Breaking the Cycle

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Breaking the Cycle Page 4

by Tricia Andersen

  Chloe smiled at him weakly. He cradled her against his chest as he began to rock her gently. Closing his eyes, he hoped against hope that Liz would be the only one admitted to the hospital.

  Liz was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. Both of her legs were shattered in the accident. She had a crushed lung. She was in a coma for four days. However, after a week, she was healthy enough to be moved into a normal hospital room.

  Chloe did better than Max had expected. She did have a minor attack that lasted only a short time. But she had been brave and held herself together to make decisions for her mother’s care. The way she was handling everything filled him with immense pride.

  Jack insisted that Max take time away from the gym to be with Chloe and Liz. So, he spent hours sitting with them, holding their hands. He wanted to be their rock. He just hoped that the saw him that way.

  When Max did get back to Hard Drive to prepare the team for the upcoming competition, Jack dismissed him early to get back to his new, makeshift family. He slipped away from the gym to have lunch with Chloe in the hospital’s cafeteria. She poked at her food with her fork.

  “What’s on your mind?” Max inquired.

  Chloe sighed. “The trucking company the driver works for is fighting our claim. He says the accident was Mom’s fault.”

  “It clearly wasn’t. Why would they say that?”

  “It seems a lot of their drivers have gotten in major accidents. They really can’t afford another. Since they’re threatening to take it to the court system, the insurance company won’t pay for any bills. Mom isn’t working, so we’re falling behind on payments again. And I’m not sure how I’m going to take care of Mom. She’s bigger than I am. Right now, she can’t even get the wheelchair she’ll be in for weeks into the house.”

  She waved her hand hopelessly as a pink blush tinted her cheeks. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be unloading on you like this.”

  “Chloe, it’s all right. I don’t mind. I’ll try to help you figure something out.”

  “Thanks.” She took a bite of her salad. “How’s the gym? Do I still have a job?”

  “Of course you still have a job. Everyone misses you.”

  “I really need to get back. I’m not getting paid sitting here.”

  “Actually, I think you are. Jack said something about paying you until after we got back from Dallas.”

  Chloe stared at him. “Dallas? We?”

  “Yeah. I’m traveling with Jack and some of the fighters to a televised competition in Dallas. We leave first thing in the morning.”

  The smile fell from Chloe’s face as her fork clattered against her plate. She blinked at him silently. Suddenly, she stood. “I’m not really hungry. I need to get back to Mom.” She dropped her nearly full tray at the door and rushed from the room.

  Max watched her go, dumbfounded by her actions.


  Chloe hugged her knees to her chest as she curled up on the couch. The lamp on the end table and the television were the only light illuminating the room.

  She sighed miserably. It wasn’t the first time she had stayed alone. When she was old enough to be left by herself, her attacks were predictable and her nightmares had stopped, her mom took time away every once in a while. Chloe couldn’t wait for those nights. She loved her mother. But she relished independence—what little of it she could have.

  She had no idea how to care for her mom. There was no method to get her mother’s wheelchair into the house. Even worse, there was no way to pay the bills. She felt horrible. Her mother had devoted her life to caring for Chloe, and Chloe couldn’t even come up with a solution to any of the present problems.

  But even with all Chloe’s worries, her mom’s accident wasn’t the thought dominating her mind. Max was leaving with Hard Drive for the competition in Dallas. On the television, two men dressed in shorts encased in the steel, chain-link cage engrossed in hand-to-hand combat. She watched as the scantily dressed women sitting around the octagon clung to fighters. Max was the hottest guy Chloe knew. The most gorgeous women she had ever seen swooned after him.

  Chloe could imagine a beautiful, leggy redhead wrapped tightly around Max, their lips intertwined. She shook her head violently to get rid of the imaginary couple plastered in her brain. A knock at the door distracted Chloe. Crossing the living room, she tugged the front door open. She looked, puzzled, at Max standing on the porch with a duffle bag in his hand.

  “Hey, Chloe,” he greeted.

  “Hey, Max.” She examined him warily. “What are you doing here?”

