Running Away From Love

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Running Away From Love Page 8

by Jessica Tamara

  He kissed my lips as he said “Well, I know he is ready for whatever now since you woke him back up.”

  I jumped right back on top of him ready for round two.

  The next morning when I woke up it was like 11 am, and I couldn’t believe that I slept in that late. As I looked over, I saw Q was still sleeping like he was completely worn out from the all-night session that took place last night. We really had sex all night long, at least five times. I rolled over and kissed him lightly on the forehead. I had to get home because I had to a catch a flight out to Atlanta later on tonight. As I looked around the room I had to laugh because it got pretty wild in here last night. We made love all over his bedroom. On top of the dresser then down to the floor, and even up against the wall. My body was beyond sore from last night. Q had me in every type of position he could think of. I now realized that all those Yoga and Pilates classes actually paid off, because my flexibility was serious.

  I got up and collected all my things so that I could get dressed. After I finished getting dressed I hopped up on the bed really fast scaring the hell out of Q. He jumped so hard almost falling out of his bed. It was too damn funny, and I couldn’t control how loud I busted out laughing. Once he really woke up and realized it was me he started laughing. He pulled me back down onto the bed.

  He said “Where do you think you’re going? Come back to bed.”

  I laughed. “I would love to come back to bed, and have some more fun with you, but I have to catch a flight out later tonight for work baby. So I need your sleepy ass to wake up, and take me home.”

  He laughed. “Man what! With that last smart ass comment I’m not taking your ass nowhere.”

  After he said that he turned over and tried to act like he was going back to sleep fake snoring and all.

  So I straddled myself onto his back and began placing light kisses all over his neck. “Okay, I’m sorry. Let me ask you over again. Can you give me a ride home, please?”

  He turned over so we were facing each other, and we embraced in a kiss.

  “After the night we had,” he said, “and the performance you put on for me, you can get whatever you want. I can make love to you for hours, and that’s some real shit.”

  I smiled as I said “Believe me, sweetie, you really haven’t seen anything yet. I still have a lot more to show.”

  He gave me a sexy smirk as he said “Damn, I want it right now. Let me get some love to start my day off right.”

  He tugged and tried to get my clothes off again, but I slapped his hands away as I moved away from him. I laughed.

  “Cut it out! I don’t have the time. I have a flight out tonight so I really can’t.”

  He started to laugh as he said “Okay, wow it’s like that, huh? I’m going to remember that the next time you want it, and I’m not giving it to you.”

  As he got up to put some clothes on, I took a pillow and threw it at him. The pillow smacked him right in back of his head.

  “Listen, don’t get too cocky. And you know that you can’t resist me. If I really want it I’m gonna take it.”

  He laughed and said “So what you’re saying is you’re going to rape me if I don’t give it to you?”

  I said “You’re damn right I would!”

  He laughed harder as he said “Listen, if you try to rape me, I’m calling the cops and pressing charges, too.” We both laughed as he threw the pillow back at me playfully, and continued to get dressed so we could leave.

  Chapter 4:

  I walked around my apartment bored out of my mind. I played with the diamond charm bracelet that Q gave me. Q was on the road playing the last few games of the preseason, and I was missing him like crazy. We’ve been spending so much time together I had gotten used to seeing him almost every day now. This was what I was dreading getting used to the most. I didn’t want to feel like I was getting wrapped up in another guy again. So I tried to distance myself from him a little bit, but it didn’t really work. He wouldn’t let me pull away. I guess he could sense what I was trying to do, and he refused to let it happen. As I was trying to distance myself he moved closer to me. It was frustrating me a little bit. I had my little comfort zone that his ass was always invading. While he has been on the road he calls me every day to tell me how much he misses me, and I would break down confessing that I missed him more. But I needed to get him off of my mind for a little while. So I called my friend Talisha from work to see if she wanted to go out tonight. I knew Q wouldn’t be happy about it, because he hated when I went out without him. That’s the one thing that I can’t stand about him. He always felt the need to try and shield me from other men. He has real jealousy issues that pisses me off. He would say that he trusted me, but hated when he wasn’t there to watch me. But tonight I really didn’t care. I needed to get out of the house, and have some fun. I knew Talisha would be down to kick it with me. We decided on going out to a lounge for some drinks. I didn’t want to get too dressed up so I played it casual. I wore a pair of black jogger pants, and a white crop top. I matched it with a pair red pumps and red lipstick. My hair I just recently colored a chestnut brown with caramel highlights. The color complimented and brightened my chocolate skin tone. My hair had grown out a little so I wore some big bouncy curls. I grabbed my purse and headed out of the door.

