Romance: Luther's Property

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Romance: Luther's Property Page 46

by Laurie Burrows

  A big smile opened the dude’s mouth disgustingly wide. He looked like his fucking jaw was going to come unstuck. Only half of his mouth held any teeth. They were distinctly of a brown and yellowish hue. It wouldn’t be long before his mouth, as well as the rest of him, shriveled up into a death and rotted as pitifully as he had lived.

  But there was another dragon to slay, a horse to ride, and, so the story goes, an addict whirls around and around repeating the same act over and over and over again, one day, two days, three days, every day.

  “Two bags of H,” he said.


  Bags in hand, he hurried out of that shit before its death grip descended upon him. He would never get that low, he promised himself. He would never allow himself to fall so far that he could never live with dignity again. That was a life for suckers and punks and losers. And his Daddy, a son of a bitch who liked to smack around his Momma and fuck whores right under her nose. On more than one occasion he did the dirty deed with a hooker, while his own wife lay in the bed sobbing herself to sleep, wondering when this hell would ever end.

  Austin hoped that a few snorts of heroin would help take away the ringing in his ears. He’d never heard of that particular remedy. But it seemed like it would be worth a try.

  Now all he needed was the whores. He hopped on his hog and revved the engine. He felt like letting out a giant roar and making the sky tremble. His mojo was definitely coming back. He’d been sucker-punched, cold-cocked, chin-checked. But that didn’t mean shit now. His cock was stiff in his pants. And he could feel the blood coursing through his muscular arms.

  He roared off into the night, and headed for the bright lights and crowded streets of Times Square. He hadn’t even been looking for a whore earlier, when he caught a few out of the corner of his eye, plying their wares and watching out for cops. Coppers. Especially those under-covers, vice-squad coppers looking to bring an end to the scourge of prostitution.

  Chapter 10

  The next morning, Jeffrey had to leave early for work so Nicole stayed in the bed longer than she should have. She had her iPad on her lap and her headphones on her ears. She didn’t know how she ended up watching it, but her eyes were locked on episode after episode of a show that centered on a violent motorcycle gang. She’d never been into those guys and she certainly didn’t approve of that lifestyle. She had no idea why the show had done such a good job pulling her in. But it might have been something about the men. No, that’s not the way to put it at all. It was, without any shadow of a doubt, about the men. They were so damn sexy! Nothing at all like the man she had just agreed to marry just hours ago.

  They were tough and macho and cruel and sexual and muscular. They were so many things, so many mouth-watering, pussy-moistening, lip-licking good things. They represented danger, adventure, and life on the open road, free from restraints. But there was she, going off being silly again. Imagining that somehow she could have a different life. She was being foolish. She knew that. It was just a stupid TV show. In real life, bikers were fat and middle-age. Riding around on bikes and wearing silly jackets is how they tried to fight against the reality of getting older. It was their way of staying in touch with some part of their childhood. Nicole wasn’t sure how’d she strayed off into that line of pseudo psycho-analysis, but she quickly got a hold of herself. She didn’t give a damn about what the average biker in America looked like. She didn’t give a damn about the overweight, weekend warrior, desperately to prove their masculinity, while doing everything in their power to prove that they hadn’t progressed beyond the level of boys—boys with big bellies and big-load toys.

  No, she didn’t give a damn about any of that. What she cared about was her wet pussy that yearned for a cock other than Jeffery’s. It was a strange feeling that she was trying to work through. He had been magnificent the night before –full of passion and vigor and just the right amount of dirty talk. But it wasn’t enough. She knew that she would never really be satisfied with him.

  She couldn’t go on living life like this. She had to get out of that apartment, maybe out of that city. She wasn’t the kind of woman who had built a reputation for doing rash things, throwing the die into the middle of the table. But maybe, just maybe, it was time for her to make that change, to become that brave, fearless woman. This engagement and the subsequent marriage would end up killing her. She could never be one hundred percent faithful to him. She would never be able to entirely submit. He wasn’t the kind of man who would ever be capable of earning that from her.

  There was no more time to waste. Now that she had made up her mind, Nicole didn’t want to wait before she took this monumental step in her life. The rest of her day was completely wasted. She spent several hours on the phone begging and pleading for a moving company to help her move out immediately. She kept getting turned down. They needed more time. Didn’t have enough time. Mover had too many other appointments. One excuse after another. It got so bad that she even told a few of the companies that she was a victim of domestic violence and desperately needed to get away while he was at work. But even that wasn’t enough to persuade any of them to come help her at the last minute. If she was going to figure her way out of this situation then she was going to have to do it alone.

  She decided that she would only take a couple bags with her. It wasn’t an easy decision for her to arrive at. There was no telling what Jeffrey would do when he found out that she had broken off the engagement and the entire relationship all together. He would certainly be a boiling kettle of rage. He didn’t seem like a very mean or aggressive man. But he could be both of those things in heavy amounts if he felt jealous or insulted.

