A Settler's Wife's Dreams (Erotic Romance, Romantic Erotica, Erotic Historical Romance)

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A Settler's Wife's Dreams (Erotic Romance, Romantic Erotica, Erotic Historical Romance) Page 3

by Olsen, Ashley

  While his mouth seduced hers, his fingers went to work tagging at the drawstrings that held her pants up. With a slight hiss, the canvas fabric fell to the floor leaving her only in her shirt. She moaned when he separated their lips.

  “Easy.” He soothed as he drew her shirt over her head to finally leave her naked.

  “So beautiful.” He murmured as he kissed her shoulder, then slightly nipped at her skin causing her to whimper. He asked, “Is this what you want?”

  “Yessss.” She hissed, her finger clutching onto his shirt. Bending slightly, he kissed his way down her chest. The position was uncomfortable since compared to him she was much shorter but her whimper of approval when he finally set his lips on her breast was well worth the small twinges in his back.

  She tasted as sweet as she looked. Her skin still had the lingering taste of the tangerine scented soap they used. Usually he was too eager to enjoy the pleasure between her legs but today he was determined to give every inch of her body the same attention. Her nipples beaded against his tongue as flicked and soothed it.

  “That feels so good.” She arched her back begging him to take more, her fingers rifling through his blond hair.

  Slowly he realized that he really liked her response to his attentions. It wasn’t the same pleasure as her warm heat. It was a different kind of pleasure – but a pleasure nonetheless and enough to make him harder than a board. Instead of throwing her on the table and immediately easing his way into her, he turned his attention to the other breast.

  Keeping his mouth still on her breast, he gently he picked her up by the hips and set her on the table in the middle of the cabin. His hands soothed over her thighs, enjoying the silkiness of her skin as he suckled at her breast.

  “Please!” She murmured huskily. Instead of easing his fingers between her thighs as she expected, he released her breast then pushed her till she lay on the hard wood. Tenderly he set her feet on the table, her soles on the wood and her knees spread in supplication. He could tell she was feeling slightly self conscious by how she moved her palms to cover the thatch of hair that covered her sweet paradise.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He said as he pushed those hands away.

  God! She was beautiful. He just wanted to plunge himself into that valley between and never leave. But today was about making his woman happy. He heard Lisa’s shocked gasp when he fitted his finger between her nether lips but was too intent on his task. She whimpered when he soothed that beaded nub and wailed when he played it with rapid flicks. Her sweet essence coated his finger when he spread it through her slight and her tight conclave convulsed over the tip when he eased it in. By the time he started to move that finger in her womanly warmth she was thrashing on the table like a woman possessed, pulling on his hair and begging him to take her, “Frank, please! Please!”

  His lips widening in a prideful smile, Frank pushed in another finger. Within moments her thighs were trembling and she was yelping as for the first time in their married life, Lisa came.

  For a more saintly man the pleasure of seeing his woman so sated would have been enough. But Frank was no saint and the sight of her lying on the table so sated, her eyes closed and her legs spread was too much. He tagged her closer to the edge of the table with one hand as the other hand pushed his pants down.

  She opened her eyes licking her lush lips as he carefully guided himself into her. She was well lubricated and his passage in was easy. She tagged him down to lie over her, wrapping her arms around her neck as he pushed into her deeper. The feeling of being inside Lisa was indescribable. She was as tight as a warm gloved hand squeezing at him.

  He was sure that his coarse shirt was scratching against her voluptuous breasts but she didn’t seem to mind. In fact she arched her back over the table, locking her legs around his flanks tight as she took in more and more of him till he was tucked so deep inside her that he could feel the roof of her womb.

  When he began to move, she moaned with pleasure and her eyes rolled back in her. Though he wanted to temper his pace and slow his pace into long strokes, he was too eager. She felt too good. He started to ride her hard, pistonning into her in short fast strokes until she was once more wailing his name.

