Enduring Fate

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Enduring Fate Page 13

by Alicia Rae

  “Quit being dramatic.” Ashlee rolled her eyes at me. “I’m serious. You’re beautiful, Paige. Don’t be afraid to strut your stuff.”

  “Between you and Colton, I sure did pick some comedians for best friends,” I replied, speaking my inner thoughts out loud.

  She glared at me and threatened, “Don’t make me sneak into your house and burn all your jeans.”

  “I’ll change the locks,” I answered simply.

  “Your parents love me. They would let me in.” She smirked.

  “Probably.” I snorted. Then, my face sobered as I admitted to myself that I had worn jeans or lounge pants every day for nine months now, even in the scorching summer temperatures. “Someday, I’ll have the confidence to wear shorts or dresses again, but that day isn’t today.”

  “All I ask is that you step out of your boundaries and take a chance.” Ashlee smiled kindheartedly at me. Then, she scanned the room, appearing to let the subject go. “Now, where is that hunk of a waiter? I’m starving, and I need me some eye-candy.”

  “Need me?” I chuckled at her comical tone.

  “Yes. Just thinking about that guy makes my brain misfire.”

  “Oh…” I cooed at her. “Is someone finally ready to step out of the closet and date?”

  “Uh…no.” Her eyes widened in astonishment. “I just wanted to ogle him from my chair.”

  “Ashlee, all I ask is that you step out of your boundaries and take a chance,” I teased, repeating her earlier words.

  She threw her perfectly folded napkin at my face.

  “Only I’m allowed to play mother hen here.” She snickered.

  “Hypocrite.” I laughed.

  I SET DOWN MY SCREWDRIVER after securing the last piece of the new motion sensor and alarm box on the hallway wall near the kitchen and my bedroom. That way, if it sounded off, I could easily hear it from anywhere in the house. With the flip of a switch, I would be alerted if anyone so much as stepped into the barn.

  After the unresolved water-spigot incident, I wasn’t going to take any chances for something else to go wrong. I went with my gut and took the necessary precautions to make sure the barn was secure. There was no way in hell that spigot had broken off by itself. When I had filed the police report, the deputy who was handling the case, Larry Quinn, had agreed with me as well.

  I threw all the empty plastic packaging away in the garbage, and the doorbell rang. Knowing that Paige was here, I ducked under the plastic and reminded myself that I could take it down now. The drywall in the living room was complete and had been taped, mudded, and sanded. I was so glad to be done with weaving in and out of the plastic.

  On the way through the living room, I dodged the paint materials in my path. When I finally reached the doorknob, I opened the door, and Paige smiled up at me.

  I motioned her inside. “Paige, you know that you don’t have to ring the doorbell. You can always just come right in.”

  “I know.” She stepped onto the bare wooden floors.

  I closed the door behind her and turned to face her.

  She added, “I just keep forgetting since I’ve used that doorbell for most of my life. I guess old habits die hard.”

  “Guess so.” A mischievous grin found its place on my face. “But that is one habit that I most definitely want you to break.”

  “I’ll work on it.” She winked and threw her arms around my neck. “Thank you for the massage and flowers.”

  “You’re most welcome.” I bent forward and kissed the tip of her nose.

  She glanced around the side of my arm at the living room. “Are we painting tonight?”

  “It was my backup plan in case you were too tired to come over.”

  She made a funny face at me. “Do you ever sleep?”

  I spread my palms on her back and pulled her flush against me. “Only if you’re tucked in my arms at night.”

  Paige chuckled a sweet sound. “You don’t need to swoon me, cowboy.” She lowered her hands to my chest and shoved me, attempting to push me away. “You already make me fall head over heels on a daily basis.”

  I cocked a wicked brow at her. “Daily, huh?”

  “Jerk,” she huffed good-naturedly, her hands pressing harder against my chest.

  I let her go, laughing.

  She walked over to the paint supplies—two gallons of paint, a tray, a roller, and a trim brush—that I had sitting out.