  This would be the worst, the most painful insult that he could possibly take. The woman whom he loved more than he’d ever loved before had walked out on him while he was at work trying to earn enough to help pay off the ring and put a little money down for the really big ring and then more for the wedding. He had planned on working his ass off, showing up earlier and leaving later than ever before. But that opportunity had been snatched from him. Sure, she’d said yes to his proposal. At least some part of her must have been willing to take the matrimonial plunge with him.

  Was it a case of cold feet, coquetry or butterflies in the belly? Was it simply a woman deciding that it was time to take charge of her life? To do what it is that she needed to do.

  With her two large suitcases in hand and a fully-stuffed backpack strapped to her, Nicole walked out of her building and on to the busy street. For some reason this New York landscape looked different to her. Everything around her seemed bright and vibrant, so full of possibility and adventure, but also risk and danger. She couldn’t wait to take the leap into the life that the turbulent New York waters held for her.

  She rode a cab to the Ritz-Carlton on 34th. The place wasn’t cheap. Not one bit. And that’s why Nicole wanted to stay there. If she was going to branch out into a new life, then she might as well do it in style. She smiled as she got out of the cab and prepared to walk into the luxurious hotel. But the sound of a loud engine caught her attention. She turned to see where the loud obnoxious sound was coming from. “Those stupid bikers”, she said to herself. “They’re always trying to get some attention. What a bunch of little boys”.

  But when she turned around, her mouth dropped open as she saw the biker who was kicking up all that noise. That face and build looked so familiar. She could have sworn that she’d seen him somewhere before.

  He swung one of his meaty legs off the bike and then the other. He looked around him with an air of dominance and then began walking towards the entrance. Nicole hadn’t moved for the last several moments as she’d watched the biker stud park his ride.

  As he came towards her, she blushed and lowered her eyes. But her attraction and curiosity were too strong. She raised her eyes right as the hunk was about to pass her.

  “Oh my God”, she said out loud, nearly fainting. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

  When she opened them, the biker was gone. She looked around frantically and then rushed into the hotel lobby. She absolutely had to find him. But where the hell was he?

  “Ma’am can I help you?” A pasty-faced man, wearing the hotel’s drab, brown uniform, smiled at her.

  She backed away from him. She had a strong desire to slap him in the face. Nicole had never been a violent person, yet there was something about his face that seemed to warrant a good slap or two.

  The sound of the elevator bell snapped Nicole out of her slightly sadistic reverie. That’s where he had gone! She hurried off in the direction of the elevators. The doors to one of them were about to close.

  She yelled out, “Hold those doors. Hold them!”

  The doors continued to close.

  And suddenly they stopped closing and began opening. Nicole was panting and completely out of breath. She was going to see him. He was behind those doors.

  But unfortunately he was not. But there was elderly couple staring at her with alarm. She must have looked crazy at that moment. What the hell had she done with her life? She dropped to the floor and held her face in her hands.

  When the blonde hunk in the black leather jacket turned around, Nicole nearly fainted. It was him. Austin. The jerk who’d gotten her fired. He was part of the reason her life was in such disarray. She should've been furious with him. She should've ranted and raged, kicked and screamed.

  But she didn't feel any of those emotions. Electric currents of desire shot through her body.

  Moments later, they walked into the hotel bar. Austin apologized profusely for having canceled the wedding. And he was even more apologetic when she told him that she had lost her job.

  “It's okay,” she said, lowering her eyes.

  “Hell no. It's not okay,” Austin said. “I promise to make it up to you.”

  Nicole raised her eyes and smiled timidly.

  “How do you feel about relocating out West?”

  Nicole's eyes opened with surprise.

  “What? I have a real estate company in Denver. I already have a couple women working there. And I would love to add you to the team.”

  Nicole smiled and shook her head up and down.

  “To brand new beginnings,” Austin said, raising his glass in the air.

  As they clinked glasses, Austin kept his eyes fixed on her. Nicole blushed deep red and lowered her eyes. She could feel waves of pleasure washing over her. Damn he was hot!

  They spent the next few days in Austin's hotel room, rolling around in the bed, sipping $200 champagne, eating lox and olives and shrimp and caviar. At the end of the week, they both hopped onto Austin's bike and made the long trip out West. Nicole didn't know exactly where they were headed and she really didn't care. As long as she had her arms wrapped around his waist, she wouldn't have a care in the world.

  One of the first things they did when they got to Denver was to take a short road trip in Austin’s pick up truck.

  “You look very pretty,” he said. “Those colors look great on you.”

  She blushed and took note of the light blue and white pattern of her dress. If those were the colors he liked, then she would be sure to wear them again.

  “So are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

  “You don’t like surprises?” Austin asked with a big grin on his face. His smile always made her legs tingle. He seemed so confident and in control.

  “I do, sometimes. But I wouldn’t mind a little hint.”

  “I’ll tell you this you’re going to get sweaty and you’re going to get wet. Do you think that you can handle that?”

  “Sweaty and wet?” Nicole’s mind went off in one direction. She imagined Austin’s lean muscular body on top of her. She imagined his hips grinding into hers. She closed her eyes and let out a low moan.

  “Everything ok? Do you need me to pull over?”

