Breath of Passion (The Muse Chronicles Book 3)

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Breath of Passion (The Muse Chronicles Book 3) Page 12

by Lisa Kessler

  “I’ll text you in a few minutes.”

  “See you soon.”

  She ended the call and looked over at Lia. “God, I hope this works.”

  Lia nodded, no sign of her bright smile now. “We’ve got to trust that the gods brought us together for a bigger purpose, and they guided your Guardian into your path for this moment. You didn’t come this far so your crazy ex can win.”

  “No way.” Erica got up and put on her shoes. It was tough not to admire her sexy hands while she did so. She glanced over at Lia. “At least I’m going in with killer nails.”

  Lia laughed. “I do what I can.”

  Erica’s phone buzzed with a new text.

  Nate will lie low in the parking lot. If things go south, he’ll cover us. Be careful. And for the record, I fucking hate this plan.

  Erica smiled, slipping the phone in her pocket. “Reed’s a keeper. I just have to live long enough so I can enjoy him.”

  “A reason to live is a good thing.” Lia looked over at her bag. “I guess I’ll just wait here?”

  Erica nodded. “If all goes well, I’ll be back soon. And if not…”

  “It will. I want a full report about Reed whacking the guy with a trash can or whatever without even touching it.”

  “I’ll see what I can do.” Erica chuckled as she slipped out the door.


  Ted yanked his racquet out of his bag. Spending his Saturday night with Mikolas Leandros was not Ted’s idea of a great evening, but the chance to wipe the floor with the Greek at racquetball was too sweet to pass up.

  When he opened the door to the court, Mikolas was already inside warming up. He turned around, flashing a bright-white smile. “Good to see you, Ted.”

  “It’s not often I get an opponent for racquetball.”

  Mikolas raised a brow. “You’re a good player?”

  “I’m all right.” He was actually consistently on the leaderboard at the club during their tournaments, but he’d rather destroy his father’s replacement without warning.

  Mikolas tossed him a blue ball. “You take first serve.”

  Ted smirked and bounced the ball once before smashing it with his racquet. The familiar hollow pop against the back wall echoed through the court as the blue streak rocketed back toward them.

  Mikolas backhanded it in return. Ted sprinted across the court, barely hitting it. Mikolas smacked it again. “The muses have hired a carpenter,” he said.

  Ted’s racquet swished through the air, just missing the ball. “Shit.” He glared at Mikolas. “Did you come here to talk or play?”

  “Can’t we do both?” Mikolas lifted his racquet. “Some of the best meetings are conducted while moving. More blood pumping to the brain.”

  Ted ground his teeth, walking to the corner to retrieve the ball. “How do you know they hired someone?”

  He smirked. “I think they call them private eyes in America, no?”

  Ted had never wanted to punch anyone so bad in his entire life. “I’m already handling it.” He tossed the ball to Mikolas. “Your serve.”

  The Greek bounced the ball and sent it sailing into the wall like a bullet. Ted bolted to the side to volley it back.

  Mikolas spoke without taking his eye off the ball. “How exactly are you handling it?”

  Ted rocked his weight to the front of his feet, anticipating the ball. “I heard about the carpenter through one of my contractors already. I’m going to pay him a visit and encourage him—” he raced for the ball and made the hit “—to turn down the work.”

  Mikolas smacked it again, banking it in the corner. The ball flew toward Ted’s side, hitting him before he could get his racquet up for a backswing.

  “Dammit.” He grabbed his side.

  Mikolas came over and clasped his shoulder. “Keep me in the loop where the muses are concerned.” He walked over to the door and pulled off his shirt. He wiped his face with it and picked up his water bottle.

  Ted tried not to notice the guy’s chiseled torso. Jesus, he could’ve been a goddamn underwear model.

  Mikolas raked his fingers through his dark hair and bent forward, gripping his racquet in both hands. “Do not forget, I’m your ally.” His eyes narrowed. “You don’t want to make me your enemy.”

  “I’ll let you know how it goes with the carpenter.” Ted served the ball so hard, he grunted with the effort.

