When The Gavel Falls (Masters of the Castle)

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When The Gavel Falls (Masters of the Castle) Page 48

by Tabitha Black

Once they were seated in the small family dining room in the Nursery, Rosa was having difficulty remaining still. Not only was her bottom still aching, but Bess, her co-worker, was having a great time in her role as Nanny, and Grant and Valerie were eating it up.

  After tying a bib around Rosa's neck, stating that her outfit was just too precious to spoil with a spill, she placed a large bowl of oatmeal down in front of her. "Here you go, sweetie. I've added a nice bit of cream so it isn't too hot." Lifting a spoonful of the cereal towards Rosie's lips, Bess had to stifle a giggle at her soft growl. She was well aware of the fact that Rosa avoided the thick mush whenever possible. "Oh, are you a big girl? You don't need Nanny Bess to help you eat?"

  Rosa looked up, her blue eyes promising retribution but her tender bottom reminding her what happened to rude little girls. In a tone dripping with barely concealed sarcasm, she took the spoon from her friend. "No, Nanny, but thank you for the very kind offer. I'm sure you have other Littles who need your help."

  "Well, none as adorable as you are, little Rosie, but I'll leave you to enjoy your delicious oatmeal," Bess said cheerfully, turning to Grant and Valerie. "Your little girl is so precious. Feel free to call me if you need anything, anything at all."

  Grant smiled, his gaze turning to Rosie. "Thank you, Nanny. If I don't see that delicious, nutritious oatmeal disappearing within the next minute, I'll be glad to spank our girl again, and see how she enjoys being fed while sitting on a very roasted bottom in one of those handy high-chairs."

  Bess nodded, turned, and smiled at Rosa, who she was sure was considering throwing the bowl across the room. "I'll be more than glad to feed her if that becomes necessary." Rosa gave her a glaring look but began to eat. Bess gave her a wink and then returned to her duties. God, it was just too cute seeing her friend living out her dream. Even knowing that she could expect payback, it was totally worth it. After all, she had given her friend her promise to make sure Rosa didn't allow anything or anybody to let her chicken out of the experience of a lifetime. Certainly that included treating her as they did any other Little under their temporary care.

  Only her tender butt and Grant's warning had Rosa scraping the bottom of her bowl for that last, tasteless bite. It hadn't helped to watch Valerie and Grant eating French toast, lovely scrambled eggs and crisp bacon. The only thing that could have possibly been worse was if they'd been sipping coffee, too. Instead, all three drank orange juice, and Rosa had a sippy cup of milk as well.

  Valerie wiped Rosie's face and removed her bib. "What shall we do next? I've heard there are some lovely gardens and a playground. Shall we see for ourselves?"

  Rosa didn't much care, her head was beginning to hurt, and she just knew it was due to lack of caffeine. She wondered why in the hell she hadn't thought to add 'must have coffee' to her stupid form. She'd have a few words to exchange with Bess about that omission! Being deprived of the delicious brew was a definite hard limit as far as she was concerned. Didn't people become seriously ill in sudden withdrawal from things like caffeine? As her head pounded harder, she shrugged her shoulders, mumbling that she didn't care, not caring whether her indifferent response was appreciated by her parents.

  "Come here, Rosie," Grant said. He waited until she slid from her chair and stood in front of him. "This attitude is not going to be allowed. You are still being naughty even though you promised you were sorry not a half-hour ago. I'd hate to think that you were lying to me and your Mommy just to stop your spanking."

  "I wasn't lying," Rosa said, her tone on the very edge of insolence. "I never lie."

  "I've very glad to hear that, but watch your tone. You are one word away from getting your bottom blistered—not spanked, mind you—blistered. Is that what you want?"

  "No—but... no, Sir."

  "I wouldn't think so because I promise you, if you give me cause to blister your ass, you will be eating standing up. Now, if you don't wish every meal to be oatmeal, and every meal to be consumed while on your feet, you will tell me, respectfully, what is causing you to be an unhappy little girl."

  Rosa didn't know what to do, what to say. If she complained about coffee again, she was positive she'd get that blistering. Grant's use of the word 'ass' instead of 'hiney' or 'bottom' left no doubt that he meant what he said. But if she didn't, that would be lying, and she had just stated that she didn't lie. Sighing deeply, her shoulders drooping, she decided the truth would be her best bet.

