Don't Stop Holding Me (Y.A Series Book 5)

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Don't Stop Holding Me (Y.A Series Book 5) Page 3

by Sarah Tork

  No one said anything, so when Vice Principle Adams asked me personally if there was a problem, I felt like I only had one choice…. deny.

  Without asking anything further, he barged out the same way he came in. While the door was closing, I heard a group of people fighting outside.

  Donna grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge and gave one to Stacey. “Your loss, Fire Crap. I don’t care if you covered for us. I don’t owe you jack shit.”

  Without another word, Donna and her stupid best friend Stacey exited hastily with their waters. I took a second to calm down, because looking normal again was for Jenna. I’d do whatever it took to not involve her this time.

  “Why didn’t you tell the Vice Principle the truth?” Lorraine, the cashier whispered. “That girl gets away with way too much,”

  I shrugged. “It’s just easier this way.”

  Lorraine shook her head in disbelief, but I had no time for her disapproval. I paid for my water and left the restaurant. Back to somewhat safety, I found Donna and Stacey attempting round ten in the hopes of reclaiming the “hot” girls. The last couple of weeks Latisha had them on a tight leash, but today something was off and two girls had jumped ship, joining their old leader at a new table. Not that Latisha looked like she cared, she didn’t. Her focus was pinned firmly on the back of Roy’s head. Obviously, she was totally in love with him.

  Sitting by Roy with the rest of the baseball team, was James. My focus went straight to his demeanor. From his mouth, to his eyes, to his fisted hands, to his bent elbows… all of him seemed tense. I knew one thing; he liked that prime position, being the ultimate warrior everyone looked up to. A few weeks ago I had a taste of what it took for him to keep his spot, and it was nerve wrecking to say the least.

  Thinking about this stuff gave me anxiety. I searched the cafeteria and found Jenna exiting with the rest of the swim team, including Gabe and Tina who were hand in hand.

  My best friend-y senses were telling me she wasn’t over what had happened earlier. Even after the convo we had this morning about Tom Colleto doing what no sane man at our school had ever done. He’d gone up to Jenna for reasons that had nothing to do with school or swimming.

  Call the paper and take out a front-page ad…. it was for romantic reasons!

  But secretly, I kind of loved it. And there definitely was more to this Tom Colleto ambushing her out of nowhere thing than she was letting on.

  I panned back to the baseball team’s table and I felt like something was about to happen. But the question was, which power crowd in the cafeteria would take that first punch? Like clockwork, the soccer team was up from their seat, heading straight for the baseball team’s table.

  Both sides were powerful. They fired shots at one another while I stared from a distance, unsure if I should join the fight or stand back and let them handle their bullshit.

  From the hallway, Vice Principle Adams flew back inside the cafeteria. He quickly broke up the fight, telling both teams to head on outside, and that they’d better keep their hands off one another or else risk suspension, or worse, expulsion. The baseball team went outside, and Latisha’s “hot” girl crew squealed like the pigs they were right after them.

  I guess I should have joined them outside, but I just couldn’t. I left the cafeteria and found a quiet hallway to drink my water in, ignoring the rumbles in my belly from being hungry. I should have bought a salad at least to curve my hunger. I was acting like an idiot again….

  Lunch ended and I was first in History, choosing a seat in the middle. Jenna joined last minute, but Tom Colleto had chosen a seat near me, so she chose a seat across the room. When he thought no one was looking, he stared at her. She did the same when she thought no one was looking, too.

  Definitely something going on between the two of them…. hmmm?

  The bell rang. Class ended.

  Jenna bolted from class because she had swim practice and Tom just stayed in his seat staring in her direction, looking confused.

  I grabbed my bag and looked at him. “Hey, Tom.”

  He snapped out of it and faced me with a small smile. “Hey, Anna.”

  “You okay?” I asked.

  He smirked, but I didn’t believe it. “Of course, why wouldn’t I be okay?” He grabbed his bag and got up. “Where were you today? James was looking for you.”

  “You guys got in a fight again. There’s only so much a girl can take… you know.” I explained, walking out of class with him.

  Tom waved me off. “That wasn’t a fight. The soccer team was trying to start something again because their captains were butt hurt little pussies with a bone to pick. They want blood because Peter stole Reinhart’s girl, and Matty boy just plain old hates James. It’s hilarious.”

  “Yeah, hilarious.” I eyed the hallway for James, but he was nowhere to be seen. “You guys have practice after school today, right?”

  Tom shook his head slowly. “Nah, it’s canceled. Um, can I ask you something?”

  “Sure.” I said.

  Tom shook his head. “You know what, never mind, forget I asked. See ya later, Anna.”

  “Okay… bye,” After waving him goodbye, I pulled out my phone.

  Annabelle: Where are you?

  Tiger: I’m Busy.

  Annabelle: What’s your problem?

  He didn’t text back.


  Chapter 3


  Annabelle: Why won’t you talk to me?

  I waited.


  “Shocker…” I whispered, throwing my phone on my bed.

  This was bullshit.

