The Earl's Design of Love: The Stenwick Siblings

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The Earl's Design of Love: The Stenwick Siblings Page 5

by Morganna Mayfair

  Lucy held her hand out and gripped Diana’s warmly. “I think you’re just what Percy needs to teach him to act like a gentleman again.”

  Diana grinned, immediately liking his younger sister. She had no real friends among the young ladies of the ton, both because her father was in trade and because her powers frightened people. They didn’t really know what went on with her, but everyone knew there was something odd, which left them feeling unsettled. “Thank you. It’s good to finally have sisters.”

  Lucy grinned, leaning forward to whisper into Diana’s ear. “It’ll be nice to have a sister I’m not in competition over the gentlemen with.”

  Diana laughed softly. “I think we’re going to get along very well.”

  Percy watched the two heads bent together and thought Diana would fit in splendidly with his family. One more week. Just one more week.

  Percy led her back to her mother and his, who were standing with their heads together, as usual, watching the two of them. When they reached them, her mother smiled. “I’m going to go let the orchestra know to play the first waltz.” She gave Diana a look that let her know she needed to be on her best behavior.

  Diana sighed. It was to be their first dance as an engaged couple, and they’d have to dance it alone in the middle of the ballroom. She didn’t want to have to do it alone, but she knew there was no choice. She hated being the center of attention. He led her to the center of the dance floor and waited as the orchestra began the waltz, and then led her effortlessly in the dance.

  For Diana, the world narrowed to just her and Percy. There was nothing and no one that mattered as much as this man holding her in his arms. Their eyes met and clung together, and for her, it was as intimate as any kiss they’d shared. She felt as if they were one, dancing in front of dozens of people that she’d forgotten existed. So this was love. She didn’t know if he realized yet that it was love, but she certainly knew it. Nothing in the world could ever be as perfect for her as that moment, with him.

  After the dance, he took her to her father, who did an obligatory father daughter dance. Her father had refused to take the dancing lessons she and her mother had so carefully attended and paid attention to so he stepped on her feet more than he danced gracefully. She could see Percy dancing beside her with his mother, and when the dance finally ended, her father returned her to him.

  Percy tucked her hand into his arm and walked toward the balcony doors, flinging them open and stepping out into the darkened area. He said nothing as he led her down the stairs and off to the side of the house, pulling her into the shadows. His lips pressed against hers, and he gathered her fully against him, kissing her ravenously.

  Their other kisses had been sweet kisses of exploration, but this kiss? This was pure need. His hands stroked up and down her body through the silk of her dress. “I can’t wait until we’re married,” he mumbled against her lips.

  Her hands tangled in his dark hair and she pressed as close to him as she could, her tongue meeting his stroke for stroke. “Soon. One more week.” She was panting when he finally raised his head.

  “Where will the wedding be?” he asked, obviously out of breath. “I had just asked when you came down the stairs, but didn’t get an answer.” He didn’t add that he was too caught up in her to even wait for the answer. She’d become the sole focus of his universe.

  “My mother wants it to be here in town,” she told him, stroking his cheek. He’d obviously shaved right before leaving for the party.

  He nodded. “We’ll go to the wedding breakfast, of course, but how would you feel about leaving afterward and heading back to the country? I don’t want to be surrounded by people our first few days of marriage.”

  She smiled. “I think that’s a brilliant idea.” She wanted nothing more than to be alone with him.

  “I know you’re used to having a lot of servants around, but I really only keep a few in the country. Will that bother you?”

  She shook her head. “I’ll want to bring my maid if you don’t mind. I don’t care about much else.” She didn’t add that she wanted her maid as much for companionship as she did for the help she’d give her.

  Percy’s eyes were bright as he brushed her lips with his, this kiss much softer than earlier. “We think alike about many of the important things.”

  “Yes, we do. I think that’s why we’ll suit so well.” She rested her forehead against his shoulder. “We should go back inside. We’re being honored with this party, and people are going to notice if we’re not there.”

