Freedom in Chains

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Freedom in Chains Page 32

by Ann Raina

  "I'm not that blunt."

  "Yeah… Imagine, you kiss them goodbye and tell them that you waited the whole evening for them to leave so you could wear lingerie and whip your slave. Good Lord, would your mother have fainted on the spot?"

  "No bet."

  "And your father would have paled and stuttered if you were out of your mind."

  "My parents know by now that Julian's no longer just a convict."

  "Oh, great. You're brave. I guess, they weren't happy."


  "Back to the main event. You dressed up, stockings and all? And what did he do?"

  "He did the drooling." Kyra laughed about Oliver's annoyed expression. "Hey, you asked for it. The nipple clamps make a great teasing, but I feared he would bite and yell after the first use."


  "He didn't like them that much, but I insisted and he had to accept it."

  "Brave lady," he nodded.

  "But that wasn't the end of it. He asked for more and we were actually playing for some time." She rolled her eyes. "It was, wow, very exciting."

  "Triggered by a garter belt and a corsage." Oliver leaned back with his hands laced across his paunch, looking content.

  "You might say that, yes. Julian turned out to be made of some hard wood."


  "He went through real pain then some and didn't complain. This morning I thought him to be quite stiff…no pun intended. But he made no comment. Quite the opposite." She blushed and felt stupid. Since when did Oliver blush when he told about his nocturnal events? Right. Never. "He obviously liked it. Very much."

  "Good for him. The bottom doesn't complain, just rides it out."

  "Excuse me, but could I do it more gently at my place?"

  "You could, but obviously Julian doesn't want it gentle." He bent forward, eyes big. "Did you play it rough until he called it quits, or did you stop before?"

  "I stopped when he looked in too much pain to be still comfortable."

  "Bully for you!" Oliver slumped back into the upholstery. "So some more toys came out of the closet."

  "Indeed. The ball divider, by the way, is a very…variable toy." She sipped champagne and put back the glass. "But there's something else and it bothers me. Somehow."

  "All right. Tell me." Oliver's face was serious again, and she took a deep breath.

  "This morning when the news flash about the arrest was aired Julian was…well, let's say he looked disturbed. Like he had bitten a lemon. I would have looked like that if the hitman had escaped a second time. Or something similar. But he wasn't at least happy that the man's under lock and key. Do you understand? I thought he'd be glad. At least for me. Now that I know that it was the same hitman. But he's…" She shrugged, lagging words to describe her feelings.

  "Kyra, don't you interpret a bit too much into his behavior? He wasn't going yippee yeah, so what? You can't think he's buddy buddy with this guy. He roughed him up hard enough to send him to hospital. So what's the big deal? Don't think about it. That's my advice. I'm really happy for you that the little items I gave you were useful. So, maybe, you want to think of something else…tonight?"

  "Oh, come on, I'm still…" She caught the word before it slipped, but Oliver gave her sly eyes.

  "Exhausted or sore?"


  "Okay, okay, I'll leave it alone."

  "Great." She stood. "Thanks for your time."

  "Anytime." He brought her to the door. "You know, if you need the doctor he'll be in the house."

  Kyra put aside the news of the hitman's arrest and how Julian had reacted. She called her dad to congratulate on the arrest, and, as usual, he modestly claimed he had nothing to do with it. She knew better and she knew also that after the promotion her father tried to show he was worth every cent.

  But her father had another reason to be glad about. "Since the program's such a success our family is invited to the mayor's speech on February tenth. Music Hall, eight pm. Isn't that good news?"

  "Wow, dad, how did you do that?"

  "I like to say that I've got nothing to do with it, but in this case…hmm, maybe a little. Will you join us?"

  "I'd like to, but…not alone."

  "Guess if I'm surprised."

  "No guessing. You're too clever for that. So will it be okay that I bring Julian with me?"

  "Your first official date with him?" He pretended to think about it for a long moment then said, "Hell, okay, sure! He's no longer a convict, so why shouldn't he come? Mom will have her arguments, but he's a free man at that time, right?"

