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by Jean Strouse

20 “change”: PML, HLS A-3—JJG to HLS, Oct. 31, 1914.

  21 “Wind” to “woefully”: PML—JPM Journals, and letter to his parents Nov. 23, 1852.

  22 “O!” & “in order”: PML—JPM Journal, Dec. 25 & 18, 1852. “I get”: to parents, Jan. 8, 1853.

  23 “according” & “The people”: Ibid., Nov. 23, 1852.

  24 “These lazy”: Ibid., March 4, 1853.

  25 “I don’t”: PML—Journal, Jan. 3, 1853. “I wish”: to parents, Jan. 24, 1853.

  26 “It seems” to “no more”: PML—JPM to parents, Jan. 8–Feb. 23, 1853.

  27 “I continue,” “I miss,” & “as fast”: Ibid., Feb. 23, April 2, March 6 & 22, 1853.

  28 “I held”: PML—JPMD, May 19, 1853.

  29 “Had 1st”: Ibid., Aug. 19, 1853. “Father thinks”: PML, MSI—JPM to JJG, Sept. 13, 1853. “Have to”: JPMD—Sept. 16, 1853.

  30 “very dull” & “hardly”: PML—JPM to JJG, Sept. 20 & Oct. 6, 1853.

  31 “it would”: Transylvania University, Jefferson Davis Papers, JPM to Jefferson Davis, Sept. 20, 1853.

  32 “We went”: A.A. Lawrence to Giles Richards, June 1, 1854, in James McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, p. 120.

  33 “Great excitement”: PML—JPMD, June 2, 1854.

  34 “I should” & “positively”: PML, MSI—JPM to JJG, Dec. 6, 1853.

  35 JPM’s Napoleon essay: PML—Base Family Collection.

  36 fn.: Albert Guérard, Reflections on the Napoleonic Legend (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1924) p. 101; Howard Mumford Jones & Daniel Aaron, “Notes on the Napoleonic Legend in America,” The Franco-American Review, Vol. II, No. 1, Summer 1937, p. 18.


  1 “We believe”: PEM, George Peabody Papers—George Peabody to DS&Co., April 2, 1852, in Muriel E. Hidy, “George Peabody,” p. 343.

  2 “a very”: PML, MSI—JPM to JJG, Sept. 5, 1856.

  3 “a secluded”: Franklin Parker, George Peabody, pp. 29–33.

  4 “we naturally”: A.M. Chadboone to JSM, April 28, 1854. “If Mr.”: Samuel G. Ward to Baring Bros & Co, Oct. 27, 1854. Both in Vincent Carosso, The Morgans, p. 36.

  5 “a splendid”: MGCo.—GP to JSM, May 5, 1854.

  6 “the advantage”: CHS, Ms 72263—JSM to JJG, April 7, 1857.

  7 “my heart”: PML—Delmonico’s dinner pamphlet, Nov. 8, 1877.

  8 “Father commenced”: PML—JPMD, Oct. 2, 1854.

  9 “docile”: PML—T.J. Scalé to JSM, Nov. 2, 1854.

  10 “Imagine”: PML—JPM to RJP, June 15, 1855.

  11 “In a room” & ff.: PML—JPM to Pars., Nov. 19 & Dec. 30, 1854.

  12 “dear Pierpont” & “Adapts”: PML, MSI—Sillig to JSM, Nov. 10, 1854, & Feb. 21, 1855; also in HLS, A-13.

  13 “I never”: PML—JPM to Pars., Dec. 30, 1854.

  14 “the very”: CHS, Ms 72263—JPM to JJG, Dec. 4, 1855.

  15 “it has”: PML—JPMD, Dec. 31, 1854.

  16 “pantaloons” & ff.: PML—JPM account books 1854–57.

  17 “an eruption” & ff.: PML—JPM to JJG, July 30, 1855.

  18 “plenty of” & ff.: CHS, Ms 72263—JPM to JJG, Sept. 7, 1855.

  19 “In every”: Ibid., Nov. 3, 1855. “If …”: PML, MSI—JPM to JJG, March 1, 1856.

  20 “don’t it”: CHS, Ms 72263—JPM to JJG, Nov. 20, 1855. “Why” & “it is”: PML, MSI—JPM to JJG, March 1, 1856.

  21 “I was”: CHS, Ms 72263—JPM to JJG, Sept. 7, 1855. “In all labor”: PML—Base Family Collection, II; June 1855. “little short”: PML—William Riggs to HLS, Nov. 20, 1913.

