical, and it was a win-win scenario.

  “If he hurts you, I’ll kick his ass.”

  “He can only hurt me if I let him, and I have no intention of letting him get that close.” It was the only way this arrangement would work.

  “Nine weeks is a long time to guard your heart.”

  “Should be pretty easy with him dating several other women. He’s going on a date with one of them tomorrow night while I hang out with the girls and do some more of those stupid interviews.”

  “God, that sounds awful.”

  “Oh, you have no idea.” I told her about the last few days and could hear her cringing over the line. “I’m sure Director Paul has more fun planned for us tomorrow.”

  “About that, I’m adding a clause for you to keep the phone. I have a feeling you’ll need my sanity over the coming months.”

  “This is why I love you.” I didn’t think to include that in my requirements, but it was needed for my emotional health.

  “You should. I’m awesome. Anyway, I have work to do and a Neanderthal to kick out of my bedroom.”

  My eyebrows rose. “Did you just say bedroom?”

  “Yeah, the damn Mershano thinks he owns the place. Do you see what you got me into?”

  I grinned. “I hope something fun.” If Will was anything like his cousin, Rachel was in for a treat.


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