  He sighed. “I know. Many of my friends from Oxford will be here as well. I haven’t seen most of them in years.” He wasn’t certain how many of them he wanted to see, since most had been superficial friendships, but he was happy to see Anthony.

  He led her back to the house and through the balcony door. Her mother rushed over and hissed, “Where have you been?”

  She shrugged, gripping Percy’s arm tighter. “We wanted to talk alone for a moment.”

  Jane’s eyes took in her daughter’s swollen lips, but she said nothing. “Your father wants to make a toast.”

  “Yes, Mother.”

  The two of them hurried over to where her father stood with a flute of champagne in his hand, and they each took a flute from the tray being offered by the servants standing nearby. Diana had never had champagne and eyed the glass with interest. She only hoped she liked it.

  She didn’t listen to what her father said, instead standing close beside Percy and looking at him. When he was near, no one else in the world mattered to her. Marriage was going to be perfect. How could it be anything else?


  Diana walked slowly down the aisle, holding onto her father’s arm. They were using the church she’d gone to as a small child for the wedding. A church she had always liked, but hadn’t believed anyone would allow her to marry in. Her father had pulled some strings, and she’d gotten her wish. It was odd to see so many of the upper class in the church, but she felt so happy, she didn’t care. Many of her friends from childhood were there as well, most of them dressed in their finest clothes, which didn’t hold a candle to her worst rags. Diana didn’t mind, though. Just seeing their faces made her feel like she was doing the right thing.

  At the end of the aisle, her father placed her hand in Percy’s as he took his seat. She remembered nothing else of the ceremony. She must have said all the right things at the right times. She knew she was shaking a bit as he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss against her lips.

  They went back to her parents’ town house for the wedding breakfast. She sat at his right hand, and they smiled at one another ignoring everyone else in the room. After breakfast, she went upstairs to change into her traveling clothes, because they were heading back to his country home. She changed quickly, and descended the stairs. She could hear his voice coming from her father’s study, where he’d told her to meet him, and she raised her hand to knock, when she heard another voice.

  “You’ll have it so much easier now. You did a smart thing marrying her. You can stop working all the time and live the life you were meant to live.”

  Diana felt the tears well up in her eyes and she ran back up the stairs, wanting to make sure no one saw her.

  “No, I’ll continue working. I told her I wouldn’t marry her if I received her dowry. We’re putting the money in trust for our children.” Percy was adamant. He wasn’t going to use her money for his father’s gambling debts.

  Anthony shook his head. “You don’t always have to do the noble thing. You’ve paid for your father’s mistakes long enough. Use the money to get out of debt. You won’t care for her any less just because you’ve used the money set aside for her.”

  Percy shook his head. “I’ll have my family out of debt with my own hard work in just four years. I don’t need to use her money.” He knew Anthony had used Gabriella’s money when they’d married, but Anthony hadn’t loved Gabriella.

  “Be a hero then!”

��How are things going with you and Gabriella?”

  Anthony sighed. “Terribly. She’s ill now, and the physician can’t figure out what’s wrong. I can’t find it within myself to be sad about it. She’s a good woman, but I have no feelings for her. None.” He shook his head. “I don’t want her to die, of course, but I think she’s going to.”

  “I’m sorry. I wish you’d found a better match.”

  Anthony shrugged. “What’s done is done. I’ll never cheat on her. Especially not now that we have little William to think about.” William was their three year old son.

  “I know. You’re a good man.” Percy opened the door and looked out. “I wonder what’s taking Diana so long. I’m ready to get back to the country.” He was ready for his wedding night. Would it be crass to admit that aloud?

  “And to your wedding night?”

  Percy nodded once. “Yes, to my wedding night.” He caught a servant who was running past. “Do you know where my wife is?”

  The maid nodded. “She’s upstairs getting dressed for your drive to your country home, I believe.”

