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by Cole, Mila

  It didn’t matter that he was off-limits, and boy was he. He was hired help, and my father would forbid it. No, he’d outlaw it. Hell, he’d put a bullet between Slick’s eyes in a second. It didn’t even matter that he was older than me, though I didn’t think there was that much of an age gap between us. I had to make a mental note to ask him how old he was. The biggest transgression between us was that “screw you” attitude of his. Aside from looking at me like he wanted to lick me like a Popsicle, the man couldn’t stand me. There was so much tension between us, you could cut it with a knife.

  Why did my thoughts have to be so sexual when he was near? It was all I could think about, especially when he said words like those. He could call me Princess anytime, so long as the word “gorgeous” was in the same sentence.

  My eyes met his, those dark pupils expanding under his gaze. I had the sudden urge to squeeze my thighs together like I was pinching a penny between my ass cheeks. The need was overwhelming, and the man hadn’t even touched me. God, I wished he would.

  What was happening?

  There was clearly something going on. Some indescribable need that infiltrated the air around us, like a fatal attraction. Yet somehow, only the two of us were aware. All the conversations around us continued, and it wasn’t until my father said my name that the trance was broken.

  “Come. Let me introduce you to a few of my colleagues.”

  I groaned. It was the same thing at every event. It had been since I was nearly thirteen. Every time I’d come home from school for a couple of weeks, we’d have to get all dolled up so he could socialize with his friends and coworkers. He’d usher me around and introduce me to a thousand different people whose names I’d never remember. I’d be stuck standing there listening to him discuss business, bored to tears.

  “Sweetheart, this is a longtime friend of mine, Julian Russo. He is about to be a partner of mine,” Dad proclaimed proudly.

  The man stood tall, his coal-black hair slicked back away from his face, and he had a long scar above his eyebrow. There was something eerie about him that made my skin crawl.

  I reached my hand out for his, but instead of shaking it, he pressed his lips to the back of it. “Bellissimo,” he purred. The thickness of his Italian accent was prominent. He looked like a mobster or some type of hit man. My father was known for running around with dirty men, but this one scared me. There was something about that scar above his eye and the way he presented himself. Call it a gut instinct, but the man looked like he’d killed a few people in his time.

  And that Italian… Ugh. Gag me.

  I didn’t let on that I could decipher his fancy Italian word or that I was fluent in five different languages. Keeping that secret always allowed me to have the upper hand. I only hoped he didn’t have more words like “gorgeous” in his vocabulary, because it made me want to hurl.

  I could still feel the heat of Slick’s smoldering gaze on my backside, like he was ready to pounce on Mr. Casanova. This was one time that I wouldn’t fight him on it. Mr. Russo put off a snake-in-the-grass kind of vibe. Like he’d pounce on his prey when they least expected it. I knew his type. I’d seen them many times before. In fact, my father had one of them on his payroll, a previous bodyguard of mine that was far too handsy. He was always flirting and finding ways to touch me when it wasn’t necessary. He was a disgusting pig. It took one knee to the balls and a call to my father for me to never have to see his lousy face again.

  My ball-kicking knee was feeling twitchy again.

  I smiled as politely as I could and then instinctively took a couple of steps back in Slick’s direction until I felt his knuckles on my bare back. Mr. Russo and my father continued talking, but Slick didn’t go unnoticed. That creep wouldn’t dare touch me with the man of steel behind me.

  When I glanced up at Slick, his face was taught and a menacing glare was plastered there. His eyes were locked on Mr. Russo as if he could read my thoughts. He knew exactly what kind of man he was. The muscles in his jaw ticked.

  I reached my hand behind my back and found his, wrapping my fingers around his. Just one simple touch, that’s all it was. The butterflies in my stomach were frenzied, and when I glanced at him once again, he seemed a tad more relaxed. He never looked at me, never made eye contact, but he didn’t have to.

  “If you’ll excuse me,” I said to my father and Mr. Russo, “I need to use the ladies’ room.”

  My father dismissed me, and I made sure that Slick was hot on my heels before picking up my pace. Once we were out in the lobby, I found a secluded spot where no one else could hear me.

  “God, what a creep,” I muttered under my breath to Slick.

  His dark eyes met mine. “Yeah, when he called you gorgeous, I almost knocked his teeth down his throat.”

  “You know Italian?” I quipped.

  “Some,” he admitted but quickly changed the subject. “Do you know what kind of business your father is running?”

  Blowing out my cheeks and releasing a deep breath, I answered truthfully. “If you’re asking me if I know about what my father does behind closed doors, then I have to say no. I really don’t.” I eyed him. This was something I never spoke of. It wasn’t my place. “I could take a good guess, and I’d probably be right, but I won’t do that. I don’t want to know.” My head shook furiously from side to side.

  He nodded slowly. “I understand that. I do. But…” He paused and ran his hand over the stubble on his cheek. “You’re my first priority, above everything. It’s what I was hired to do—to keep you safe,” he promised. “I don’t know what’s going on with your father, but I do know that the shit he’s in… It’s deep.”

  I nodded. I knew exactly what he was saying.

