Reb's Revenge (Reb Rogers Book 1)

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Reb's Revenge (Reb Rogers Book 1) Page 8

by J B Black

  Honey smiled and said, “I don’t go anywhere without my gun.”

  “No offense, but, for some reason, you being a model, I never would have suspected that you knew how to use a gun, much less carry one around in your handbag for self-defense.”

  “No offense taken, but, in the early 1800s, my great-great-great-grandmother often used a rifle and a pistol alongside my great-great-great-grandfather on our family’s ranch in Texas fighting off Indians and outlaws,” Honey said. “And ever since then, every female in my family has learned how to use firearms so they could protect themselves and their families. Even though I’m a model, I grew up on a ranch in Texas and I do know how to take care of myself.”

  Reb thought, At least she hasn’t drunk the liberal Kool-Aid about guns being evil.

  “Sounds to me like you’ve got a lot of your grandmother’s attributes in you,” Reb replied, with obvious admiration.

  “I’ll definitely take that as a compliment,” Honey said with a smile.

  “It was meant to be,” Reb said, smiling back at her.

  When the waitress arrived, Honey ordered a margarita, Reb ordered a beer and they both ordered the seafood platter.

  Over dinner, Honey asked Reb to tell her something about himself. So, he told her about being raised on a farm in rural Alabama. He mentioned being in the Boy Scouts and the influence that had on him. He told her about going into the ROTC program to help pay for college. He told her about the anger he had felt on 9/11. He gave her an abridged overview of what he did in Afghanistan. About the time they finished eating, he realized that he had been talking the entire time while she had been hanging on to his every word.

  Honey then asked Reb what his plans were now that he was no longer a soldier. He told her about buying the boat and his plans to run a small charter fishing business. Honey mentioned that she enjoyed fishing, but seldom had the opportunity to go.

  Reb decided to find out just how compatible they might be. “How do you feel about football?”

  Honey leaned back in her seat, folded her arms under her breasts, and got a serious look on her face. “I’ll have you know that I’m a big Aggie football fan.”

  Reb was thinking to himself she’s not anti-gun and she likes football, I may have hit the jackpot and said, “Just to let you know, I’m an Alabama fan.”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem,” Honey replied. “It’s not like I’m an Auburn fan and we’d have to check our sanity at the door to consider marriage, not wanting our kids growing up not knowing which team to root for. It’s not like Bama and Texas A&M are in the same conference and play each other every year.”

  Reb laughed and said, “You’ve got a point there. Although I guess they could end up playing in a bowl game or for the national championship at some point in time.”

  They had finished eating and were waiting on their desert order, when Honey asked, “Reb, where do you stand on politics?”

  “Damn, Honey,” Reb said. “That’s a pretty heavy question for a first date.”

  Honey leaned back, folded her arms under her breasts again, and put on her serious face. “I like to know as much as I can about a man when I’m interested in him.”

  Reb smiled. “Why, are you thinking about sharing your bed with me tonight?”

  “Don’t go getting ahead of yourself and just answer the question, Reb.”

  “All right. I didn’t vote for the clown who is currently occupying the White House and I sure as hell don’t like the direction the country is heading in. What about you?”

  “I’d say we’re of a like mind,” Honey replied. “I was home schooled so I wasn’t brainwashed with all of the left-wing liberal, socialist claptrap they’re teaching kids these days. My family is and always has been very conservative. It really pisses me off that the progressive lefties are trying to ban the Pledge of Allegiance in government schools these days and telling the kids they can’t pray in school, especially at football games.

  “On top of that, way too many kids are doing poorly in school and not being prepared for the real world that is waiting for them once they get out of school. Our current education system and the politicians on both sides of the aisle in Washington are failing our country miserably.

  “Reb, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to get on my soapbox. I’m sure I’ve bored you to tears.”

  “Not in the least little bit,” Reb said, while thinking, She’s drop dead gorgeous, she carries a gun for self-protection, she likes football, and she’s not some progressive airhead when it comes to politics. I think I might be falling in love.