  “What are you doing?” I asked casually, walking after her.

  She gazed over her shoulder at me. “You wanted to paint”—she shrugged—“so let’s paint.”

  I loved her willingness to just dive right in and go with the flow. She might say that I never sleep, but she hardly ever sat down to take a break herself.

  “All right,” I murmured, thinking that this could be fun. I bent down and grabbed a screwdriver to pop the lid off the can.

  Once the top was open, Paige gasped at my side. Lifting my face, I smiled inwardly, perceiving that she must like my surprise.

  “It’s blue,” she stated matter-of-factly.

  “Yes…” I drawled. “Midnight blue to be exact. Isn’t that what you wanted?”

  “You asked me about my favorite color yesterday, Colton.” Her voice was laced with panic. “I didn’t know we were picking out living room colors together!”

  I had only asked for her favorite color to make sure it hadn’t changed. When we were kids, it used to be green.

  “Well, we are,” I responded, letting my hint of stubbornness prevail.

  “But you didn’t tell me that part!”

  I pondered the best way to swing this little argument, and I went with the innocent route. “I condensed,” I simply answered regarding my clever way of asking her to select the living room color.

  Her eyes appeared stunned. “You sure did leave a lot out of that conversation.”

  I crinkled my forehead. “Oops.” I bit back my amusement, knowing damn well that laughing would be like throwing a five-hundred-gallon tank of gasoline on a fire. “Sorry?” I added, feeling a bit mischievous.

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Uh-huh. Sure you are.”

  A silent moment passed between us, and I couldn’t help but wonder what was going on in that quiet head of hers. So, I concluded that it was time to lay out all my cards and see if she could handle the heat. I confidently rose to my feet and came to stand in front of her. One hand went to her waist and drew her close while I listened to her accelerated breathing. Then, I used the other hand to tip her chin up at me, so she’d have to look me in the eyes.

  “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you what my intentions were behind asking for your favorite color. From the second I signed the closing papers on this place, I’ve envisioned you living here with me as we grow old together.”

  Her hands trembled against my stomach.

  “So, yes, I wanted you to decide on the color of the room. That way, after I convince you to move in with me, I won’t have to repaint it. By then, this house will already have been decorated through your eyes.” I caressed her cheek, trying to calm the state of shock evident in her gaze. Leaning forward, I asked, “There. Is that better?” I swept my lips against hers for a kiss.

  “Better?” she squeaked out, profusely shaking her head. “Actually, next time, I prefer the condensed version.”

  “I’ve known you my whole life, and you still confuse me. Is this one of those instances where yes means no and no means yes?”

  “No,” she said in denial. Then, she laughed. “Yes!”

  “Thought so.” I grinned boyishly against her mouth. “Wait till I take you to the store to help pick out a new couch and big screen.”

  Her jaw nearly hit the floor, and my grin broadened even more, loving the reaction I’d gotten from her. I had no choice but to laugh out loud at her expression.

  “Okay, okay.” I briefly lifted my hands in surrender. “I’ll stop before you pass out and hit the floor.”

  “I hope you would c
atch me.”

  “Always,” I said, taking her in my arms and spinning her slightly to dip her head back.

  A stunning smile returned to her face, and I kissed her once more. I felt her lips soften against mine, which meant that all was forgiven.

  I pulled her up, planting her on her feet. “So, are you ready to paint?” For her sake, I’d politely left out the our-living-room end of that question.


  I pointed over to the wall with the back door. “I thought we could start on this side and work our way around the room.”

  “Sure.” Her attention caught on her clothing. “Do you happen to have an old T-shirt and pants or something I could slip into?”

  “Yeah, in my closet.” I tilted my head in the direction of my bedroom while kneeling down by the paint supplies. “Feel free to grab anything that you think might fit you from the bottom white shelf.”

  “Thanks. I’ll be right back,” she answered before walking off.