  Nicole opened her eyes and looked towards Austin. Her eyes were full of lust and desire. But when she realized that she had just drifted off into a sexual fantasy she turned away from him and blushed.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” she said. She could feel the dampness between her legs so she quickly crossed them and smoothed down her sundress. Austin’s eyes drifted over towards her legs and lingered there for a moment. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him lick his lips. She wanted to ignore him, to pretend as if she didn’t see the desire etched on his face but the force of attraction between them was too strong. She turned towards him and gazed deeply into his beautiful, dilated blue eyes as she bit her lip.

  He turned back towards the long stretch of highway in front of them. And then he slyly let his hand rest on her plump thigh. It was the kind of bold move that most men would not have even attempted. And that’s part of what turned her on so much about that simple touch. His strong, pale hand looked so firm and sexy on her luscious caramel skin. She had never before considered just how much of a turn on that contrast in skin tones could be. Her body trembled with pleasure. Her panties were almost completely soaked. Austin made a move to withdraw his hand. But she stopped him by placing her hand on top of his.

  “That feels so good,” she said. “Don’t stop. Not yet.”

  “You have beautiful legs. So full and sexy. And the color is the most beautiful that I’ve ever seen.”

  Nicole leaned back in the seat and uncrossed her legs. She closed her eyes and a satisfied smile spread across her face. She would not have stopped him if he had slipped his fingers into her panties.

  “We should probably wait until we get to our destination before we continue this. We’ll have plenty of time to pick up where we left off.”

  Nicole sighed. Her eyes remained closed for several more seconds as she fantasized about finally feeling Austin inside of her. She was ready and willing to surrender to him. No man had ever made her feel so desired.

  For the next hour, they continued heading west on Interstate 70. Country music played on the car radio and every now and then they would turn and stare at each other warmly.

  “You see that sign?” Austin said.

  Nicole looked out the window. The highway sign read: Mount Evans and Echo Lake 5 Miles.

  “Is that where we’re going?”

  “Yes, it is. It’s one of the most beautiful places in the Centennial State.”

  Nicole was excited that Austin had chosen to take her to a scenic location well outside of the city.

  “We’ll drive up to the top of the mountain so you can get a feel for that rarefied Rocky Mountain air. And then we’ll head down to the base of the mountain for a little picnic.”

  “But we didn’t bring any food.”

  “Do you think I’d bring you all the way out here without having already planned our meal for us? Do you?”

  He turned to look at her with a sly smile on his lips. And once again he let his firm, masculine hand slide onto her thigh. She sighed deeply. Her whole body quivered with pleasure. She couldn’t wait for them to finally get to the destination so that they could really be intimate.

  “Just sit back, baby. And let me handle everything like a man is supposed to.”

  Those words were so comforting for her. Back in New York, she might have hesitated before allowing a man to completely be in charge. She would have reacted defensively to any assertions of male dominance. But out of here in this pristine, natural environment she had a very different reaction. She had no problem at all with him taking control because deep down she knew that that was something that she had long desired.

  Austin drove his white pick-up truck to the top of the 14, 260-foot peak. After he parked the car in a designated area, they got out and walked hand in hand towards several groups of tourists. It was Austin that had reached out for her hand. That really turned her on. He was clearly showing her his interest. The view from the top of Mount Evans was unlike anything Nicole had ever experienced. There was nothing like this in Manhattan. There was something spiritual and romantic about this kind of intense natura
l beauty. It was like she could look into the heavens, which appeared so close. The white-capped mountains were like something out of a movie. This was such a contrast to the drab New York skyscrapers.

  Austin wrapped his arm around her shoulder. She nestled her body into his chest. “I’ve never seen anything like this. Do you come here often?”

  “Only on special occasions.”

  Nicole looked up into Austin’s smiling blue eyes. “Is this a special occasion?”

  “Very much so.”

  She took his chin in her hands and pulled him towards her. They kissed slowly and gently on the lips.

  They stayed at the top of the mountain for another twenty minutes, before hopping back in the car and driving to the Echo Park, which was located at the base of the mountain. They parked and walked to the picnic area.

  Nicole had thought that maybe Austin had kept picnic food somewhere in the truck. But apparently not. She tried to figure out what he had meant when he said that he had already planned their meal. She hoped that he didn’t mean that they would be eating whatever food was available in the picnic area.

  But as it turned out she wouldn’t be at all disappointed.

  “Is that all for us?” She asked as they approached a blanket with an array of dishes spread out on it.

  Austin turned towards her and smiled. There was an Asian woman in a white apron standing by the blanket.

  She greeted them with a bow. Nicole couldn’t believe it. Once again he had surprised her. What a thoughtful, romantic man!

  “Of course, this is all for us,” he said. I had sushi delivered from one of the most popular restaurants out here: Tommy Tsunami’s Pacific Diner. I know that New York is known for some great sushi. So I wanted to show you that wouldn’t have to give up that pleasure if you moved out here.”

  Nicole smiled and snuggled even tighter to Austin. The woman in the white apron told them what each of the dishes were: spider roll, California roll, steamed pork dumplings, eel, and several more. Nicole was hardly paying attention to what the woman was saying. She wanted her to leave so that she and Austin could be alone. And soon enough they were.


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