  “I had an idea. Rico, that new fighter Jack brought in, needs a place to stay while he’s looking for an apartment.”

  “And you want Rico to stay here?” she asked, uneasily. “I don’t know him.”

  “That’s not my plan. I was thinking I would sublet my apartment to Rico. Then I would move in here with you and your mom so I could help out. You have an extra bedroom, don’t you?”

  Chloe felt her stomach turn and her heart flutter at the same time. Waking up every morning to the incredibly sexy Max Thomas making breakfast in just a pair of pajama bottoms? Her mouth went dry. “I don’t think my mom would go for that idea.”

  Max grinned at her as he stepped inside the house. He dropped his duffle on the floor then reached out for her. “Let’s go find out.”

  Chloe nodded silently as she laid her hand in his. Picking up the remote, he shut off the television. He secured the front door after they stepped outside, and then led her to his car. Chloe smiled as she settled into her seat. Mom will never go along with this.

  She was stunned speechless when they arrived at the hospital, and her mom agreed to Max’s idea excitedly. After working out the details, they each wished her good night, and Max took Chloe home. Max walked her to the porch steps, pulling her to him once they reached the bottom stair. He laid his forehead against Chloe’s. His sigh was sad. After several moments, he lifted his head and pressed his lips against her forehead. She watched as he walked to his car, got in, and drove away.

  Making dinner seemed to take an eternity. Chloe tried to sit and watch television. She was too miserable. Being alone without Max ate at her. She couldn’t sleep. She spent every moment allowed at the hospital. She silenced her phone the multiple times Max called. She just couldn’t shake the thought of who he could be with in Dallas. Not that she should care. They weren’t a couple. He was just her new housemate. He could go out with whoever he wanted. She just wished it was her.

  She sighed as she punched her pillow then fell back on it. Being with Max was just a fantasy. She never had a relationship. No guy had ever been interested in her. She shuddered. The one time a guy did show interest in her went disastrously, horribly wrong. It damaged her for men forever.

  Chloe kept to herself when she visited her mother the next day. She stared out the window to avoid the concern in her mom’s eyes. “Chloe, what’s the matter?”

  “Nothing,” Chloe muttered.

  “Sweetheart, you’re a terrible liar.”

  Chloe glared at her furiously as her eyes brimmed with tears. “Why did you agree to let Max move in?”

  “Because he offered to help us. We need him right now.”

  “We don’t need Max Thomas. We’re fine on our own,” Chloe spat vehemently.

  “Chloe Elizabeth! What has gotten into you?”

  “Do you think Max will stick around, Mom? Dad didn’t. Why would he?”

  Liz stared at her daughter. “Yes, I do. And why? Because Max Thomas loves you. You haven’t seen what I have, Chloe. You haven’t seen the way he holds you in his arms during one of your spells, how he whispers to you, how he kisses your forehead and silently prays they will end. You don’t see him covered in your vomit, and he doesn’t care that he is. He changes before you wake up. He sits by you without moving until you come out of everything. He adores you.”

  “Yes, well, that’s while he’s here.”

  Liz pressed her lips in a tig
ht, thin line. “Is this because he’s in Dallas? Chloe, are you jealous?”

  Chloe stared at her fidgeting fingers, flustered. “It’s just…Max is so handsome and sweet. And some of these women who go to these things are really beautiful.”

  Liz chuckled as she patted her daughter’s arm. “Don’t sell yourself short. You’re beautiful. Everyone loves how caring and sweet you are.”

  “Yeah, but I have this barfing thing too. Not exactly a selling factor for me.”

  “Max hasn’t seemed to mind to this point.”

  Chloe bit her lower lip as her cheeks flushed pink. There was no way her mother knew what she was talking about. She turned in time to catch Liz wink at her before she went back to watch television.

  Pressing a kiss to her mother’s cheek, Chloe then walked to her car in the parking garage. She drove home in silence. She took a long, hot shower, pulled on her pajamas, and crawled into bed. Then, she stared at the ceiling, unable to sleep.