  22 “How pleasant”: CHS, Ms 72263—JPM to JJG, Dec. 16, 1855. “that uneasiness”: PML, MSI—JPM to JJG, Oct. 14, 1856. “I tell you”: CHS, Ms 72263—JPM to JJG, Dec. 4, 1855.

  23 “tip top” & “Grandmother”: PML, MSI—JPM to JJG, Feb. 16 & March 1, 1856.

  24 “The whole”: CHS, Ms 72263—JPM to JJG, Oct. 1, 1855.

  25 “When one”: PML, MSI—JPM to JJG, April 15, 1856.

  26 “situated” to “for he”: Ibid., April 29, June 17, & July 1, 1856.

  27 fn., “I can”: PML—RJP to JP, April 6, 1855.

  28 “a capital”: PML, MSI—JPM to JJG, June 17, 1856.

  29 “Although” to “dull”: Ibid., May 10 & July 1, 1856.

  30 “little”: PML—RJP to JP, Oct. 26, 1857. “constitution” & “imaginative”: JP to RJP, March 3 & 26, 1857.

  31 “consider” to “Between”: PML, MSI—JPM to JJG, Sept. 5 & Oct. 14, 1856.

  32 “famously” & ff.: PML—JSM to GP, Nov. 14, 18, 25, 1856, & Jan. 9, 1857.

  33 “Columbus”: JSM to Cyrus Field, Aug. 10, 1858; quoted in Cyrus W. Field, His Life and Work, edited by Isabella Field Judson (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1896), p. 104. “None”: PML—JSM to JPM, August 6, 1858.

  34 “You do”: PML—JSM to Cyrus Field, Dec. 28, 1860.

  35 “great sorrow”: PML, HLS Box 2—W. Parker Prentice to HLS, Feb. 10, 1914.

  36 “It is” & “interfered”: CHS, Ms 72263—JPM to JJG, March 15, & JSM to JJG, April 7, 1857.

  37 “Mother objects”: Ibid.—JPM to JJG, July 13, 1857.

  38 “We none”: PML—JSM to F.P. Corbin, March 25, 1857.

  39 “the economic”: quoted in Havighurst, Twentieth-Century Britain, p. 14.

  40 “It was” & “sound”: PEM, George Peabody Papers—W.W. Sherman to GP, July 18, 1857, & GP to Wm. Tiffany, April 27, 1850. “I look”: MGCo.: GP to JSM, April 14, 1854.

  41 “for some”: PEM, GP Papers—WWS to GP, July 18, 1857.

  42 “I want”: PML—JSM to JPM, July 24 [1857].


  1 “fine style”: CHS, Ms 72263—Sarah Goodwin to JJG, Oct. 13, 1857.

  2 “one of”: George Lockwood, Manhattan Moves Uptown (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1976), p. 175.

  3 “There is” & “I am”: PML—JSM to JPM, Oct. 29 & 8, 1857.

  4 foreign investment figures: Mira Wilkins, The History of Foreign Investment in the U.S., pp. 76, 95–96.

  5 “season”: PML—JSM to F.P. Corbin, Oct. 2, 1856.

  6 “We are easy” & “You are”: PML—JSM to GP, Oct. 7, & to JPM, Oct. 8 [1857].

  7 “What a pity”: Ibid., to JPM, Oct. 29, 1857.

  8 Dun & Co.: in Carosso, Morgans, p. 65.

  9 “It pained”: PML—JPM to JSM, Dec. 4, 1857.

  10 profit: MGCo. Ms. 21,761—GPCo. P&L Statements, 1854–64.

  11 “reliable”: in Carosso, p. 69.

  12 “the prince”: Dictionary of American Biography (Tyng).

  13 “come”: PML—Stephen H. Tyng, “The Vow Assumed” (New York: John A. Gray, 1858).

  14 “in great need”: PML—Juliet to RJP, Feb. 3, 1857.

  15 “much the most” to “perfect”: PML—RJP to JP, Oct. 26, 1857, & Jan. 7, 1858.

  16 “strange”: PML—Juliet to RJP, Jan. 8, 1858.

  17 “The poor”: PML—in Juliet to JPM, March 14, 1858. “his gentle” to “I cannot”: JSM to JPM, March 25, 1858.

  18 fn.: David McCullough, The Path Between the Seas (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1977), pp. 34–36.

  19 “I do not” & “I judged”: PML—JSM to JPM, March 25 & April 16, 1858.

  20 “Be true” & “Do not let”: Ibid. (March 25 & April 16).