  While Paige was gone, I stirred the paint with the wooden stick that The Home Depot had provided. I made sure the paint was thoroughly blended before I poured it into the metal tray lined with disposable plastic for easy cleanup.

  She returned just as I picked up the roller and trim brush.

  All thoughts stopped as I took in the sight of her dressed in my clothes.

  My gray sweatpants were about five sizes too big for her, and I observed how they bunched at her waist. She must have tightened the drawstring in hopes of keeping the pants on her hips. She was practically drowning in my navy Nike T-shirt, and I could see the letters I and K dipping in between her luscious full breasts.

  She stared down at my clothing on her and adjusted the pants while wiggling her hips. “It’s a little big.” She laughed. “If my drawers fall off, don’t laugh!” she added in her Southern drawl.

  I hadn’t heard that accent roll from between her lips for quite some time, and it felt damn good to hear it again.

  I shook my head from side to side, feeling my body react to the sight of her. Images of what her beautiful body looked like beneath my clothes consumed my every thought.

  Every part of me yearned to sweep her up and carry her back to my bedroom just so I could peel the material off her, one layer at a time, while letting my hands and mouth show her exactly what she did to me.

  I swallowed thickly and finally responded, “Trust me, I won’t be laughing. I have many other things I want to do to you.”

  She made a playful smirk at me. “Don’t get any ideas, cowboy. We are painting.”

  “I can wait a few hours for what I have in mind.”

  “Or till morning,” she threatened.

  I wasn’t buying it. “We’ll see.”

  The faster we finished painting, the sooner I could strip her out of my clothes. Ready to get down to the nitty-gritty, I held up the paint tools in my hands for her to choose from. “Do you prefer to roll or trim?”

  “Hmm…” She deliberated, striding closer, as she glanced between the two. She pointed to the angled brush. “Trim.”

  I pulled my arm back, inches out of her grasp. “Can you trim a straight line?”

  Her eyes shined with a sassy mirth right before she jumped toward me and yanked the brush out of my grasp. With victorious eyes, she winked. “We’ll see,” she said, throwing my words back at me.

  Paige and I got to the task at hand and started painting. We made a great team and tackled the first two walls in just over an hour and a half.

  I had to give her credit. She was a master at outlining the ceiling and making sure not to get paint on the stained trim. Her precise straight lines allowed me to focus solely on rolling even strokes behind her as we moved across the room, making small talk along the way.

  Paige was excited to hear that I’d talked with my parents this morning and made plans to have a Sunday brunch. She even happily agreed to my suggestion of inviting her mom and dad, too, along with Kayla, if she could make it back home from school. I was delighted to see Paige going right along with the idea of having our families together. She hadn’t even protested. I didn’t think she even realized how easily our lives were falling back into our old familiar routine.

  In no time, we were halfway through the last wall leading to the hallway and kitchen.

  I found myself wanting to know more about her day. “So, you had a good time with Ashlee then?” I asked, gradually making another even stroke from the ceiling all the way down to the floor.

  “Yes, we had so much fun together. After our massage, we went to see The Best of Me, the movie based on the novel by Nicholas Sparks.”

  “Was it good?” I had recently seen a preview of it, and I recalled it was one of those chick flicks.

  “Positively swoon-worthy,” she answered in a dreamy tone.

  I smiled. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  “Ashlee and I both did.” She looked like she was concentrating on her work in front of her. “Then, we went to Chili’s and scarfed down some tasty appetizers.”

  “You didn’t have a meal?” I questioned, walking over to dampen my brush in the paint tray.

  “Between the two of us, we ate an entire platter of chips and salsa. Plus, Ashlee ordered these huge delicious baked potatoes with sour cream, cheese, and bacon bits.” She laughed. “If I ate another bite, my jeans would have popped open.”

  I chuckled, and my stomach grumbled. My free hand came to my abdomen. “All that talk about food is making me hungry.”

  “We’ll have to go there sometime,” she offered, taking a short break to peek over at me. “I heard they have great steaks, too.”

