His Favorite Girl

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by Steph Sweeney

  His Favorite Girl

  Book Two in the YFG Series


  Steph Sweeney

  This is a work of fiction. All names, places, and events are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author.

  Copyright © Steph Sweeney, 2013

  The author can be contacted at:

  [email protected]

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  Please store adult content where it cannot be accessed by minors.

  His Favorite Girl

  ─A Letter─

  To: Melissa

  From: Patton

  I haven’t stopped thinking about you since we first met. I never told you because I didn’t know if I could trust you. Now I know.

  Still, it’s best for now if we keep this to ourselves. I hope you understand.

  I’ll come for you tomorrow evening. We’ll have dinner at my place, and I’ll tell you some things that will get me killed if the wrong people ever find out. See you then.



  P.S.—Destroy this immediately.


  I DREAMED of him every night, his wet, steaming body, his dexterity, his control.

  His smile.

  Even in the dreams I remembered speculating he might be a virgin. Nothing could be further from the truth. This strange man, Patton, who dressed like a doctor but looked like he should have a guitar strapped to his back, might well have traveled to exotic lands to study techniques and philosophies of sex that are lost to the modern world. I’d experienced the Libido Drug enough to know its effects. What it did was provide a hot, blossoming meadow in which a sex god could play.

  That night he’d carried me out of the pool and over to the shower room, where a flip of a switch activated dozens of raining showerheads, a downpour of hot water with a two-foot pathway along the walls.

  As he pulled me into the water I swatted at the light switch. The lights dimmed to the weakness of moonlight, and hot water poured over me so thick that within moments I felt like I was drowning. I had to close my eyes and hold my breath, suspended in Patton’s arms, unable to tell whether he was walking or standing still, whether or not this downpour would end. I couldn’t look down. If I could look down I might block the water with my head and catch a breath. But he held me tight, and I didn’t want to break the moment by struggling. I had to trust him.

  Then we emerged on the other side and he set me down.

  The effect of the shower was unbelievable. Like a wall of water, like we were now hidden in a narrow tunnel.

  The water pounded at Patton’s back, breaking from the stream and splashing all around us. He was a shadow towering over me in the dim light. I reached out to touch his chest, his stomach. I took his dick in my hand and pulled him to me. Then I felt his hands on my sides, one of them sliding around and down to my ass, the other coming forward between my legs. Our lips met and we breathed into each other’s mouth as we stroked each other.

  Then I bit him and he slung me to the floor.

  After that, my memory grew hazy.

  Even in my dreams I couldn’t recall the specifics, the contortions, the screaming.

  When I awoke in the early morning and felt fingertips touching me just above the seam of my underwear, I gasped with anticipation. On my back, staring up into the darkness, letting my eyes adjust, my stomach tensing from the sensation of those dancing fingertips.

  Patton, you never run out of—

  The fingertips slipped inside my underwear and I quickly grabbed the hand.

  He didn’t stay the night.

  I looked to my left and saw Flora curled up next to me, her soft cheek resting on the pillow, her mouth slightly open, her eyes closed. This was how we slept every night, Flora cuddling me on one side, Liu on the other.

  I looked to my right and saw the glints of Liu’s eyes above her big smile. She had pulled the blanket off and now lay there completely naked. Nothing I hadn’t seen before. She and Flora were always chasing each other around in the nude, especially after their baths.

  Hers was the hand I now held between my legs.

  I pulled it out and turned over on my side to face her.

  “What are you doing?” I whispered, quietly but harshly.

  Liu shrank back. “I’m sorry. I thought you liked me.”

  “I do like you, Liu … as a friend.”

  “Can’t we be more than that?”


  “Because of Flora?”

  I sighed and sat up slowly. “Come with me,” I whispered, “and don’t wake her up.”

  I waited for Liu to climb out of bed and then scooted over slowly, watching Flora to make sure we hadn’t disturbed her. I grabbed Liu’s silk nightgown off the floor and watched her get dressed. Flora wore a matching gown. The two of them had special ordered them from James, Pete’s replacement, a handsome and confident young man who made me nervous with his rock-star smirk and his constant flirting. His attempts to flirt with me were pathetic and ineffectual, but Flora in particular seemed to be falling for it.

  I needed to teach her how to spot a creep.

  Liu slipped the gown over her head and let it cascade down her body. I took her hand and led her to the kitchen, where she suddenly hugged me.

  “Can I do stuff with Flora?”

  I pulled back. “Stuff?”

  “You know … sex.”



  “Because I said so. She belongs to me.”

  “That’s not fair,” Liu said, her sweetness gone in an instant—a capacity all too reminiscent of someone else I knew and despised. My thoughts were drawn to Kate for a moment, and I wondered if she would ever wake up. Before I could respond to Liu’s assertion, she said, “Is it true that Flora has a device in her arm?”

  This snapped me back to the present. “Where did you hear that?”

  “She told me.”

  “What did she say about it?”