  21 “little improvement”: PML—JSM to RJP, July 2, 1858.

  22 “I don’t know”: PML—JSM to JPM, Aug. 6, 1858.

  23 “the most”: PML—“To Her Majesty Queen Amelia from Her Grateful and Obliged Lord Chancellor” (New York: Century Association, 1858).

  24 “even if”: PML—AS to MCS [summer 1858].

  25 fn.: The Century, 1847–1946 (New York: Century Association, 1947).

  26 “Father was out”: N-YHS, Henry Fairfield Osborn Papers, Box XXIV—Virginia Sturges Diary, April 16, 1851.

  27 “Our cottage”: PML—AS to MCS, July 17, 1856. fn., “an entirely”: Harper’s Weekly, 1867, in American Paradise, The World of the Hudson River School (Ne
w York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1987), p. 42; “Heart of the Andes”: PML—JPMCo. Ledger C, Jan. 20, 1863; Kevin J. Avery, Church’s Great Picture, The Heart of the Andes (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1993).

  28 “in a laughing”: N-YHS, Osborn Papers—AS to “Aunt” [Elizabeth Murray], Feb. [probably Jan.] 10, 1859.

  29 “We feel”: Ibid., MCS to [Elizabeth Murray], Jan. 29, 1859.

  30 “Sea”: PML—ASD, Feb. 9, 1859. “full”: CHS, Ms 72263—Sarah Goodwin to JJG, March 4, 1859.

  31 “You are”: PML—JSM to JPM, March 15, 1859.

  32 “low-spirited,” “We young,” & “She is”: CHS, Ms 72263—Sarah Goodwin to JJG, March 4 & 28, 1859.

  33 “Having been”: PML—JPM to JS, April 11 [1859].

  34 “an excellent” & “raptures”: PML—ASD, May 17, 1859, & AS to [Elizabeth Murray], July 9, 1859.

  35 “miserable”: PML—ASD, Sept. 14, 1859.

  36 “voluntary”: PML—DS&Co. to JPM, Sept. 24, 1859.

  37 “I cannot”: PML—JPM to DS&Co., Sept. 24, 1859.

  38 “in walked”: PML—HCSD, Nov. 11, 1859.

  39 “Returned” & a “delicious”: PML—ASD, Nov. 14 & 24, 1859.


  1 “tremendously” & ff.: CHS, Ms 75347—JPM to JJG, Jan. 9, 1860.

  2 “all the shame”: quoted in McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, pp. 199–201.

  3 “Of all the”: CHS, Ms 75347—JPM to JJG, Jan. 9, 1860.

  4 “1000” & ff.: PML—JPMD, Jan. 6–26, 1860.

  5 fn., “get taken”: Huntington, BW Box 34 (41)—JSM to Samuel Barlow, Feb. 7, 1860.

  6 “& others”: PML—JSM to JPM, May 8, 1860.

  7 “A house divided”: Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, edited by Roy P. Basler, Vol. II, p. 461.

  8 “into a higher”: Speech of William H. Seward Delivered at Rochester, New York, Oct. 25, 1858 (Washington, D.C.: Buell & Blanchard, printers, 1858).

  9 “I feel”: PML—JSM to JPM, July 11, 1860.

  10 “something”: PML—AS to HCS, Sept. 28, 1860.

  11 “You see”: PML—JSM to AS, Feb. 22, 1861.

  12 “for Memie”: N-YHS, Osborn Papers, Box I—VSO to Aunt [Elizabeth Murray], Jan. 31, 1861.

  13 “some difficulty”: PML—JSM to AS, Feb. 22, 1861.

  14 “nothing short”: PML—JSM to JVL Pruyn, Jan. 5 [1861].

  15 “terrible state”: PML—JSM to AS, Feb. 22, 1861.

  16 “bright”: N-YHS, Osborn Papers, Box I—MCS to her mother, March 2, 1861.

  17 “a long”: Adams, Education, p. 817.

  18 “it would be”: N-YHS, Osborn Papers, Box I—VSO to Lucy Wheeler, May 6, 1861.

  19 “the Gallant”: PML—HCSD, April 19–20, 1861. “one out of”: N-YHS, Osborn Papers, Box I—VSO to Lucy [Wheeler], May 6, 1861.

  20 “Well done”: PML—JP to RJP, May 7, 1861.

  21 “ ‘the seceded’ ” & ff.: PML—RJP to JP, Oct. 18–31, 1861.