  "My head hurts." Pausing, she looked up, expecting to see his eyes showing disappointment—only to see concern.

  "Where does it hurt?" Grant asked, reaching out and lifting her to sit on his lap. When she raised her hand and ran it across her forehead, he bent and kissed the spot she indicated. "I know that doesn't really help, but it does make me feel a bit better." He stood up and she wrapped herself around him. "Let's go see the nurse, shall we?"

  Rosa instantly stiffened. As a Nanny, she was only too aware of what generally happened in the small clinic the Littles in the Nursery program visited, but informing them of that fact would break the rules of the Castle. "No, please. I'm sure I'll be fine."

  "Nonsense," Valerie said. "Today is a big day, and it's not good to let these things go. I'm sure the nurse can give you something for your head."

  "But I don't want to," Rosa said, on the verge of tears, her head really beginning to pound. "Please, can't I just have a small cup?" With one quick glance at Grant's face, she amended her request. "Maybe just lie down for a while?"

  Grant patted her bottom gently. "No, baby girl. It is our responsibility to do what is best for you. No more whining. We'll just stop in and see if she has any suggestions."

  Rosa gave up, remembering all the 'suggestions' she'd ever heard from the nurse in the clinic. Almost every prescription given included a hard spanking to help the Little one get back into the proper balance. Just that thought had her bottom clenching and her head throbbing even more.

  Chapter Ten

  Grant carried her and Valerie knocked on the door. When a call to enter was given, she opened the door and stepped inside, followed by her husband and Rosie. "Excuse us, but could someone look at our little one? She seems to have a very bad headache."

  "Certainly, just sit her down on the exam table." The nurse clipped a form to a clipboard. "Why don't you fill this out while I have a look at her?"

  Valerie took the form and began to fill it out.

  Rosa saw another way to at least postpone what she was positive would be an experience she didn't want to have. As Grant moved towards the examination table, she gasped. "Wait! I need to go to the bathroom."

  "Excuse me?"

  She looked at Grant to see the firm set to his mouth, obviously in disapproval. When she didn't respond, he shook his head.

  "We've discussed this, young lady. Little girls do not go to the bathroom. Where do they go to tinkle, Rosie?"

  Her face flamed as she closed her eyes, wishing she'd never spoken. When she felt a hand pat her butt, she opened her eyes. "To the potty. I meant, I need to go potty, Daddy." She breathed a huge sigh of relief as he stepped away from the table, burying her face in his neck.

  Grant looked around and then smiled. He used one hand to force Rosie to look at him, then turned so that her view was unobstructed. "Well, sweetie, can you wait to visit the potty, or do I need to put you in one of those?"

  Rosa felt her entire world shift as she glanced at a shelf where dozens of diapers as well as pull-ups were stacked. Oh shit! How could I have forgotten that a great deal of Littles are regularly attired in the infant diapers? It never even crossed my mind until now. As Grant reached for one, she pulled his arm down.

  "I can wait! I don't need to go potty anymore!"

  Grant chuckled and moved back to the table. "Well, if you feel a need, just let Mommy or me know. I promise we can have you in a diaper before you can say 'jumpin' Jehosaphat.' Now, are you ready to be a big girl?"

  "Yes, Sir," she whispered, her body quivering slightly as she gave u
p the fight. Grant placed her on the table, giving her hand a quick squeeze.

  The nurse had to hide her surprise when she recognized her colleague. The pink collar around her neck and the pink bracelet on her wrist did more to tell her that Rosa was a client than did the clothes she was wearing. Witnessing the diaper warning, she smiled, thinking it was just too cute. She assumed Rosa was simply role-playing some medical fantasy until she looked more closely at her face. Her eyes were squinting, and her hand had immediately moved to rub the middle of her forehead once her 'Daddy' put her on the table.

  "Can you tell me your name, sweetie?"

  "Oh, excuse our manners," Grant said. "This is Rosie, our little girl. I'm Grant, and this is Valerie, my wife."

  "Nice to meet you. I'm Nurse Nancy. Rosie, sweetie, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. I can see that you're rubbing your forehead, is that where you are experiencing pain?"

  Rosa didn't speak, but her nodded.

