Love on the Rocks

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Love on the Rocks Page 14

by Pamela Yaye

  It felt so good to be wanted. Not because she was thin or because she’d been on the cover of People magazine, but because of who she was. Warrick made her smile, encouraged her to dream big and loved her righteously. They still drove each other crazy at times, but when it came to the bedroom they were completely in sync. Almost nine years after meeting, and Warrick was still the only man she wanted. And she was hungry for him.

  Snuggling against his wide, expansive chest, she put a hand inside his boxer shorts, wanting more. Kissing her deeply, passionately, Warrick stroked her to euphoria. Never in a rush or anxious for sexual release, he loved her and he loved her well. He was a patient lover with a wealth of sexual moves, but what they had was more mental than physical. She felt safe in his arms, and the tender, honest way he loved her made tears spring up in Tangela’s eyes.

  Tangela watched Warrick roll on a condom. Then, he lifted her onto the limestone countertop and made himself comfortable between her legs. In and out, his fingers swirled. Spreading her labia, he slowly, expertly rubbed his sheathed penis back and forth over her slick core. His only goal was to make her come and he did. Again and again and again.

  A dizzying sensation poured over her. She felt lost. Completely and utterly lost in the moment. Tangela was floating, flying, out in another stratosphere. Warrick was snug, tight inside her, thrusting, pumping, filling her with his sex. Pleasure powered through her. Shot through her veins. Knocked her backward with its intensity. Moaning, shifting, squirming to get away, she sucked in a breath and pushed the strands of hair stuck to her face out of her eyes.

  “Baby, I want you to speak to me in Spanish.”

  “But you won’t understand what I’m saying,” she protested, surprised at how raspy her voice sounded. “I’ll feel silly doing that.”

  Stroking her G-spot with his thumb, he playfully nipped at her earlobe. “Please?”

  “I don’t know what to…” Warrick thrust himself back inside her and she faltered over her words. “Okay, baby, I’ll do it. I mean, bueno, bebé, yo lo hare.” Tingling all over, she ran her fingertips across his shaft, crooning softly in Spanish. “Eres tan grande y fuerte y hermoso y he extrando tu amor.”

  “More, baby. I want to hear more,” he whispered.

  “Tu deseo es mi orden. Soy mojado, bebé. ¡Es tiempo!” Massaging his chest to the rhythm of his thrusts, Tangela shut her eyes, sealing herself in the moment. Deep down, this was what she wanted. He was who she wanted. Feelings of hurt and rejection still remained, but Tangela had to decide if she was going to live in the past or embrace the future. And her future with Warrick had never looked brighter.

  Staying in character, she said all of the things she’d kept hidden in her heart for the last two years. Telling him how much she loved him, and how much it meant to have him in her life. “Te quiero, Warrick. Yo no nunca parare adorarte. Mas que nada, quiero casarte y construir una vida contigo. Yo te no parare amando nunca.”

  Driving into her, Warrick watched their reflection in the mirror. Being good in bed wasn’t a badge of honor, but he was glad that he could still please her. Her happiness was his ultimate quest, his joy, his reason for living. Aroused by the sight of their damp, naked bodies, he clutched her hips and increased his pace.

  He excited her with soft words, promises of tomorrow and deep, meaningful kisses. Since their first date almost nine years ago, she’d always imagined them getting married and starting a family. Warrick was the prototype of what she wanted in a man, and when he came inside her, Tangela felt at peace about their relationship and their love.

  Chapter Fifteen

  January brought sunshine, rain showers and love into Tangela and Warrick’s lives. After returning from New Orleans, they spent every available moment together and they easily slipped back into their old routines. They went shopping together, played racquetball at the YMCA and visited his grandparents on the weekend. To prove his commitment, Warrick ditched happy hour and was home every night by six. In return, Tangela cooked his favorite foods, and traded her comfy flannel pajamas for racy lingerie.