  22 “familiar”: Reports of Committees of the House of Representatives, 37th Cong., 2nd sess. 1861–62 (Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 1862), Vol. I, p. 238.

  23 “hurry up”: U.S. v. Simon Stevens, Appeal from the Court of Claims (No. 2,524), Supreme Court of the United States, No. 343. Filed Dec. 7, 1867, pp. 1–2.

  24 fn., “How are books”: Parker, George Peabody, p. 161.

  25 payments & earnings: War Department Investigation of Hall Carbine Affair, Vol. II: Arms Purchase Report, p. 472.

  26 “in good order” & ff.: U.S. v. Stevens, pp. 3–4.

  27 “no public”: House Reports, Vol. II, p. lxviii.

  28 “Mr. Morgan had”: War Dept. Investigation, Vol. II, p. 472.

  29 R. Gordon Wasson, The Hall Carbine Affair, A Study in Folklore (New York: Pandick Press, Inc., 1948).

  30 “dreadful”: PML—ASM to MCS, Oct. 1, 1861.

  31 “at this”: PML—JSM to JS, August 30, 1861.

  32 “violent”: PML—AS to MCS, Oct. 1, 1861.

  33 wedding dress: at the Fairfield, Conn., Historical Society.

  34 “Memie is”: PML—JPM to [JS, Oct. 9, 1861].

  35 “came upon”: Ibid., Dec. 15, 1861.

  36 “quite tasteless” to “Now don’t”: PML—ASM to MCS, Nov. 15, 1861.

  37 “I think” & “but I believe”: PML—ASM to MCS, Dec. 5 & 9, 1861.

  38 “he is very”: PML—JS to “sister,” Jan. 1, 1862.

  39 “I do not wish” & “I cannot hide”: PML—JPM to JS, Dec. 21 & 28, 1861.

  40 “We miss”: PML—MCSD, Feb. 6, 1862.

  41 “Whenever” & ff.: PML—VSO to ASM, Feb. 18, 1862.

  42 “tell Ed”: PML—JS to MCS, Feb. 7, 1862.

  43 “threw” & ff.: PML—MCS to VSO, Feb. 18, 1862.

  44 “Mr. Morgan”: PML—MCSD, Feb. 19, 1862.

  45 “I cannot” & “It is not”: PML—JSM to JPM, Feb. 17 & 18, 1862.

  46 “We would”: PML—Juliet to JPM, March 12, 1862.


  1 “absolutely”: PML—in MCS to JS, March 20, 1862. “together”: PML—JPM to JJG, March 21, 1862.

  2 “Pierpont took” & “Heard”: PML—MCSD, May 11 & 12, 1862.

  3 “I was”: PML—JJG Recollection to HLS.

  4 “tremendous traffic” to “My place”: PEM, George Peabody Papers—JPM to JSM, Sept. 12–19, 1862.

  5 “Once a”: PML—JPM Box 6, Nov. 15, 1862.

  6 “the sweet”: PML—MCS to her mother, Dec. 20, 1862.

  7 “Dissatisfaction”: PEM, GP Papers—JPM to GPCo., Sept. 12, 1862. “disasters”: CHS, Ms 75347—JSM to JJG, Sept. 20, 1862.

  8 “demented”: Adams, Education, p. 838.

  9 “All are against”: PML—MCSD, Nov. 11, 1862. “If there is”: in McPherson, Battle Cry, p. 574. “somewhere”: Adams, Education, p. 874.

  10 “Down with” & “There goes”: in McPherson, Battle Cry, p. 610.

  11 millionaires: Robert Sobel, Panic on Wall Street, p. 117. fn., 1863 fortunes: Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., and Richard S. Tedlow, The Coming of Managerial Capitalism, p. 260.

  12 fn., price of gold: Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz, A Monetary History of the United States, p. 85.

  13 “which governs”: PEM, GP Papers—JPMCo. to GP Co., Sept. 12, 1862. 110–11 Profit on gold corner: PML—JPMCo. Ledger C, pp. 171–75; Carosso, Morgans, p. 102; Allen, Great Pierpont Morgan, p. 27.

  14 “a young”: NY Times, Oct. 12, 1863. fn., gold prices: PML—JPMCo. Ledger C, pp. 172–75, & NY Times, Oct. 13–17, 1863; “first-rate”: Dun & Co. “Credit Ledgers,” CCCXLVII, 882, in Carosso, p. 103.

  15 “disappointed”: CHS, Ms 75347—JSM to JJG, Jan. 31 [1864].