  She nearly scooted off the mattress as her cell phone chirped. She pressed the call button. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Chloe,” Max’s voice came through the other end. “Where have you been? I’ve tried calling. It goes to voicemail.”

  “I’ve been at the hospital. No cell phones,” she hurried.

  “How’s your mom?”

  “Getting better.”

  “That’s great.”

  “So, how did the competition go?”

  “Our guys did really well. Not bringing home any hardware, but we’re bringing home a lot of wins.”

  “Great. So, are you out celebrating?” And with who?

  “No. I’m at the hotel watching film from tonight, looking for things we can work on. Then I’m heading to bed. I’m really tired. Plus, I have to move tomorrow when I get back, remember?”

  She felt her stomach clench. “I remember.”

  “Good. I should be by with the first of my stuff by four o’clock tomorrow afternoon. Rico said he’d help me if I helped him get settled in my apartment. Then we can see your mom and get something for dinner. All right?”

  “Sure. Sounds great.”

  “Great. Sweet dreams, Chloe. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Sweet dreams, Max. Bye.”

  She ended the call then snuggled against her pillow. She didn’t even get her phone put away before she drifted off to sleep.

  The next day, Chloe fluttered around the kitchen nervously as she waited. At any moment, her new roommate would arrive with his things. She had missed Max so much while he was gone. And now, he’ll be around twenty-four seven. What have I gotten into?

  She jumped when she heard a knock at the door. She pulled it open to find Max and Rico standing there. Rico stood an inch or two taller and had far more bulk. His olive skin was marked with several tattoos. He’s cute, but not nearly as incredible as Max.

  Chloe shivered as Max wrapped his arm around her and drew her against him. He pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Hey, sweetheart. How was your weekend?”

  “All right. It was quiet without you here.”

  “I missed you too.” Max let her go. Rico breathed a quick hello to Chloe before following Max upstairs.

  Chloe did her best to stay out of the way while they moved things in. Once all the boxes were out of Rico’s truck, they took off again to move Rico into the apartment. Sighing heavily, she grabbed her purse. She had no idea when Max would be back. It was time to make dinner for one. She paused for a moment. Maybe she would make dinner for two, just in case Max came home.

  The trip to the store was the longest she had ever taken. She just had no heart to shop. Finally, she picked up hamburger, spaghetti noodles, tomato sauce, and garlic bread for a quick supper. It was simple and her favorite. And maybe it’ll soothe my nerves.

  Chloe wasted no time preparing her dinner, watching the noodles boil as she browned the hamburger, the sizzling of the meat filling the kitchen. The scent of warming bread filled her nostrils. Her stomach rumbled in response.

  A frown creased her brow as the front door opened. Max stepped in, kicking off his tennis shoes as he locked it behind him. He grinned as he laid eyes on her. “Hey, Chloe. What’re you cooking? Smells delicious.”

  “Spaghetti. Have you eaten yet?”

  “Nope. I wanted to get home to you.”

  Chloe felt her cheeks burn. Wow. If he’d only say that for forever. “It’ll be ready in a minute.”

  “Great. I’ll go wash up.”

  Max dashed up the stairs for the bathroom. Chloe watched him go. Her heart raced as she returned to the kitchen, taking two bowls from the cabinet and scooping noodles into them. She topped them with sauce and set them on the counter. Then she pulled the bread from the oven, sliced it, and put pieces on plates for each of them.

  Max reappeared in the doorway. “It smells incredible. I’m starving.”

  Chloe flashed him a smile as she handed him his portion. Max took it with a smile. She balanced her bowl and plate in her hands as she followed Max to the living room to eat. The television was the only sound for several minutes.

  Max set his empty plate and bowl on the coffee table. “ How’s your mom?”

  “Getting better every day. She should be home soon. She started physical therapy yesterday.”

  “Any progress with the trucking company?”

  “A friend of Mom’s referred her to a lawyer who said he would take the case. He’s very sweet. He said he wouldn’t bill us until the case is settled and the trucking company pays.”