  “Oh Frank yes. Keep going! Keep going!” Lisa whimpered, “Don't stop. Whatever you do, don't stop.”

  Frank had no intention of stopping. If he stopped now he had no doubt that Lisa would up and shoot him with her rifle she would be so mad at him for not fulfilling his ‘duties’. He bored down into her then, thrusting in with in and out so fast, it seemed like one single stroke designed to send her into nirvana.

  Her fingers dug into his back, her thighs locked around his flanks as he walls clamped hard over his shaft, milking him for everything he had as she convulsed in his arms, coming for the second time today. It was almost as if her body was punishing him for the fortnights of unexpended energy. Unable to hold back anymore, Frank let go and let his seed flow.

  Lisa couldn't believe how powerful this orgasm was. It seemed more like some kind of religious experience than anything else. It was like a tingle that started deep, deep in her loins then slowly spread out to the rest of her body to burst into flame.

  “Did I do my duties all right?” Frank asked as he smiled down on her.

  Lisa reached up and ran her hand down his face, smiled sweetly at him. She had wanted the sexual act to be something much gentler, but she didn't want to be honest with him. Criticizing what little sex she gave him didn't seem like a good idea to her, in fact it just seemed like a way to get even less sex than she already got. Lisa hoped that in the future Frank would care about her to make love to her when she wanted it, not just when she outright demanded it.

  “You did your duties just fine Frank,” Lisa said.

  Frank smirked in pride as he carefully withdrew himself. “When you come back from town, we can try again.”

  Lisa's smile widened at hearing this. Frank's demeanor had completely changed from last night. Now it was all about her. After one good bedding he was now encouraging her to ride into town on her own. Without waiting for him to change her mind Lisa hopped off the table, pulled up her pants, grabbed her rifle and ran out the door.

  She saddled up Jeb and road him out by the house where she brought him to a halt. Frank walked out of the house and looked up at Lisa.

  “Just promise me you'll be careful, all right?” He asked.

  “I promise,” Lisa returned instantly. “You've got nothing to worry about, all right? When was the last time I didn't know how to handle myself? I've got my rifle in the side scabbard and I look like a boy dressed like this. Who would mess with me anyway?”

  “Whoever has been watching us knows that you aren't a boy,” Frank said. “Which reminds me, you never told me what you were keeping secret.”

  Frank's look of concern deepened. Lisa wanted to tell Frank all about the dream. She wanted to tell him about what it had felt like to be an eagle and soar through the clouds. She wanted to tell him about what it had been like to be able to see with an eye that let her vision be perfect for miles, and even about how the figure was what appeared to be a young Indian man wearing camouflage.

  Lisa especially wanted to tell Frank that the Indian was a very good shot with his bow and arrow. He had picked her right out of the air like an expert marksman. However she couldn’t! If she brought her dream up now there would be no way that Frank would let her go to town on her own. Hell, if she were Frank and he told her the same dream she might try to persuade him not to go.

  “I don't remember, dear,” Lisa said. “Can we just forget about it? I need to head out if I want to be back before the shadows get long.”

  Frank gave her leg a pat.

  “You're right, you need to get a move on,” Frank said. “Just be careful, all right? I really mean that. Don't take any risks you don't need to. Don't stop to talk to anyone. In town be sure to mention that I'm with you but down at the saloon getting a drink or something. Don't do any
thing that would put you in jeopardy. I know that you think you are a force to be reckoned with since you have your little rifle, and maybe you are. But many people have rifles and are much better with them than you are I jus—”

  “I'll be all right,” Lisa cut him off. “I promise.”

  Frank let out a deep sigh and nodded.

  Without saying anything else, Lisa dressed up, then spurred her horse to a trot and headed for the road. Town was only a few hours ride one way, but she wasn't going just one way and wanted to be back long before dark. At first she kept Jeb at a quick pace, but soon the plow horse was panting heavily and Lisa slowed the pace down to a walk.