  "Thank you, dad." She hung up and turned to where Julian put some pretzels and chips on the coffee table. Unlike her he had put pretzels and chips into bowls and brought fresh glasses and an ice-cold bottle of coke. They would watch a movie together, jeer and cheer the heroes and just slump on the couch. Kyra had told Julian that she had loved to do it before Chris had come into her life and now she relived the easygoing with Julian. "I want to tell you something," she purred as she stalked closer and grabbed the front of his shirt to have him closer.

  "And that would be?"

  "You got your first date with me. February tenth, big reception, many people. I'll allow you to choose my dress if I'm allowed to get you a tux."

  "Oh, wow…" He cleared his throat and his eyes widened. "And what brings me to such high honors?"

  "Nothing special." She let go and shrugged, waving her hand. "Just a small speech of the mayor of this tiny town."

  "You mean his last speech? In which he'll declare that he's off the brass? That speech?"

  "Yeah…" She looked at her nails as if they held interesting information. "Do you think you could spare some minutes to accompany me?" She gazed upward, not truly knowing what to expect. Gladness? Insecurity? Total rejection like I never go there, not if hell freezes over!

  "Yes, I would like to go with you." He embraced her. "Wow! You'll really take me there? As your boyfriend?"

  She kissed him and said, with their lips still close, "If you say yes now and dump me because you chicken out I'll rip your ass off."

  "Great. I like women with an attitude." The kiss got more intimate, deeper, longing. Her breasts tightened though he only stroked her back. Every move his hands made drew a little moaning from her, getting louder when his big hand cupped her breast under the shirt.

  "Does that mean you say yes?" she whispered, already dreamy and losing focus.

  "I've never worn a tux."


  After the vacation it was hard to get back to morning routine. It started with Kyra being unwilling to get up and ended with her grumbling that it was still cold outside.

  "Look at the positive effects," Julian said on the way to the door. She glared at him just for being in a better mood. "Four weeks and a half and I can finally take off that damned collar."

  "I don't complain." Kyra put handcuffs around his wrists. "It's just that the days were so…wonderful. I don't want to go back to the shop with all its problems and customers and people making demands. I felt great just being here with you, worrying about nothing. I really love to hang out through the day. With you. And not to forget nights on the couch watching old movies."

  "Thanks." He walked for the parked car, looking left and right toward the street. A habit Kyra found interesting. He acted like a bodyguard. Or maybe not. A bodyguard would have guarded her in the parking lot. She still could not put aside the fact that he had just thought of himself. "Isn't that Mr. Balfour at the next corner?"

  She followed his glance. "Yeah. It's a pity but he lives almost around the corner so to say. I was already wondering when we would meet him here." She opened the car.

  "He comes here, apparently." He had an evil grin suddenly. "Let's show him something."

  "You're so mean." But she smiled saying it as he lifted his arms so she could snuggle close to him and be embraced. "How can you be so mean and so handsome at the same time?"

  "That's a question only
you can answer. Okay, he's in look-see distance." And he bowed to her for a long, longing kiss, which, even from a distance, could not be missed as intimate. She pulled him even closer with her hands in his hair as if to never let go again. They only broke it due to lack of air. Kyra moaned, licking her lips. "You look jinxed."

  "Gee, I am." She sighed. "And? Mr. Ex? Where did he go?"

  "He turned the corner at Wickham's, but that's a dead end." He grinned at her. "Well, one dead end or another."

  "Guess, he'll turn around until my car drives by." The malevolent grin was back. "We could change directions and let him hang in the loop."

  "Now, Kyra, it's you being a really mean person, right?" He released her and got into the car. "And I bet you got customers waiting for you."

  "Don't remind me." She closed the seatbelt for him, hopped behind the wheel and got the Jeep in motion. When she turned the corner she saw Chris coming out the street, face trying and failing to be neutral. Kyra laughed, and it was the meanest sound she had ever made.