  “It’s a date.” I smiled boyishly.

  Paige blushed and shyly murmured, “Okay.” She went back to trimming around the left side of the fireplace.

  “So, how was the massage?” I asked. “That place just opened earlier this year.”

  “It was divine.” She sighed. “Thanks again for pampering Ashlee and me. That was very sweet of you.”

  “You’re welcome,” I responded. Then, I remembered her text. “So, did a dude or a woman have the pleasure of rubbing you down?”

  From the corner of my eye, I saw her gaping at the wall.

  After laughing, she returned to trimming the walls with the paintbrush. “A dude,” she said in a perky tone.

  My roller stopped in the middle of the wall. I redirected my full attention to her. “Did he touch your ass?”

  She momentarily pressed her lips together, looking all dreamy-eyed. “Mmhmm…and he was hot, too.”

  The roller dropped from my grip and hit the floor with a loud clunk. I sauntered behind her, and from the way she refused to meet my gaze, I instantly knew she was taunting me.

  My hands came to the sides of her rib cage, and I tugged her body flush against mine. My cock went hard while pressing against the seam of her ass. A small rush of air expelled from her lungs, and I could feel the rise and fall of her labored breathing from her back and shoulders along my chest.

  Without touching her nape, I lifted her hair and draped it over her shoulder. I descended until my lips were just below her ear. She automatically tilted her head to the side.

  “Are you sure you want to tease me?” I growled, making her quiver. “Or are you going to admit that it was a woman?”

  I saw the muscles in her neck flex as she swallowed.

  “Nope,” she rasped. “He was all man with rock-solid biceps, and he had this perfect ass.” She raised her hands and cupped the air. “I just wanted to squeeze—”

  She gasped as I gently spun her around and backed her up against the wall. Remembering the damn thing was wet, I slid her over two feet to a dry patch, keeping our position the same.

  The heated dark look in her eyes reflected the very need I felt burning in my veins.

  She seductively moistened her lips before parting them to say, “I suppose it’s too late to confess that it was a woman after all?”

  I glided my hands un
derneath the cotton tee until I cupped the swell of her breasts. Grinning impishly, I replied, “Oh, yes, sweet girl,” before dipping my head to ravish her mouth.

  Everything else around me became distant and dull as all my thoughts were consumed with Paige. Her soft lips surrendered to the erotic slow pace I set, and my resolve broke as I was overtaken by the need to bury myself in her so that I could feel her all around me.

  After removing her shirt and bra, I sank to my knees, and I sluggishly grazed my lips along her skin. I untied the white drawstring on my sweatpants, letting my earlier visions of what I’d wanted to do to her replay in my mind, and the cotton material hit the floor.

  I looped my index finger into her silk panties and slowly dragged them down the length of her legs. Roaming my eyes over her flat stomach, I could see every breath she took.

  Paige was already wet, and I hadn’t even touched her yet. The heavenly scent of her sex filled my senses, and I yearned to taste her.

  “So fucking beautiful,” I said hoarsely, running the pad of my finger up and down her slick folds.

  My name left her lips, like she was begging for more. I had every intention of giving her just that.

  I leisurely spread her moisture, heightening her desire for me. When I couldn’t wait another second, I pressed two fingers inside her with a gradual movement that teased us both.

  I tipped my gaze up to meet hers, and I drank in the sight of her while feeling her body tightening around me. Her expression changed as her eyes filled with passion, her cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink, and her breathing was audible.

  Her inner walls tensed with each passing stroke. All my blood rushed to the head of my cock and painfully pulsated in response to witnessing her raw need for me. It was easy to understand as she did the same damn thing to me.

  Unable to resist, my body gravitated forward, and I parted my lips to brush my tongue over her swollen clit. I lapped rhythmically at her sweet juices as I mirrored the tempo of my hand thrusting in and out of her.

  “Colton,” she repeated my name. This time, it sounded like a cry. “I need you inside me—now.”

  “Not yet,” I whispered against her pussy.


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