  “Good. Would you check to see how much longer she’ll be? I’m anxious to be on our way.”

  After the maid hurried away, he turned back to Anthony. “Anxious?” his friend asked. “That’s putting it a bit mildly, don’t you think?”

  “Probably.” Percy looked up, and there was Diana, slowly descending the stairs. Her beauty suddenly looked very distant to him. He walked to her, and took her hand, raising it to his lips. “Are you ready to go?”

  She nodded, not looking into his eyes. “My things are in the coach.” Anna had packed a valise for her, but would be there the following day with the rest of her things.

  Percy smiled. “Let’s say our farewells then and be on our way.” He wasn’t sure what was wrong with her, but he could feel that it was something. He had to find out what had happened to steal her happiness.

  They quietly said goodbye to his mother and her parents before walking out to the coach. He helped her into it, and climbed in, taking the bench beside her. “Do you realize this is the first time we’ve been in a coach together? We’re married, and there are so many things we’ve never done with one another.” He stroked her cheek, leaning down to kiss her softly.

  She turned her face away, before his lips could touch hers. “I didn’t sleep well last night. I’m very weary.”

  He was surprised but willing to accommodate. “It’s a three hour drive to my home from here. Why don’t you use my shoulder as a pillow, and you can sleep? I want to think about what I need to do with the fountain anyway.” Since he’d first started the drawing, he’d know that the fountain was something that he had to build and he had to do it correctly.

  He stared out the window as the miles passed, wondering what had happened between breakfast and her joining him downstairs to upset her so much. She’d gone from warm and loving to cold. Had she just been trying to get him to marry her so she would have a title? That seemed unlikely, because really she’d seemed incredibly friendly when she thought he was just a gardener.

  Percy stared down at her pale head on his shoulder, wondering how she’d come to mean so much to him so quickly. Had she really just put a spell over him like she admitted she’d done to other men? He didn’t think so, because if she had, it would have faded when he left her, wouldn’t it?

  He sighed. He wanted her to be happy. That was the bottom line.

  Chapter Six

  Percy let Diana sleep until they reached Stenwick Manor. He doubted she was really sleeping, but he didn’t argue with her. When they pulled into the huge circular drive in front of the estate, he rubbed her shoulder. “We’re home.”

  Diana woke slowly and smiled up at him, her eyes filled with warmth. After a moment, she turned her head aside with sadness. What was that about? He couldn’t imagine what he’d done to offend her or upset her, but whatever it was, it had to be related to him.

  His servants had assembled in front of the house to be introduced to her, as was expected, and he introduced first his butler and man of affairs. “Diana, this is Bertram. Bertram? My wife, Countess Stenwick.”

  Bertram took over the introductions from there, and she saw that it was just the three servants like he’d told her. Why hasn’t he hired more now that he has my father’s money?

  The cook was a gentle older woman with kind eyes. Her accent was Scottish. “It’s nice to meet you, milady. Will you mind coming to the kitchens in the morning for a spot of tea so we can take some time to learn how to work together?”

  Diana smiled sweetly. “I’d be happy to. I think you’ll find me easy to work with.”

  The only maid dropped to a curtsey before her. Diana had met her the day that Percy proposed, so she felt as if she already knew her. “It’s good to see you again.”

  The maid gave her a tentative smile. “And you, milady.”

  Percy smiled at all of them. “Thank you. I’m going to show my new wife around the house, and we’ll have luncheon in a few minutes if that would be all right.”

  Cook nodded. “I’ll get it ready to serve immediately.”

  Percy slipped his arm around Diana’s waist and led her up the winding staircase. “I think I told you this house was built in 1647. It was built by my great great great grandfather. There was an older house, but it burnt down not long before that, so they moved to the town house while this house was being built.”

  Diana listened to him talk while she took in the house. They were going to the west wing where she’d stayed before, because his mother had insisted she should stay in the family wing.