  "Did you wake up feeling bad?" Nancy was curious to see a flush begin to creep up Rosa's neck, and hid her smile at the slight shake of Rosa's head. It must have been an interesting morning, and she wondered what had gone wrong. "Okay, can you tell me when your headache began?"

  Valerie had been smiling as she'd listened to her husband speak to Rosie about diapers. It was obvious from Rosie's expression that it didn't appeal to her in any way. Another tidbit of information to tuck into her arsenal. She scanned the form after filling in their names and the reason for the visit. It was quickly obvious that this was no ordinary clinic. Boxes ran down the right hand side of the page, waiting to be checked if a parent felt the need for such services. She was just about to return the form without checking anything when she heard Rosa's mumbled answer that her head had begun to hurt when her parents were mean and denied her even a sip of coffee. Looking up, she saw her husband stiffen, and had to shake her head. It was clear that their perfect Little girl was walking an extremely thin line. Returning her attention to the form, she checked off a few boxes—perhaps a more thorough exam would impress upon their Rosie that continuing to whine or pout about not getting her way was not a good idea. Scrawling her name and their room number at the bottom of the page, she went to stand by Grant.

  "I see," Nancy said. "Well, coffee is definitely not something a little girl needs to be drinking. I'm afraid that you might have a bit of caffeine withdrawal, though that does usually take at least a few hours to manifest. I can give you some Tylenol, but other than that, there really isn't much I can do."

  "You could give me some coffee, or at least a caffeine pill," Rosa suggested, her voice surly but hopeful. She and Nancy had often shared a cup of the nectar; surely she could be counted on to help a co-worker out.

  "Nurse, my wife has completed the paperwork," Grant said, having taken the clipboard and agreeing with Valerie's suggested treatment, adding an additional checkmark when he heard Rosie's last statement.

  Rosa suddenly sat up a bit straighter, momentarily having forgotten he was standing so close. She struggled to remember exactly what was on the intake form. As items popped into her mind, she felt her pulse begin to race. Looking up to see Grant and Valerie calmly standing there, watching her, she swallowed hard, wishing she hadn't mentioned the 'c' word.

  "Um, I was just teasing. I think I'm feeling better," she said, only to have the nurse look up from the clipboard.

  "Well, I'm sure you understand that as a professional, it's my duty to make sure nothing is seriously wrong. Why don't you let your Mommy help you out of your clothing so I can give you a more thorough check-up? It certainly can't hurt."

  Rosa knew for certain that it certainly could. She considered jumping off the table and running for freedom, but Grant's hand dropping onto her shoulder had that idea dying at the starting gate.

  "Rosie, I suggest you consider your next move quite carefully," Grant said. "Are we clear?"

  Remembering his promise of a blistering, she answered with a huge sigh. "Yes, Sir." When he helped her down from the table, she allowed Valerie to lead her behind a partition, not saying a word as she was very quickly stripped down to her underwear.

  "I think we can leave your shoes and socks on, sweetie," Valerie said, as if doing her a huge favor.

  Coming out into the room was a hard thing for Rosa to do. She wished desperately that any knowledge she had gathered as an employee in these very rooms would disappear from her head. Ignorance had to be bliss when compared to wondering how many of the awful, embarrassing boxes her Mommy had checked off. Grant lifted her back onto the table, with her legs hanging off the end.

  "Thank you," Nancy said with a smile, as she approached the table. The next few minutes involved checking Rosa's eyes, ears, nose and throat.

  Rosa shuddered at the taste of the tongue depressor, and tried not to wonder if the woman could tell that she'd just had a very large cock in her mouth that morning—her cheeks and chest turning pink at the memory. She gave a soft squeal when the cold stethoscope was slid under her tight undershirt to press against her chest. She took deep breaths in and out when told, grateful when the cold metal disappeared.

  "Your lungs sound clear. Now, let's get that shirt off so I can make sure your chest is healthy." Rosa's gasp was ignored and her hands pulled down from where she had instantly crossed them over her undershirt. Grant tugged the shirt over her head, his look telling her to behave as he guided her to lie back. Rosa closed her eyes as the nurse examined her breasts, her fingers moving in a circle around each one, squeezing her nipples gently as if she were giving an adult woman a monthly breast exam.

  "I don't feel anything unusual, and her nipples appear to be very healthy as well."