  * * * *

  Good news was that the Christmas sale had been a success for the business. Kyra knew she would have to deduct taxes, but still she was surprised and happy to find the final closing of the year 2021 so positive. She shared the news with her staff and sent them back to work after the breakfast break in the cafeteria. Bad news was that work did not slow down. New plans for products and lines had to be made and the card designers were already waiting with their preliminary sketches as were customers who placed first orders on stationary items they needed to be delivered immediately.

  Kyra was used to hard work and long hours, but after the relaxation during Christmas and New Year she felt the extra strain like a personal punishment. She thought about hiring a second manager, not for the first time and maybe not the last. But candidates were rare. She wanted someone to trust, even when she was absent. Those professionals were even rarer.

  When Mr. Ashby came to her office with a small package, she was annoyed even before he opened his mouth. "Is that something I need to see?"

  "It's addressed to your firm and I don't know the sender." He handed her the package.

  "Who brought it?"

  "A young delivery man. He talked with Julian first. I guess they had a chat of some kind." He shrugged. "When I got there the man gave me the package, I signed for it and here you go."

  She nodded and sent Ashby back to work. Two more customers expected her answers via E-mail and she hurried to get the offers done before noon to avoid other seller to beat her. Competition was rock hard and if she could not please the customers her shop would not run smoothly the next year. Only then she took her time to unwrap the package. She found blank paper and frowned. It was almost the same printer paper she sold in her shop so why should anyone sent a package when she had tons in store? That did not make sense. "Who sent this package?" she asked Ashby at the packing area, confronting him with the contents.

  "I don't know," he said, puzzled. "It was a man from a postal service. I don't remember the name, but he looked like many others coming and leaving every day. Is something wrong with it?"

  "It might."

  "You could ask Julian about it. I think he got a receipt."

  "A receipt? And you signed for it?"

  "I saw Julian take a piece of paper. I didn't ask what it was. The man handed me the folder to sign and I got the package. That's all."

  "Where's Julian?"

  "Taking a break outside."

  "Thanks." She hurried through the wide open gate to find Julian leaning against the wall. "What do you know about this package?" she asked when she reached him.

  He looked up as if he had to collect his wits. "What?"

  "The package here." She thrust it in his hands. "You talked with the delivery man. Who was he? Where did he come from? And what's on the paper he gave you?"

  "Paper?" Julian frowned, taking in a deep breath and straightening out against the wall. "He didn't give me any paper."

  "Ashby saw it so…" She looked him in the eye. "Tell me about that man."

  "He met me and asked me who'd sign the delivery. I told him it would be Ashby."

  "You talked quite long then."

  "Well… He wanted it done and Ashby wasn't in sight so…we had to wait and find him."

  "Do you know the man?"


  "What were you doing up front in the hall?"

  "Kyra, what's this about? Are you implying that--"

  "Empty your pockets."

  He inhaled, frustrated. "One thing happens and you're back to treating me like a criminal again?"

  "I'm so not in discussion mood, Julian." She took back the paper. "This package doesn't make sense. It's like sending Mrs. Bickerham a bunch of cat pictures! The pockets."

  He sighed. "When will you truly start trusting me?" He turned his pockets inside out. All of them. There was some chewing gum, some candy wrappers, but no piece of paper with notes on it or a receipt. "See? No receipt."

  "What did the stranger give you?"

  Julian shook his head, laughing without humor. He looked exasperated at her. "He gave me nothing. I don't know what Ashby saw or what he thinks he saw. Maybe just candy paper or what the fuck. I don't know. I talked with that man, I told him to give the package to Ashby and that's what he did." He flinched and leaned back against the wall.

  "Okay, but that does not explain you being up front."

  "I took a stroll through the hall. Is that something dangerous? Or forbidden?"

  "You haven't done so before."

  "Still is it forbidden?"

  "No, but--"

  "Yeah, right, every unusual behavior of a criminal needs to be inspected, controlled, criticized and answered." He nodded. "I thought we were beyond that attitude, Kyra."