  After they polished off their deserts, Honey started yawning. “I’m sorry Reb, but it’s been a long day and tomorrow’s going to be a long one, too. Would you mind walking me to my room?”

  They rode the elevator up to her floor and walked down the hallway to her room. At the door, she turned to face Reb and said, “I really enjoyed our date tonight.”

  Then she leaned forward and kissed Reb on his lips.

  When she stepped back, Reb said, trying to hide his disappointment with an attempt at being humorous, “It doesn’t look like I’m going to be sharing your bed, tonight.”

  “Oh, don’t look so disappointed,” she said, enjoying the fact that he did look disappointed. “I really do need to be rested for tomorrow’s shoot, but then I have some time off before my next assignment. Who knows? Play your cards right and you might get lucky.”

  “In that case, how about dinner again tomorrow night after the shoot?” Reb asked.

  “That would be nice,” Honey said.

  “Great, I’ll see you tomorrow morning at the shoot then. Goodnight, Honey.”

  “Goodnight, Reb.” Honey watched as Reb turned and walked back down the hallway to the elevator.


  Hassan Younis’ Residence

  Washington, D.C.

  Saturday, April 17, 2010

  2:35 p.m. Eastern Time

  Hassan was at the large desk in his study paying some personal bills when his home phone rang. He looked at the caller ID to see who was calling before answering. It was Megan calling from her cell phone.

  Hassan picked up the handset. “Where are you?”

  “I’m on the way home,” Megan answered. “I thought I’d stop by the grocery store on the way and pick us up something for dinner tonight. How does ribeyes, baked potatoes, and a green salad sound to you?”

  “That sounds fine,” Hassan said. “What time do you want me to come by?”

  “What time will that thing you mentioned earlier be taking place?” Megan asked.

  “No earlier than midnight,” Hassan replied.

  “In that case, how does six o’clock sound to you? That way, we can have an early dinner and, after dinner, while we wait to hear from your friend, you can help me burn off some of my pent up nervous energy in the bedroom.”

  “I’ll be there at six.”


  Aboard Reb’s Revenge

  70 Miles out in the Gulf of Mexico

  Off Seaside Beach, Alabama

  Saturday, April 17, 2010

  1:45 p.m. Central Time

  After leaving Rusty’s Marina the night before, Reb and Honey took the Revenge some seventy or so miles offshore out to the oil rigs where they planned to fish that night and all day on Saturday. When they reached their destination, Reb set out his sea anchors. Then he went below to join Honey who was busy preparing their supper in the Revenge’s galley.

  After supper, Honey wanted to do some night fishing, so they went back up on deck, turned on the underwater lights and fished for a couple of hours. After catching several fish, they went back below to the cabin and made love in the master berth before calling it a night.

  Saturday morning, they got up early and Honey prepared breakfast while Reb made sure that everything up on deck was shipshape. The sun was coming up when they finished eating. Shortly after that, they moved the boat to their current location—a spot where Reb
had previously had good luck catching Blue Marlin and Yellowfin Tuna.

  * * *

  Seven Months Earlier

  Seaside Beach, Alabama

  Wednesday, September 23, 2009

  The next morning, Reb met Billy in the garage and, on the drive over to the hotel where the shoot would take place, Billy asked, “How’d your date go last night?”

  “You do realize that it was pretty much lust at first sight, for me,” Reb said. “I mean she is one damn good looking woman. And yesterday at the shoot she was fun to be around—not stuck up at all. Well, last night, I found out that she carries a gun for self-protection, she likes football, and our political views are simpatico. I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say I may be falling in love.”

  “Well, she sure sounds just about perfect to me,” Billy said.

  For that final day of shooting, Honey wore a series of bikini swimsuits with an American Flag motif. The first outfit Honey modeled had the stars on the left panel and stripes on the right panel of the bikini top and stars on a blue background for the bikini bottom. Each of the following outfits she wore that day were all variations of the stars and stripes—just in different locations. And, as far as Reb was concerned, what Honey did for those swimsuits would sell millions of them next spring. It was a good thing there was no traffic on the beach that morning, because Reb only had eyes for the lovely Miss Brown.

