When The Gavel Falls (Masters of the Castle)

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When The Gavel Falls (Masters of the Castle) Page 37

by Tabitha Black

  —Your Owner and Master

  Her hands shook as she opened the wine, both from nerves and her body's general sensitivity lately. She had seen David nearly every weekend since they'd returned from Ohio. She met him late Saturdays, after he closed up, and then they spent all day Sunday together, which was his only day off.

  She'd been terrified of entering any kind of relationship with him, for the same reason she'd deflected his attention when he'd asked her out all those years ago in culinary school. She knew she'd lose her heart. And yet, how could she resist? He offered everything she'd ever wanted in a man.

  But it wasn't enough. One day and night a week left her hungry for more, jealous of his restaurant, more and more dissatisfied with her job. She hadn't worked up the nerve to ask if he'd really let her work in his kitchen, as he had offered while at the Castle. She didn't even know if that would be a good idea. They might end up hating each other again.

  And then the earth-shattering news had arrived.

  She poured the wine and dashed to the bedroom, not wanting him to find her unprepared. She stripped out of her clothes and then re-donned her shoes, bending over the bed, as requested.

  And then her waiting began. It became part of the submission, the act of waiting for his arrival in whatever humbling position he requested. Tonight she didn't mind, because she needed the time to think. She went over all his possible reactions, trying to guess which he would give.

  The scrape of his key in the lock came too soon. Butterflies took flight in her belly. She heard him enter, and imagined him taking off his coat and shoes and picking up the glasses of wine before he came in.

  "Hello, pet," he said with a satisfied tone.

  She heard movement—the rustle of clothing being removed, the door to the bathroom being opened. The shower turned on. She ought to be grateful he wanted to clean up for her, but this time she couldn't stand the wait.

  He made it fast. She sneaked a peek as he came back in the room, dressed in his boxer briefs. He carried a folded belt.

  Her belly flipped in delicious anticipation.

  "Have you been a good girl this week, pet?" David asked, stroking her buttocks with his palm. He cracked it down against one cheek, then rubbed.

  "Mmm," she murmured.

  He slapped the other side. "I've been looking forward to spanking you all day." He crawled up on the bed, leaning his back against the headboard. "Let's start with you over my lap," he said.

  She lifted her torso and crawled up with him, arranging herself over his lap. He didn't often use the over the lap position, and she found herself excited at the intimacy it provided. He stroked her bottom, running light circles over her curves. When he began to spank, she jumped. Lately she couldn't take the pain as much—or maybe she just felt it more, as if every nerve had been activated.

  He spanked fast and hard, more like punishment than play. She fantasized about what it would be like to be his wife and have him punish her for something real. She moaned aloud, the idea so exciting to her.

  "Yes, you like your spankings, don't you, pet?" he said, increasing the intensity. Her entire ass began to smart as the delayed burn set in.

  She whimpered, the pain already hitting her first threshold.

  To her surprise, he stopped and rubbed. "Are you getting tender already, pet? Maybe once a week isn't enough to keep your little bottom conditioned. I might have to demand you give me two nights a week."

  Her heart fluttered to hear that he wanted more, too.

  His fingers slipped between her legs. "Portia, you're so wet," he said approvingly, as he pushed in and circled her clit. "You're distracting me from your spanking."

  She moaned and pushed her bottom higher, ready to move on to pleasure.

  Apparently, David was too. He reached for the lube on the bedside table, delivering several more wallops upon his return. She moaned and wriggled over his lap. He parted her cheeks and squirted on a cold blob of lube, making her shiver in anticipation. His fingers returned to her pussy, delving in, circling her clit, penetrating deeper. Though she was expecting it, when his thumb came to her anus, she bucked. He circled her tight ring, massaging it until she began to press back at him for more.

  He breached the entryway, sparking both panic and pleasure. She moaned as he alternately pumped his thumb in her ass, and the two fingers in her pussy, back and forth until she was humping his lap helplessly.

  "Come for me, Portia," he said, his voice sounding thick.

  She shattered, squeezing her legs together as her vaginal walls contracted in wave after wave of release. When they ebbed, she collapsed over his legs in a limp heap. He gave her another hand spanking and this time it didn't hurt; the endorphins were already flowing freely. He pushed her off his lap and rolled her over, reaching for his bedside table again. This time he returned with nipple clamps.

  He climbed over her, lowering his mouth to her breast. He flicked his tongue over her nipple, and bit it. She cried out, her nipples tender and sore. He opened the alligator clip and she flinched before he'd even put it on.

  "Easy girl," he said softly. "You've had these before." He squeezed her breast. "Is it just me, or are your breasts larger?"

  "David," she said, drawing together all her courage.

  He paused, raising his brows in surprise that she'd spoken without permission.

  "Do you remember that night at the Castle when you didn't use a condom?"

  He went still, his eyes intent on her face. "Are you?" He swallowed.

  She nodded, her heart skittering in her chest.

  "I want it," he said without any hesitation, lifting her to sit. "Do you?" he peered into her face.