  "That reminds me, do you see any reason why she shouldn't be able to tolerate nipple clamps?" Grant smiled as Rosa gasped, her eyes squeezing tightly shut even as her nipples betrayed her, stiffening into tight peaks. The nurse gave him a smile.

  "Not at all. As I said, your Little's breasts are perfectly healthy, and nipple clamps shouldn't be a problem. Just remember to check them every half-hour or so until you learn her tolerance." Rosa had gasped again at the time given, then moaned softly when the nurse continued. "Of course, you'll need to make sure you tighten them enough so they don't slip off, and she may squeal when they are removed. A quick massage after removal helps dissipate the pain of the blood rushing back."

  "That's good to know," Grant said, as if he'd never used clamps before. Valerie smiled, her own nipples growing taut inside her cone-shaped brassiere at the memory of several different pairs of clamps her husband often used on her.

  A noise had Rosa opening her eyes a little. Nancy was scanning down the form, the eraser of her pencil making the noise as it tapped against the clipboard. "Oh, I thought I saw you add something, Sir. I must say, it's very responsible of you to make sure your Little can tolerate various clamps; you'd be amazed how some parents don't bother making the effort." Looking up and seeing Rosa watching her, she smiled.

  "Little Rosie, you should be happy that your parents are so attentive." It was hard not to break into laughter as she saw Rosa looking at her as if she were speaking a foreign language. Some days, her job as a 'nurse' was delightful. "All right, sweetie, let's just get those panties down, shall we?" She wasn't the least bit surprised when Rosa's eyes snapped shut and a soft 'nooo' was whispered.

  "Silly girl, how can I check your little nubbin if you are wearing undies?" Nancy set the clipboard down and reached for the waistband of the panties. Rosa attempted to turn over, but a simple, stern 'Rosie' issued by Grant had her rolling onto her back again. "Don't be embarrassed, sweetie," Nancy said, as she began to pull down the underwear. "As a nurse I've seen hundreds of little kitties before."

  Rosa wished she could die. Not only was she embarrassed to be on the table, she was mortified because the combination of the stimulation of her breasts, the talk of nipple clamps, and the knowledge that her clitoris, or 'nubbin' was about to be examined had her cream filling her sex. She be
gan to recite the multiplication tables in her head, praying the distraction would keep her arousal from dripping onto the table.

  Nancy only pulled the front of the cotton panties down, knowing that partial exposure was often more embarrassing than full nudity. "Honey, I need you to open your legs a bit, or do you want your daddy to help?" The three Bigs in the room grinned as Rosa instantly opened her legs a fraction. "A bit more, dear, I need to be able to see what I'm doing." They watched as she reluctantly obeyed until the lips of her sex were exposed.

  "That's a good girl," Nancy said, as Rosa jumped at the sound of a glove being snapped on. Turning to her parents, the nurse smiled and reached in to run a finger over Rosa's sex. "Her kitty seems nice and pink, which indicates health. If you look a bit closer, you can see what I mean."

  Grant and Valerie didn't really need to but did, in case Rosie chanced to sneak a peek to see what they were doing.

  "Nurse, perhaps you should show us what state her little nubbin needs to be in before a clamp is placed on it," Grant suggested, not surprised when Rosie moaned and attempted to draw her legs together. "Rosie, be still, sweetie, Nurse Nancy is just going to touch you now. Open your legs." With a groan, she obeyed, her hands gripping the edges of the exam table. "Go ahead, Nurse."

  "Certainly," Nancy said, and gently spread Rosa's labia apart to display the white cream of arousal oozing from between her inner lips. "As you can see, her clitoris—that's the proper name for your nubbin, sweetie," she said, as if Rosa was unaware of that fact, "Anyway, it is already beginning to swell. As she becomes aroused, it will grow fatter and turn red with the blood that rushes into it. It really is quite amazing. A bundle of nerves that lies dormant and hidden for the majority of the time, suddenly becomes swollen and pulsing… at which point it becomes almost impossible to ignore. Here, let me demonstrate, and I'll let you know at what point a clitoral clamp or ring can be applied."

  As Nancy's fingers begin to circle around her clit, Rosa attempted higher mathematical equations, failing miserably the moment a rubber-tipped finger tapped directly on the top of her nubbin. Her knuckles turned white and her legs begin to quiver, the muscles in her stomach tightening as her climax began to spiral. God, no, please… please don't let me have an orgasm—not here!


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