Welcome Back, My Love

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Welcome Back, My Love Page 3

by Niobia Bryant

  Her soft purrs of pleasures echoed from her throat.

  Their eyes met in the mirror.

  A shot of pure pleasure shimmied over Meena’s frame. “We don’t have much time,” she whispered, never looking away from the fire in his eyes as he continued to work his hips to please her with his tool. She rose to her full height and closed her legs, tightening the hold her walls had on his dick.

  His hands smoothly shifted from gripping her round and plush buttocks to come around her body.

  Meena shivered.

  Both hands eased up her belly, pausing to circle her belly button, before continuing upward to grasp her twin set of teardrop-shaped breasts in his palms.

  She let her head fall back against his shoulder and reached around his body to stroke his buttocks. She worked her body up and down, clenching and releasing the tip of his dick as he stroked her taut brown nipples.

  She felt high.

  “Damn, Meena,” he moaned, pressing his lips to the base of her neck. “Shit.”

  He thrust upwards as much as he could, trying to fill her with more of his hardness. The feel of his buttocks clenching electrified her. Tighten. Release. Tighten. Release.

  She cried out, feeling hypnotized by the steady motion. “I want to cum,” she admitted in a harsh whisper as she raised her head and met his intense gaze in the mirror again.

  “I’m going to cum,” Armstrong said.

  “Don’t leave me behind,” she begged softly.

  “Never that,” he said, easing one hand down her to press between her thighs and then the plump lips.

  She cried out, working her hips in small circles as she opened her legs a bit more.

  She felt his hardness swell against her walls. It was hot and hard. “Yes, Mann-Mann. Yes,” she purred, sweat soaking their bodies.

  White hot fire flamed up in her belly before spreading across her body. Anticipation built in her. A steady climb that was addictive. Her pulses raced. Her heart pounded. Her nipples were erect. Her clit throbbed with a life all its own. Her release was near. And she wanted it. She needed it. She craved it.

  “You with me?” he asked, pressing his bearded chin into her shoulder.

  She barely felt it through the haze. “Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes,” she moaned.

  They cried out in unison as their explosions burst inside them. Coating their bodies with sweat. Quickening their movements. Shortening their breaths. Racing their heartbeats and pulses. Sending them both spiraling to a level of passion and release that stroked some deep part of them, that emotional center that was raw and leaving them both exposed and vulnerable. Trembling. Shaken. Sensitive. Spent.

  As their climaxes subsided, Meena released his tool and turned quickly to hug him close. She pressed her head into his neck and fought the tears of sweet release that threatened to fall. She was not ready to reveal that much of herself to him. She protected that heart of hers fiercely, her shield only coming down when they made love. Shit.

  Armstrong slapped her buttocks and pressed a kiss to her shoulder. “We gotta hit the road, Babe,” he said, rubbing her lower back.

  She nodded and released a long stream of breath through pursed lips to steady herself. She couldn’t resist pressing a kiss to his neck before she finally released him and turned. “I’ll just take a quick shower,” she said, taking a step from him and feeling her legs give out beneath her. She wobbled before steadying herself.

  “You a’ight?” Armstrong asked.

  “I stepped on something,” she lied, gathering the strength to make her way across the room to the small adjacent bathroom.

  As soon as she closed the particle wood door, she slumped back against it and a pressed a hand to her chest as she waited for heart to find its regular rhythm and speed. Sex with Armstrong was always like that. “All discombobulated and shit,” she muttered, before standing before the faded mirror over the sink and studying her glassy-eyed reflection. “But satisfied.”

  She turned on the shower.

  “You not gonna believe this shit, Meena,” Armstrong called from the bedroom.

  Meena frowned as she turned the shower off and opened the door.

  He was sitting on the edge of the bed looking at the television on the corner stand, his cell phone in his hand. He looked up at her as she leaned in the doorway.

  “What?” she asked at his crestfallen expression.