  Mikolas made the return. They volleyed back and forth until Ted finally missed a shot.

  “Fuck.” Ted panted for air, tossing his racquet at the floor. It skidded across the surface and hit the wall near the door.

  Mikolas finished his water and glanced over at Ted. “Thank you for the game. You’re a worthy adversary.”

  Ted shook his head. “I’m having an off night.” Mikolas bent over to grab his shirt, and a black mark on his back, just over the waistband of his shorts, caught Ted’s eye. “Is that a tattoo?”

  The Greek straightened up, adjusting his shorts. “No. It’s a birthmark.”

  Ted swiped his racquet from the ground and followed Mikolas out, promising himself he wouldn’t have to work with this guy much longer. In a couple of days, the muses were having a meeting with the carpenter.

  Their final meeting. Ted smirked and closed the door to the court.

  Erica parked her car and got out. The wind blew her hair across her face as she walked toward tower five. The location wasn’t random. This was the tower where Jack had first told her he loved her.

  Her stomach twisted as she jammed her hand in her pocket, gripping the tube of pepper spray. She scanned the waves. She couldn’t help it. Without much moonlight, she couldn’t see the water, but that was probably a blessing.

  It meant Jack couldn’t see it, either.

  Her pulse hammered in her ears. Ever since Jack had burned her, she thought she’d never see his face again. Yet here she was.

  At the bottom of tower five, she turned around and called out. “Hello? I’m here.”

  A shadow moved up top. She held her breath.

  “I’m impressed, Pet.” The sound of his voice had her drowning in dread. “You came alone.”

  “I don’t want anyone else to get hurt.” She tightened her hold on the pepper spray in her pocket.

  He jumped down, landing a couple of feet in front of her. She gasped, stumbling a few steps back, but he grabbed her wrist, yanked her in close, and took a deep breath of her hair. “I’ve missed you.”

  Reed zipped up his wet suit and sprinted into the water. Diving into the surf, he channeled the shock of the cold water into his strokes, powering him through the tide. He reached his arms out until his shoulders ached, every stroke and kick propelling him across the waves, toward Erica.

  His muscles knew the drill, the familiar rhythm freeing his mind to think. Nate was waiting in the next lot. If Jack tried to take Erica anywhere, he’d have to get by Nate first.

  But Reed’s memory of the man in the mask raising a gun haunted him. If Jack had a gun, too…? Shit.

  If he hurt her…

  Reed shook the fear from his mind. He couldn’t think about that.

  He stopped swimming, his head low in the water as he got his bearings. The light on top of tower five made it easy to see from the darkness of the ocean. And on the sand below, a man grabbed Erica’s wrist and jerked her in close.

  Fuck. Reed let the waves bring him in, body surfing to the shore. From the sand, he focused on Jack’s hand, hoping he could break his fingers the way he had with the gunman at the car wash.

  Nothing. His heart raced. He must be too far away. Or he was too upset to focus. Or who the hell knew…

  He never should have agreed to this plan.

  Keeping as low as he could, Reed crept up from the water, trying to stick to the shadows with no goddamn clue how he was going to handle the situation. When he reached the back of the tower, he rested against the wood siding, catching his breath.

  “This has to stop, Jack.” Erica’s voic
e carried on the wind.

  “I know I messed up before, but we can start over. This was where we declared our love, remember? I want to make things right. I still love you, Erica.”

  Reed’s chest tightened, squeezing his heart. He still hadn’t said the words out loud, and hearing this twisted asshole say it made him want to punch something. Hard.

  A rock smashed into the small, square rook at the top of the lifeguard tower with a loud thud.

  Reed’s head snapped back. Fuck. Did he do that?

  “What the hell was that?” Jack shouted.

  “No!” Erica screamed. “Stop it! You’re hurting me!”

  “I told you to come alone, you bitch!”

  “I did! Put the knife down and look around,” she pleaded. “It must have been a bird or something.”

  Sweat ran down Reed’s forehead. He needed to end this. Now.