  He finally led her to a room and opened the door. “This room traditionally belongs to the countess.” He waved to the bed and showed her the dressing room. “There’s a connecting door here that leads to my room.” He opened the door and showed her.

  She looked around the room that was for countesses with surprise. She knew that most members of the ton preferred to sleep apart from their spouses, but her parents had always slept in the same bed. “Is this where I’ll sleep?” she asked without thinking.

  Percy looked at her with narrowed eyes, surprised she’d asked. “I thought you’d want to share a room with me. Was I wrong?” He didn’t know what he’d say if she insisted on her own room.

  Diana looked at him for a moment and contemplated. She could refuse to share his room, but why? She knew they were meant to be together. He was the man that would make her happiest in all the world. She wasn’t going to start her marriage off on the wrong foot by refusing to sleep with him. It didn’t make sense. “No. You weren’t wrong.”

  Percy didn’t realize he’d been holding his breath until she answered. He exhaled slowly and wrapped his arms around her, kissing the top of her head. “You’ve seemed so distant all day, I was certain I’d done something to offend you.”

  She thought about telling him what she’d heard, but she decided against it. Eventually it would come out. She wasn’t going to make trouble this soon. Instead of ranting like she wanted to, she leaned forward and rested her head on his shoulder. “I’m just tired. It’s been a crazy three weeks. Both of our mothers have been hounding me for details. What kind of flowers did I want in my bouquet? What color dress did I want to leave to come back here in? What color nightgown did I want for my wedding night?” She blushed as soon as she realized she’d said that.

  “What color nightgown did you want for your wedding night?” he asked. He looked down at her with a sparkle in his eye.

  “I asked your mother what your favorite color is, and she said green, so I chose a green silk nightgown.” She tried to meet his eyes while she said those words, but she just couldn’t force herself to do it. Was this appropriate talk even for a husband and wife?

  He swallowed hard as he tried to imagine her in an emerald green silk nightgown. Hopefully the mothers hadn’t steered her toward a nightgown that would cover her from her chin to her toes. “Why don’t you go put it on now?�

  She laughed. “Because Cook is putting luncheon on the table, and I’m hungry.” She threaded her arm through his and pulled him out of the bedroom. “You’ll see me in it soon enough.”

  Percy sighed. “I’ve already waited three weeks! Five minutes ago wouldn’t be soon enough.”

  Diana looked at him with surprise. If he only married her for her money, he was certainly acting the part of a love-struck husband well.

  After lunch, they walked around the grounds of the house, and he kept his eye on the sun. Every few minutes he would say, “I think it might be bedtime.”

  She laughed and put him off repeatedly. She was anxious about their wedding night and not willing to rush it along. They stopped in the gazebo and he took her hand, pulling her down to the bench and onto his lap.

  She looked around embarrassed. “What if someone sees us?”

  “Then they’ll think we’re a perfectly normal newlywed couple who cannot keep their hands off each other. Who am I to disillusion anyone?” Percy put his hand behind her head and pulled her face down to his for his kiss. It was the first time she’d allowed him to kiss her since the wedding ceremony, and he found he was feeling more and more frustrated by the minute.

  The kiss was long and needy, his tongue slipping into her mouth to tangle with hers. One arm was a steel band behind her waist holding her in place while his other hand was caressing her breast through the linen of her gown.

  Diana met the thrusts of his tongue with her own, surprised that even though she’d been hurt by him earlier, she still felt so much passion for him. Maybe that’s what their aura was about. They were just compatible passion wise, but not in any other way. She sank into his kisses, no longer caring if they were compatible in any way but physically. His touch set her on fire.

  His lips left hers and traveled to the side of her neck and he bit her lightly there, causing her to moan with pleasure. “That feels so good,” she whispered.

  Percy chuckled softly, delighted to realize that no matter what had been going on with her earlier, she still desired him in the same way she always had. “Holding you feels good to me. Let’s go to bed.”


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