  “The weather channel said there was a big storm in Aspen,” he began. “I called and our flight into Aspen was canceled. They’re not sure when the airport will reopen.”

  Meena nodded in understanding as she pushed off the door jam and made her way over to drop down onto his bed. She laid back and curled her body into the fetal position with a deep sigh. She closed her eyes.

  Soon she felt him climb onto the bed behind her, spooning her body with his own. She snuggled back against his strength and warmth.

  “You okay?” he asked with obvious concern.

  Skiing the slopes of Aspen had been on her bucket list.

  Meena nodded. “I will sink into all the feels after this nap,” she told him, her voice already softening with sleep.

  Armstrong chuckled as he draped his arm around her waist and snuggled his head deeper into the pillows as he too gave in to his sex-induced fatigue.


  February 2015

  Armstrong walked across the construction site of a residential property they were building in a new subdivision in James Island. The constant bustle of activity was beginning to subside as the sun set in the skies and the crew began packing up their equipment. Working as a member of one of the five residential crews for Jamison & Jamison Contractors in their southeast division kept Armstrong and his co-workers busy throughout the year.

  The work was long and hard, but the pay was steady and good, twin brothers and owners of the thriving business, Devon and Deshawn Jamison, made sure of that. Considering he built his way up from a laborer to a framer, Armstrong was thankful. His plan was to continue learning new skills until he eventually had enough experience to supervise his own crew.

  Armstrong reached his pick-up truck and opened the passenger door to lean in and turn the key already sitting in the ignition. It rumbled to life and he patted the crack dashboard as if to say “good job”. Closing the door, he strode to the rear and opened the lid of the cooler he kept stocked with ice and bottles of water. The winter air was cold and biting, even for South Carolina, so he quickly grabbed one and shook the wetness from his hand before leaning against the open tailgate. The water quenched his thirst and caused a chill to race across his solid frame.

  “Yo, thank God it’s Friday.”

  Armstrong shifted his body and looked back over his shoulder at his co-worker and friend, Eli Marks, walking up to grab a water from the cooler as well. “I’m ready to swap this out for a beer,” he said, looking around for Paco Santos.

  He had recommended the young man for a job as a laborer and was thankful he had been hired. He was thankful when he soon saw the tall, thin and lanky nineteen-year-old headed from the job site over to the truck. “Poor kid,” he mused, taking in his slow stride that was a clear sign that he was worn out from the day’s work.

  Paco was the younger brother of Garcelle Santos-Strong and although she was a close member of the powerful farming family, he made it clear he rather start from the ground up in construction than shoveling cattle dung.

  Eli looked back over his shoulder and chuckled as well. “A sloth would beat him to this truck,” he said before taking a large gulp of water.

  “Let’s ride,” Armstrong said, rising from the tailgate, and balling the empty water up before tossing it onto the back of the truck. He opened the door and slid onto the cracked leather of the driver’ seat.

  Eli did the same on the passenger side.

  Paco finally reached the truck and opened the rear door before he seemed to climb up on the seat and collapse. “Estoy cansado,” he moaned with a grimace.

rong and Eli shared a look.

  “English, please,” Armstrong said, looking over his shoulder.

  Paco opened one eye. “I'm worn out, bro,” he said.

  “You sure you’re up for the job?” Armstrong asked. “Today wasn’t a busy day.”

  Paco struggled to sit up straight. “No, but last night was a busy night,” he said, before smiling broadly. “And it was worth it.”

  Armstrong shook his head and accelerated the truck forward. “Between a woman’s thighs is heaven at night and hell in the morning when you trying to work,” he advised. “But...trust me, kid, sometimes it’s worth it.”

  He shifted in his seat as he remembered just how Meena tempted him as she walked around his mobile home in nothing but a tank and lace bikinis with knee-high socks. What choice did he have but to wrap one arm around her waist and pull her down beneath him with a long kiss that led to more? Much much more.