  He spun around the side of the tower, and time slowed to a crawl. Jack had the tip of the knife pressed into Erica’s side. He shoved her to the ground and bolted toward Reed, wielding the blade overhead, ready to plunge it into him. Reed dodged the blade and landed a kidney punch to Jack’s back as he passed.

  Jack growled and came back for a second try. Erica scrambled to her feet, brandishing her pepper spray. She covered his face until he dropped the knife, screaming and wiping his eyes.

  “I’ll kill you, you whore. You’re nothing but a heartless succubus!”

  Reed strode forward to shut the bastard’s mouth, but before he got close enough to hit him, an invisible hand stuffed Jack’s mouth full of sand.

  Jack collapsed onto the beach coughing, retching, and thankfully silent.

  Reed searched Erica’s face. “Are you all right?”

  “I think so?” She lifted her shirt, revealing a tiny trickle of blood where the tip of the knife had broken her skin.

  “If I weren’t soaking wet…”

  She surprised him then, wrapping her arms around his neck and fusing her lips to his. He didn’t hesitate and pulled her close.

  He broke the kiss and whispered, “We need to call Nate.”

  She took out her phone and made the call.

  Jack was still spitting sand when Nate fitted him with a pair of handcuffs. “Jack Parsen, you’re under arrest for assault, arson, and attempted murder.”

  Reed took Erica’s hand, walking her back toward her car while Nate read Jack his Miranda rights.

  She glanced up at Reed and smiled. “The sand in his mouth was genius.”

  He chuckled. “I definitely need to get a handle on this gift before I hurt you instead of protect you.”

  “The rock on the roof was you?”

  “I think so.” He tightened his hold on her hand. “I heard him say he still loved you, and I wanted to punch something. And then suddenly that damned rock went flying into the roof.”

  She stopped at the car and met his eyes. “It wasn’t pretty or according to plan, but we got it done. Jack’s going to jail.” She rose on her tiptoes and whispered against his lips, “Thank you.”

  He growled into her mouth, his tongue swirling slowly with hers. Damn, he did not want to go back to work. Erica shivered, and he broke the kiss. “Sorry. I’m getting you soaking wet.”

  “Damn right you are.” Her sexy smile had him aching to get out of the wetsuit and into her.

  He chuckled. “If I didn’t have to get back to the station, I’d check for myself.” He kissed her forehead. “At least I’ll be able to sleep tonight knowing your ex is in jail.”

  She nodded. “Can I give you a ride to your car?”

  “I’ll get your seat wet.”

  “I don’t care.”

  He grinned and stole one more kiss. “Then yes, I’d love a ride.”

  Her teeth caught his lower lip. “I bet you would.”

  He laughed as he jogged to the passenger side. They were just attacked by a guy with a knife, and somehow she still made him laugh.

  How could he not be crazy about this woman?


  Inspiration coursed through Erica’s veins as she scrawled new verses onto her notebook. It had been awhile since the words had flowed so effortlessly. Between the Order murdering Nia and nearly taking Mel and Callie, too, stress had drained some of the joy out of creating.

  But that morning, with Jack behind bars, Erica had moved back home with Trinity. And suddenly the inspiration had hit her to write a love song.

  A certain firefighter seemed to be stimulating her passion and her muse.

  She’d already talked to Reed twice today. Captain Mitchell had told him he’d be going to the police station with his fire chief to meet up with the city’s fire chief and the DA. For now, the DA wanted to keep Jack’s arrest under wraps if possible. The press would find out once he was charged, but first, they needed to be sure they had a solid case against him. Erica was fine with that plan.

  Reed was off work first thing Tuesday morning, and they already had a date planned to see Lia’s improv comedy troop. Until then, Erica planned to pass the time writing songs today, and tomorrow she and her muse sisters were all meeting the carpenter at the theater to go over the renovation plans.

  Not having to look over her shoulder for Jack was freeing. She hadn’t been this inspired since…since she’d first met Trinity.

  Speak of the devil…

  Trin walked in with her guitar and sat on the sofa. “What do you think of this melody?”