  “Are we still going to that gallery opening tonight?” Warrick asked, chewing the last of his cinnamon waffle. He picked up his plate, put it into the sink and guzzled down his orange juice. “It’s okay if you’ve changed your mind. I don’t—”

  “Don’t even try it, buster. We’re going.” Grinning, she held out his jacket and slipped it on over his shoulders. His executive-chic attire and the scent of his aftershave made her feel light-headed. “Good luck at the meeting, baby. You’re going to knock ’em dead!”

  “I hope so. We’ve invested a lot of time and energy into making this deal happen.”

  Nodding, she adjusted his silk pinstripe tie. “Try not to worry, and don’t forget to call and let me know what happens.”

  “I love when you boss me around,” he teased, gripping her hips and rubbing her against his erection. “Especially in the bedroom. Maybe we could re-create the night of the ribbon-cutting ceremony again.”

  Tangela milked the feeling of being back in his arms for all it was worth. Sheltered in his embrace and the security of his love, she lowered her head onto his chest. She closed her eyes and her mind wandered back to the night in question. While Warrick was at the grocery store, she’d taken a shower and slipped into a red teddy. He’d taken one look at her and dropped the eggs. The rest of the night had been given to tender lovemaking. Tangela didn’t know what was so different about that night. She’d always held back when she came, but for some reason, she couldn’t control herself. Panting, her breath coming in quick gasps, she’d hiked her legs up and squeezed down on her pelvic muscles. It made his orgasm more intense and even now, weeks later, Warrick was still raving about it.

  “What are you doing today? Not going to that coed spin class, I hope.”

  “No, I promised Carmen we’d go for a run. I have some errands to do later, but that’s about it.” Craving his touch, she backed him up against the fridge and brushed her lips against the hollow of his throat. “Maybe I’ll swing by your office later with a victory lunch.”

  “But I haven’t closed the deal yet.”

  “You will.” Tangela giggled when he whispered in her ear. His scent was her undoing, but she didn’t want to encourage him. Despite his clean-cut appearance, Warrick was an animal in bed and once they got to kissing, there was just no stopping him. “Call me around eleven.”

  “Or, you can just come by at noon.”

  “I shouldn’t. I’ve been at your office a lot lately.”

  “So what? I’m the president, remember?” Hugging her, he rubbed his nose against her shoulder. “Besides, I’m all for a hot, midday snack.”

  Giggling, she wiggled her eyebrows. “Are we still talking about food?”

  It was times like this when they were laughing and joking that Tangela still couldn’t believe they were back together. Even after a month of clandestine dinners and romantic dates, none of it seemed real. “Let me walk you out. I’d hate for you to be late on one of the biggest days of your career.”

  “Dad’s chairing the meeting. I’m just there to make sure everything goes smoothly.”

  In the foyer, he gave her a kiss. Hugging her lower lip between his and gently sucking on it, he buried his hands in her hair. Tangela loved her new life. She went to bed laughing and woke up with a big, cheesy smile on her lips. Latching her hands around his neck, she held him close. “Go before we end up back in bed.”

  “Would that be so bad?”

  “What’s that saying about too much of a good thing?”

  “Hell if I know.” Winking, he cupped her bottom. “I could never get enough of you.”

  They kissed again, and then he was gone. Tangela was inside the kitchen filling her plate when she heard the front door jiggle. A smile crossed her lips. Warrick did this at least once a week. Sometimes he’d return to tell her she was beautiful or to give her another kiss. Taking to her heels, she rushed down the hall. But when Tang
ela reached the foyer, she heard female voices on the other side of the door. A feeling of dread coated the walls of her stomach.

  “Tangela, open up! We know you’re in there!”

  Sucking in a breath, she closed one eye and stared through the peep hole. Yup, it was Sage and Cashmere. Decked out in black, her girlfriends looked like well-dressed spies, and even through the tiny hole, she saw the furious expressions on their faces. Days after returning from New Orleans, she’d received a blizzard of angry phone calls and text messages from her friends, wanting to know why she was out cavorting with Warrick. She’d ignored them all. Now, the busybodies were banging on her door like Dog the Bounty Hunter.