  Her eyes swam with tears. "Yes," she whispered. "I've always wanted a baby. I tried and tried with my ex, and it never happened."

  "Because you were meant to be with me," he said, with complete certainty. "Portia," he went on, looking earnest. "Are you worrying about this? Because you don't have to. I will take care of you. We'll move in together. You won't have to work, if you don't want."

  Tears streamed down her face. "Will I be your house-pet?"

  He thumbed away the tears. "I was thinking more like love-slave. Forced into endless copulation to produce my babies."

  She giggled. "Will you spank me if I don't keep your house in perfect order?"

  He nodded, seriously. "Every night," he promised.

  She put her arms around his neck. "Do you really want this?"

  "I wouldn't have had unprotected sex with you that night if I didn't know without a shadow of a doubt that I would take responsibility if anything happened."

  She pulled away, her body going cold. "So... you're taking responsibility?"

  "No," he said immediately, catching on to her line of thinking. "I mean, yes, but no. I want you, Portia. I knew it that night. Some part of me hoped for an accident. Think of this as my elaborate plan to keep you forever. Portia, I had planned to pressure you into moving in with me tonight."

  "You had?"

  "Yes. Once a week isn't enough. I want more of you. I want all of you. I know it seems fast, but consider the pregnancy a sign. You're mine."

  "I want to work in your kitchen with you," she blurted.

  He hesitated and she held her breath, waiting for him to tell her it wasn't a good idea. "When can you start?" he asked.

  She beamed at him. "Really? You don't think it's a bad idea, especially if we're moving in together?"

  He smiled affectionately. "So you're moving in?"

  "Yes. You didn't answer my question."

  "You don't think I can handle you in large doses?"

  "Well, it might strain the relationship."

  "Masters aren't strained by having their slaves at their beck and call twenty-four-seven." His eyes turned dark. "Especially when their slaves are as beautiful as you are," he said, cupping her breasts and pushing her onto her back.

  She sighed contentedly as he settled over her. "I love you," she whispered. It was t
he truth, even though it terrified her to say it out loud.

  "I love you, Portia pet," he said. "I've loved you since our first night together. You will always be mine."

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. "And I think I always have been," she murmured. "I was just fighting fate because I was too scared of having what I wanted."

  He kissed her, claiming her mouth with both aggression and tenderness, making her his.

  The End

  Rosie’s Resolutions


  Maggie Ryan

  ©2015 by Blushing Books® and Maggie Ryan

  All rights reserved.

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  Published by Blushing Books®,

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  ABCD Graphics and Design

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  Charlottesville, VA 22901

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  is registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  Ryan, Maggie

  Rosies Resolutions

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-62750-685-4

  Cover Design by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Chapter One

  Rosa paced in front of her bed, one hand holding her cell phone to her ear, the other waving the papers she had been contemplating—again. Silver, as her dear friend was to be addressed while at the Castle, was actually here. She had flown all the way from Australia to Ohio, and Rosa had just promised to be there to greet her when she stepped off the bus that would bring her to the Castle.

  "Thanks, Rosie. You've really helped reassure me." Silver's voice did sound far calmer than it had at the beginning of the conversation. Of course, maybe the fact that she'd admitted she had been hitting the mini-bar in her hotel room was giving her some much-needed liquid courage as well. Lucky girl—alcohol was basically prohibited at the Castle so Rosa didn't have that choice.

  "What are friends for? I can't wait to see you, Silver. I'll see you after you go through orientation," Rosa reassured her once more before saying goodbye.

  Pushing the button to end the call, she tossed the phone onto the bed before flopping down beside it, avoiding the eyes she knew were watching her every move, and the ears that, unfortunately, had overheard most of the conversation. She could practically hear the gears turning in Bess's head, wondering how on earth Rosa could be so upbeat and reassuring to her Australian friend when only moments before the phone had rung she had thrown out the possibility that she was thinking about withdrawing from the auction—and at the very last moment.

  "Lying is a very punishable offense, you know," Bess said. "As a Nanny at the Castle, you know very well that if a Little is caught lying, at the very least their backside is going to be burning."

  Groaning, Rosa rolled onto her back, the papers in her hand fluttering to fall around her. "I know, God, I know, but I feel like a ping-pong ball. What the hell am I going to do?"

  Bess shook her head and rose from her chair. "Here's exactly what you are going to do. You are going to pull up your big girl panties and take those papers down to Master Marshall's office. As it is, you're really pushing the time limit." Ignoring Rosa's moan, she reached down and pulled her to a sitting position. "Come on, you know you want to do this. You've been dreaming about it since the moment the auction was even announced as being a possibility. For God's sake, you even wrote out a list of your resolutions for the new year, and correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't 'don't chicken out' at the top of the list?"

  "That was before I realized that I'm terrified. I mean, what was I thinking? What if Silver is right, and some troll or horrible person bids on me? Oh, God, what if no-one bids on me? Bess, if you were really my friend, you would have talked me out of this ridiculous scheme."