  As I stepped outside to catch a cab it was a beautiful spring night. As I looked up I could see the sky clear lit up with stars. It was about 75 degrees, but there was a nice cool breeze that blew throughout the city. I could not have asked for a more beautiful night. I walked about a block before I found a cab and hailed it down. As my cab approached the lounge I saw that Talisha was already outside waiting for me. Talisha was gorgeous and she knew it. She stood about 5 foot 7 inches tall, and was a beautiful chocolate brown complexion like myself. She had a pair of huge d cup breasts that she showed off willingly every day. Tonight she wore a pair grey tight pencil skirt, and a black backless shirt. She wore a pair of fierce Manolo stilettos that raised her height up another inch. I paid the cabbie and hopped out the cab quickly to meet her.

  I greeted Talisha with a hug. “Girl who you trying impress?”

  She laughed. “I’m trying to bag me a basketball player like you got.”

  I laughed at her comment as I said “Please, them basketball players can be a headache sometimes. They ain’t always at home that’s why I’m always out with you. But anyways you ready to go in?”

  She nodded in agreement as we went inside.

  I loved to hang out and chill in lounges. Watch a basketball game and have a couple of drinks was my idea of a good time. It’s just a very chill and relax atmosphere that‘s just my style. We found a section to sit down at, and we ordered some drinks. We both had the bartender just experiment and make us something. Over our drinks we talked about men mainly, and she told me about the guys she was dating. She had the same complaint that most women had. And that was that men all lied to damn much. So she treats them like she treats them. As we were talking we were approached by two guys. They were pretty nice looking men. One of them was about 5 foot 10 inches tall, and he was a caramel complexion with long dreads. The other guy stood about 6 foot tall, and he was light skinned, and wore his hair in a mini curly fro. He looked like one of those I‘m just as pretty as you type of guys. The guy with the dreads introduced himself as Brandon, and his friend as Tim. They asked if we would join them for some drinks.

  Talisha looked over to me before she said “What do you think? Do you want to entertain them for tonight?”

  I just laughed as I said “Sure, you guys can have a seat here if you like.”

  Brandon sat down right next to Talisha quickly. I noticed how he couldn’t stop staring at her breasts the whole time. His friend was hoping that I would be all nice and flirty with him as well, but he couldn’t have been any more wrong. I made small talk with him keeping my responses very short. I wanted to get the point across that I was not interested, and please do not try me. I think he got the hint
of my disinterest. So he stopped his little flirting act. And I felt better that I didn’t have to listen to his pickup lines all night long.

  As we all talked and drank I really wasn’t having a good time at all. Talisha was having a lot of fun being her normal flirty and outgoing self. And the guy Brandon played into her hand perfectly buying drinks, and practically falling over himself trying to get all of her attention. I told Talisha I would be right back I was about to go to the bathroom.

  She asked “Do you need me to come with you?”

  “No,” I said, “I will be right back.”

  As I got up and started walking towards the bathroom, my heart rose up into my throat as I saw Trey sitting down having drinks with a group of guys. I noticed his friend Mike as well, and he saw me too. As soon as I saw Trey sitting there, everything around me seemed to go quiet suddenly. I could only seem to hear the sound of my own heart beating. My heart was beating so fast it felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. It’s been such a long time since I’ve seen him I wasn’t sure what to do. I wasn’t prepared for this. As soon as I laid eyes on him my body and mind froze up instantly. I wanted to run away, but I couldn’t seem to move. Plus I knew that if I ran away it would make me look completely crazy, and even more noticeable. Besides, I’m a grown ass woman. What would I look like running away from somebody?