  During the lunch break, Honey sat next to Reb again and kept him and the others in stitches telling them some risqué jokes she’d picked up over the years.

  The shoot was a wrap around four-thirty. Honey said her goodbyes to her business manager, the photographer and his crew, the make-up artist and the hair stylist, all of whom were in a hurry to get to the airport in Pensacola to catch their flights to return to their respective homes.

  When she was done with her goodbyes to her co-workers, Honey turned to Reb, who had been standing nearby. “Why don’t you give me an hour and then meet me at my hotel room?”

  After Honey left to go back to her hotel room, Reb rode back to Seaside Tower with Billy where he showered and changed clothes before driving back to Honey’s hotel.

  Reb knocked on Honey’s hotel door expecting her to be dressed for dinner. Instead, she met him at the door dressed in one of the hotel’s white terry cloth bathrobes holding a margarita. Honey had only loosely tied the robe’s belt and Reb caught a glimpse of her breasts peeking out of the bathrobe at him. It was obvious she was naked under the robe.

  Honey had a big smile on her face. “Don’t just stand there gawking at me, Reb. Come on in.”

  Reb stepped inside and closed the door behind him. When he turned around, Honey stood on tiptoe, wrapped her arms around his neck—being careful not to slosh her drink—and kissed him passionately on the lips while managing to press her breasts up against his chest.

  When they broke for air, Honey took Reb’s hand with her free hand and started walking toward the balcony. “Let’s go out on the balcony. I had room service bring up a pitcher of margaritas and some bottles of that dark beer you were drinking last night and I had them put it all in the little refrigerator out by the hot tub.”

  “That’s the best offer I’ve had all day.”

  “If you’d rather have something else to drink,” Honey said, “let me know and I’ll have room service bring it up.”

  “No, beer will be just fine,” Reb said.

  When they got out onto the balcony, Honey led Reb over to the hot tub and said, “Let’s try out the hot tub.”

  “I didn’t bring my swim trunks,” Reb said.

  Honey removed her bathrobe, and let it drop to the ground.

  Reb found himself staring at the most perfect pair of natural breasts he’d ever seen jutting out at him.

  “Don’t try to tell me that you’ve never gone skinny dipping with a girl before, Reb Rogers.”

  Reb continued to stand there staring at Honey’s naked body and enjoying the moment.

  “What are you waiting on slow poke?” Honey said, thinking to herself, I can’t believe I just said what I did—I must have getting poked on the brain. “Hurry up and get out of those clothes and get in the hot tub.”

  Reb quickly kicked his shoes off, stripped out of his clothes, and got into the hot tub—fully aroused.

  “Well, I can see I’ve got your full attention,” Honey said, noticing Reb’s erection. She walked over to the small refrigerator to get a refill from the pitcher of margaritas. “You want me to bring you a beer?”

  “Yes, thank you. That would be great,” Reb said trying to act nonchalantly, as he leaned back and enjoyed the warm water being circulated over his body by the hot tub’s jets.

  After handing Reb his beer, Honey got into the hot tub and sat in the seat opposite him. When she leaned back, the top half of her breasts and her nipples were exposed, just out of the water.

  For a few moments they sat on opposite sides of the hot tub silently nursing their drinks, neither one able to keep their eyes off of the other one.

  “What are you thinking about, Reb?” Honey asked.

  “I’m just amazed that not three weeks ago I was on the other side of the world in Afghanistan getting shot at,” Reb said, “and, now, here I am in Seaside Beach, Alabama sitting in a hot tub with, I hope you don’t mind me saying, the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  “Why in the world would I mind?” Honey responded. “Actually, I’m quite pleased that you find me attractive and I think you’re a very handsome man, Reb Rogers. I was attracted to you the moment I first laid eyes on you the other day, in case you didn’t know.”