  16 Shares of capital & profits: PML—Dabney, Morgan & Co. Private Ledger, 1864–1879. “just right”: CHS, Ms 72263—JSM to Maj. James Goodwin, Dec. 17, 1864.

  17 “fiery trial”: Abraham Lincoln, Second Annual Message to Congress, Dec. 1, 1862, in Collected Works, Vol. II, p. 688.

  18 “As you may”: PML—BG to H.B. Ledyard, Jan. 11, 1910. copy: HBL to BG, Jan. 29, 1910.

  19 “obvious”: PML, HLS Box 2, A-4—JPM to George W. McCrary, May 15, 1877.

  20 fn., “princely”: in Parker, Peabody, pp. 147–49.

  21 “without” to “fearful”: PML—JPM to FLT, March 17, 19, & 20, 1865.

  22 “curiosity” & ff.: Ibid., March 20, 1865.

  23 “warmest”: PML—JSM to JPM, April 11 & 15, 1865.

  24 “to allow”: PML—JPM to FLT, April 17, 1865.

  25 “being nurse”: PML—JPM to MCS, June 22 [1865]. “She has”: PML—VSO to MCS, Aug. 15, 1865.

  26 “startling”: NY Times, Aug. 16, 1865.

  27 “the most”: CHS, Ms 75347—JSM to JJG, Sept. 2, 1865.

  28 loss to Ketchum: PML—DMCo. Ledger A, p. 582, and Private Ledger (1864–79), second set. p. 80.

  29 “Nothing will”: CHS, Ms 75347—CHD to JJG, Sept. 15, 1865.

  30 “where she is”
: PML—RJP to JP, Oct. 27, 1864.

  31 “when his”: CHS, Ms 75347—CHD to JJG, April 10, 1866. “in his new”: PML—JSM to JS, July 1, 1866.

  32 “didn’t want” to “I condoled”: PML—JPM to FTM, Feb. 26–March 4, 1867.

  33 “You don’t” to “It will”: Ibid., July 5–8, 1867.

  34 “as the bell” & ff.: PML—Fred Sturges to Henry Sturges, Aug. 16, 1867.

  35 “fearfully” to “the most”: PML—JPM to FTM, Aug. 17–20, 1867.

  36 “I have no”: PML—JSM to JVL Pruyn, Dec. 11, 1885.

  37 “in greater danger”: E. Foner, Reconstruction, p. 24.

  38 “happily”: PML—JPM to FTM, Dec. 8, 1867.

  39 fn., “By the time”: Galbraith, Money, pp. 88–89.

  40 “seemed to be” & “though he”: PML—JPM to FTM, Dec. 12, 1867, & Aug. 2, 1868. “could have”: in E. Foner, Reconstruction, p. 340.

  41 “most agreeably” to “Father was”: PML—JPM to FTM, July 12–Aug. 18, 1868.

  42 “thin aesthetic”: Robert Hughes, The Culture of Complaint (New York: Warner Books, 1994), p. 174.

  43 “every important” & fn.: Nicholas Hall, “Old Masters in a New World,” Colnaghi in America, pp. 9–10.

  44 “rival”: Ibid., p. 26. “I think”: HJ to Thomas S. Perry, Sept. 20 [1867], Henry James Letters, Vol. I, p. 77.

  45 “I get” & “far more”: PML—JPM to FTM, July 26 & Oct. 30, 1868.


  1 Economic figures: Jonathan Hughes, The Vital Few, pp. 400–401; Jeffrey Madrick, The End of Affluence, p. 54; Stuart Bruchey, Growth of the Modern American Economy, p. 84.

  2 “the wonderful”: PML—JSM to F.P. Corbin, March 25, 1857. Foreign investment: Wilkins, History of Foreign Investment in U.S., pp. 109 & ix.

  3 Railroad capital: Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., The Visible Hand, p. 90.

  4 “Such comfortable” & ff.: PML—FTMD, July 19–Aug. 26, 1869.

  5 “carrying things”: CHS, Ms 72254–72263, Letterpress Vol. JJG 1865—JJG to JSM, Aug. 20, 1869.

  6 “waged not”: NY Times, Jan. 24, 1873.

  7 “consd. of”: in Chandler & Tedlow, Managerial Capitalism, p. 261.

  8 net worth: Carosso, Morgans, p. 141.

  9 “lost his” to “Please do not”: CHS, Ms 72254–72263 Letterpress Vol. JJG 1865—JJG to JSM, Dec. 20, 1869, & Feb. 3, 1870.


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