  I quickly turned my head away as I tried to walk past unnoticed. As soon as I got close enough, it was as if he sensed my presence, and looked right at me. We locked eyes for what seemed to be like an eternity. He looked genuinely shocked to see me, and I was equally shocked that I ran into him as well. I will say that he did look really good though. Even better than what I had remembered. I glanced over his frame quickly hoping that he didn’t catch me looking. He always said that he wanted to bulk up, and I could tell that he had been hitting the gym heavy. He was so muscular now. He grew a goatee that connected to his fresh caeser haircut. New York has done him justice. It was obvious that he had matured a lot physically since the last time I saw him. The man was fine as fuck! I had to block out my lustful thoughts.

  Don’t get me wrong, Trey has always been a very good looking man. His skin looked like the richest caramel you could ever want to taste. He wasn’t as tall as Q. He stood about 5 foot 7 inches tall. But what I found most attractive about Trey was the way that he carried himself, and the confidence he exuded. He was that guy who was laid back, but his ego was as big as the room. He was that guy who was noticed as soon as he walked into a room without even having to speak a word. He just had a commanding presence about him that could never be ignored. Trey was the complete package he was sexy, intelligent, charming, confident, funny, and driven. Maybe that is why I put up with so much of his bullshit for so damn long. He definitely was a rare breed of a black man in Buffalo. Tonight he looked very appealing I had to admit. I almost forgotten how angry I was with him for a second. He stared into my eyes as if he was trying to search my eyes for the right thing to say. I tried my best not to look like I was the least bit excited to see him, but deep down I was. So I decided to break the silence as I approached him, and gave a simple wave to him and Mike.

  He frowned up his face at my initial reaction towards him. In my head I was thinking that this fool couldn’t really think that I was going to jump for joy at the sight of him. But I also knew that he hated it when I played everything off like I didn’t care. That’s how he knew I was on shit with him.

  He initiated. “Wow, Jasmine a wave? Is that really all I get? You acting like I’m just somebody that you don’t even know. Come here. Can I at least get a hug? I haven’t seen you in such a long time. You look beautiful! What are you doing here?”

  I slowly walked over towards him. I can’t lie I was nervous as hell. I could barely even look him in the eyes the closer that I got to him. I gave him a fake smile as I reached out, and embraced him in a hug. I intended on giving him a brief church hug maintaining my space. But he pulled me into his body, and held onto me tightly ignoring the boundary that I had tried to set.

  As we hugged he whispered in my ear, “Damn, Jasmine it’s been way too long since I’ve seen your face, or heard your voice. I’ve missed you, and you look amazing, sweetheart. I’m so glad to see you right now. You’ve been on my mind a lot lately. I actually really have wanted to talk to you for the longest time now.”

  Well that was it I couldn’t hold back my attitude any longer, and I quickly pushed him off of me as I said “Really, Trey! It’s really funny how after all this time you suddenly miss me. Now I’m on your mind. Before I couldn’t pay to stay on your fucking mind! So please forgive me if I really don’t seem to give a damn about what you’ve been wanted to do!”

  It felt like the words came out of my mouth like vomit. I let my emotions get the best of me, damn. I knew the guys he was with could hear our conversation. They all just tried to ignore it, but it was an awkward silence all around us. I hung my head down a little bit, and took a step back as I tried to regain my composure. I could feel my hands start to shake. Amazing that within seconds he was able to a reaction out of me so quickly. When it came to him all my logical thoughts were pushed to the side, and nothing but emotion always comes pouring out of me. I always felt like emotions and feelings are what always gets a woman into trouble. The last thing I wanted was for him to know that he still has any type of effect on me. So I calmed myself down as much as I could before I spoke again. He just stood there looking stupid. He knew that we didn’t end things on good terms. What made him think that I forgave and forgot?

  So I said “You know what I’m sorry; that was uncalled for. I have to go.”