  “Oh, brother,” she mumbled, heaving a deep, tortured sigh. Leery about seeing her friends, but faced with no other options, she slowly unlocked the door. “What are you guys doing here? Shouldn’t you be at work?”

  “We’re staging an intervention,” Sage announced, marching inside.

  “A what?”

  “You heard me. An intervention.” Sage folded her arms. “We saw Warrick leave here a few minutes ago.”


  “And you said if you ever took him back, that we should talk some sense into you. So, here we are.” Cashmere pushed back her trench coat and bolstered her hands on her hips. With the outrageous blond weave and skintight leggings, she reminded Tangela of a female action hero. “He’s sleeping here now, isn’t he?”

  “I don’t have time for this, you guys. I have a flight this afternoon…to…to…Washington.” Lying to her girlfriends was childish, but she wasn’t in the mood for their jibber-jabber. It was her day off and she wanted to spend a quiet morning alone watching soaps and eating ice cream. “Why don’t we get together when I get back?”

  Sage slammed the door. “We’re not leaving until you give us some answers. You’ve been dodging us for weeks and we’re sick of it. It’s time you tell us what’s going on.”

  Tangela rolled her eyes. Hoping they’d take the hint and leave her alone, she shook her head in annoyance. Spinning around, she returned to the kitchen, Tweedledee and Tweedledumb in tow. “Are you guys hungry? I was about to eat breakfast.”

  “Damn, something smells good up in here!” Cashmere quipped, smacking her lips together. “Did you make cinnamon waffles?”

  Pointing at the stove, Tangela said, “Help yourself, there’s plenty left.”

  “You cooked for him?” Sage asked, eyes narrowed, lips pursed tight. The women exchanged worried glances. “It’s worse than we thought.”

  Tangela refused to be drawn into a discussion about her love life. Wanting to distance herself, she grabbed her plate and sat down in the living room. She felt their eyes on her and pretended to be interested in the morning news.

  “Tangela, why are you doing this?”

  “Doing what?”

  “Screwing Warrick.”

  After sneaking around for weeks, Tangela was relieved to finally have everything out in the open. But she didn’t appreciate her friends storming into her house, disrespecting her and insulting the man she loved. Annoyed, she broke her vow of silence. “For the record, Warrick and I are in a committed, monogamous relationship.” Her heart skipped a beat at the mention of his name. “Honestly, you guys, things are so good between us it hardly seems real. It’s like we’re dating for the first time. He’s attentive and loving and…”

  Cashmere snorted. “How long do you think that’ll last?”

  “I’m serious. We both really want this to work.” Tangela considered the last three weeks. Being with Warrick and having his love meant more to her than anything. He was a dream—her dream and she couldn’t get enough of him. There was never a shortage of laughs when they were together and the sex was so hot she needed fireproof sheets.

  “Why are you so weak for a man who has done nothing but hurt you?” Sage interrogated her as though she were a hostile witness, firing one question after another. “What’s the matter with you? Are you that desperate? Warrick doesn’t love you and he’s never going to marry you. You know that, I know that, hell, the whole state of Nevada knows that!”

  Mouth contorted into a tight grimace, she glared at her childhood friend. Sage was working her last good nerve, but Tangela knew how to cut her down to size. “After Khari’s car accident, you were ready to write Marshall off, but I encouraged you to work things out, remember? Why can’t you do the same for me?”

  “Because Marshall and Warrick are two different people.”

  “Thank God for that,” Tangela mumbled, hugging a cushion to her chest. Where did Sage get off? Just because she was sporting a gargantuan wedding ring didn’t make her a relationship expert. “I don’t know why we’re even having this conversation. It’s my heart and my decision.”

  Plate stacked high with waffles, Cashmere joined Tangela on the sofa. “But what about your mission? I thought you wanted to be hitched by your thirtieth birthday?”

  “Yeah, what about it, Tangela? Has Warrick popped the question yet?” Sage spat the words out through clenched teeth, mocking her. “I’m disappointed in you. I thought you were so much smarter than this.…”

  Tangela’s eyes remained glued to the screen. She was doing everything in her power to keep her composure, but when Sage started yelling at her, she switched off the TV and stood up. “Let yourselves out when you’re ready. I’m going to take a shower.”