  Erica listened, closing her eyes as Trin played through one of the new songs. When she finished, Erica smiled. “I like it, but maybe the bridge at the end needs something more?”

  Trin nodded, making a note on the paper. “Maybe a key change?”

  She strummed through the bridge again, and before launching into the final chorus, she took it up a step.

  “Yes!” Erica grinned, harmonizing.

  Trin let the last chord fade away and chuckled. “You’ve got a beautiful voice. Why won’t you come onstage with me? We could be a real duo.”

  “Nah.” Erica shook her head. “My voice isn’t bad, but yours inspires people. I don’t want to dilute that magic.”

  “Pfft.” Trin took the guitar strap off her shoulder and laid it on the couch. She came over to peer over Erica’s shoulder. “Now this is a song I want to sing.”

  Erica covered her notebook. “It’s not finished yet.”

  Trin met her eyes. “You’ve given me plenty of songs about yearning and desire and heartbreak…” She raised a brow. “But this is a love song.”

  Erica shrugged. “Just following the muse.”

  “I know you better than that.” Trin raised a brow. “This is serious. The firefighter isn’t just sex.”

  Erica shifted her eyes to the paper. “I thought I knew what love was before, but when I’m with him…” She tapped her red fingernail against her notepad. “He takes me as I am, and who I am is what he wants.” She looked up at Trin. “After Jack, I was sure that who I was would poison Reed and make him obsessed.”

  Trin smiled. “There’s a big difference between loving someone because you need them to be around to make you feel good and loving them because of who they are. Jack had a hole inside him someplace; he wanted you to fill it. That’s not love. It’s dependence. And the more he needed you, the more it twisted into something dark.”

  Erica chuckled and blinked back tears before they could leave her eyes. “When did you get so smart?”

  Trin leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms. “Much easier to give advice than to take it. I was the one who dated the guy who wants us dead, remember?”

  Erica nudged her. “You couldn’t have known. You didn’t even know the Muse of Music was awakening inside you yet.”

  Trin shrugged. “I still think my taste in men might be skewed.” She propped her head on her elbow. “So tell me more about Reed. He’s good-looking and saved you from a burning building. Seems like a keeper.”

  “He’s not threatened by the passion I
inspire in other people, either. Before he pulled me out of the club, he stayed at the bar and watched me dancing. Didn’t seem to bother him at all. In fact, he encouraged it.”

  “And I’ve seen what happens when you dance.” Trin fanned her face playfully.

  Erica nudged her. “I can’t help it.”

  “So have you told him yet?” Trin sobered, pointing at the paper. “Does he know how you feel?”

  “I haven’t said it out loud. Neither of us have. He’s divorced. His ex did a number on him, too. Used him.” Erica sighed. “So we’re both being cautious.”

  “Don’t wait too long.” Trin straightened up. “We’re living through dangerous times.”

  Erica looked up at the ceiling. “I know. I’m going to tell him. I just want it to be right, you know?”

  Trin got up and went to the fridge. “I’m glad you’re happy. You deserve it.”

  “We both do, Trin.”

  Trinity didn’t look convinced. “Finish the song so I can come up with the right melody, okay? This could be the hit we’ve been waiting for.”

  “Our ticket to fame and fortune?”

  Trin picked up her guitar. “Forget the fame, but I wouldn’t mind not having to pull change out of the sofa between gigs so we can buy groceries.”

  “We’re building character.”

  Trinity went down the hall toward her room, calling over her shoulder, “My character is gigantic. Now I just need a checking account to match.”

  Erica smiled and focused on the notepad again. She wanted this one to be just right.

  This was for Reed.

  Sunday had been hell. The fire station had been quiet, and no amount of working out could get Erica off Reed’s mind. With her ex in jail, he wasn’t as worried for her safety, but he missed her smile, her touch, and the way she could turn anything into a sexy innuendo. Just thinking about her made him smile.

  They’d talked on the phone a few times. He filled her in on what he could regarding the case against Jack, and they made plans for Tuesday morning. He couldn’t wait to have her back in his arms.


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