  As I walked away I could hear him calling my name, but I completely tuned him out. I walked away as fast as I could without breaking out into a sprint to the bathroom. I could feel the tears trying to escape from my eyes, but I refuse to let another tear fall over Trey. I cried my tears and that shit is all behind me.

  As I burst into the bathroom I tried my best to calm down. I placed my hands on top of the sink, and took some deep breaths in. As I stared at myself in the mirror I kept telling myself to pull it together. I guess I didn’t realize that I was still this emotional. But within seconds of seeing him all of those feelings I thought went away came rushing over me quickly. I was not prepared to handle it so it was best for me to walk away. Seeing his face seemed to have opened up those old wounds that I tried so desperately to hide and heal. I wiped away the tears that were trying to fall from my eyes. I touched up my makeup lightly making sure to leave no traces of my pain. I knew that as long as he was here I couldn’t be. I was dreading having to go back out there, and seeing his face again. I took a deep breath and exited the bathroom.

  As I was walking out, he was still seated where he was before, but his eyes were fixed in my direction. I knew he would be waiting for me to come out. I rolled my eyes as I proceeded to walk back to tell Talisha that I was leaving. I knew he wouldn’t let it go that easily especially if he saw that I was upset. Knowing his persistent ass he probably wouldn’t leave me the hell alone until I fully cussed his ass out. As soon as he saw me heading for the exit he jumped up and out of his seat to cut me off.

  He stood firmly in my way and said “Jasmine, please don’t leave. Just let me talk to you for a minute. Stop running away from me. Look I honestly never meant for us to lose touch like we did, but that doesn’t mean that I forgot about you or us. Damn seeing you here tonight is crazy. Seeing you here tonight just confirmed for me just how much that I have missed you.”

  I laughed in his face as I said “So, basically you weren’t thinking about me until you ran into me here? Is that what you’re saying? Is that supposed to make me feel good or something? And wow did I really here you just use the word us? Because as I recall it you have the hardest time making a commitment to anyone but your damn self. And I can’t fault you for thinking about yourself first, because that is what you’re supposed to do. I was the damn fool for thinking that you cared
about me just as much as I did you. You see when it came to you, Trey I cared about you just as much as I cared about myself. I thought about you and me never just me. And that’s because I wanted it to always be us! Not us when it’s convenient which is how you used to treat our relationship. But to be honest with you none of that really matters to me anymore. I have moved on since then. The man that I’m with now has no type of commitment issues whatsoever. He appreciates and truly cares about me. And it’s been such a long time since I had that in a man. I wouldn’t trade what we have for anything or anyone.”

  He looked at me as if I just smacked him in the face with that statement. In his eyes I could see his jealousy. A small part of me wanted to comfort him, and take back what I had said. But it was all true I am very happy with the new man in my life.

  He said in a low voice “So you’re in a relationship, Jasmine? Damn, I guess a lot has changed with you I didn’t even know about.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Trey, you’re really going to sit here in my face, and say that you tried to know what was going on in my life? I mean, come on, be real about this. Tell me what did you really expect? You wanted me to wait on you again? Waiting on you to realize what the fuck you wanted ended up really bad for me. I couldn’t wait on you forever Trey no matter how much I wanted too. How do you think it made me feel to know that since that day you haven’t even checked on me once? You moved away and basically forgot all about me. So yeah I guess a lot has changed, and that’s because you really didn’t care to know!”

  I could tell he was defeated, and hurt by my words. But he knew that there was nothing that he could really say that would change the way that I felt.

  “I mean,” he stuttered, “I really don’t know what to say to you, Jasmine. But I swear that I never once stopped thinking about you even after that day. Yes, I made a lot of mistakes back then I can never take back. And I have never gotten the chance to apologize to you for everything. But believe me when I say I really do feel terrible for how everything played out between us. Contrary to what you may believe, it hurt me just as much as it hurt you. All I’m really looking for is a chance for us to just talk. Maybe catch up and hash out everything that I know you hate me for.”


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