  I’ve been home for hours and I still haven’t heard back from him. My heart hurt, and my stomach became queasy. I stood in front of my mirror and pulled my shirt up, checking the shape of my stomach. It was somewhat flat, but there was a slight curve where my belly button was.

  “It’ll go away with some exercise.” I reminded my reflection, quickly coming up with a plan of attack.

  Ten push-ups.

  Ten jumping jacks.

  Ten crunches.

  Ten lunges.

  Ten side leg lifts, on each side.

  You can’t control some people, but you can control yourself.

  I finished that last leg lift and crawled across my room to my desk where there was a full bottle of water. Five hundred milometers of cold water surged inside of me at record speed.

  Still no text back….

  I took my phone to the bathroom and locked the door so I wouldn’t be interrupted. My house had four bathrooms, but this bathroom would be mine for the next twenty minutes. Turning the shower on, hot water poured over me as I sat in the tub. Minutes passed, and I just stared at the faucet like a zombie. Then my phone chimed and I all but jumped out of the tub, splashing water everywhere.

  Tiger: I was busy.

  Annabelle: Why are you ignoring me?

  Tiger: Me ignoring you. That’s hilarious. That’s you, not me!

  Annabelle: ME? You won’t talk to me!

  Tiger: You left me. Those pussies saw you run out from the cafeteria and used it against me.

  Annabelle: I can’t believe you! You start a fight and expect me to fight it with you!

  Tiger: I didn’t start shit.

  Annabelle: I don’t care. Do you even know what happened to me while you were busy playing who’s the man with the soccer team? Your EX GIRLFRIEND ambushed Becky and me in the restaurant!

  Tiger: Stop it! She was never my girlfriend and you know that.

  Annabelle: What do I know, except for what you’ve told me!

  Tiger: I don’t fucking need this right now.

  Annabelle: Don’t ever talk to me again. Goodbye, asshole.

  I grabbed my phone and went downstairs, looking longingly at the door that was locked like a prison now. My parents activated their brand new alarm system, caging in everyone for the night.

  My phone chimed, making my heart stop. I quickly put it
on silent before one or both of my parents came running from their room, or rooms – who knew what was going on with them these days, but it was weird. I almost thought there could have been a text from James waiting on my phone. Of him saying he was parked in front of my house with a bouquet of flowers he bought from the twenty-four-hour supermarket…. Le sigh.

  So romantic, if it were actually true…

  But there was no text from him; instead it was from someone I didn’t expect to ever hear from again.

  Dean: Hey?

  Chapter 4


  Friday November 2, 2012

  Jenna was on the terrace by the school entrance, laughing it up with her friends. She was shocked to see me. “What are you doing here so early? I thought you were doing the breakfast thing with Boy Wonder on Fridays?”

  “Change of plans.” I shrugged, trying to seem indifferent. “It’s okay, I had things to do anyways…”

  I think she believes me….

  The warning bell rang and we entered the building.

  “Anna, tell Boy Wonder you’re mine today. We’re eating lunch together. If he tries to steal you away, I’m starting a war. Count on it.” Jenna stated before heading in the opposite direction toward her class.

  “See you at lunch then,” I said and headed away to my locker, where the nerves hit me again. The confrontation was looming ahead and I wanted to puke right here in the middle of the hallway…. classmates and teachers be damned.

  And on that note, and since my mind was not operating well, I went to my locker and hyperventilated quietly, using the locker door to hide me.

  “Please God, don’t let me be transparent today. I already know I’m full of crap, no one else needs to know, too.” I whispered, checking my reflection in my small magnetic mirror.

  I had my “uniform” on, and usually I’d be content, but this morning blue skinny jeans, a semi-tight long black t-shirt, flip-flops, and my hair up in a clean ponytail, seemed lackluster.

  Should I have worn makeup today? Or wear a better top, or cuter pants? I touched my lips and traced each curve. I exhaled, feeling myself go down a route of self-doubt. Here I go again…

  I eyed the hallway for anyone from the baseball team, but no one was here yet. I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing, or a bad thing. I wanted to talk with James and figure things out, but I also wanted to find a rock and disappear underneath it. The absolute good news was… NO evil “hot” girls conquered the hallway either.

  Class was half full and I instinctively chose a seat in the back row next to the window. I dropped my backpack on my desk and looked longingly at the seat next to me. Our seats…

  “Hello everyone!” Mr. Doors entered class with a steaming mug of coffee and an expression on his face that screamed “Try my patience today. I dare you!”

  Class began to fill up, leaving four seats up for grabs. I kept my face down, staring intensely at my open notebook. When the door shut and the seat next to mine screeched, my heart skipped a beat and my stomach squeezed in a nauseous kind of way.

  Here goes nothing…. I glanced up and faced my right, expecting to connect with sad/or annoyed/or angry/or hopelessly in love piercing green eyes, but I ended up staring at the side of Chey Martin’s head as he rummaged through his backpack, pulling out a dinged up red notebook.

  What the hell?