  He continued. “I don’t like him leading you into that lion’s den out there. Now these men know your face. If shit ever went south, they know exactly who you are. They wouldn’t hesitate to use you for retaliation.”

  My breathing picked up, and so did my already racing thoughts. “Seriously?” I sank back against the cold wall. “They wouldn’t do that, would they? My father is powerful, Slick.”

  “He is,” Slick agreed. “But that shit in there.” He pointed toward the double doors that led back into the ballroom. “That shit is no joke. I don’t like it one bit, and I’m not going to stand by and watch you be put in the middle of your father’s business. It’s no place for you. And yes…” He leaned in closely. “I have no doubt that you would be a pawn in that game. I mean, look at you.”

  And… there went my breath.


  His face relaxed, and the look in his eyes grew softer. “I want you to go back in there and tell your father that you’re not feeling well, and then let me take you home.”

  I couldn’t speak, so I just nodded instead.

  “You really do look gorgeous, but I don’t like when other people tell you that.” His voice was low and breathy.

  I raked my teeth across my bottom lip and turned on a dime. If he kept looking at me like that, I wasn’t going to be able to control myself.

  My father wasn’t too thrilled with my quick departure. He tried hard to convince me to stay for the dinner, but I insisted on leaving. When I whispered in his ear that my monthly gift had arrived, he conceded. He told Slick that he needed to stay with me, to not leave me alone until someone relieved him. He agreed.

  Slick stayed beside me as we made our way out the side entrance of the building. The small side street was busy with bustling cars, thanks to the night’s event. He made sure there wasn’t any paparazzi lurking before we hurried across the street. They were nuts for this event and had already captured enough photos of me for the night. I didn’t need them hounding me for more. Norman stood next to the SUV and opened the door for us as soon as we grew near. He was like the James Bond of drivers, smooth and undetectable.

  The two of us climbed into the back seat, me a little more carefully. The dress I was wearing was much tighter than it appeared to be, especi
ally in the thigh and butt area. It wasn’t made for sitting in, so I looked about as graceful as a wet cat.

  Once we pulled away from the curb, I slipped off my heels, trying my best to get more comfortable. It was nice to have an excuse to get out of the event, but it wouldn’t be the last of them. With my mom still out of town, I’d be taking her place for everything.

  Staring blankly out the passenger window, I thought about what Slick had said. I mean, I knew my father was doing illegal things. I guess I’d always known. It was just never talked about. It wasn’t something we could just discuss over a steak dinner. Things were always secretive, locked away behind closed doors. So I never bothered trying to figure it out. Anything in my father’s closet of secrets would remain there.



  She was staring out the window, spaced out and in her own little world. Probably thinking about what I’d told her. I knew I shouldn’t have said anything, that it wasn’t my place, but I couldn’t stop myself. Obviously, hangover days also meant word vomit days. She had to know though. She couldn’t just walk around oblivious. What if someone came after her?

  That pissed me off to think that her father would so loosely play with her life like that. It may have seemed like nothing to him, since he was some big-shot litigator. But it would only take one time for him to screw over the wrong person. Power didn’t always mean protection. Imagining myself putting Chloe in that kind of danger made me sick. Derosa was pathetic.

  When that Italian mob-looking guy mouthed the words crank and connection, I couldn’t see straight. I wanted to throw her over my shoulder and haul her ass out of there. They were talking openly and in public about that crap, like it was no big deal. If I didn’t think I’d get a pistol between my eyes, I would’ve choked the life out of him.

  My phone rang, steering us both away from our thoughts.

  “Hello,” I answered quickly as soon as I saw Lucy’s name on the screen. She didn’t usually call, so she had me worried.

  “Mr. Stevenson,” she replied.

  “Is everything okay, Lucy?”

  “Oh yes. Just fine. Chloe just wanted to say good night to you. I hope that’s okay?”

  Phew. I took a deep breath. Of course I was worrying for nothing. “That’s fine. Put her on.”

  “Uncle J.” Chloe’s sweet voice soothed my aching chest. I loved hearing her. She could easily pull me out of a funky mood.

  “Hey there, Little Bear,” I replied. “Are you being good for Lucy?” My tender voice made Lighter do a double take in my direction. Don’t get used to it, I thought. The words sweet and slick weren’t commonly used in the same sentence. Well… I could think of one way.

  “Yes. When are you coming home?” she asked me.

  “Hopefully not too late.”

  “I miss you though.” I could hear the sadness in her tiny little voice.

  Exhaling a hard breath, I told her not to worry. I’d be home before she knew it. “I miss you too, Little Bear. Ask Lucy if you she’ll read to you from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. She can pick up where we left off.”

  I could hear the despair in her loud sigh. “She doesn’t read it like you do,” she whispered, and it melted my cold black heart.

  “Okay. How about you and Lucy watch The Little Mermaid in my bed, and I’ll watch it with you when I get home?” I knew she’d fall asleep before it ended. I could hear the gruffness in her voice, and I knew she was worn-out.

  “Okay, Uncle J. I love you.”

  “I love you too, sweetheart. I’ll see you soon.”