  “Don’t you get it? Winning you back was nothing more than a game. You’re nothing more than an accessory to him. Someone young and pretty who looks good on his arm when he’s schmoozing with his millionaire clients.”

  “That’s not true. Warrick loves me,” she argued. “You guys are entitled to your opinion, but frankly I don’t care what you think. I don’t need your approval.”

  “Are you forgetting who put you up the last time he broke your heart?”

  Scalding-hot tears formed in her eyes, but Tangela blinked them away.

  Cashmere stopped eating long enough to say, “We love you, girl, and we don’t want to see you get hurt again. Sage is right, Tangela. You deserve to be with someone who thinks the world of you. Don’t settle. Be patient. You’ll find the right guy.”

  Tangela raised her chin. Their negativity didn’t dampen her spirits. If anything, it gave her more hope for the future. This time, she and Warrick were going to work. “I know what I’m doing. Nothing’s going to happen that I can’t handle.”

  “Fine, but don’t come crying to me when he breaks your heart again.” Sage grabbed her purse and motioned toward the foyer. “Come on, Cashmere, we’re out of here.”

  Hours later, Tangela was still thinking about what Sage had said. Hurling a block of molded cheese into the garbage bin, she replayed their conversation in her mind. Where does Sage get off calling me desperate? she fumed, wiping furiously at the ketchup stains inside the fridge door. Warrick wasn’t a saint, but he was the right man for her. No one fascinated her like he did and every time he kissed her she melted. Exquisite didn’t begin to describe how she felt when he touched her. Absent from their previous relationship was genuine intimacy, but this time around, there had been no shortage of smiles, laughs and kisses.

  Dropping the sponge into the bucket, Tangela stepped back and surveyed her work. The fridge looked brand-new. Pleased, she closed the door and moved on to the freezer. Within minutes, frozen dinners, chicken wings and pizza pops lined the granite countertop.

  “Honey, where are you?” Warrick came around the corner, a wide, crooked grin on his lips. Coming in close, they entwined fingers and met in the middle of the kitchen for a kiss.

  Body pulsing with excitement, eyes shining with desire, she shook off her feelings of self-pity and pressed herself hard against him. The tension in her shoulders receded under his loving caress. Dating him was a dream, but becoming Mrs. Warrick James Carver was—Whoa! Where did that come from? she thought, striking the idea from her mind. It was much too soon to be thinking about marriage. They’d only been b
ack together for a few weeks, and they had agreed to take things slow.

  “You’re not still cleaning, are you?”

  “I’m almost done.” Tangela picked up a frozen dinner and shook it. “Why do you buy this stuff? They’re full of chemicals and high in sodium.”

  “Well, now that you’re here, I don’t need them. I have my very own sexy little chef and I’m not sharing you with anyone!”

  Laughing, she returned to restocking the shelves.

  “Hold up, what’s all this stuff?” he asked, picking up one of the cans on the counter.

  “Healthy, tasty foods with zero calories and no trans fat.”

  “But I like trans fat!”

  “You mean you used to,” she corrected, pecking him on the cheek.

  He read the label out loud. “No thanks, I’ll stick with my frozen dinners.”

  “All those days of bad eating are over, baby. From now on, we’re eating healthy,” she said, dumping a bag of Oreos into the trash. “Say goodbye to the junk food, Warrick.”

  “Does that mean we’re having salad again tonight?”


  He visibly relaxed. “Thank God. I’m starving.”

  “We’re having spinach casserole.”

  “Um, yum,” he deadpanned. “Can’t wait.”

  “You haven’t even tried it!” Tangela watched him stare longingly at the frozen dinner and laughed. “Have I ever made you something you didn’t like?”

  “Yeah, that tofu stir-fry was disgusting!”

  Feigning anger, she pushed him away. “Just for that, you’re not getting any tonight.”

  “Ah, come on. Don’t take that away, too!”

  “Warrick, it won’t kill you to try eating organic food,” she told him.


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