  He could only shake his head in wonder.

  Having her in his life had definitely slowed him down.

  Armstrong hadn’t cared much about working on Saturday mornings until he met Meena. The overtime money had always been good for his weekly paycheck, but with her, in his life, the weekends were the only time they could spend together. Now he was thankful Jamison & Jamison Contractors only required weekend work in the case of making up for weather delays.

  Whether they went exploring downtown Charleston or just sat home, lounging and watching television she always made him feel he was right where he was supposed to be. He didn’t guess that a flirtation with a cute girl at a red light would lead to his longest relationship to date.

  This summer would make two years since they’d met. He remembered pulling his pick-up truck up to a red light and glancing around when he spotted the pretty brown girl with jet black hair in the bright red car beside him. He had done a double-take as she smoothed her eyebrows and checked her reflection in the rearview. Something about her had made him want to know her better. As the light turned green and she pulled away, his impulse led him to jump out of the turning lane and follow her.

  Every bit of his heart belonged to Meena Ali.

  He smiled as he turned his truck onto Highway 17 headed towards Holtsville. He was ready to see her. Make her laugh. Hold her close. Bury himself inside her. Deeply.

  Meena was smart, witty, and fiery on things she believed in—including her beliefs on things not being “serious” between them. Cool. If it made her feel better not to label their relationship, he was okay with that. Neither was dating anyone else, spent their free time together, vacationed, and made love whenever and wherever.

  In his mind, his eyes, and his heart, Meena was his girl.

  But what are you to her?

  He frowned as he pulled to a stop at a red light.

  The doubts that he rarely focused on rose up. Even as he dropped Eli and Paco off at their respective homes, he wondered if Meena had a time stamp on their relationship. Would she awaken one day and realize she was in deeper than she wished and send him on his way?

  The thought of losing her was hard to even consider.

  Armstrong checked the time on his cell phone. He’d been headed towards home for a shower and change of clothes before he hung out with the fellas a little bit, but instead, he made a sudden left turn onto the parking lot of the new Family Dollar where Donnie’s Diner had once reigned as the lone restaurant in the small town. Checking for oncoming traffic, he made a right turn onto the street when it was clear.

  With Meesha he was taking a huge chance with his heart. She made it clear how she felt about relationships and at first, he felt just having fun with her was cool, but now he loved her. Fiercely.

  Armstrong’s thoughts were full of his doubts as he drove the ten minutes to the house Meena and Neema shared in Summerville. He pulled his truck up the drive and ended the rumble of his motor by turning the key in the ignition.

  Now what?

  He lightly tapped his steering wheel as he eyed the front door.

  Go in and ask her what the future held?

  Ask why there were moments she would stare into his eyes and he could swear he saw love when he looked back at hers?

  Profess his love and be embarrassed when she did not do the same?

  At that, he shook his head, released a breath, and stroked his full beard.

  The curtain at the window shifted a bit. Moments later, the door opened and Meena stood in the doorway with her face openly curious as she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned her body against the frame.

  His heart thundered even as he tilted his head to the side and smiled. She was out of the clothes she wore to teach and looked petite and comfy with her hair up in a messy topknot while wearing a sports bra and leggings. Her feet were bare. Her face free of makeup.

  A lot of women he knew wouldn’t show themselves to him in their pure state. Not Meena. She was confident and free of the games some women played. She was all about “take me as I am”.

  And that was fine by him.

  I love her.

  As he climbed from the truck and closed the door with a loud creak before walking over to the house, his eyes devoured her. Missing nothing. Not even the way her slender brown hand was lightly pressed against her neck as she watched him as well.

  “I wasn’t looking for you until much later,” she said, as he climbed the stairs.

  Each step brought him closer to her. Armstrong was anxious.

  Drinking beer and playing cards with his friends or having his woman in his arms?