  “Sweet, huh?” Max eyed her quietly as a scowl crossed his lips. “Tell me more about this lawyer.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Is he just out of school? Is he old? Why is he being so generous?”

  Chloe frowned. Why is he suddenly acting jealous? “He’s about Mom’s age. He’s very successful. And he’s being so generous because he knows we’ll win.”

  “Oh.” Max smiled. “Just wondering. I’m glad to hear he’s willing to help.”

  Chloe returned his smile with a shy one of her own. “How was Dallas?”

  “It was great. We did well. Hard Drive is going to be a real powerhouse soon.”

  “What did you do while you were there? Did you go out?”

  Max’s grin grew wide. “I didn’t go out. The only place other than my hotel and the arena I went was out for steak with the guys and to the weigh in.”

  “Where was the weigh in?”

  “At a club.”

  “Oh. Was it busy?”


  “Oh.” Chloe curled herself into a ball as the pit in her stomach grew. She took a deep breath to calm herself. No sense in working myself into a spell over whom Max was with. Even though I’m going to do it anyway. I wish he didn’t get to me.

  Max gently brushed a lock of hair from her face. “I was with the guys. I wasn’t in the club. I had responsibilities to the team, Chloe. The last thing I was looking for was to get laid.”

  “But with all those women there, you certainly could have.”

  “But I didn’t want to. Why would I? I have what I want here.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah. Right here on the couch with me. I don’t need anything else.”

  “Max, you can’t be serious.”

  “I am. And now, I’m going to drop it. I don’t want to upset you. I hate those episode things you go through just as much as you do. Until I figure out what they are, I’m not going to tread on ground that might set them off.”

  “You’re getting a medical degree to figure me out?” Chloe giggled.

  Max laughed with her. “Not exactly. Mark is looking into it for me.” He gazed at her tenderly. “I just wish I knew why kissing you set one off.”

  The smile fell from Chloe’s face. “It’s a long story.”

  “I’m a great listener.”

  Chloe shook her head. “Max, I don’t want to think about it. Remembering what happened sets off my stomach. I just w
ould like to let it be.”

  Max nodded. “Of course. I would never do anything to hurt you, sweetheart.” He stood and took the dirty supper dishes to the sink. Chloe sat quiet as she heard the water run. She sighed as she heard the clink of dishes being washed. She wanted to talk to Max, to tell him everything. She wanted to kiss him so badly. But what happened was so horrible, would he want to even be near her when he knew what happened on her prom night? What that son of a bitch did to her?

  Chloe pushed herself from the sofa and wandered into the kitchen. Max was drying the last dish, his broad muscular back to her. The glow from the inset light over the sink glistened off his thick, brown hair. She slid up to his side. “Max, I’m going to go to bed. I want to stop at the hospital to see Mom before I go to work tomorrow.”

  “Sounds good,” he responded flatly. “I’ll go with you.”

  “Ok.” She watched him dry the dishes for several moments as the words he spoke to her played in her mind. She took a deep breath. I may really regret this.

  Like a flash of lightning, Chloe reached out and cupped Max’s chin in her hand. She turned his face toward hers. Lifting herself up on her tiptoes, she pressed her lips to his. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pressing the damp towel to her back to hold her to him. Chloe pulled away slowly as they broke apart.

  “Chloe, I didn’t think you could…” Max breathed.

  “I’m not sure I can. Keep an ear out for me, all right?”

  Max nodded silently. She gave him an uneasy smile before running up the stairs to her room.

  Chapter Four

  It was a little jarring, waking up in a new place for the first time. Max sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes. Then, he breathed a silent prayer of thanks. Chloe had slept through the night without incident. It was not the way I wanted to start out my first night living here.

  He slipped from under the covers and shuffled down the stairs to the kitchen. The smell of freshly brewed coffee permeated the air. He smiled sleepily as he leaned against the doorframe. Chloe stood at the counter in a snug-fitting tank and a pair of boxers. He wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around her and hold her tight against himself, but he couldn’t risk setting off one of her things again. He sighed. Someday, maybe I can hold her.


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