  She really didn't need to be in a hurry. And so what if she came back in the dark, what was the worst that could happen? Sure there was some strange Indian fellow stalking the homestead, but what did that even mean? Maybe he was just watching the homestead to make sure that she and Frank weren't soldiers in disguise or something of that nature. Or maybe he thought that secretly they were panning for gold and wanted to know if they were so that he could pan for gold as well.

  “Don't be silly,” Lisa said to herself in a soft voice. “The Indian isn't looking to pan for gold. He's looking for you.”

  But how did the Indian even know that she was a she? Lisa thought about that one for awhile. There were times that she bathed in the river that she felt like she was being watched. The bend where the current really picked up was most fun place to wash off in the spume. It was also the most open part of the river. Frank hated that she bathed there, but sometimes she convinced him to bath with her. Anyone and everyone with eyes could’ve seen Lisa was a very beautiful woman if they saw her bathing at the big bend of the river near the homestead.

  “Maybe Frank was right,” Lisa said. “Maybe it does pay to be modest.”

  But this was all conjecture, she had to remind herself. She didn't even know for sure if the figure was a man, or if the figure was just her imagination. She reminded herself of all the times she'd thought she’d seen something in the woods and it turned out to be nothing more than a jumble of shapes her brain had put together to be something they weren't. That was probably it, Lisa convinced herself. There was probably nothing to be worried about at all, no Indian, nothing like that. The only thing that she and Frank needed to worry about was their sex life.

  Lisa often times wondered what Frank really thought of her. Sure he treated her well enough, but at the same time, even though he treated her like a partner there were many times that he took her for granted. Then again she couldn't imagine what life would be like being someone else’s wife; someone who wasn’t quite as forward thinking about what women as Frank. And Frank didn't care that she was barren. The thought made her sad. Even though there was no way to know that it was her.

  Then she remembered how Frank had pleasured her today. He had seemed an expert at it; which probably meant that he had been with some other women. Lisa chided herself. It had been silly to think that Frank had never been with another woman. In society’s eyes, although it was naughty, it was kind of all right for men to sleep around. The standards for women were different.

  Lisa's heart sunk as she thought about it, because it probably meant that Frank knew if he was fertile or not. Lisa was sure, now, that Frank had gotten someone pregnant before. He probably had a whole brood of children somewhere, tucked away in some New England colony. That's why he'd been so eager to come west with her, to get away from his other wife and their children. They probably had a bunch of children.

  “Oh Lisa, don't be silly,” she said to herself. “None of that is real.”

  Jeb let out a snort as he walked down the road.

  “That's right Jeb, none of it is real,” Lisa said, patting the side of the horse’s neck. “None of it’s real at all. It's silly to make up stories about Frank's past in my head. What normal person does that?”

  Jeb snorted and tossed his head, shaking his mane back and forth. Lisa stated to wonder why Jeb was acting like something was wrong. It was a nice day, the sun shone through clouds down on the road in front of them. The town was only a little way ahead of them now, but Jeb wouldn't even walk a straight line anymore, he kept dancing side to side, as if swerving to avoid something only he could see.

  “What has gotten into you?” Lisa asked the horse as it dance from side to side on the road. “Is there something a matter? Is there a pebble or something under the saddle?”

  She had checked the saddle for debris before she put it on the horse though, so she was fairly certain it wasn't that. Or had some kind of hard shelled insect had flown under the saddle as she put it down on the beast?

  She wasn’t sure what made her look behind. Maybe it was Jeb's goading that finally did it, as that was plainly what the horse was doing in hindsight. Or maybe it had to do with the way her flesh goose pimpled for no reason. Lisa didn't know what made her cast a long look over her shoulder, but when she did her blood ran cold.

  Down the road behind her quickly closing ground was the Indian man on a war pony.

  “Go, go, go!” Lisa screamed as she kicked Jeb's ribs.