  “Alright class,” Mr. Doors clapped his hands and we quieted down. I faced the front and my heart jumped. Sitting four rows ahead of me was Nadine Richmond.

  Bouncy blonde hair.

  Big blue eyes.

  Big in your face boobs.

  Kind of stupid in that valley girl kind of way.

  Under Carla’s rule.

  Flight Attendant number four.

  And as of Wednesday night, a potential new enemy of mine.

  SHE was sitting next to MY MAN, and even though I couldn’t see his face, I could see hers, all smiley and giggly while she looped ends of her hair around her index finger – flirting without seeming like she was trying to flirt.

  Bitch… My blood boiled, my hands curled into fists seeking solace through contact with Nadine Richmond’s stupid face.

  How dare she!

  She knew.

  They knew.

  Everyone in this freaking school knew. That James Lawson was MY boyfriend and that we were madly in love with an unbreakable bond. Puppies and Rainbows! Ice cream and Chocolate kisses! Cool breezes on a hot day riding my bike down a hill with my arms out…. What the fuck is wrong with me! Psychopath, status!!!!!!

  “Something funny, Ms. Simms?” Mr. Doors said.

  I looked up, feeling the instant burn of humiliation because I may or may not have just giggled out loud.

  I shook my head. “Sorry, I had hiccups.”

  “Okay….” Mr. Doors said, and then returned to his lecture.

  I cannot believe I just giggled out loud! All while my boyfriend and his new follower and the rest of class “probably” watched in amazement. Climbing that mental mountain in one piece would take an army of self-love.

  Why can’t I just be normal?

  The bell rang and everyone ran out. I took a deep breath and looked up, hoping the room was empty except for maybe one other person, and I wasn’t talking about Mr. Doors. The room was empty and my heart plummeted.

  He never leaves class without me.

  The urge to cry like a big baby was epically strong. But I wouldn’t be doing that out in the open. So I grabbed my backpack and rushed to the washroom where thankfully my stall was empty. I slunk down the wall and basked in multiple toilets flushing, and running faucets, and the door opening and closing loudly. All of it hid any noise I might have made. I cried quietly like the idiot I was, feeling pathetic, stupid and dumb.

  The washroom grew quiet and the second period bell rang. I didn’t care. I was going nowhere. I pulled out my phone and opened my text messages.

  Annabelle: So that’s how it is huh?

  Tiger: It’s not.

  Annabelle: Then why’d you leave so quickly?

  Tiger: Thought that’s what you wanted. “space”

  Annabelle: Well I didn’t.

  Tiger: Good to know.

  Annabelle: Why were you sitting next to Nadine Richmond?

  Tiger: I was last in class. The only seat left was next to her. I GTG, see you at lunch.

  Annabelle: Fine.

  A few hours later, Jenna and me were in the cafeteria restaurant and the candy bar station triggered me with a vengeance. I kept hearing Jenna call my name, but my brain was in the process of shutting down.

  I barely ate breakfast this morning… why am I being like this? On the verge of complete annihilation, strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me against a hard chest. I inhaled an intoxicating scent of body wash and cologne, and pressed myself against my boyfriend’s body and sighed in relief. “I hate your guts… just letting you know.”

  He chuckled next to my ear. “You drive me crazy.”



  For those on the soccer team’s side on the high school hierarchy, Peter Morris was the party king of Royal Heights High. In the last couple of months I have been to more parties than I have in the last three years. But the reality was, I still felt weird coming to these things.

  “But Peter, you haven’t paid any attention to me tonight. I’m lonely...” A blonde junior whined, trying to sit on his lap, a fight in which she won as Peter relaxed on a chair with his arms around her waist.

  So much for him and Becky getting together.

  “Ugh oh, Lawson looks pissed.” I heard multiple people whisper all of a sudden.

  I looked over to the entrance and James was storming through the crowd in Peter’s living room, exiting to the backyard.

  “And I mean, what kind of a sport is baseball anyways?” Jenna laughed with Alexandra Meyers, a girl from her English class. “They’re so cocky, all of them….”

  While Jenna continued to rant ov
er the stupidity of high school baseball with our classmate, I made my way to Peter’s back patio where James was bro hugging Tom Colleto. They spoke quietly with one another and I chose not to interrupt, even though I wasn’t sure if James had even seen me. When I turned to enter the living room again, I bumped into Peter.

  “Hey, Anna,”

  “Hey, Peter. Nice party.”

  “Yeah, it’s pretty kickass. So, have you heard from Becky?”

  I shook my head. “No, sorry.”

  Peter shrugged it off. “It’s all good. Plenty of ladies at casa de Morris.” He smirked and walked around me to James. “Bro, you finally made it!”

  It looked like no one would be leaving King James’s side any time soon, so I rejoined the party back inside and looked for Jenna. My phone vibrated, chiming with an incoming text.

  Jenna: Anna, I’m going home. Remember, your knee is your greatest tool. Knee a fool if you have to, and then say “kisses from Jenna.” Another great idea by moi and you can thank me later when whoever’s pissed you off is on the floor crying in pain. Deuces.


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