  “She said it has a drug, and if you turn it on she’ll want nothing but sex. But she said we’re not allowed to turn it on.”

  “That’s right.”



  “But wouldn’t it be cool?”

  “Liu!” I snapped, glancing at the bed to see if Flora was stirring. She wasn’t. “Listen,” I said, turning back to Liu, “that device is dangerous. Yes, it’s a thrilling prospect, but the consequences far outweigh the benefits. If you ever turn that thing on, all you’re doing is hurting her. Understand?”

  Liu nodded, but I could tell by the bulled-up look on her face that I wasn’t getting through to her. Maybe I should have sex with her just to take her mind off Flora, but I knew better. Sex is like heroine. The more you get, the more you want, until finally it consumes your life, becomes your very definition.

  “My parents were going to make me marry some boy I didn’t even know. The son of one of Dad’s business partners. I don’t even like boys. They told me when I was twelve. That’s why I was so ready to take this job. I knew there was something going on behind the jewelry store. The men coming and g
oing. Then you. I had a feeling it was something special.”

  “Special? This place is anything but.”

  “I love it here,” Liu said.

  I sighed. “Go back to bed. I’m going to order breakfast and take a shower. We’ve got work in a little bit.”

  I picked up the phone and dialed zero. James answered with a loud yawn. I placed an order quickly and hung up, definitely not in the mood for his horny flattery.

  Liu had jumped into bed, waking Flora deliberately, and now they lay embracing one another, whispering and giggling and shrieking as one tickled the other. They were cute together, but Liu was already displaying defiance. Leaving them alone made me nervous. That device in Flora’s arm was like a ticking time bomb.

  I took a bath in the Jacuzzi pool, first submerging myself in the water and then standing while I shampooed my hair. As I waded across the pool to the little cove formed by the tropical plants, I lathered my body with soap. The heat of the water, a night spent fantasizing about Patton, and Liu’s early morning molestation culminated to a quick orgasm when my hand slipped between my legs and took on a life of its own.

  Now I was shivering, so I plunged back into the water, working the shampoo out of my hair and rubbing the soap from my skin.

  When I stood again, my head touched the foliage, parting a few of the thick greenish-red stalks and revealing the big vent cover.

  When Patton left that glorious night last week, I’d waited for Flora and Liu to fall asleep and then returned to the shower room to figure out how to get up to that vent. It didn’t take long. The granite ledge of the pool turned into a sloping shelf when it met the right wall. I walked up to the plateau with ease and crouched behind the plants, kicking myself for not discovering it sooner.

  The vent cover had screw holes in each corner, but from the inside all Clifton could do was prop it in place.

  I’d slipped the cover off that night and peered inside, intent on crawling in, but all I managed was the top half of my body before claustrophobia overwhelmed me and I pulled out.

  The duct ran about ten feet to an intersection, where it continued in both directions. That was all I knew.

  I wanted to force myself in there, overcome my fear and find out where Clifton’s tunnels might take me, but I had to be at work in half an hour.

  Today I would be meeting my first client.

  After toweling myself dry and getting dressed—blue jeans and a t-shirt, since a skirt might increase my chances of being raped—I returned to the room, where James was just now entering with a cart full of steaming breakfast.

  I took one look at him and became ill tempered. His cocky attitude, his lazy half-grin, his constant use of the raised-eyebrow gesture. He had Flora and Liu in hysterics, jerking the cart away as they reached for a slice of bacon or a piece of fruit, stealing glances as Flora’s body.

  I missed Pete.

  “Get out, James.”

  He gave me his typical condescending look. “Aren’t we feisty today?”

  “If you don’t get the fuck out of here right now you’ll wish you had.”

  He backed away from the cart holding up his hands. “Yes ma’am, no problem at all. Bye ladies,” he said, waving at Flora and Liu.

  I’m gonna kill this fucker.

  James took his sweet time getting out the door, and then he stood just outside it looking in. We’d gone through this before. The same concept as a kid pointing his finger an inch from another kid’s face and saying, “I’m not touching you. I’m not touching you. I’m not—”

  I rushed up to the door and slammed it as hard as I could, and when I turned around both Flora and Liu stood frozen at the cart.

  “Sorry,” I said.

  “Are you mad?” Flora asked.

  “No. I just don’t like that boy.”

  “He’s nice,” Liu said with a snotty tone. “You don’t like anybody.”

  “Not much to choose from around here. Except Patton.”

  Flora smiled. Her whole face lit up anytime Patton’s name was mentioned.

  “How is Patton?” she asked.

  “He’s doing fine,” I said.

  “She means how is he in bed?” Liu interjected.

  Flora blushed and shook her head.

  After breakfast, I had to rush Liu along. Ten minutes till work and she was still in her nightgown. The worst employee Patton had ever had—those were his words. He told me all Liu did was complain anytime he asked her to do something. “And her coffee tastes like shit,” he’d told me. “How do you mess up coffee?”