  "You know good and well that Marshall would never let that happen—not to you, not to Silver, and not to a single submissive going up for auction." Bess stood straighter, her hands going to her hips as she put on her strict 'Nanny' face. "Rosalind Raye Reynolds, you made me swear not to let you back out, and if you don't straighten up, young lady, I'm going to spank you myself!"

  Rosa had to smile and then giggled, knowing how very effective that 'look' was when directed at one of the many clients who came to the Castle to live out their fantasies of being a Little, instead of living with the responsibilities of their normal Big world.

  She had met Bess when she'd got a job at the most talked about place in this part of Ohio. When Rosa had first seen the Castle, her mouth had fallen open, and her insides began quivering.

  It was as if she had stepped back in time. Fields of wheat had been waving in the distance, large groves of trees and other landscaping making it appear as if some ancient castle had been caught up in a tornado and plopped down into the middle of nowhere. We're not in Kansas anymore, had popped into her head. Though she didn't own a pair of ruby slippers, she'd clicked her heels together three times and declared herself home.

  Rosa discovered two things within her first few days of work. The first was that the fifteenth century castle had actually been brought over from Scotland and reassembled, stone by stone. The second was that she absolutely loved her job in the Nursery section of the Castle. It hadn't taken her a day before she realized that there was something about attending to these adult men and women during their stay that filled her heart. It was amazing watching the transformation overcome them as grown-up clothing was removed and childish attire took its place. It was as if with every piece of clothing discarded, stress was released and the happiness of childhood was donned. She had laughed with Bess and the other women that worked as governesses at the antics of their charges, had participated in preparing the naughty ones for punishment, had cuddled quite a few, and had ultimately discovered that she wanted to be one of them. Managing to keep her desire secret for a long time, she had finally admitted to it the day a charity auction was announced and submissives were being sought.

  Master Don had been a wonderful man. He was one of the original founders of the Castle, and had spent a great deal of time and effort to create a place where people could live out their fantasies, bringing them to life. His death from cancer had been a huge loss, touching everyone who worked with him. Knowing that all of the proceeds of the auction would go to a charity in his name, had given Rosa that final push to approach Master Marshall and ask if she could volunteer to be one of the submissives to be auctioned for the New Year's event. When he instantly gave his approval, and his thanks for volunteering, she had felt like she was not only going to have a chance to play out her own fantasies, she was also doing it for the very best cause.

  Rosa was pulled from her thoughts when she heard her door opening. Looking up, she saw Bess standing in the doorway. "Where are you going? You don't have to go back to your room—"

  "I'm not," Bess interrupted. "I'm going to Marshall's office," she went on, her expression neutral, "and you are going with me."

  "Um, do I want to know why?"

  Bess sighed and shook her head. "Rosa, you adored Don and were so thrilled to be able to do something in his honor. The fact that you also can do something you've dreamed of for as long as you can remember is just a bonus." When Rosa remained frozen, her eyes wide, Bess left the doorway and went to sit beside her.

  "Honey, you know you want to try this, and this is the safest place on the planet to do so. I know you are scared, but you've got to trust your heart." She picked up Rosa's cell phone from where she had tossed it onto the bed. As she thumbed the bar to activate it, Rosa looked at her, eyes wider
than before.

  "Who are you calling?"

  "I'm not calling anyone," Bess said, her finger pressing a button to bring up recent calls before holding out the phone. "You just need to press the call button." When Rosa didn't make a move to take the phone, she continued. "You are at least partly responsible for Silver leaving Australia and flying to Ohio for this auction. She trusted you, and from what I heard of the conversation, she needs your support. How do you think she is going to feel if she shows up and you aren't on the auction block with her after you promised she has nothing to worry about? So, if you are going to back out, then you need to admit you're a chicken before she arrives here tomorrow. Rosa, you've got a choice to make. Call and confess, and let your dream die without a chance to discover how happy you can be, or remember your resolutions, sign the papers and have the experience of a lifetime."

  Softening her tone, she continued. "I'm your friend, Rosa, and you know I want you to be happy. I'm trying really hard to help you, but this has to be your decision." Reaching out, she gave Rosa a hug before standing. "Now, you are going to either pick up those papers, sign them and come with me to hand them over, or you are going to have to call Silver and then go look Marshall in the eye and tell him you are a baby—and not in the way you want to be. What's it going to be?"

  Rosa took a deep breath and let her heart guide her. "You have a pen?"

  Smiling, Bess found one in the rumpled covers of the bed and passed it to her. Once Rosa had signed the bottom of the document, she took the pen and the papers from her. "You are making the right decision. By this time tomorrow night, you'll be living your dream, and, Rosie, you are going to make some mommy or daddy very happy."

  "Oh, God, I never even really considered a mommy—give me those papers back!"

  "Nope, you've had weeks to go through them. We've discussed this ad nauseam and, little girl, you are just getting cold feet. The choices have been made, the limits written down, and all that's left is for you to give yourself the freedom to discover if your dream is what can give you the happiness you deserve. Now, let's go turn these in and I'll treat you to a cup of coffee." Bess grabbed her friend's hand and was very pleased when Rosa finally smiled.


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