  Not knowing what to say and trying not to blush, but failing, Reb took a swig from his beer.

  After a moment, Honey said, “I do have another question for you.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Is Reb your real name or just a nickname?”

  “My parents named me Thornton Rebelius Rogers and, ever since I can remember, everybody has called me Reb for short.”

  “I like that name,” Honey said. “It’s unique.”

  “While we’re on the subject,” Reb said, “Is Honey your real name or a stage name like an actress has?”

  Honey giggled. “Oh, it’s my real name all right. The way the story goes is that my mother wanted to name me Ann and my father had his heart set on Honey and they had this big fight over it. Finally, my mother relented and let my father get his way.”

  “Well, I’m glad your father got his way, I think Honey suits you,” Reb said.

  They sat in silence and after a few moments of watching Honey looking back at him, Reb said, “A penny for your thoughts.”

  “What I’m thinking is that I would very much like to have you make mad, passionate love to me in that king size bed back inside this hotel room.”

  They never did go out to dinner that evening. Reb and Honey ended up making love three times that night. As is usually the case, the first time—when a couple is getting acquainted sexually—it was pretty much a case of wham, bam, thank you ma’am. Reb apologized for the short time span and explained that it had been a while since he’d had intercourse. Honey said that she too had been without sex for some time, but let Reb know that she was well satisfied with the outcome.

  They spent about half an hour on foreplay the second time around and Honey swore she saw stars when she reached her orgasm.

  They had room service deliver club sandwiches, potato chips, and kosher dill spears which they ate between rounds two and three.

  The third time they had sex that night was a charm.

  Afterwards, they were both sitting up in bed and Reb thought to himself, Might as well get this part over with.

  Reb looked at Honey and asked the obligatory, “Well, was it good for you?”

  Honey looked over at Reb and said, “Reb, darling, that was the most incredible sex I’ve ever had.”

  After several moments of silence, Honey asked, “Well, was that the most incred
ible sex you’ve ever had?”

  “Sweetheart,” Reb said, grinning from ear to ear, “on a scale of one to ten, I’d say that was definitely a twenty.”

  Whereupon, Honey rewarded Reb with a hug and a kiss.

  The next morning, they had room service bring up the hotel kitchen’s version of a lumberjack’s breakfast and Reb and Honey had their breakfast out on the balcony looking out over the bluish-green waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

  After they finished breakfast, they gathered Honey’s things, checked out of the hotel, and drove to Reb’s condo where it had been decided that Honey would take up residence until her next modeling assignment.


  Aboard Reb’s Revenge

  Out in the Gulf of Mexico

  70 Miles off Seaside Beach, Alabama

  Saturday, April 17, 2010

  2:00 p.m. Central Time

  Reb was at the helm watching Honey as she stood in the cockpit. After lunch, Honey had changed into some blue jeans, a long sleeved fishing shirt, and was wearing a Texas Aggie baseball cap so she wouldn’t get sunburned while fishing.

  Reb kept an eye on Honey as she attached an artificial lure to the end of her line and then made a long cast out over the stern of the Revenge.

  When the lure hit the water, Reb put the Revenge’s twin Yamaha 350s in gear and started the boat moving forward at a leisurely pace so that Honey could try her luck at trolling for a while.

  * * *

  Seven Months Earlier

  Seaside Beach, Alabama

  Friday, September 25, 2009

  After they checked Honey out of her hotel, Reb and Honey went back to Reb’s condominium where Reb found a note stuck to his door. The note was from Rusty letting Reb know that Rusty had all of the paperwork for the sale of the boat ready and that Reb could come by the marina anytime.

  Reb’s bank had called him late the previous day to let him know that they had the two hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars in cash he had requested available for him to pick up. Reb had, in turn, called Rusty and left a voice mail message to let him know that he would be picking up the cash the next morning and would like to conclude the deal on the boat as quickly as possible after that, if that was convenient for Rusty.


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