  Liu and I took turns saying goodbye to Flora—Flora had to hug us anytime we left the room—and then I walked her to the lobby, where Patton was waiting for her by the big pool.

  I smiled at him and kept on walking. Liu and Flora knew about us, but this morning the lobby was packed with employees. No need to exchange polite pleasantries. Let the anticipation build. Tonight I would see his quarters for the first time. We would sit down to dinner, and he would tell me secrets about the company. Finally the mysteries of this terrible place would begin to unravel.

  More than anything, I wanted him to invite me to stay the night. I wanted him to hold me while I slept. I wanted to feel safe for the first time since I’d been here.

  I still had his note in my pocket, even though he’d said to destroy it. He’d sent it home with Liu, sealed in an envelope, and she and Flora tried to crowd around me as I read it for the first of many, many times.

  When the elevator opened on Level A, I stopped by my office to check my phone for messages. None, luckily, so I grabbed my little black case with the Libido Drug and various sex toys inside, pulled my client’s file out of the desk drawer, and continued down the hall. I could hear Bob mumbling to himself before I poked my head in his office—a peculiar and frequent occurrence, one that made me wonder if he suffered some sort of mental disorder. Bob not only talked to himself; he also replied. Entire conversations sometimes carried out at full volume.

  “What time is my appointment?” I asked, just to annoy him.

  Bob jumped in his seat and spun around in his swiveling chair. “Jesus, Melissa! Why do you sneak up on me like that?”

  “I don’t do it on purpose. I’m light-footed, I guess.”

  “Well stomp next time!”

  “I will. So what time?”

  Bob growled. “Nine, same as the last time you asked. Nine o’clock, okay?”

  I stifled the laugh trying to force its way out, waved at him quickly, and headed out to the lobby. It was empty. Sean and his guards were probably off terrorizing the Level B employees. Their sole purpose in this company seemed to be to intimidate people. Lately they’d been spending a lot of time on Level B, much to Brian’s chagrin, making the employees walk in a single file line, groping the girls, making messes and forcing people to clean them up.

  It probably had something to do with Judy. The guard whose penis she’d bitten the head off of now had a permanent expression of rage on his face every time I saw him.

  I sat in the waiting room where Kate had first seduced me and spent the next half hour reading Patton’s note over and over and over. I folded it up at least five times and tried to make myself tear it to shreds. I couldn’t. A love letter is like a signed legal document to a girl. A little piece of love you can carry in your pocket. How many middle-aged, married women in the world still had old love notes from high school stashed away in shoeboxes, unbeknownst to their unromantic husbands?

  Nine o’clock was quickly approaching, so I decided to familiarize myself with my client by reading through his file.

  His name was Trent Sampson, a twenty-five-year-old recent millionaire who made his fortune in the online porn industry. Divorced, not surprisingly. Honorably discharged from the Marines at twenty-two.

  I closed the file. What more information did I need? A sex addict clever enough to turn a profit but enough of a dick to lose his wife in the process.

  With five minutes till his expected a
rrival time, I went to the little wine table and poured myself a glass. I downed it, refilled, and sat back down, but as soon as my butt hit the cushion, a bell sound chimed from the tiny speaker over the door, indicating that the elevator had opened out in the lobby. He was here.

  I gulped down my second glass of wine and stood uneasily. My head was already swimming.

  Calm down. Patton said you don’t have to do anything. You can handle this. He’s just as nervous as you were when you came here.

  I couldn’t believe that. This guy was a Marine and a millionaire. I was a housewife with nothing but a failed marriage.

  I paused at the door with my hand on the knob and took in a deep breath, exhaling slowly. Then I opened it.

  My client was at the desk, signing the privacy agreement. He was unusually tall and slender, almost sickly looking. He wore slacks and a blue collared shirt, tucked in. As he perused and signed the agreement, he had to prop himself with his left hand flat on the desk.

  He looked up at me with alarm as I approached, then knelt behind the desk and brought up a set of crutches.

  I stopped.

  “Hi,” he said. “Sorry, I move pretty slow these days.”

  I watched, dumbfounded, as Trent Sampson guided himself around the desk with his crutches to reveal that he was missing his left leg. He stopped short of me by six feet.

  It took me a moment to realize my staring was making him uncomfortable. He’d cast his eyes to the floor and his face was flushed.

  “Trent Sampson?”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “Hi,” I said, extending a hand awkwardly and speaking while he adjusted his posture to accept it. “My name is Melissa, and I’ll be your Selection Guide this morning.”

  “Nice to meet you,” he said, nodding quickly. He looked embarrassed.

  “If you’ll follow me …”

  I led him into the waiting room and offered him a seat.

  “Thanks. I get winded pretty quickly.”

  He hobbled over to one of the couches and plopped down. I sat on the opposite couch, crossed my legs, and tried to remember what the hell I was supposed to say.

  Trent had the demeanor of a patient in a doctor’s office. Not the aggressive, sexually charged alpha male I’d expected. Instead, he displayed naivety and shame.


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