  Armstrong’s answer was to instantly wrap one strong arm around her waist and easily pick her body up to press against his own. The scent of soap and some fruity scent she undoubtedly misted on her body after a shower or bath clung to her skin. The thought of that made him hunger for her.

  Meena pressed her hands to his shoulders. “You came straight from work?” she asked, before pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth in welcome.

  “We need a shower,” he said, carrying her in the house and up the stairs to her bedroom after nudging the door closed with his booted floor.

  And soon, naked and wet from the water pouring down upon their clutched bodies, Armstrong let the doubts that plagued him fade into the rising clouds of steam.


  Armstrong glanced over at Meena as she swiped her iPad. Her mouth moved as she read something on the tablet. She made a face of confusion and then annoyance as she tucked her shoulder-length hair behind her ear and swiped the screen again with her index finger. He smiled. That’s my Meena. She stays fired up about something.

  She was tough. Unrelenting. Protecting her heart seemed to be her number one goal. Finding his place inside it became his.

  He thought he would never break through her armor to get to the softness. But he did. In time. He was just as relentless. She was worth the effort and the time he put in to prove to her that he was worth the risk.

  I will never let her down.

  She looked over at him suddenly, appearing surprised to find his eyes resting on her. She smiled at him, her brown eyes warm. “What?” she asked.

  His heart tugged and his gut clenched. Her smile was his everything.

  “You’re pretty,” Armstrong said, moving closer to her on the couch to press a kiss to her cheek.

  Meena turned her head and rubbed her cheek against his before kissing him softly. “No hunching,” she whispered against his mouth. “My sister is upstairs in her bedroom, remember?”

  Armstrong chuckled as he reached to rub large circles on her back. “You think sex is all I ever want?”

  She shook her head. “No, I don’t think that,” she said.


  “I know it,” Meena assured him, easing her hand into his lap to stroke the length of him to hardness. “Right?”

  He laughed.

  “That’s what I thought,” she said with bravado.

  “Movies first,” Armstrong insisted, wanting to prove to her that
she meant more to him than a lay.

  “Okay, cool,” she said, giving his length one last stroke before she returned to swiping the screen of the tablet.

  He looked down at the iPad. “Nothing playing that you wanna see?” he asked, stretching his legs out to adjust his denim around his hardness to give it room to breathe.

  “I was trying to see more of you, but you in movie mode,” she said. “Corny self.”

  They looked up at each other and laughed before looking back down at the tablet.

  “Hey, Twin and Mann-Mann.”

  They both looked over their shoulders as Meena’s twin descended the stairs. Armstrong took in her new short hairdo. She’d been upstairs in her bedroom when they entered, so the drastic change from the long and straight hair both she and Meena usually wore was surprising. As always, he was amazed to see a woman who looked identical to his girl, but he was sure he didn’t have the same chemistry with her as he did with Meena.

  His eyes shifted from one twin to the other and then back again. Not at all.

  “Oh, my God your hair looks so good,” Meena said, rising to reach across the sofa to rake her slender fingers through Neema’s short side swept bang. “Love, love, love, love.”

  Neema wrinkled her nose at her playfully. “Thanks, Twin.”

  Meena suddenly frowned. “We’re not identical anymore,” she said woefully.

  “Girl, bye,” Neema said with a chuckle. “We’re grown women, not each other’s mirror.”

  Meena sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes. “You make my ass itch, Twin,” she drawled, playfully plucking her chin before reclaiming her seat next to Armstrong.

  “You two are not identical anyway,” Armstrong said, matter-of-factly. “Your eyes are more slanted than Neema’s. I would never get you mixed up.”

  Meena made a sappy face at him. “Awe, Bae. That is so accurate. Awww.”

  They kissed.

  “Ooo-kay. I’m out,” Neema said, moving to the front door.

  “We’re headed to the movies to see London Has Fallen. Wanna go?” Meena asked, pulling back from Armstrong as she wiped her lip gloss from his mouth with the side of her thumb.


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