  Jeb took off like he had been waiting the whole time for Lisa to realize what was going on and act in her own best interest. The town was just ahead and Lisa was glad for that. Jeb, although a work horse, was good at short sprints. She hoped he would be able to hold out. She looked over her shoulder again and saw the Indian and the pony just a few horse lengths behind her.

  “Come on Jeb,” Lisa screamed. “Come on! Go! Go! Go!”

  Jeb's stride reached out as if responding to his mistress’s command. Lisa would have liked to think that Jeb was speeding up in order to save her but she knew it was because Jeb hated to feel another horse behind him.

  It just didn't feel right to Jeb - that much was easy to tell. Jeb like to be out in the stretch by himself when he was running, not cramped up with a bunch of horses behind him and around him. Not that Jeb had ever been to an actual horse race or anything like that, it was just what Lisa imagined Jeb's personality to be like.

  Just as they entered the city limits of the town Lisa looked back and the Indian on the pony was gone. She could see the froth coming off of Jeb's lips in thick clumps and steered him over to a trough. Lisa jumped off the horse and started to rub him down with a rag she kept in one of the saddle bags. She let Jeb drink a little bit, but pulled him away when he started to drink so much that his stomach would hurt and make him sluggish.

  “Good boy,” She cooed. “Good Jeb. Going to have to keep this one between us, all right? Going to have to keep this one from daddy. Frank won't understand, all right? So let's just keep this between us.”

  Jeb nodded his head as if in agreement and Lisa fished an apple out of the saddle bag and fed it to him. Jeb really had saved her life today, and for that she was grateful. It was hard to tell what the Indian would have done with her had he caught up with her. Probably knocked her off her horse, or tried to lift her off and then slow his horse down so he could set her down safely. Maybe the Indian just wanted to rape and scalp her.

  That's what Frank would say. Lisa wanted to think otherwise but it was hard to imagine the Indian with good intentions, especially after he had stalked the homestead for months on end and then tried to run her down as she went to town. None of it made any sense unless the Indian was trying to kill her. Unless the Indian wanted to kidnap her so he could bring her back to his tribe and make her live a life of indentured servitude from which there would be no escape but death.

  “Oh Jeb,” Lisa said. “I sure am glad you are a good horse that likes his own space. I'm not sure that Zed would’ve really made it here like you did.”

  Zed didn't mind running with a pack of horses, and that's why Frank and Lisa tended to take Zeb into town instead of Jeb. Where Jeb shied away and strode out Zeb tried to become more compact and squeeze next to the other horses, even going so far as to synchronize the hoof falls.

  “Well, guess we better head into town.
” Lisa said.

  Before the Indian had tried to run her down Lisa had had all kinds of plans when she got to town. Sure, she needed a few horse shoes and some small nails, but she didn't want to waste a perfectly good trip to town by just getting a few things that were needed. She wanted to shop around and see what was going on; maybe even stop by some local watering whole that women gathered at and gossip.

  It would be hard to mingle with women, she realized, since she dressed like a man and moved with the freedom of a man. In her experience Lisa found that woman especially didn't like it when she disobeyed the societal norms of the day. Some men could handle it, or at least abide it, especially since Lisa was smart and pulled her own weight. Pulling her own weight seemed to cut her a lot of slack with most men; even those who were used to women that fell into the role of being passive and needing help like they had been taught to their entire lives.

  Lisa wondered if she should go to the Sheriff and tell him what happened, but decided against it. If she talked to the Sheriff he would surely come out and try to tell Frank how he was wrong to let his wife do as she pleased, and then Frank would tell the Sheriff off and things would go poorly from there. No, Lisa decided, she would go and find the horse shoe that she needed, a few of the small nails that worked the best, and try to make it home before the sun went down.

  She could only hope that the Indian was spooked and took off in fear of a search party going out and looking for him. If the Indian was bold and waited in ambush by the road Lisa might very well be in some serious trouble. She'd never killed a man before, and wondered if she had it in her.

  Part 2: A Trip To The City

  Copyright © 2014 by Ashley Olsen

  All Rights Reserved


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