  "You're right." Kyra felt stupid suddenly, like her mother. Nitpicking at Julian to find a mistake, a failure. Something that might prove her mother right that he was only a criminal and could not be trusted. "Sorry. What's wrong with you?" she asked when he panted. "Do you feel sick?"

  "No. I'll be all right in a moment. Maybe it was something I ate." He tried to smile. "Go. You got better things to do than talking with me right now."

  "Okay, but call for someone if it gets worse."

  "Thanks for your care."

  Kyra went back to her office. Sabrina looked up. "A Mr. Brad Cornell is waiting for you." She handed her a card. "He's from the correction facility."

  With a deep breath she entered her office. "Hello, Mr. Cornell, nice to meet you again. Please, have a seat." She sat down behind her desk.

  "You've got a very busy shop, Ms. Jennings," Cornell said, impressed. "I hadn't imagined it to be so big."

  "Thanks." Kyra put a contract she had read aside and faced Cornell across the now empty desk. "And I don't think you came her to compliment me on my business. So tell me why you are here."

  "Mr. Bithrell is due for the removal of his collar in the first week of February." She nodded. She had already reddened the date in her calendar. "First, I want to know if there are reasons, which speak against Mr. Bithrell's successful ending of his time of service."

  "No reasons."

  "Good." He pushed his black rimmed glasses back up his nose. "Second, I want to know if you are willing to employ him beyond his time of service as a regular worker."

  "I would employ him if he wishes to be employed. He has not yet decided."

  "You already talked with him about his further plans?"

  "In a way, yes." She started playing with a pen. Julian's condition was on her mind and she was not sure if Cornell had solely come to talk with her or if he would interrogate Julian, too.

  "Third, shall a squad car take Mr. Bithrell back to prison for the removal of the collar? Or are you willing to drive him?"

  "I'll drive him, don't worry."

  "It's not about my worry, Ms. Jennings, it's about the correct procedure. Many employers see their time of obligation ending with the date of th
e convict's release."

  "Be assured, I will take him to the prison and wait until the collar's off." Cornell allowed himself to frown and Kyra added, "I also intend to drive him to his apartment or the next mall if he asks me for it. Will that answer your questions?"

  "Indeed, ma'am, it answers my questions." He stood. "I will talk with Mr. Bithrell now. Would you, please, show me where I can find him?"

  "Outside the hall. He drives the loader."

  Cornell went downstairs. Sabrina looked after him, a quiet longing in her glance. She lifted her brows when she scrutinized his backside. Girls, Kyra thought, shaking her head. She returned to work.

  "Ms. Jennings, I think, it's better you get down here."

  The expression on Ashby's face shut off all questions Kyra had in mind. She rose, dropped her reading glasses as she turned the desk and hurried downstairs. "Julian?"

  "He's being stubborn the whole day," Ashby informed, and it did not sound admiring. "To me he looks like someone in need of a doc, but that's just my humble opinion." He showed her through the gates to where the loader had parked. The truck had left, and usually Julian would have driven the loader back into the hall to gather the delivery for the next one.

  Julian hung in the seat and across the steering wheel like a sinner in a pew, his face covered with his hands. He did not react when spoken to and Kyra shook her head as she climbed up to him, glad to wear slippers without heels. It would have looked ridiculous. Julian's face was pale and sweaty. "Hey, can you tell me what you're doing here?"

  "Waiting for better weather." His voice was strangled, his breathing shallow and pained.

  "Get off. I'll take you to a doc."


  "Julian, what is it with you?" She almost yelled, but caught her voice, exhaling loudly. "Your fear of nurses and doctors is unexplainable. You need a physician. You look like shit."

  "But I won't go into hospital. You can't make me."

  "Being stubborn is one thing, Julian, being plainly idiotic another."

  "No." He shook his head and winced.

  "See? You're hurting and I'm no help here. I know some real good doctors, but they won't treat you hanging on that loader."


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