  I ended the call missing her even more. I would’ve much rather have been snuggled up with her on our old blue sofa instead of working. It was hard hearing her voice, hearing how much she missed me. This new job had its perks, but my time away from Chloe wasn’t worth it. Before, when I was street fighting for money, I was rarely away from home. The fights were always after midnight, when she was fast asleep in her bed. Fight money was never great, but time with her was more precious than the money.

  Just knowing how much that little girl missed me made me wish I had made better decisions in my life. It made me regret that I hadn’t tried harder from the beginning. Made a better life for us with some nine-to-five job. Despite it all, though, I couldn’t change things now. Our financial situation was so much better. I could give her a better life now, just like my sister would have wanted. We’d just have to tackle a few hurdles along the way.

  “You have a daughter?” Lighter asked.

  “Yeah.” I shook my head. When people asked, I never corrected them. Even though Chloe called me Uncle J, I was the only parent she had. I never minded that people thought she was my daughter. I think, deep down, I liked the idea.

  “And a wife?” she asked curiously.

  “Awfully curious, aren’t you, Princess?” My voice was low so that Norman wouldn’t hear, but I couldn’t hide the amusement on my face.

  “No… I just…” She narrowed her eyes at me. “Well… Do you? Have a wife, I mean?”

  She was too cute for her own damn good. “No.”

  Her body relaxed against the leather seat, and the corners of her lips turned up slightly. She was pleased. Not that it mattered. There were no plans for a wife in my future. I had a daughter, and that was the only commitment I needed in my life. These foreign feelings that I had for a girl that was half my age were just that. Foreign feelings. It could never and would never be anything more than that. In my dreams maybe. My wet dreams.

  But she was my job. And Lighter was a teenager. Yes, eighteen was legal, but being legal didn’t make it right. My dick wanted her, but I could control that part of me. I could. I was pretty sure I could. Her pussy was probably tight enough to squeeze the life out of me. Dammit, it’d be a hell of a way to go.

  Keep your wits about you, Slick.

  If we ever had another night of tension like this one, I’d have to try harder to keep my mouth shut. I couldn’t just go around telling her how hot she was, not when it was as plain as the nose on her face how much she wanted me. I could smell it, her arousal. Knowing she was soaking wet for me, her clit probably throbbing beneath the silky material of her panties, was the hottest thing. If I wasn’t careful, Lighter would be the death of me.

  We rode the rest of the way to the penthouse in silence. She didn’t ask any more questions, and I didn’t offer up any added information. It was a rare occasion for people to find out things about me. I liked to keep to myself. Aside from Tony and Knox, most people were clueless. They could guess things or make assumptions. It was fine by me. The less people knew, the better.

  I sent out a mass text message to see if any of the security team was available to come and relieve me from my shift. Of course, after 9:00 p.m. it was like pulling teeth to get someone to answer me.

  I should’ve known better. I’d just have to wait until Mr. Derosa got home before I could leave. It would give me an opportunity to talk to him about Lighter and what had happened tonight. Being the head of security for Lighter meant that she was my one and only priority. We needed to discuss a few things before something like that happened again. She may have been oblivious to it all, but I wasn’t. And he may tell me to keep my nose out of his business, which I fully intended to. His business was the last place I ever wanted to be. I valued my life too damn much. I just wanted him to realize what kind of danger he could be putting her in. No harm. No foul.

  * * *

  It was after eleven when Mr. Derosa finally showed up. Lighter was safely tucked away in her bed, and I was in the kitchen drinking my third cup of coffee. When I heard the elevator chime, I moved quickly to the foyer. There was a passcode to get to this floor, but I was always prepared.

  “You can go home now, Slick,” he said before he’d barely stepped foot inside the penthouse.

  “Actually, if you’ve got a minute, I was hoping we could chat,” I urged. The more I’d sat in silence thinking about what had played out tonight, the
more aggravated I’d become.

  He loosened the tie around his neck. “Yeah. Okay. Let’s go back to my office. I could use a scotch.”

  I followed him as he stumbled down the hallway and opened the door to his dark office. He flicked a switch and the amber light above us lit up the room. Behind his desk was an old glass decanter that he tipped over a bar glass, filling it full of scotch. “Care for a drink?” he asked me.

  “No, thanks.”

  “What’s this about?” He glared at me over the rim of his crystal glass. He untucked his white button-down and took a seat in the high-back leather desk chair. His full, disgustingly large belly was rubbing against the wood in front of him.

  “It’s about Lighter.”

  “What? Can’t handle her already?” The smugness in his tone of voice made me want to punch his fucking lights out.

  I did my best to keep my cool, not underestimating my pudgy opponent. His guns really were more powerful than mine. “I can handle her. She’s not been any trouble at all. It’s just tonight.” I paused for just a brief second. He was in a foul mood, so I pictured this not going well at all. Too late to care though; I’d already dipped my toe in to the murky water. “Tonight, at the event, I was worried for her safety. She’s my first priority, as you know?” I went with a reassuring approach. He was her father after all. “That Russo guy that you’re in business with—” I treaded carefully. I didn’t want him to know what I’d heard. “He called her ‘gorgeous’ in Italian.”

  He laughed.

  He fucking laughed.


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